CommunismCommunist PartyStrikeUnited Front

: sovdoc. rusarela This is the richest union in Cuba. They have their own houses, they have capital, they have their own peper. forgot to say that in one city one of the locals of the railroad union is under our control. They have 200 members, and they have their own paper) About the Tobacco Forkers, these leaders represent themselves as the followers of Merti. Another thing. the entire production of the tobacco woricers le hond work, the same as 200 years ago. All of the processes of the work are and processes. Thereis no machinery. Te have among the Tobacco Torkers three former general secretaries of the Party, and we have a fraction of seven comrades. Everything which we have initiated to date bes resulted in failure, beoRuse our comrades say hom can be come with such revolutionary literature to the worlors, it is impossible, and the workers will read it only 16 the lecturers will read it. When arrived the General Secretary of the Party was a Tobacco Worloer. He told me he was the Cicero of the workers, an excellent speaker. also was a victim of his nice speeches at the meetings, and when we attempted to criticize the leaders of the Tobacco workers, exposing them as Eobacco workers, pointing out that although they talk about Marti, nevertheless they are traitors, and that our left wing must issue an appeal to the workers, the Mexican Party Secretary happened to be present at that meeting and we tried to impress on these cotrades that such an appeal is necessary, but the fraction decided tot to issue the appeal because at the time we were iseuing to the morcers of all Industries a statement as to why we were fighting Machado and the Nationalists, but at the next meeting, this comrade, the General Secretary of the Party, came to themeeting and said that this is not a Comanist Party, that the Communist Party is a party of the masses, that you cannot decide on the top what is to be done, that it must be decided below, and because we decided to issue the appent, he sent a statement that he was 111 and therefore resigning from the Party. This was the General Secretary of the Party. He was the one who negotiated with the Nationalists. This is the Second large division of the worloers and these were the wellnesses which we had there.
These Tobacco Worlors include only those woricers who are doing the finishing processes.
Among the tobacco workers there are 40 or 50 separate unions. The women putting the ring on the cigars REX have a separate union, and the women who paste the sticloers on the boxes have another. all on a craft basis. None of the tobacco Torkers are organized. The cigar makers are organized, but not the tobacco workers.
The third classification is the Cuban Confederation, The Railroad union is affiliated to the Pan American Confederation of Labor, the Torcedores are independents. The have a Confederation, a Federation, and then a Yederetion of Earbor Worlcers. The Federation of Herbor Horloers is part of the Confederation of these three organizations the Confederation is national, the Federation is the Eavana Federation of Labor, and then the Federation of Harbor Woribers. In all of these we have a majority. In all three there are about 20, 000 moriers organized. Our strength consists in this that it is the only live orgentzation that has taken part in the daily struggle. Good or bed, it is the only organization that is reacting to the struggle. In the Bonfederation we have a majority, batez targatas But the mass organizations. the tramway worers, printers and the shops of the Bayan Electric, these unions are not ours. They are affiliated to the Confederation, but if you analyze them outside of the Confederation, these are Social Fascist. Te cannot say that the protected Confederation to an organization of red unione. There is no other political workers organization except the Communist Party. The political perty of the Torloers is the Communist Party.
a You see not the division of forces in Cuba. You can see how serious mas the error of the Party which participated in the united front comunittee. What was this united front za cabout? his united front in Cuba from above has greatly demoralized the masses in Cuba. Through a period of years the workers were impressed with the idea that you can do nothing unless you get together the leaders of the organisations. don rant to minimize the value of the mass struggles corried through by the Cuban Party, but believe that tika pdx Vivo and George will confirm ny statement that all of these great struggles, including the general strike were always a result of an agreement on top.
Whenever there was a question of a united front movement, a pieska 92 was no http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru