
PAGE VEW MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1936 Bare Murder on Ohio WPA Labor Defense Front Social Security and the Class Struggle THE TOWNSEND PLAN The Panacea of a Quack Doctor and of (Continued from Page 1)
The new issue of its regular (Continued from Page 1)
weekly paper, the WPA Union RUSSELL CASE News. 1s just off the press and to determination to suppress revolta. Because of the heavy load of of the The United States is a country The leading article with its chal the audience would Imagine itaelt work on the shoulders world economy 18 directly reflect only dangerous in principle; it 18 The petty bourgeois Utoptan char. lenging headline, Murder on the in their place, it would understand of the LD. the National ExMinneapolis and St. Paul branches of colossul social contradictions. ed in the absence of any national hopeless in any practical sense. No acter of the Townsend movement WPA. slving the full story of the the attitude of the best people of ecutive Board of Here exlst side by side the great system of social insurance compar capitalist country could concelvably dooms it to disintegration and de death of Alonze Walker, has al. Alabama.
organization He declared, however, is conducting a special national est wealth and the direat poverty: able to those which were estab afford the costs of administering struction. The Epic movement of ready received wide comment and that the Negroes are well be arive for funds to finance the ap the most advanced Industrial tech lished before and after the war in and anancing such a plan without Upton Sinclair, which aimed to con is arousing the Indignation of all haved. The best people of Alaniques and the biggest army of un other democratic countries. Almost going into bankruptcy. For this quer the country, is today crumble the WPA workers peal of Al Russell from a Federal this county. beama wish the case had not come employed; the most condent of every European state (including reason, it for no others, capitalisting to plece. The Townsend old. The union intends to bring the les up. the Colonel said, and be contempt of court sentence.
ruling classes and the most restless Germany before Hitler discarded politicians will see to it that the age pension movement, which has son home that unless the WPA pro doubtedly knows because, as Minor Russell is now out on ball, ob of peoples; unsurpassed belghts of them wholesale) had been forced to plan is not adopted. However, the an even narrower social and politicam is changed through the power said, he is a man of high stand. tained with the aid of Minneapolis technological development and an institute some system of state pro demand for old age penstong is very cal basis, is sure to follow suit of the WPA workers themselves, ing.
locals extremely low level of political life. vision for the aged, the unemployed, powerful and cannot be easily al The middle classes are pragmatic: the old conditions will inevitably alct repeated statement en plat for the transcript of his trial, need The friction and energy gener the industrially injured, ete, long layed. If the movement becomes they demand Not a word was said to contra Paul LD. has just run a social immediate results: bring about such catastrophes to ated by the clash of these antagon before these questions acquired da sufficiently threatening in the rad and when these are not forthcoming the WPA workers involved.
that the affair to help provide funds to pay case would be won not istic conditions give a tremendous tional political importance on this cal form of the Townsend Plan, it will desert a movement as quickly impetus to all social movements inside of the Atlantic will become necessary to derail the as they flocked to it. The Townsending on Sunday, Jan. 26, the union After the Colonel declared that torney, for the preparation of the At the regular membership meet forms but in the Alabama courts. ed by Francis Heisler, LD. at Until recently, the policy reform capitalism, like Technocra laissez faire and the devil take the barmless substitute upon thepeople. verted, and disintegrated by wily the Inscription: We shall Not For Justice done. Attorney Frankel of The Russell case is important not cy, rise up overnight and sweep hindmost prevailed in regard to another thin plank wil have to be politicians, who can steal Town get. WPA Workers Union. All the LL. proposed a means of ap simply to free this persecuted millthrough the middle classes like social services as in so many other added to Roosevelt spurlous social send plank and whittle it down members not working pledged to pealing to them. He wants the tant picket, but also in order to prairle fres. The easily combust spheres of American life. Charity security program.
to a toothpick.
ible social material distributed in was no concern of the Federal gov.
attend the funeral. All the others case transferred to a Federal court, prevent the nullification of the Minlarge quantities among the middle ernment; at most it might be the The Struggle for Social Insurance would down tools on the job from where the jurors are people of nesota state anti Injunction law and classes, 18 however, quickly con concern of the separate states: but correct struggle for social in surplus funds required by suitable Albert Services menacondanded the like the Decatur furors, they would should About 20 union men attended the independent judgments because, un Funds to appeal the Russell Case sumed. These middle class reform it was better to leave such Chrisgo to Adelaide Walker, and Utopian movements have neith tian duties to individuals, relig Murance should possess three char revenue legislation from high. Fasley Funeral Home, not fear their neighbors. Herndon Treasurer, 22 East 17th First, it should be comes, corporate surpluses, er stamina nor stability. They ious groups, or plutocratic philan acteristics fade away as wpeedily Art Preis, chalrman of the union, proposed pressure on Roosevelt to Street, New York City.
they thropy. The system of administer made an integral part of a broad other accumulated wealth.
spring to life, leaving only the ing relief to the aged and the un(
for workers security. Yet, though more comprehensive spoke briefly and gave the union set trito Federal court, and de FERRERO AND SALLITO wreckage of ruined hopes behind employed was long divided between based upon a rounded program of and realistic than the Townsend pledge over the body of Walker to manded that Federal troope be sent He also demanded the place the responsibility for his to Alabama The American workers are not petty public and private agencies immediate social demands: adelan, and less fraudulent than the murder and erase the conditions the electrocution of Sheril Sandlin, lof Herrero and Sallito which was The hearing on the deportations propelled into political action on with the result that a majority or guate Cash relief: a coordinated Social Security Act, it nevertheless which caused his death. The obit who shot Powell, and the impeach to have been held Jan 24, has been their own account so easily as the the needy were either completely an of publie works, unemploy is essentially Utopian and reform nary stated as the cause of his ment of Gov. Bibb their ment insurance, the universal 30 ist eine ebaracter. This tine apparent death, Murdered on the WPA. Alabama Legislature Graves by the postponed to Feb. These two middle classes. Their wrath burns neglected or supported by more slowly but more surely. familles and friends.
When the casket was carried out The meeting immediate aim was anarchist workers are now on Ellis Policy prefacing the Bill of the funeral parlor, Mrs. Walker not 100 percent clear. Herndon and Inland while the Ferrero Sallito They find their first field of organ This laissez faire policy has been program is contained fr the Work ution Defense Conference, among whose behind it griefstricken, Frankel declared the boys must constituents is the 18 cartretien stellettonen the industrial radically reversed since 1832. Hard en el temps et magnete Second to na nich reads The system must be created services should be thanced by in workers, representative of local by They murdered him on the WPA! free. But the Colonel sounded less rying on a night to save them from past period has demonstrated that aployee to the series or socle de come taxes ou por hele wealth or workers van die res valid opportunities ing letter to Harry. Hopkins. The WPA union sent the follow. adamant. Even at its worst, he deportation to Fascist Italy.
said, the life of this boy (Pattered and ready for combat, they lief, unemployment, disability, old the Aght for these demands must pursuant to rules and regulations son) is saved, and that is some Attorney Shorr, representing spring into action with the power, ge, maternity, widow and moth: be classtruggle fight, not a class in the social interest. to pre January 27, 1986 thing we ought to be thankful for. the conference, le seeking a writ of Fair Play and Justice habeas corpus. His associate, Carol ferocity, and agility of tigers. We ers insurance. The most persistent collaboration lobby.
King, is conducting a fight for ball.
vent administration against the in Harry Hopkins CAN be confident that, once they of these has been the cry for old The speakers, however, had fur. In all districts except that take the road of Independent polit age pensions. The prevailing InseNeftlier the Townsend Plan nor terests of workers, and to fusure Federal WPA Administrator ther aims. Undoubtedly due to Southern New York, Federal judges ical action, they will move as fast curity, economic disintegration, and the Roosevelt Social Security Act administration in accordance with Washington, sentiments inspired by his military generally grant ball for prisoners and as furiously in politics as they widespread unemployment, the ten passes any of these testx The their needs and interests. The Dear Sir: Enclosed please find a copy of background, the Colonel wants to held for deportation pending their are doing today on the industrial deney of America Industry and quemployment provisions of the lition for Social Insurance, which the WPA Union News of Jan. 26, see Patr play and justice vindi appeal. The New York Judges, sirena.
business to discard all but The social reforms secured by youngest and most vigorous work the present unemployed; workers crafted the bill, contiems this in its 1938, which presents in detail the cated. Herndon spoke of the uphowever, have always refused to do The bull story of the death of Alonxe Wal lifting of humanity. The schools, and the fight on this case will are invariably by products of the average life span of the American watter enact employment insurley say, des not ask one group ker, a colored WPA worker, and teacher reeks for Negroes the same set a precedent victorious the people under a capitalist regime ers: the ten year increase in the can enjoy its benefits only if the own pronouncements.
to do something for another group the circumstances which cansed rights as are enjoyed by everybody Continued protests against the else in America. Frankel seeks to class struggle. They are exacted people have given birth to a deunee laws, and then only after refrom the bourgeoisle by organized mand for old age pensions which is serves have been built up for two who are unfortunate. Perish the death.
thought! On the contrary, it sug The circumstances as described preserve democratie government deportation of these two workers, social force; and granted because being heard throughout the lengthyers (so far only nine states have sets that the people as a whole in the article are of such a charAnd in general, everybody wants to suilty of no crime except giving of their fear of the consequences of of the land. If military veterans ved the necessary legislation. ovide by legislation for the people acter as to indicate absolute crim protect the Stars and Stripes For House room to the editor of a San refusal. The number of social re entitled to bonuses, medical agricultural, professional, and doFrancisco newspaper which William as a whole.
inal negligence on the part of the example: forms accorded to its citizens is an care, and pensions from the govmestie workers are excluded from Proposals that the working classrestisible project officials in Minor declared that he is reek Randolph Hearst wants to suppress, accurate gnuge of the degrees of deernment, why should not we social application. The payroll meth and its orgnulation shall take volved.
ing to defend our nation by defend should go to MacCormack On Tuesday morning. Jan. 21. Ing these bost fighting for hour. Washington, Commissioner of Immigration, at velopment of the class struggle in veterang receive as much. the old of financing neemployment in any bourgeois nocracy. The im people are asking. And along comes urance under the Act differs in Over one of the official functions maturity of the class struggle in the is. Townsend with an answer to any one respect from the sales of the state have only one mean. Alonze Walker reported for work country welfare our America. That it is possible for the at the Prarle Ditch project in Wilking declaimed that he fights ROBINSON ON THE SPOT United States thanks to the extheir ceptionally fortunate position occur backsters. Such is the social tax. While the wales tax is levied workers to use the capitalist state Luens County, Ohio. Sub zero wea for the salvation of all the people out of which the Town at the point of nutrchase the pay for their own good, that they can ther was blowing in from the north of the US, those on top as well Frederick Robinson, reactionpled by American capitalism in send movement has emergel production. The result is the same Improve their conditions not by west, and although this is an open as the suffering underneath, and dry president of the College of the The Townsend Crusade The consuming masses foot the struggling against the state and its project, no shelter houses were pro thundered that this crime must be city of New York, who has hobbills in the form of higher prices geot lont hy working with it and vided for the workers, Walker col topped. In the name of God and nobbed with Fascists, expelled antibecoming a part of it, that there is lapsed from exposure. Mr. Jack the United States! Thereupon he Fascist students, and terrorized The Townsend Old Age Pension tillers upon the movement in atPlan, which was restricted a year tempts to smash it. The conserva before Congress, which is sponsored tate so long as an opportunity ex man and supervisor of the job relevation of his soul.
The Frazier Lundeen Bill. Howo necessity for overthrowing the lays and Kasmir Lewkowski, fore asked who would give 50 for the many of his professors into giving him hypocritical praise, is on the Become a national ernsade, embrac the editorial writers in the metro the first two of these errors but is. The class nature of the capital mare con chteliedeltention or to a return to the traditions of our to remove him. They sive as the but took no steps will supported by his demand for called on the Board of Education thousands of clubs throughout the the capitalist parties are busy is comprehensive system of social Ble for these demands is restricted transport him to a hospital or his forefathers, who, it seems, always reason the fact that he lacks qual.
country. The Townsend Plan has suing blasts against it. Meanwhile, insurance for six categories of the entirely within parliamentary lines. home treated the Negrocs properly. The ities of leadership. The committee made the idea of old age pensions a the Townsend Clubs are becoming population, unemployment, relf em Nothing is left but the most vulgar Mr. Walker was permitted to le colonel, however, asked no return has won the support of the Alumni tude. Not since the days of the Cality. Peanut politicians of all ployment, disability, old age, mnter illusions of petty bourgeois reform out in the open for at least four or other change: he declared that Association by a vote of 519 to 217.
temperance movement has there arties from the Republican to the sits widow and mothers fear ism and that is precisely what the bours unattended.
He was Anally lynchings in America are not like Back of this development is a taken home by fellow WPA work those in Germany because here it long campaign by radical and liber been anything quite like it. In fact, Communist And it necessary to ance, and it proposes to raise the bill is designed to foster er in the latter car at the regular not done by the government. Hal students to establish academic the organizational and political came to terms with the Townsend Reformism and Revolutionary Policy quitting time. 4:30 PM. The ad hymn to America culminated in the freedom in New York leading pub.
methods of the Townsend Clubs are rote in their districts. Feeling their ministration issued no statement on following remark: True, there he college. In this fight the Nonmodelled after those of the Anti strength, the Townsendites are al Revolutionists cannot afford to their victories. Third, that on the matter until the following Mon were 20 lynchings last year, but in Partisan Labor Defense has played Saloon Leagues.
ready boasting of taking over the turn, their backs upon any move ter the present conditions of capt day, January 2, when the WPA 80 cases people were saved from an active role Some reactionaries are concen government after the next election meml. however Utopian it may be, talist decline, social reforms cannot Workers Union publicly called upon soching by the authorities helt he their year ago Its representative, which enlists wide strate of the be held simply by resting content the administration for an account clear what Minor meant when he Herbert Solow, spenking for the The Townsend Panacea cople in an anti capitalist and pro with the conguests that have been ing and issued a press release to called the Colonel a man who has Columbus Day United Anti Fascist ressive struggle. On the other made, but only by carrying forward the Toledo papers. Thus a period the courage and American manhood Committee, turned the Guardiadominated city Board of Estimate What is this remarkable remedy forest of the plan would be borne by to rendere sucot allow themselves that against capitalist misery of six days were allowed to elapse. to speak out.
The man died on Wednesday, Quite honestly, the Scottsboro on its enr by taking the floor during Jan. 22 of double pneumonia, SA Defense Committee did not an the hearing on the city budget and American capitalism at che gulp? These masses are today saddled or refrain from exposing their fal the revolutionary goal.
The Townsend Plan has suffered with the support of their parents Above all, they cannot conditionNocial security for the working result of freezing and over exponounce this as protest meeting proposing to reduce Robinson sal many changes wince it was first for and grandparents. What, then, Is Ally support movements which nur wees is a Utopiau dream. In our physician, Dr. Johnson. Dr. rent situation. It did that but not President Deutsch, recently desure, according to the attending It was called to analyze the preary to per year. Aldermanic mulated by its genial parent and it sained by the Townsend Plan? illusions about the nature of present social order. Capitalist re robuson stated that it was too late from the viewpoint of those who censed hero of the League Against will undoubtedly be modified many Nothing it is simply a sleight of more times before it sinks into ob he state for aid in the practical or incurably diseased yetem. There to save the man when he was finally belle vois militant struggle to War and Fascism, intervened on livion along with Technocraey. Like manier would increase the allow hand trick which proposes that the woretien suppression of the classrooms are Brudgingis given te brengt home, as he was literally Sate the Scottsboro boys.
Robluson behalf and had police y! rugile. To do so is to play the all Utopian panacens. It is extreme how they wow give their elders to rule of camp follower of the petty cat can afford them. As we are them in our belief, as a frozen to death drag the spokesman out HERNDON CASE AGAIN IN of the chainber. make capital is forced to ly simple in sence. in its very stratospherie height Without giviourgeoisie instead of fulfilling the national ludget to the bonheult of our investigation of the COURT simplicity lies both its initial ing them any way to obtain any their function as independent lead Now, however, it looks as though strength and its ultimate impotence. doled come on the tree of the working einss in their wealth and enterprises, the negligence on the rt of the ad. which recently set Angelo Iterndon which should be led by students and avoid further taxation on their wolely the result of the criminal gia from ense, that Mr. Walker death is The appeal of the State of Geor Robinson might lose his job alto County Court decision gether; a continued militant fight, The scheme has wo major ingrenrably less beanse of the increased dients. The first is the bait by rice of everything they buy. The vement that the strukxle for the English workers by the Tory lacking in culpability. since it re not yet known whether the court It is important to labor masses are the first to feel the ministration ofheinis involved. The tree, was heard by the Georgia labor unions can make this ont which the suckers are hooked. All Townsend plan is transcendental cold age peusions and social insur Americans over sixty are to be paid fraud.
government proves sot to speak of 300 a month for life by the govern.
Once the unit is crack open, ance be carried through to a sucitler! As finance capital plannequested thousands of WPA workers will agree that the insurrection law MINI APPEAL ment on condition that they with cessful conclusion. While sucli reis not difficult to expe the reactors are increasingly difficult to keeper into crisis, it can find to this district to report to work under which Herndon had been Attorney Henderson is spend the pension within the month. All of the Towns and Plan. But capitalist decline, they are by no draw from pructive work andry kernel within the dialbtain under the present conditions Wily to Nurvive and rule in the en open jobs with no protection dur. sputenced to 20 years on the chain According to Townsend, this flow poor fub who are attracted by cf money will supply the extra purit pither not this, or disas imposible of attainment. xcept by rubbing tle workers of vestigation into the circumstances his sentence. If it does the latter, proceedings for all the Sacramento gang is unconstitutional, or whether continuing his legal fight to get ishly competitive world marketing, sub zero weather We are demanding a federal su it will send Herndon back to serve copies of the transcript of trial The Montserrices their hard won democratic wheels of commerce turning with or hielt, for example, glibly re.
the ngitation for them serves to according to an announcement by out interruption. Anyone acquaintark thout the withdrawal of all Cocus attention upon the inability in the Paseist kuite to their tions on the WPA wiich led to Supreme Court ed with the potty bourgeois renters the old people from Idustry will Herndon was represented by At the National Sacramento Appeal throats.
of our present social system to care Our union is continuing with its lorners Seymour of New Committee. In a short time. if all of Southern California will immediate labor so scarce that the infor its industrin veterans. Every There can be security for the wn investigation on the case and York and Sutherland of At these moves fail, he will demand a ately recognize in this part of the austrialist would have to raise upitali masters or society height workers rule and where all the duals concerned. we will shortly In the connty court hearing where mania Prisoneren en het is Two hundred dollars as our morale and fighting spirit. wealth of the country is in the hold a publie meeting on the whole Herndon upset the sentence, Ser. Quentin, is being denied the right and no work is the wixta fulfillment war tine wages would not suffice The revolutionist innst constantly workers hands In a workers re case and present the result of our mour dealt with the legal questions of appeal.
of every retired Middle Western that would follow the application hint such reforms can only be observices are an integral part of the to meet the increased cost of living point out the following facts. First, abolic like the Soviet Union, social findings.
involved in the case.
Attorney Leo Gallagher of the farmer and his wife.
We request immediate attention Sutherland again made a politi recently sought habeas But there is 1, hook concealed million unemployed testify that lama ca boa independent Sebora. then of telt order, freelyetxen to all me out these case and awalt your reply scal speech, similar in character to corpus on the grounds that the militant policies. Second, that citizens. There can be real to same.
nancing the enterprise. The Town ivy today.
once gained, the workers must be nivation and security for the massVery truly yours, court. He complained that the case been denied ball pending appeal.
sed Plan proposes that the 24 bil.
overthrown WPA WORKERS UNION Utopian prophets and their dis on suard to see that the reaction until capitalism is has been used as a spearhead for The Appelate Court held that trial Selander, sec y.
lion dollars a year for the Plan be eaples are invariably people without aries do not rob them of the fruits and socialism succeeds it.
the liberals throughout the coun: judge Dal Lemmon of Sacra secured by a two percent tax on all knowledge or political experience.
try, and again urged the court to mento had the right to refuse bail.
commercial transactions. To all the They are fanaties with one idea place of the next annual of Labor Defense, 22 East 17th Street. allow some freedom of speech in Protests against the further inprocessing taxes and sales taxes that is sure to bring universal salconvention originally called for contributions for the Committee order to preserve the existing order. carceration of Mini, Caroline Deck that have plagued and impoverished vation. Having developed their idea past Tampe has now given a hall. work should go to Mary Fox, treas. When a man like Herndon is made er, Pat Chambers and the other a martyr, he said, there is real Sacramento trade unionists, should few years is to be added a mon for redeeming capitaliem, neither hearted indication that they will urer, 112 East 19th Street.
he sent at once to the Board of strous sales tax of two percent! Townsend nor his followers was not withdraw from Tampa, The At a mass meeting held in the danger to democrtcy.
The Joint Committee to aid the Parole, Sacramento, Calil. They president of the State Federation of Hotel Delano Last week, New York All taxes, except taxes upon in any further thought upon their decome, are ultimately paid for by the plan. Their sole aim is to translate Florida is working overtime to keep workers pledged their support to Herndon Defense, an auxiliary body should stress (Continued from Page 1) the business in his state, and will the Committee. Among the speak with no control over Sutherland or fendants were convicted of no overt copiuming masses. Among whom it into reality as soon as possible.
the workers are in the majority. regardless of the practical conse paign of pressure for a real prose not help the fight against yigllaners were Norman Thomas of the over the legal defense policy is acts, and that one of the convicting LL. Sam Wiener of the continuing to circulate petitions for jurors has conferend that the ver The effect of such taxes is always quence of its application. But, kecution of the vigilantes; and for the tes.
to force up the prices of the necall its Utopian predecessors, the protection of Poulnot and Rogers The Joint Committee ha sola George Novack of the LD Herndon freedom through its con dict was reached as a result of a Poulnot and Rogers resolution stituents. Among the latter is the horse trade.
ersities of life. The Townsend two Townsend Plan must Inevitably be when they return to Tampa 22, 000 copies of its pamphlet, of protest was adopted and sent to Non Partisan LA with filled out and should be sent to Harry Defense, which Funds are still needed by the percent transaction tax would raise wrecked upor the rocks of social Executive Council Backs Down Tampa Tar and Terror. and 18 Tampa authorities.
urges all supporters the cost of living to unheard of realities The of Executive Coup printing a new edition. Coples may petitions to send them in to the Laldler, Chairman, Room 707 belghts. Ninety nine percent of the For the Townsend Plea is not cil, after first refusing to settle the be ordered from the Non Partisan READ THE NEW MILITANT nearest branch.
51 Union Square, New York City.
ni rules to 700 at Tampa Protest in NY