BourgeoisieCapitalismMarxismSocialismStalinismStrikeTerrorismWorkers Party

SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE. Need for Unity Is Leading Issue at Coming Steel Workers Convention Trendof SteelUnion Depends Allard Calls on the Convention On Action of Progressives Solidarity Forever For United Struggle in Coming Coal Strike.
are first fob es.
By FLORENCE WYLE President Keck has raised the On April 28 the sixtieth annual steel industry remains a key quesThe Interesting story printed so he could and did. But Annie The following is the substance on that baste present proposale for convention of the Amalgamated Astion for the trade union movement.
below is written by a participant brother is on the bum now that he the successful termination of the question: How are we to help the of a speech delivered by comin the Los Angeles Millinery is black balled after the seamen sociation of Ison, Steel and Tin Upon the solution of the problem rade Gerry Allard at the scale strike. An issue which will deter striking miners by striking the Workers is scheduled to convene at itp Workers Strike reported else strike and Annie father can stil mine whether our organisation miners that are working under our convention of the Progressive It presente depends the firm estabwbere in this issue. The charOrnton, Ohio. It will have before Ishment of unions in other beslo be called upon to tell the story of the Progressive Miners of America, jurisdiction? In answer to this Miners of America which met at acters are written about living the Rallroad strike 50 Annie Gillesple, III. Feb. 12 17. Com is to perpetuate itself as a medium question let me state that the it inues of unusual importance and mass production industries Chief among them is the question for the defense of the interests of of is attempting for the first strikers.
Unity Chlef Issue knows the ways of bosses and when rade Allard made the speech exthe American coal miners.
time, and rather late at that, to they called the strike Apple stopped temporaneously in the courses of whether or not to make a ser But the organization forces are tiny The meet the strike problem. convenmoves slowly her endless scurrying between the discussion on the question of the Two Roads line love attempt to organise the individed owing to this open breach dustry. Of course, this question between the Tighe officialdom and round and round. From tired various benches and went out with There are two roads open to usion of this kind to discuss the strike well. It le now split wide open by on the one hand and the progres song. It is very early. Only strik raved and then was dumbfounded 5, 000 miners Vletimized because pirstis, to flitenize the strike and twenty months ago. There was a involves the fate of the unton it the of Executive Council throats comes weary wasp of the others. Her boes yelled and coal selds which involves about at this time on the strike situation situation should have been called the expulsion actions of the union slves on the other. Without the ers with eager hearts would ven because she didn listen. Annie is of their opposition to John carry it forward backed by the cul creater chance for us to rejuvenate ocialdom, and any approach to progressives nothing will be done ture forth this cold California on strike!
Lewig and here of their alleg resource to plan to call of the would have been easier to answer of the of A, or, our forces then there is now. It The Old Timer the problem of organization would about organization, and there is morning to watch and see that no Innce to the Progressive Miners The line is full now, even to old Union of necessity be connected directly little inducement for the steel sabe go through.
strike and strategically retreat in Keck question twenty months with the issue of restoration of workers to join the union. The volce is Talded. BIE Tony Morris. Morris can tell you all an organized and honorable fash ago. Now the forces of reaction unity.
progressives therefore have as their shouts and the line straightens: about hats (it you understand Allard Remarks ton. There is no third road nor have had thelr breathing spell.
weary voices are refreshed anew as Yiddish because Morris speaks no In these as well as in a number main duty the fight to restore the This question is, indeed, the most middle road. We must frankly face They have gained new courage and of other questions center of the confort Under the best and unless their sons of strength others to per un buen lang over hele 10 cractal question to come before the the natation and set forth pole vaak ookdine at our doors with unbefore the convention the progres caso means to fight for reinstate and unity.
Strikes Looming Everywhere. Solidarity For e e ver!
sive forces are naturally particu. In our opinion there can be no Toay Let me point out further, in anshoulders are humped and misshap view it, the question whether our rank and flle have fought during larly interested. Much depends on how well they are prepared.
evasion of this vital issue. Any Tony is a blocker. He takes the worn niche in his chest.
Big Tony gave the about.
Blg en and his chin has made well union is to survive depends upon the many months of bitter struggle.
Many the policy which we set forth on said there were one or two swer to Keck question, that there roads open for us at this time are other forces and developments the strike situation. Thousands of We need not expect that the ot attempt to obscure the fight for re Being a Marxiet, revolutionist, to look at then our own situation.
ficial union leadership of Mike Instatement can only introduce new shape them and brings torth the and few were victories. But Morris our members have been on strike Tighe and his cronies will be deep confusion. This appears to be the lines in the hats that later on wouldn scab and is the first to have gone through is almost IndoIt is my opinion that we should Look at the steel, rubber, textile militanize the strike, revamp the and auto situation. Strikes are Women Auxhiary along the ori. again on the order of the day. No tion of the industry. All must es upon the steel workres to join the Tony 18 good blocker. In the old backed, more weary than the last sufferings and tribulations which les from the sixth district, calling saleswomen will usinsly call leave his shop. Each defeat findescribable. it would take an artist ginal lines, aagmeet our forces by greater opportunity have the illseeking the organizational support nols miners bad than the present expectations. Nor can it be ex rank and the Amalgamated Assoc pected that they should show ang ation. It falls entirely to make days he made his eight to ten dol but Morris is on strike!
of the powerful unemployed move one. Strikes will ogain boom up Surging Hopes ment in Illinois, seek alles in from one end of the country to past many months. The remarks of Interest in restoring the unity of clear to the steel workers that the lars a day. But Tony sighs. He the rank and Ale of the United the other. There is tremendous the union. For them the present union forces. It attempts to put His onee proud shoulders are bent ne goes and no longer weary. noved me very much. He is from Mine Workers of America, and go pressure being brought on the gov. Round and round the endless delegate Centers, of Kincaid, is to fight for unity of the works much harder now and faster.
sluation means the elimination of forward once again with the same legialaernment for social secure that is There is Evelyn whose mother has the striking territory. He spoke militant opposition many of the before the steel workers something and lifeless. Hls boss has cut his determination that built this un tion and the 30 hour regularly constituted lodges now that is unreal, when it is necessary wages down Tony does not operate under a suspended cbarter to name things by their right name know how he can ever feed the and there Manny who is quite with unusual eloquence as to the lon. This is the road of struggle, unequaled. The working people of sure that now he ll have to wait conditions in the strike field, and AS result of the high handed ac When speaking to the steel workers many mouths at home. So he is another year before he got enough dare my he expressed the fervent This is the only correct road, and the thrill of their power as never not the road of least resistance. this country are beginning to feel tlon taken by the Tighe administratoday in the name of the locals out on strike. At home his poor for college: and there is Joe and wishes of the rank and ble there.
bambinos cry some more but Tony Jake and Mike and Everyone all a program contrary to the one before. The Progressive Miners of do not choose at this time to tion following the Feb. progres that have been declared expelled, is on strike!
that has been pursued in the last America can lead the way for the alve conference, or calling upon the steel workers with their little woes but each big deal with the emotional aspect of twenty months. Little Annie shorter work week. It going to to support them, it is necessary total of 78 local lodges were that the support be conditioned on enough to see the common struggle. the situation in the strike fieldtake strikes, and plenty of them, The line is filling.
Unholy Alliance at Work Big Tony Their hopes are surging now and although that is important. That represented at this conference, carrying on the fight for reinstate raises a hand in welcome. Annie, they are singing. And the ears and part of the question has already to complete the pressure for enactcalled Jointly by several district ment, that is, carrying on the fight the little floor girl Is here. Little eyes and minds of the craven scabs been covered.
Today newspapers report that organizations of the Amalgamated to restore the unity of the union is right! When the boss first saw and bosses are full with the steady Lewis is to begin negotiations with ment of the six hour day.
What want to do is to attempt his cronies in Washington the coal situation we will steal the thunder And if we take advantage of this Association. All were since de Stalinist Parades her he was glad because he thought heat of the strikers cry. in the little time alloted me to operators and the NRA, agents, from John Lewis. We can start clared liable to expulsion. much. Solidarity For e e ver! analyze the situation to date and significantly timed with this and the ball rolling that will not only smaller number have been actually The other policy will become only that he could brow beat her. And expelled; but they were the ones a duplication of the sorry role the meeting of our convention here save our own situation but immeasthis week is the fact that newspa urably increase our standing with operating in the most important played by the stalinists in the exPoverty and Discrimination vers report that federal authorities the workers throughout the United steel mille Most of the leading tent to which they influenced recent from the department of justice are states. spark now on the shorter progressives have been read out of events in the steel workers union.
to begin wholesale arrests of min work day will have profound reperthe organization.
They were chiefly interested in BEHIND THE HARLEM EVENTS ers in connection with a mysterious cussions in the American labor All indications so far point to parade maneuvers to further their 1, 000, 000 bombing ring which movement. The possibilities of the strenuous exorts being made by own momentary aims with no con the union officials to unseat all cern for the actual organ lon of has for months terrorized the counspreading the strike to other coal The recent in Harlem is Negro petty bonrgeoisle and sup discriminatory artists of the Dept. tryside of the 111inois coal country. Sections of the country and other delegates coming from these lodgthe steel workers. In this they closely linked to the Home Reliet wedly interested in welfare work of Publle Welfare have invented And along with this, we have the heavy Industries, such as rubber It successful that would rebecame a purely disruptive force Bureau and its maladministration has stood calmly hy.
new color. On the basis of color, intensified efforts of Ray Edmund and automobiles, are great.
move from the agenda any serious preventing the progressive move of relief. The population of Harlem face of the high rents in applicants are classified as white, son, Lewis spear bead in Illinois, to consideration of the organization of ment from attaining a genuine is, roughly. 250, 000. Calenlated on Harlem. the Burean gives the Ne black, and Porto Rican!
There is always time to retreat.
win our membership back to the Now we must the industry, a basis of 65, 00 adults capable of roes the minimum rent. To illus The question which Marxists United Mine Workers. These debility of advance. The proposition examine the possihas succeeded in Only a movement having a gen holding jobs, 80 percent are unem trate: Every precinct supervisor is must ask is: How does the Home velopments are no accidents. They to retreat at the least opposition dealing the union heavy blow. nine mass lasts can appeal erec ployed and almost all who are lucky allowed a budget in relation to the Reliet Burcu get away with its are well organized and planned to the call operators with whom From its promising revival and anion to be successful in the indusable ages. Yet only 15 percent of in that precincts territory, can exeral answer is that it has behind America.
The alliance of local and sted. We must initiate the move duced to the old negligible tin mill the power or solidarity and of the link almost unbelievable but a ment means more blankets and capitalism.
ert. Astrong unemployed move it all the repressive machinery of federal agents along with Lewis and ment for less hours and more pay not yet finally settled. Much stiin united action of the workers. The simple calculation rereals that 65 Jothes, etc. The rents vary within enormous influence of the handlu to prevent the miners from impro with unflinching determination depends on what the Amalgamated Association leader percent of the 250, 000 are withont a small margin: the simplest ex. of Negro misleaders, agents of Taming their conditions through the forces are rendy and able to do.
Postele ship las not shown this at all. But my means of support either from ample is a single man or couple: many or Fusion, can not be over Progressive Miners of America. We My time to speak has elapsed All Promises No Action the progressives have the opportun work or relief, they can be allowed 14 to 16 a looked. They spread confusion cannot meet this situation by sil.
Let we say this, however, in conity still. Their fight has just begun In Harlem where the real estnte month (1 or people get the same ntopian and quack Ideas clusion. have hurriedly scribbled Secondly, ence. We must, if we are to live several points which briefly Those who looked to the of It should have reasonable prospects is almost exclusively owned by amount) deepwalng upon the dis the impotence of the Stalinist as a union, counter act this conspir bodies what think ought to be emL. for any support to the organ once they solidify their own ranks white landlords (the bankers) rentscretion of the individual supervisor. rty which, although it has con acy by wholesale mobilization and done to win our demands and the ization of the steel workers union and establish a genuine mass basis are 40 percent higher in rolntion to.
The Iron Starvation Rule centrated in Harlem for years, he preparation for strike it necessary strike of 8, 000 of our members.
has come of its much heralded San step toward an accomplishment of In Harlem the Iron rule handed cause of its theory in regard to the union is a medium by which they are as follows: Francisco convention decision to this objective is to take up an efDeath Stalks the Streets down to the investigators to pay Negroes has accomplished nothing. wage earners fight to advance or Price levels are, even on essen.
organise the steel Industry Strike every mine in Illinois 14. Of course higher rents can Nor is the Unemployed Union free protect their economic interests. It and elsewhere for the six hour day It is rective fight for restoration of unreported that plans for organization ity of the union, that is, to fight tial commodities, like bread, to be paid for case work reasons. from criticism. Its tactic of Iso is not something to be set on a and five day week and basic were lold before the February Ex for reinstatement while keeping the 30 percent above the city level. And it is always an easy task to lated case work, conferring with the pedestal and worshipped blindly. wage.
ecutive Council meeting: but the expelled locals intact as the force Is it any wonder, then, that four or five Negro families are craft union oflicials insisted that to back up the fight. Offer to the members of the a pretty bourgeois who happens to ty organization with another, has by day, to protect our conditions United Nine Workers of America crowded into a one family apart know the local ward heater, but noticeably sapped the militaney of and advance the cause of our class a proposal for joint action on the not one penny of the of The fight for unity will have to ment with no heat, no bathing not for a Negro worker.
the workers within its ranks. Our when the situation is favorable.
funds be spent on any campaign be instituted inside the Amalgt facilities, no nir no room to which did not assure separate unmated Association, through the still basis of these and other demands. have got Further, the Negros on home. comrades in the agitate for there is a great possibility for us linois miners to determine what On this point might state that referendum vote of all Illive?
ions for the machinists, pattern existing lodges and the organized relief are discrimniated against to propagandise The death rate for tuberculosis when it is a question of filling a mass action. It is the only way to gain the six hour day and union the Illinois miners want to makers, electrical workers and the districts as well as through the through the city is 60 per 1, 000 work relief project. This partion the discrimination can be smashed. basic wage scale.
other crafts.
And more than belong to.
The plans were contacts available in the of dead. In Harlem it is 250 per shelved.
lar discrimination is, to a degree. city central bodies and all the 1, 000, and in the lung section rooted in the E of bureau States are crucial problem for the prestige of our union and prob. the dependants of all victims slain The Negroes all over the United that, we have the chance to Increase Lifetime compensation still the organization of the way up to the Executive Council.
between Madison and 5th Aven. cracy stand agninst admitting the American revolutionists. We ably in the course of the fight for in the mine war.
des, 116th Street to 125th Street Negroes on an equal basis into the have little European experience to shorter hours and more pay, pull Release all prisoners it is 275.
trade unions. One of the main tasks go by. The Workers Party must our striking forces out of the rut serving prison sentences.
In 1934, the Harlem Hospital of progressive unionists must be to undertake this task by intensifying to complete victory Unity in Action of our forces in examining clients found that hammer down this bar its work among those who are the Rank and File Holds Key with the Illinois Workers Alliance 6, 000 had syphillis and had to New Color in Spectrum Plenty wood has led the way in real achievement on the circnlation most oppressed and downtrodden, The key to the situation is the which is now organized 150, 000 turn away 5, 000 of these because Naturally, the same discrimina the scorned, the insulted, the in dNive. By March 31 the drive will reach the half way mark. All rank and file of the Illinois miners strong.
branches should have at lenst 50 score by that time.
it had no adequate facilities to tions are used against the Porto jured the Negro workers and ten irrespective of what union they be Call an extraordinary conventreat them.
Ricans. As a matter of fact, the ant farmers.
Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Davenport, Louisville and Youngstown Home Relief Discriminates long to. We might differ as tollon of the rank and Ale of all 11 what union we want to belong to linols miners to finally consummate should have no difficulty in surprising this 50 mark during the next What have the Home Relieb BuMarch 23, at P. Three hours but know that there can be no the aforementioned program.
reaus done? In the first place it Dan Tobin Rats later the new union had recruited disagreement as to the need or the This is the Grenter effort is needed in the other branches and districts. New is of interest to point out that two four hundred members, York has not given the drive sufficient support. Chicago and Philadel precinct supervisors, a Mr. Court On Fargo Union queue of men and women for our and a shorter work day and the basic win for us. The Sam that will the program phia are still behind. These Branches must get solidly in line with the ney and a Mr. Swars, have been campaign and push it to a success.
transferred to different sections of headquarters and out on the street. meagerly in the face of the steady the program that will get us our ful conclusion. Only If every one (Continued from Pace 1)
the city after their open discrimdoes his part can this be done.
WHAT TO ATTEND Statione fe Home Reliet Bureau and the local leadership.
ination against the Negroes on the attacking the union, Miles Dunne, 173 confidently faces the bosses at government and subsequent sharp If there is would like to hear it Bundle orders have increased across the picket line, with every rises in the cost living all down before this convention adjourns.
also, but not enough. New bundles This treacherous blow to the Assurance that the local can quick the line. This is a problem for the bad brought a strong protest from are going to California, Oregon, the Employees Association Fargo workers came in the tenthly force a favorable settlement from rank and flle of both the United Arizona, Illinois and Canada, but Philadelphia, Pa.
The Bureau has deliberately re week of a heroic struggle against the Associated Industries here again the New York branches Mine Workers and the Progressive March 31, Sunday evening J. Sected thousands of Negroes on the the reactionary Associated Indus LD. Attorney At Work WORKERS Aliners. On the basis of this need have fallen down. Their bundles Muste, National Secretary of Ptasis of no residence proof. Under trles of Furgo Moorhead. The un Through the efforts of the Non it is possible for us to arrange some have decreased. Fortunately this will speak on Coming Struggles in the Wicks Law an applicant for re lon has held firm in the face of Partisan Labor Defense, the Fargo sort of unity on the demand for Protect Yourselves Against the decrease has been more than com Rubber, Auto and Steel Industries. Lipt must establish two years resi vigilante terrorism of a raid on strikers have had for the past two shorter hours and more pay.
Hazards of Life, Join the pensated by the gain in the rest of Grand Fraternity Building. 1626 dence in the state the last year of strike headquarters, the arrest weeks the services of one of the WORKMEN SICK AND DEATH the country. However, it is about Arch Street.
which must be spent in New York of practically the entire section of crack labor lawyers of the country, BENEFIT FUND OF THE time for New York to get busy New York City city. The Negroes, because they Local 371 out on strike, of the most Francis Heisler of Chicago, a form functioning in the Twin Cities and again and show the way 1884 1935 March 31, Sunday afternoon, 2:30 Hive Jammed together, because they vicious attacks from the Fargo er man. Since Heisler has throughout the state of Minnesota.
What is your answer? What are General Membership Meeting are evicted wholesale and have no Forum and from local pulpits, of a been in Fargo, he has abruptly The Workmen Circles in this ter Organized, managed by and for you going to do about it during the headquarters, West 15th st. place to preserve letters, cards, etc. recent injunction prohibiting the checked the high handed tactics of ritory are appealing to their mem workers with only one purpose: next two months. Report on Pittsburgh Conterence. because thousands never live in one union and all its friends from doing Judge Paulson and States Attorney bership for financial aid for the render protection to members and The answer must be a vote of support expressed in increased Branch Dance. Headquarters, w. to vote, because the rude band of It was precisely at this point that been granted the 16 defendants now and card parties are being given in their familles, and to support a subs and bundle circulation. Your 15th St. 3rd floor. The date has poverty compels them to live in the bureaucratic Mr. Tobin chose under sentence from to months Minneapolis to popularize the fight endeavors and struggles for the chaos, find it difficult to prove rest to perform his signal service for bard labor for Inciting to rlot. and to raise funds. Socialista, improvement of tollers.
ingness to lay a solid basis for the April 13, Bat evening Spartacus dence.
the employers by revoking the All strikers are out of jail for the Farmer Laborites, comrades in the About 50, 000 members organized in movement.
Youth League Dance.
Special Rules for Harlem charter and bitterly attacking the Arst time since January. Heisler Workers Party, trade unions, fraApril 20, Sat. evening Che 850 branches. Reserves 3, 400, 000.
has not only functioned in the ternal groups, etc. have been drawn Death benefit graded according to In every part of the city notar strikers.
Donations, Contributions Contest and Spring Frolie by New ized letters saying that Mr. So and Tobin attack on Local 173, by courtroom but has also alded strik into the defense mo From New York. 00 Head. So knows that the applicant has far the strongest and most militanters to get rellef, and participated In short, it can be truthfully sa age at entry. Sick Beneft payFrom New Jersey. 00 quarters, West 15th St. An paid lived at such and sucb addresses union in North Dakota, was fol in the organizational work. In that the conduct of the Fargo ments from 360 to 900 to men This does not begin to be enough. Red Cabaret tickets given out Feb. for such a period of time are ac lowed by exactly the opposite re short, he is everything that a labor strike bas contributed to raising and women, according to classes We need real help and again ask 16th will be honored at this affair. cepted as residence proof. Every action from that hoped for by attorney should be. His name is the entire trade union movement in Monthly assessments from 45 to for regular pledges of weekly or The date has been postponed from where except in Harlem. Only Tobin, Green, Woul and Co. For the signal for standing cheer the Northwest to a new high level. 20.
monthly amounts. Send them now the 13th because of the dance through pressure and workers hours after the revocation of the everywhere in Fargo.
The example, and the direct ald, of For further information apply to to the Busines Manage dance class has been estab demonstrations have notarized charter, workingmen and women To raise money to finance the Local 574 has been the decisive NEW lished and 18 now meeting regularly statements been accepted. The walked around stunned and grim appeal to the State Supreme Court, factor in the Fargo resurgence.
Main Oce: West 15th Street on Tuesday and Friday evening. Urban League, and organization with rige. provisional commit and to further the struggle, an ac.
714 Seneca Ave, Brooklyn, New York, NY.
Rates are nominal ended by the numerical rery few tee began recruiting on Saturday. tive Fargo Defense Committee 1a INVLIITW SHL OL TUOSTAS for now Plentywood Leads Drive.