CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartySocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers Party

NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 12 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 PRICE CENTS NRA BATTERS DOWN WAGES CAPITOL James Rorty Civil Liberties Union Charges Building Union But Profits NEWS Ouster Goes with Disrupting Sacramento Defense Leads Toledo Soar Gov LETTER To Congress FERA Strike Board Says nie statement adopted by the state Statements Say Break Was Deliberate enrere Green in Detroit Surveys Following right on the heels of By JACK ELDER WASHINGTON. The NRA, by Conditions among the agricultur Executive Committee of the Social Special to New Militant WASHINGTON. Judge Nields al slaves in the Imperial Valley of ist Party in California on the dis STATEMENT OF decision in the Werton case put the California will be brought before ruptive conduct of the Communist AMERICAN sent continue to appear inadequate.
TOLEDO, Ohio, March Signl oficial administration figures bas finishing touch to the National Run Congress, as the result of the arCIVIL LIBERTIES UNION The has refused to particant action was taken here today served to incrense capitalists proworkers living Party in the Sacramento case unit On Monday, March 4, 1935, the Around to which the iron and steel rost on suspicion of communistie ac od front, a meeting of the National ticipate organizationally in any by the Building Tides Council, ats and lower workers have been subjected over tivities and ejection from the valley Executive Committee of the AmeriNational Executive Committee of the American Civil Liberties Unfurther efforts to create united attached to the of Central standards. The recent report by fronts on the case.
Tabor Union, with the calling of the Division of Research and Plan.
since the summer of 1933. Section of James Rorty, newspaper and can Civil Liberties Union on Mon ion adopted Ta, the DuPont henchman discov magazine writer, last week. Rorty day, March 4, unanimously adopted ment on the Sacramento eriminal following state ered, was not constitutional. Con has been summoned to appear the declaration of the Northern syndicalism case: STATEMENT BY TRAVERS and the setting up of a general FE BA blows to bits the fantastie Kress has the power to regulate March 13 before the House Labor California Committee of the In view of the fact that the deIn the issue of March 13, the nnions but not affiliated with the aried to transfer purchasing powes interstate commerce. But the Committee, as the second witness which deals with the breaking manufacture of Iron and steel does in the bearings on the Wagner la up of the united front on the Wext tendants at Sacramento include Nation will way in an article by of This means that the from the capitalists, the baves, 10 not involve Interstate commerce. bor disputes bill. is accepting leadership in the workers, the have nots.
So damning is the evidence un coast, and charges that the Com members of both the Communist the noted California author, Tra.
vers Clement strike of non union as well as unThus although the Iron and steel employers are free to make what. against Sherifte Ware of Imperial the break deliberately, for reasons a united front to handle common revolutionary program in court) is as employed.
Tentative plans to bring suit munist Party representatives forced and Workers Parties, it seemed That it (the explanation of the ion workers, of unemployed as well spvered by investigators working on the report tha: the whole intent of the NRA as announced origiThe importance of this wusual nally is twisted to make an apolfeatures of the code iprice firing. Dehalt, are being made by the Low to most of the othera present con of political differences getting in able handicap was proved during move by an of Le body is seen ogy for the results. The codes, we they are exempt from the force of Union.
the way of successful defense. the cross examination of Mini, the in a statement by Oliver Meyers, now learn, were by no means inCharges Against Confirmed the collective bargaining require Arrested and leported with take the stand in secretary of the Toledo Building tended to augment the wages and Like the statement of the Social Joint defense committee, growing first defendant ments.
Rorty was Charles Malemuth, lecist Party quoted in last week is out of meetins held from January his own behalt. Without hedging Trades Council and business represhorten the hours of wag in general At the same time, the court ruled, turer. Rorty is making a trip sue of the New Militant, the Civil uary 26. The chairman of the ly deflated the red terror fantasies as quoted in the Toledo Blade, that it was an outrage to maintain that through the country, reporting on Liberties Union statement furnishes Northern California Committre of or the prosecutor in a manner by appealing to both the Ohio FedOn the contrary, explains this Weir has imposed the com conditions to the New York Post complete confirmation, from objec the presided at the first which won chuckles of appreciation eration of Labor and the of rationalization, they had modest Pany union upon his employees and the Nation. His business in tive and non partisan sources of informal discussions. later the Di from the spectators. The other for support, it was entirely pre helped those whom they objectives, and have probably were es They participate in the company El Centro, where he was arrested, the policy, the conduct, and the rector of the was elected defendants, cecupying a somewhat sible that the strike would become pecially designed to help: namely, an ideal little device, all within the was journalistic. The fact that his Ists by the Workers Party and the Temporary Chairman of the jointless exposed position on this sub not only state wide, but also nation those whose real incomes were al committee.
ject, than Trotskyist, should be al in Its scope.
family, for settling grievances and sympathies are communistic and Non Partisan Labor Defense Comrearly pitifully low, e. femalo la. The committee broke up on Jan. able to handle the clumsy McAllisgetting justice done. Even if Sec that he had in his possession amittee, which have been active in Character of Organization borers in the sath. In other tion Ta were constitutional, the la letter from Arne Swabeck (indus the united front movement to deuary 28 It is the opinion of the ter with even le difficulty.
The first meeting of the new words, it is afrmed that laborers bor boards have no right to annoy trial organizer for the Workers tend the labor leaders and workers Communist Party representatives ation of Mint as stool pigeon clude all FEIRA workers, outside their weekly earnings falsed subIncidentally, the recent denunc. VERA organization, which is to in setting less than 10 a week had this good and benevolent employer. Party) Communist League of now being tried in Sacramento for The language of the decision is America stationery and addressed criminal syndicalism.
forced the break deliberately, for in the Communist Party press con and office workers, was held today stantially.
a beautiful Illustration of how class to Comrade Rorty. was beside In frenzied desperation at the reasons that to them seemd good, at headquarters, with apHigher Wages. Continued ca Page 4)
loyalties and class interests deter. the point, Rorty stated to Sheriff discrediting of its disgraceful but that to most of the others pre.
proximately 500 in attendance. The Perhaps this is true, though the mine the supposed logic of the law. Ware.
course throughout the Sacramento majority were unorganized and unargument is open to considerable To say that workers and employers Arrested without warrant, finger case, the officialdom is now skilled workers. The meeting was question when we examine the most have interests at variance, the printed, mugged. Rorty and Mal striving to cover up its record with conducted by the business agents important Industry which employs learmd judge advances, is to ac emuth were held in Jall at El Cen a poisonous barrage against the of the with Meyers as secsouth the cept Old World Ideas, non Am tro overnight on suspicion of being Workers Party stool pigeons and His Ruin of Auto Union retary Demands for better wages cotton textile industry. We ind erican and outworn. The interests Communists, then were Informed no the Trotskyist disruption.
of bosses and wage slaves are as charges would be filed against them The record depth of ignominy is joint strike committee of the code average weekly earnings and and the FERA organization, and real purcha power have both other, they should co operate and Rorty and Malemuth agreed to ac the Daily Worker of March a Try Another Board, He Cries the official strike call, were agreed decreased!
collaborate. Out with the trade copt a police escort to Yuma, Ari which, like the rest of the defense upon by the meeting.
True or false, argument in union, therefore long live the zona, just over the California bor work or the and the By Our Detroit Correspondent Up to this time, the strike on dicates the ingenuity of the new All in all. company union. Unfortunately for der, as they recognized the real is concerned from beginning to end the judge, you can get rid of class danger of attack by vigilantes. with vielous attack upon the has come to Detroit, and has gone to tear from the of at this progress was called protest investigations drive them into a DETROIT, Mich. Bill Green the bosses know they have nothing FERA projects which has been in deal apologists when their own war by announcing, Judlelally, that Later Sherif Ware wrote to the Workers Party and the Non Parti. and the situation remains just time.
against the budget system of relief. tight corner. When the NRA codes there ain no such animal. New York Post, in answer to insan Labor Defense Committee. The about what it was before he came.
As for the workers, their honey by the and officially only were first put into force it was preTHE LABOR DISPUTES BILL quiries about the arrest of Rorty: Staliniat enne is not improved but The president of the of moon with the Auto Labor board union men were out. The change tended that their animating purSenator Wagner, it is said, you fellows in New York rather made more despicable by the in his speech Feb. 25, was to be is coming to an abrupt and disil clear.
is If in the attitude of the union is pose was to augment the purchasprepared to reintroduce the Labor would check up on these enemies fact that the was able to cothe big gun in the month long cam Insioning conclusion. Led on to acing power of the wage earning and Active Disputes bill which failed to come of our government as we do here. erce or cajole all but two of the paign of the United Automobile cept the as the means where classes as a whole. This purpose to vote in the last sension of the country might get somewhere. defendants into signing a statement Workers of America. But the by their wrongs would be redrewed, and National Unemployed Langues of Resenrch and stationer pensioned the guts toe mete acompania detan ing Decisions Congress. The bill has the support It is doubtful whether Congress which can only react to the detrl of the of bureaucrats who will do anything more than inves ment of the labor movement in heavy artillery turned out to be a since their representatives chosen have been active in the setting up aware of the fallure. It advances would much rather trust to labor tigate in the usual hopeless man general and of the Sacramento de pop gun as far as the auto workers in the recent ALB. elections are of the new organization and the totally new argument the NRA boards than to militant labor acner the bloody peonage in this Am fense in particular.
are concerned, and nothing for finding it impossible to adjust their calling of the general FERA strike. was designed to augment the pur bosses to lose sleep over.
grievances Satisfactorily through tilo. It lacks the support of the erican valley. General Pelham The Facts Any possible fears of the auto the board or in direct negotiations mands made y today meeting. traction of the total laboring popSeveral of the most significant de chasing power of an infinitesimal President, who wants the labor Glassford (of the bonus army To dignify the malicious aceusaboards to be strike breaking agen came) has already made a report tions made in the statement by a der the rough treatment Roosevelt the realization that organization is strike, were based on proposals autocrats that Green, smarting un. with the bosses, they are coming to including the official call for the lation Share the Starvation lay down the law of collective Department, the Department menn to cover the same ground has been giving him recently, would the only way out.
made by Art Prels, of the Ohio UnWorkers Waking Up of Agriculture, and the National which has already been covered so pletely allayed.
hargaining to blg business.
employed League, in his talk at the The extent of the NRA failure When he snally The men whom they represent meeting.
to ralee real wages and thus inThe chances of Congress enactLabor Board in which he exposes thoroughly and indisputably in the got around to mentioning strike, are beginning to realize this, too.
ing the bill are slim, un ne the boss alliance, corrupt po Now Muitant in the past. No he spoke of it not as the only wea. This realization, though still vogue standing, made by Meyers in re in the figures There is also a common under Crense purchasing power is revealed npurge of strikes smashes the litical machine, and violence amount of demagogy, misrepresen pon to obtator better conditions, but is growing. How fast it will grow, wole apparatus of labor boas exerted to keep its slave labor sub itation and outright falsehood as a means to be used if neces whether it will emerge as an inde sponse to a question from Comrade First, we are told of an increase In that event, the bill will prob Jected. The government knows and obliterate the following facts: sary. And after what the workers pendent force or flow into the exPrets, that there will be unofficial in the spread between production ably go through, subject to major has known about Imperial Valley For months the and representation from the new organ and employment. which indicates modifications. These modifications for a long time.
have put up with under the NRA, İsting unions, is not yet evident. ixation upon the Bullding Trades an acceleration of share the work.
the LL. failed to launch even they have some idea of how remote It is significant, however, that the Counell. Comrade Preis was invit The volume of production in the will probably limit the right to the semblance of a campaign for strike and require compulsory ar WIN 62 PERCENT RAISE IN the Sacramento defense cases.
such necessity Is to Bill Green A. of campaign has left these ed to attend a meeting of the manufacturing Industries, December comfortable existence.
WAGE RELIEF WAGE workers cold. They apparently do bitration. So far as concerns la For months, the werful Motions Adopted Bill Wisdom not think much of Green suggesbor, it is a case of heads you win, DECATUR, III. FP) Iostend of and well fixed and LL.
The following motions were ad than the volume in June 1933. But Green tion that they exchange one board opted by the meeting: So satisfactory was the index of employment has risen tails love.
40c an hour turting mattresses, failed to get the defendants out speech to the manufacturers, that for another.
on ball.
The failure of the workers on this Decatur relief pro1. That demands be made for aby 16 percent. In other words, a WHAT SOCIALISM WOULD DO their mouthpiece, the local press, Joseph Bastman, Federal Co Ject are now getting 65c, a boost For months, the and ran long editorials pratsing Bill minimum of three eight hour days larger number of workers is conLL. officialdom kept a number (Continued on Page 2)
Ordinator of Transportation, has of 621. The Decatur Trades and of work on FERA for skilled work suming a smaller aggregate for his wisdom and good judgof leading defendants in jail beers at prevalling union rates soods and just put forward various proposals Labor Assembly and Local 46 of the services. Share thement.
cause of political differences beHUEY LONG WORKS HOSPITAL intended to rationalize the Am Tllinols Workers Alliance got the That semi skilled and office work equals share the increasingTo the 150, 000 or more auto tween the former and the latter, AIDS FOR KICKBACK erican railway system. It put into relief authorities to come across, workers shall receive a minimum starvation.
workers in the Detroit area, sufand in spite of the fact that the NEW ORLEANS. Charity hos of 80 cents an hour and not less But receivers of dividends and effect, these proposals would re on the prevailing wage regulation.
former had the financial means fering from the most intense ex pital workers will have percent than 20 per week.
duce still further the number of Unakilled mattress workers were interest have nothing to worry at its disposal to foet their re3. That common labor shall reAmerican industry, he advised faith cataries for the rest of the year to ceive a minimum of 66 cents an about. For them, at least, the workers attached to the milroad rained to 500 an hour.
lease on ball new deal hus proved a blessing.
and confidence, not in their mass provide Huey Long organization hour with four eight hour days The authorized Jack Taking 1926 ks 100, payrolls in In truly socialized economy, it BOSS PRESS SUBSIDIZED Warnlek and Caroline Decker, power, but in the National Indus with funds for the 1988 guberna minimum of work per week.
December 1934 stood at tan index would no doubt be wise to remove Advertisers subsidized the daily trial Relations Board two of its members, to accept For, youtorial campaign.
surplus workers from the railroad newspapers of the United States to of 60, while dividends and Inter. That the assembly go on rehall bonds for their rekne of industry and to transfer them to the extent of 400, 000, 000 in 1934, fered by what they now denscaneo see, the Auto Labor Board has betrayed the hope we placed in it In effect for a month or so, and the open to all workers not members income, within eight years, bad The percent kickback has been cord for an FERA organization est stood at 150. The national other regions, occupations, and according to Ineage estimates by a trades. Under capitalism, how recognised trade journal. Using tiven Non Partisan Labor Deas the treacherous and disrup So now let put our faith in an workers thought that it was only of trade unions, to be a no dues deelined almost by hall; the wage other board!
a temporary levy. Members of the payment organization.
ever, you can get much further 1929 advertising expenditures in fense, after having first structThe 2, 000 men at the meeting political administration, however, than the original disattachments: daily papers as normal, the esti5. That no organlaation, includ. cut 40 percent, the capitalist ed them not to accept counterheard the same old class collabor have informed them that it willing the new organization, goes back share had been raised by 5e perthe workers lose their jobs, 180 mp mate for 1984 makes the 490, 000. novolutionary ball!
ationist tune identity of the intercontinue at least through January on the job under separate agree cont.
thelt dlamigal wages. and sink 000 as 62. percent of normal while ests of workers and capitalists, ar back into the industrial reserve 1933 was 56. percent and 1932 was The most active initiators 1936, when the gubernatorial cam ment unless all go back op the job. Bosses Share the Profits bitration and faith in the NRA paigns held. About 800 a month That a joint strike committee How gently and tactfully the rearmy of the unemployed.
61. percent. Federated Press (Continped on Page 4)
came, be said, not to indict ts obtained by the Long machine port puts it by stating: Clearly the The Railway Labor Executives auto bonses but to plead for fair in this way. Continued on Page 2)
play and humane consideration reclplents of profits have not falled (Continued on Paco 4)
to enjoy thelr proportionate share the workers!
wwwmm State League Formed in Kentucky of the increase in industrial reDons Greenmany of his dis Strategic Labor Attack Triumphs covery. SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION fusted Usteners wondered actu. few details will make clear ally believe that by mising the Watch the mimber after your Johnson Urges Fight for Harlan Miners bokeys the strike Deces Waukegan Office Workers Stand by Mechanics what the report has in mind. Some 300 corporations, which had net me on the wrapper in which sary. at some future date. he yon paper is miled. When the profits of 100, 000 in 1932, had net CATLETTSBURG, Ky The sol was cheered when he spoke of the can seare the bosse into making WAUKEGAN, INI Solidarity of palled the night shift, and later profits of 202, 800, 000 in 1983ober after your me is the idarity of the ademployed with the necessity of including the fight for some concessions through an im office and mechanical workers, rap the majority of the force.
AR this The rise of almost 2, 000 percent and nhmber 12 employed Negro and white was freedom of the Harlan ntners as partial board id and well timed action, won a company, in the middle of a three net profits, in 1934 of 430, 540, 000 as this member 12 It the keynote of the first convention part of the program of action for of Weak in Detrolt strike for four hundred workers at abift rush season, was unable to a total rise of about 4, 500 percent.
means your sub has expired and of the Kentucky Unemployed the Kentucky To the manufacturers this is old the Johnson Motors plant in Wau hold out against the strike The automobile companies, which this is the last issue you will! Leagues held here Feb. 22.
blufr. They ku Green is playing kegag last week in short order. The polye until we recolto your reThe settlement provided the re lost almost 20, 000. 000 1932, Hayes, president of the The convention balled the put their game by suppurting the Anto strike marks the culmination of the instatement of the three workers seined 86, 000, 000 in 1934. The you will send your renewal Its open shop, merit second effort within a year to or who were fred, and recognition steel companies, which lost 100, Kentucky Llaguer, polated out that lication of the newspaper Code with only the solidarity of all workers and instructed the executive board clanse and company union provi ganize the workers in a Federal of the union. Especially notable 000, 000 to 1933. cut the loss to several lasties in advance it will. Errespective of race, color, or at the state capitol within the bettery of arbitration, Auto Local. The arst attempt was in the strike was the solidarity of 7, 000, 000 in 1934. Coal and coke, save work and expense in the Creed can win any rights for the defeated when the company formed the factory men with the office which lout almost 4, 000, 000 in e and losure your receiving the paper without interruption They know further that the its own union and Milled strike workenthe three who were fired 1934, gained almost 1, 000, 000 in unemployed. He said that in sepsix momthe.
tember 1984 the average relief per of la numerically wenk here spirit with fancy promise. This for union activity WIN STRIKE were office 1934. The oil compaples doubled No seberiptions can be back family in Kentucky was 74 for and that its half beerted organisatime the union was well under way workers.
dated. Back Issues will be up their profite; so did the chemical the entire month, making it the plied at the regular mutes plus TOLEDO, Ohio. More than 300 tional campaign has with it before the company woke up and The union has gained recognition and drug companies second worst state in the country Myers Regulator Co. employee of tle response. They have been how fired three members for union ae by its strategle attack; it still poutane Meanwhile, what was happening in regard to relief standards.
Please cooperto faces straggle to consolidate its to Toledo ended 13 day strike when in the strikes in Lansing and attivity.
wege earners? The National Bastons Manager.
Arnold Johnson, Workers Party the company granted wage inereus the Murray Body Plant the strike meeting was called im ranks to present a arm and deter Emergency Council figures, most member and national secretary of les ranging from 10 to 20 and of has not attempted to me this mediately, 85 workers attending mined front to the bosses in the the National Unemployed League, a 40 hoor werk.
opportunity develop militant By prompt and militant action they negotiations for wage increases. Continued on Page 2)
of to