BourgeoisieBujarinCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyKaganóvichKamenevLeninMarxismRadekSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorking ClassZinoviev

Page THE MILITANT Saturday, April 19, 1930 by Alfa THE LESSONS OF OF CAPITULATIONS Necrological Reflections here In regard to the capitulation of Budeeply about the split in the Opposition, charin, Rykov, Tomsky there were many complain of the sharp attacks by Trotsky, conjectures. Is it a shrewd maneuvre on and express the hope for common work in the part of the Rights, or else, is it a rethe future. When all this was incidertally newal of the Right Centre bloc? These vinced; the strongest and the most stead we do not know. At one time we even revealed, these elders of the capitulationist guesses in themselve are without much fast. The unification of these elements oc thought that, according to a decision of the clan took on a morose silence. Kamenev content. Maybe the Right Trinity dreams curs gradually, under the constant check Central Control Commission, Frumkin was declared that he would write a book on on the quiet about the approach of favoring up on events. The live texture of the sentenced beyond redemption, so that there Lenin, for he saw that he could not bake a able conditions when it will once more Party is therefore a very complicated and could always be on hand a ready object for pudding with Stalin. But at the very moraise its head; maybe, in view of the alsensetive texture. The Party must not be the needs of a struggle against the Right ment that the general secretariat waved arming economic symptoms, it is sorry kept under a vise, just as you cannot keep deviation. But these hypotheses were not the scalp of the repentant Rykov over the for having been too hasty in repenting.
a human hand under a vise: the blood verified.
Party, Zinoviev, very opportunely, thought It is quite possible, on the other hand, circulation is interfered with, and the texof his own scalp and repented for the seOnly after Rykov had capitulatedthat the Stalinites consider it useful to ture dies away.
which would make it appear that any furcond time, and this time with such mighty retain the Rights near power, in case of a The process of the dying away of the ther struggle is rendered unnecessary enthusiasm, that it should have touched new turn, But not these considerations Party texture occurs before our eyes with only from that moment Rykov and with even the tempored heart of Molotov himself, are of significance. It is politically imthe growing material pressure of the Party him the whole trinity, were subjected to But in vain. In Stalin report to the portant, that, in the very heat of the ultrabureaucracy. The alternating capitulations particularly unrestrained public abuse, beagrarian Marxists, the Trotsky Zinovie Left course, the bloc between the Cenof all the leaders of the Party, in groups fore the Party, the population of the and even Zinoviev Trotsky opposition fltrists and the Rights was renewed, at the and singly, before the absolutely idea less country and the whole of humanity in gengured more than once. careful reader time that the repressions against the Lefts apparatus, shows an unheard of power of eral. The Party was not at all needed for could not but notice it. The fact is that were not weakened but strengthened.
pressure, that stage of it when the blood the struggle against the conspiracy of among the bureaucracy the opposition was Rykov, regardless of everything is the circulation of ideas in the Party ceases al Rykov, Bucharin and Tomski, The Party always called Trotskyite 80 as to unchairman of the council of commissars, but most completely was assured that there is no struggle at derline Zinoviev lack of independent Rakovsky cures his diseased heart at BarThe circumstances of the repentance of all. But after the Rights were defeated ideas. Why is it now, after Zinoviev nuDaul with frosts of 40 degrees, Tomsky the Rights are particularly striking with behind the scenes, the Party was shown merous capitulations, when he has succeedand Rykov are on the Polburo, Buthe transparence of the apparatus cyni three political skeletons: see, this is how ed to conclusively fuse with the Party charin on the Central Committee, but Sowhy and what for is the talk about the cism, the general secretariat deals with and will novsky, Mdivant, Kavtaradze. are in deal with all those who get in its way.
Unexpectedly and without preparation Zinoviev opposition now raised? Accidenjall, Uglanov is the Labor Commissar, but tally? Oh, no, there may be accidents in Blumkin is shot (908, Plumkin is shot. humanity finds out that three of the most And Radek Yelps, Me, Too. the five year plan, but not in the apparatus eminent leaders of the Party and Soviet These facts are politically decisive apThe method of dealing with the Right maneuvers. The design became clearer yet Republic the leader of the Comintern, the praising the Left course as a whole.
leaders is a new stage in the process of the head of the government and the leader of in the utterances of the obliging KaganHowever, the capitulation of all the Bonapartist transformation of the Party rethe trade unions have been in sharp opovitan. This latter, In one of his recent Right leaders after the capitulation of some position to the central committee for Dearglme: on the stage they occupy themselves Jubilee speeches, spoke about the opposition of the left 18 a fact of no little importance with fighting exercises against Frumkin, of Zinovler and Kamenev, as it we had ly two years, and that they consider the in itselt, The significance of these ritualofficial policy as detrimental. How is it and afterwards, unexpectedly, the skeleton been living in 1926. The general political ist capitulations for the fate of the Party that this did not come to the surface? The of Rykoy is shown. The automatism of the sense of this reference to the long silenced will become clear, if we look at them not struggle and the contempt for the Party struggle was clear, even without special tate of the revolution was concerned!
from the angle of subjective intrigues, but are given expression Where were the disputed questions considhitherto comment. The Stalinist apparatus hinted objective symptoms. One fesson, one conunknown.
ered and decided? The minutes of the to Zlaoviey and Kamenev: do not think, clusion flows before any other from the Central Committee are printed for the knowThe picture of the Party regime beplease, that we will let you raise your twists and turns of the last six years: the heads.
ledge of the Party. But it 80 happens that comes clearer in view of the circumstances The leaders of the apparatus stubborn, systematic, tireless, suffocation of the apparatus leads a double life. The that Rykov, Tomski and Bucharin capitu hlated to their underhand men: Under the Party.
questions are decided behind the scenes, lated a day after the Radeks and Smirnovs circumstances must you let these equivocal The Leaders Renounce Themselves and on the oficial scene pretended arguconsidered it necessary to capitulate in the repenters raise their heads! No more and Interests of a struggle against the Rights.
no less The Party is the selection of ideas. It ment and voting are enacted according to previously prepared procedure. With this On the return from exile to Moscow, Radek remains a Party only so long as the volunStalin Equlllbrium is Sbak, tary tle of ideas lies at its basis. But what the Party is fed. And what is more, during walled at the stations that soon the two The equilibrium of the present one man meaning can ideas and principles retain, if the sharp opposition of the three members parts of the Central Committee will be ar apparatus leadership rests on an extremely the leaders of the Party alternately re. of the Polbureau, It was officially declared, resting each other, and that it is therefore artificial and constrained system of theonecessary to hurriedly aid the Center, that nounce themselves, and the impersonal and primarily by the general secretary, retical fictions, historical legends and the idea less apparatus not only asserts its inStalin, that the rumors and talk about dis 18, sta infi in the struggle against the Right, actual seduction of the Party. This system that is, Bucharin, Rykoy and Tomski. But fallibility. once and for all, but even deagrements in the Central Committee and no sooner did Radek finish writing the requires the further tightening of the clares openly to the Party: Us you can about Right deviation in the Polbureau, screws and by no means their loosening.
remove only through civil war. Stalin in are but revolting calumnies of the Trotthird or fourth repenting clause, then the For this system even Zinoviey is dangerstern leaders of the Right of the Central 1927. skyists. Afterward, and in a belated faous.
Committee hurried to declare that they, too, Every one of his puffed articles in We remind once more: Zinovlev the Bhion, it is ascertained that under calPravda puts the international upstart, Molformal leader of the Communist Party of umny one must understand that correct burn with the desire to help the Center in otov, alarmingly on guard.
were and exceptionally important facts the struggle against all deviations, particuthe Soviet Union and the Comintern (1923larly against the Right. Thus, the encircNow we find out the reason that promp25. Zinoviev in the Opposition repents hidden from the Party.
ling of Frumkin seemed to be assured one ted the apparatus marshals to remind Zinbls false struggle against Trotskyism How the Capitulations are obtained hundred percent. Smirnov and Boguslavski, ovier and Kameney that they should drop (1926 27. Zinoviev renounces the Oppowho were a bit late found all the places in forever their senseless dreams. It seems sition and once more declares war against The open agitation against Bucharin the rald taken. But here, as if for spite, that Zinoviey attempted to imply, during counter revolutionary Trotskylsm (1928started about a month or two before his Frumkin himself repented. The Right wing capitulation. But the name of Rykov, as his ora repentance, that the Opposition was 29. Pucharin in 1922 a Trotakyist. in not wrong in everything, as the struggle of 1923 26 band in hand with Zinoviev; in one of the leaders of the Right deviation, became completely transcendental.
the Rights proves. And Kamenev admitted In spite of the tragedy of the whole was mentioned aloud only on the eve of the 1926 28 the theoretical leader of the ComNovember plenum of the Central Comsituation, it cannot be denied that the Left (in the diary) that Trotsky was rigbt when munist Party of the Soviet Union and the mittee.
he warned him and Zinovicv, that capituWith particular mercilessness, capitulators bring into it an element of bufComintern, the inspirer of the Right Center lation is the road not to the Party, but to however, Pravda started to drag about foonery. Hurrying to join the apparatus in course. In 1928 29 the theoreticlan of a struggle against the Right danger, the political death. Kamenev always showed the name of Rykov only after his capitulathe Right Opposition. In 1929 Bucharin tion, expressing the suspicion that the re capitulators of the Left lead a struggle exmore inclination and ability to make ends repents his errors and renounces the very meet than Zinoviev. But as Lenin said in pentance of the Right leaders is insin clusievly on the Left, that is, against.
views that inspired him during the whole Trotskyism. And it is for this purpose that bis Testament: it is no accident that cere. In other words, the central organ of period of struggle with Trotskylam.
Kameney was with Zinovier. It is no the Party considers quite possible, that a Yaroslavsky recognized them as the best If we take Stalin from the point of elements of the Opposition. Yaroslavsky accident that he went with him through person placed by the Party in the most review of his ideas, we find that in different sponsible position in the government, is ca should know where are the better, and all the stages of degradation of ideas in Teriods he covered himself with the ideas dec the Party and the masses where the worse!
order to come to the simple conclusion that of Zinovlev, Kameney and Bucharin, at was outlined to him before this road leads present he covers himselt with fragments in questions involving the fate of the Par Zinovley and Kamener Repent Once Again only to politicul death, Whatever it is, ty and country. The suspicion is hurled in It is clear that Złnoviev could not but of the Opposition ideas, not having any of both 14 to repent anew, this time with such tone as if it was a quite simple and his own. But just as truth is the result make use of such an explosion in the buordinary occurrence. Nevertheless, it is reaucratic tangle, in order to remind everyof a court verdict (Schedrin. a reputaenthusiasm, which, by the way, did not proa question of political deceit, cynical un one, that he, thank god, is alive, and as a tect them from the public slap in the face tion is the result or the appparatus manipuby Kaganovitch the Amsterdamer lations. only for a certain tiine.
principledness and betrayal of ideas on the capitulator of the first order, so to say, an part of central committee members, who The automatization of the Party life aristocrat in the family of deserters, he The Danger of Bonapartism even today, when these lines are has reached Its ghest limits. The apparshould have all the privileges in the strug More than once we had occasion to written, stand at the head of the Soviet atus does not demand the recognition of gle against deviations, and before all, it is explain that the Party regime does not take any kind of principles it demande the regovernment, or are on the staff of its most understood, against counter revolutionary shape of itself, but is a function of policy, In portant organg.
which, in its turn, carries through the cognition of its intallibility. The extor.
tion of repenting documents does not have In passing, and already at the conclu. erly speaking, the need of a Dew interests, and reflects the pressure, of as its task the affirmation of a given sum slon, the Party learns that for a year and and such a fiery repentance of Zinoviev classes. The bureaucratization of the Coma half the head of the government and the of ideas. The purpose of the extortion is. conclusively fused with the Party. may munist Party of the Soviet Union, beginto fastill in the Parties that any kind of head of the trade unions have been play appear puzzling at first: it would seem this ning in 1922, continued parallel to the counteraction or resistance, any kind of ing with the fate of the Party and revolu man has already repented and could let growth of the economic strength and polittion (literally. speculated on a catastro others got in line. But in reality it is not complaint, even a whisper against the apical influence of the petty bourgeoisie, basphe (literally. all this somewhere in the so. The first repentance lacked the necesing itself on the and parallel to the paratus, even note in the diary. Kamenev. bring about only repressions or hubureaucratic undergroun. The help of the gary enthusiasm. The lack of this element stabilization of the bourgeois regimes in Party, it appears, was not at all required to millation of one ideas. Selt criticism that is so hard to catch, became particularEurope and the whole world, as a result serves the same purpose from another side, repulse their criminal game. Ilow else ly clear to Yaroslavsky, since the Oppoof the successive defeats of the proletariat.
could the press keep quiet? Nevertheless for it means that the Party memberg are stion published the minutes of negotiations But the Party regime is not merely a pagobliged to criticize the same things that the press did keep quiet. The Party was for a struggle against Stalin, carried on sive reflection of processes of a deeper orTulled and decelved. The Right deviation the apparatus criticizes.
between Kameney and Bucharin, with Soder. The Party is a live force of history, appeared to be personified in the figure of kolnikov as the intermediary. Kamenev particularly a ruling party, under a regime The Capitulations by the Right. Frumkin. Publicly Rykov and Stalin kept these minutes for the sake of Zinoviey of a revolutionary dictatorship. BureauThe Party is the selection of ideas. fought equally against Frumkin and Shawho still remained at Kaluga for a time cratism does not have an immaterial charThe Party 19 the revolutionary tempering tungkl, and this hypocrisy was called tho after his first repentance. While negotiaacter. Its bearer is the large solidifled buof characters. The Party is the abield of struggle against the Right deviation. ting with Bucbarin, Kamenev and Zinovier.
reaucracy with a whole world of interests.
the class, for it is made up of the most con Whether Frumkin fought against himself upon mecting Oppositionists, would ezin (Continued on age