BourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternDemocracySocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSZinoviev

The success of the industrial develop thus to break the economic and political ment of the Union of Socialist Soviet Repub connection between town and country.
lies 18 of universal significance. The Social Experience showed that the Opposition Democrats deserve nothing but contempt.
was. correct. The opportunistic leadership danger does not, of course, depend the beginning of the second year, includes more They do not even attempt to estimate the systematically underestimated the resources will of the Soviet leadership. But the than 50 of them. With this speed kept tempo walch Soviet economy has attained.
of nationalized industry. The actual deleadership can and must take it into con up, collectivism will cover all peasan This tempo is neither stable nor assured. velopment of Industry, impelled by marsideration. Hazardous speeding up of farms in a year or two. It seems a great We will discuss that later. But It gives kets and the pressure of the Opposition, industrialization, without coordinating the success. In actual fact a great danger.
experimental proof of the immeasurable left the official figures from year to year activities of its different branches, runs an potentialities which are inherent in socialfar behind.
obvious risk of inding itself, through its The Basis for Collective Agricultural istic methods of economy.
The struggle between the central lead foreign trade, in the midst of the world Economy It in 1918 Social Democracy in Ger ership and the Opposition became espec crisis: the import of the necessary means many had used the power which had been ially acute, just at that moment when the of production will be cut off, and a new productive collectivism agriculElven to it by the Revolution establish stand of the Opposition was confirmed factor of disorganization will enter as a ture presupposes a definite technical basalong all lines.
socialism. and it had every possibllity to The leadership was comis. Collective agricultural economy is Dret wedge into the five year plan.
do 50) It would not be difficult to under pelled within a few months to forsake It is true that the industrial crisis in of all, a large economy. The rational of th: stand, in view of the experience of Soviet their old minimum five year plan, which America and Europe might open a possibeconomy is determined, however, by had been criticised in the platform of the Russia, what economic power the socialist the character of the applied means and ility of commercial and industrial credit methods of messes in central Europe, eastern Europe Opposition, and to replace it with a new for the Soviet Union. But this knife has production. With the aid of and considerable portions of Asia, would and incomparably bolder plan. When the also two blades: when the economic depeasant plows and peasant nage, even all of them put together, it is not possible to now have. All the world would have first year demonstrated the possibility of velopment has a correct rythm, the foreign ditterent aspect.
But how humanity will realizing the projected tempo, evidently to credits are able to ease and speed the create a large agricultural economy, even as pay for the betrayal of the German Social the surprise of the leadership itself, the it is not possible to build a ship out of a progress of industrialization. In the face Democracy by further wars and revolutions.
latter at once abandoned their petty doubts of the accumulated contradictions, they flock of fishing boats. The collectivisation Never was there a greater crime in all his and rushed to the opposito extreme. Now, of agricultural economy can be achieved can oaly postpone the crisis, giving it later tory. However, this question is not the the slogan is: Forward, without stopping, double force.
only through its mechanization. From thie subject of our discussion.
forward! The plan is being constantly However, we mention here the dangers follows that a general developmen; of the revised in the direction of its extension.
industrialization of a country determines that come from world economy, only in The Initial estimation of the possibilFrom passive possibiliem the opporities of socialistic industrialization was the posolble speed of the collectivisation pabbing, and as a hypothesis. The central of Its agricultural economy.
tunists have turned to unlimited subjecbriefly analyzed by us in the book Whither question of today is not in them, of course.
But in reality these two processes turtivism. reference by an economist or a Russia! Towards Capitalism or Towards Immeasurably greater and more direct are worker to actual obstacles R8 for instance, ned out to be separated. In spite of its fast the dangers concentrated aorg the most Socialism. in the early part of 1925, prior bad equipment, lack of raw material or its development, the Soviet industry still 1, important line of Soviet policy: the line to the end of the reconstruction period.
and will for a long time yet, remain expoor quality 1s considered a betrayal of Then a proved that even after all the of the relation between the town and the tremely backward. The high coefficiente of the revolution. The government demands: equipment inherited by the bourgeoisie was speed, action, offensive! Never mind the its growth are to be considered in relation exhausted, e. after the transition to rest.
to the general low level. We must not The Bureaucracy and the Kulaks increased independent reproduction on the forget for a moment that, even in case tb basis of socialistic accumulation, Soviet How Stalin Handles the Five Year For several years the Opposition has intended plan should be fully carried out, industry would be able to give a coefficient demanded the more decisivo taxation of Plan the Soviet Industry would be able to supply of growth absolutely unattainable by capthe rich layer of the peasantry in the in with tractors and other kinds of machinery italism. After every consideration, we The first quarter of the present econ terest of the industrial devolpment. The only 20 25 of the peasant farms.
counted on a fifteen to twenty percent And omic year, the second year of the five year official leadership denied the fact of accum that only at the end of the five year period.
annual growth. Philistines of the type plan (October February. in spite of the ulation of the rich peasants (Kulake. and That is the real scale of the collectivisation.
of Stalin and Molotov derided these hypo significant progress in comparison with accused the Opposition of the intention While the Soviet Union remaing 180thetical figures as though they were a the first quarter of the preceding year of robbing the peasant. Meanwhile, the lated, the industrialization (that is, the dream of supér Industrialization. Reality (about 26 of the growth) missed fire.
Kulaks had developed into a considerable mechanization and electrication, etc. of left our calculations far behind. But after For the Arst time during the epigonean figure, and, leading behind them the middle agriculture could be thought of only as a this there occurred what has often hapleadership, industry remained behind the peasant, subjected the cities and industry prospect of a number of consecutive pened before. These empirical Philistines, outlined plan. Especially lagging was the to a starvation blockade. The height of Five Year The plans.
overwhelmed by the success, decided that prep at heavy Industry. Something was wrong the demonstration of the Kulak strength leadership itselt во looked at from now on everything was possible.
with the cost prices. To lessen or to dis coincided with the moment of police dis this matter till yesterday. But now It apgulse their straggling, the mills of the persal of the Opposition (the beginning of pears that the collectivisation has already The Meaning of the Stalinist Zig zag heavy industry took recourse through the 1928. Tho bureaucracy. had to change fulfilled Iteelt by 50. and that during the deterioration of the quality of the producte.
its policy abruptiy. crusade was deDuring recent months 1: finally became next year it will be completed to 100 in The amount of brak (Imperfect products)
clared against the Kulaks. The measures a number of the most important agriculapparent that the Stalin faction has, dangerously increaned. The Central Com for the limitation of tendencies of exploitthe question of domestic economy of the tural regions.
mittee answered with the categorical de ation by the Kulaks which the Oppocition Soviet Union well as in the policy of It is perfectly clear that the present mand not only to fulfill the program, but to had proposed the day before, were found the Comintern, transformed its Left zigtempo of collectivisation is defined not by surpass it.
insuficient, immediately after the beginzag into an ultra Left course. Th. ultrathe productive but by the administrativo The objective data began to testky ning of the struggle with the Kulaks for factors. The sharp, and, as a matter of Left corse 13 a negation and adventurous more and more convincingly, as could have grain.
addition of that opportuuism which has fact, panicky, change of the policy toward been also foreseen theoretically, that the The Kulaks, however, are not separ the Kulaks, A8 well as toward the middle c!
controlled since 1923, and especially from etart was bigger than strength.
The ated from the middle peasants an im1. 926 to 1928. The present day polley reppeasant resulted, during the last year, in industrialization is upheld more and more penetrable partition. In a setting of goods an almost complete liquidation of the resente no less a danger and ia certain asby means of the administrative whip. The (trade) economy, the middle peasants au NEP.
pócts a greater denger than the policy of yesterday.
equipment and the labor power are being tomatically bring out from their midst a peasant represents small producle forsed. Disproportions of production in Kulak. The hall of administrative blows, tive unit and as such cannot exist without The ultra Leftium in the economic OL diferent fields industry accumulatinconsistent and panicky, directed against a market. The liquidation of the NEP policy of the Soviet Union is now developing ing Retardation in the following quarters the Kulaks (and not against them only) presented for the middle persants the folalong two lines: Industrializatica and Colct tao year, might prove more threatening cut short the way for the further develop lowing alternatives: elther to go back to lectivism.
tian in the trat. The government, on its ment for the top layer of the middle po. the natural consuming economy, o Since the beginning of 1993 the Oppopart, seea itselt compelled to patch up the santry. So called disagreements with the disappear, or to become involved A sition has demanded a quicker tempo of newly opened industrial gaps by new bud peasantry became apparent. The poasantry, civil war for the market; or to try ble industrialization. It based its demands get or credit assignments. This leads to after the experience of the revolution, does hand at the new way in the collective OD not only upon the necessities but upon the paper money inflation, which becomes, in not easily resort to the method of civil economy. actual economic possibilities.
its turn, a source for the articcial increase war. It rushes around agitatedly looking In collectivisation the peasant inds not to of the demand for gocd, and consequently The dominating faction (Zinoviev, Stafor another way out. Thus the wholesale persecution but advantages: lesser taxes, CA makes icdividual branches of Industry sur collectivism w25 born.
Vin, Bucharin, and later Stalin and Bucharsupply of agricultural machinery on 64By Ar The Soviot government patronizes, in pass the enloulations of the plan, and thus in without Zinoviev. accused the Oppositerme, loans etc.
It at present the perOP full accord increases the accumulation of new disprotion of the intention, in the name of superits main purpose, the santry is crowding into collective oconomy, led industrialization, to rob the peasants and portions.
cooperative methods, both in trade and in it is not because the collective econry Fo Tao Sovlet economy depends on the dustry. Up to the very recent time, how has already shown its advantages. re world economɔy. This dependence expres ever, the productive cooperation in the not because the State has already proved We state with great satisfaction, the 563 itself by import and export. The for country collective farms) has occupied a to the peasant (or at least to itselt) that fact that our friends in the Soviet Union eign trade is the narrowest point of the very insignificant place in the agricultural It has the possiblility to reconstitute the ecc do not in the least deceive themselves whole systein of the Soviet economy. The eonomy. Only two years ago, the present peasant economy on the collective basis in on about the Stalinist ultra Leftism. which difficulties of foreign trade are fundamen Commissar of Agriculturo, Jakovlev, wrote the near future. It is because the perdu Right Mensheviks and Liberals call Trot tally tho difficulties of our backwardress. that collective farming in view of the santry, and first of all, its top layer, which ar skyism. realized by Stalin. We succeeded At present, an important fact of conjunc teobnical and cultural backwardness of our was during number of years of the liberal Co: during recent months in exchanging tural character must be added to it. The peasantry and its scattered charactor, will Stalin Ustrialov policy, getting more and the number of letters with our friends in dit symptoms of crisis of world economy al remain yet for a long period of time, little more into mood of capitalistic farmer, me ferent parts of the Soviet Union and found ready affect the Soviet export through the islands in a boa of peasant private farms suddenly found Itselt in an impasse. The ot decrease of the demand and the lowering Meanwhile, unexpectedly for the leadership, a common agreement on the attitude togate of the market was padlocked. The Gu ward the new course. Some of the letters of the prices of the exported products. If at the very last period, collectivism devel peasants stood frightened in front of it cor received by us being published in ex the world industrial and commercial crials oped grandiose speed. It is enough to while, and then rushed to the only open mu tracts in present number of the Bulle despons and prolonge itself, the further say that, according the Five Year plan, gate, that of collectivisation, cor tin of the Opposition (in Russian. narrowing of our, even now, insufficient the collective economy WAS supposed to The leadership Itselt was not less burprc (The Militant will shortly publish a export, will affect the import, e, the include at the end of the five year period, prised by the sudden rush of the peasants of number of the letters here referred to by import of machines and of the most impor about 20 of the peasant farme. Meanot into the collective economy than the percomrade Trotsky. Editors. tant kinds o technical raw material. This while, the collectivism already, e. at the mants were surprised by the liquidatio. of nea