CommunismCommunist PartyStrikeUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

Page THE NILITANT Saturday, March 15, 15 Amalgamate Engineers and Firemen MARCH 6TH AND AFTER Gold and God United The course of events Is gradually From the foregoing, then, it can clearly (Continued from Page 1)
mon action in behalf of the unemployed to teaching Locomotive Engineers and Fire be seen that if there ever were any res ity will provide, by the attendance at them, all labor organizations. Such proposals men the necessity and importance of unit sons for two organizations in the locoone means of ascertaining to what extent should be put directly to this so called ing in one organization, as a preliminary motive cab, there are no such reasons now. the attendance at the open demonstrations Relief in order to call their blute. The step in the process of amalgamating the Bureaucrats Hinder Progress was sympathetic and conscious. The atdemands should be few and simple, directly present helpless and expensive Rallroad There is just one thing that keeps us tidue of the masses toward the prosecu to the 19sue, and centering around a mile Crafts 31 in number into one union in apart now, and that is the high salaried tion of the leaders, attendance at meetings, the Rallroad Transportation Industry.
Itant fight for work or compensation for official bureaucrats who control both organ responsiveness to appeals, the circulation the unemployed workers, This includes The Interests of the locomotive enginizations. In spite of what pressure the of the Communist press, etc. in the coming of course a demand for united defence of eers and fremen are identical Practically rank and file is putting on these officials to period will be reliable indicators of the those arrested every hardship, every difficulty, has to be connection with the demamalgamate, they always find some foolish depth and consciousness of the movement.
borne and suffered alike by the two men onstrations on March 6th. It is incorrect All these factors will have to be noted in the locomotive cab.
and worthlese excuse for not doing it.
in this connection as it is incorrect in Poor coal and As long as the two Enginemen Brocarefully as a basis for further steps.
equipment, heavy trains, added duties withgeneral at the present stage of develope The Fallure of the General Strike ment, to bury the essential concrete and out additional pay, poor working conditions therhoods are controlled by swarms of ofand the many known and unknwn hard flee holders who draw from 7, 000 to 15, 000 Counter balancing the apparent reliving demands, which really move the spon to the demonstrations was the toworkers, under a long list of so called ships and dangers of the a year, plus a most liberal expense account, ail, such as snowdrifts, washouts and defective track, are political demands which the workers do it is going to be hard to unite the men in tal failure of the call for a general strike, all mutual problems of both men in the cab.
not understand and are not prepared to the cab. For years these officials have issued by the Communist Party. This call fell flat everywere and its failure is an fight for. The challenge to the officials The old argument of the Grand Lodge been busy Intrenching themselves in office.
Officials that the craft form of organizaof all labor organizations to join in a They have secured strangle hold on the ominous proof of the fantastic over estition is the best kind of organization to Brotherhood press, such as the Journals mation of the movement entertained by the united fight for the interests of the unemlook after the interests of the membership. and Labor, the railroad weekly. They have Party leadership, and the falsity of the ployed will create the best conditions for no longer holds good, because neither the effective agitation for the issues in the Gag laws, like section 84 of the Engineers tactics which flowed from this over estimetion.
ranks of these organizations a work sadly of E. or the of are any Constitution, enacted to stifle all expresIt is impossible to play with calls longer craft organizations Since its Milneglected if not actually ignored, up till slon by other means. Then we have the for general strike without discrediting this slogan and those who lightly pronow. By these means the base of the waukee convention in 1906, when the E Dotorious obligation which constitutes was added to the Fremen name, the B, another safeguard for the officials. Every claim it. The general situation gave no movement can be broadened and the revoground for such a slogan in connection lutionary influence extended.
of LF, officials have kept organizers time a working member advocates somein the field to retain its Engineer members.
Unite the Left Wing Forces thing to which the bureaucrats are op with March 6th, and it was particularly On the other hand, the of officials Above all, in the face of the growing posed, If they cannot find a law to hang on wrong for the Party to issue it, like a have maintained organizers to pull firemen reactionary offensive and the worsening him, then they will contend that he violated casual phrase, when it has been losing out of the Firemen organization, 88 soon conditions of the workers it is necessary to his obligation and out he goes via the ex one trade union position after another, and as they had passed the examination for unite the Communist and Left wing forces pulsion route. But no matter what the thus losing the possibility to give this slofor common action. This is the prerequiengineer. This in spite of the fact that officials do, obligations and gag laws never gan life even on a partial scale: Needle Trades, Miners, Boot and Shoe Workers, site for the mobilization of the workers in euch fremen will have to fire locomotive affect them.
defense of their interests around the reyRidding the two Enginemen Brother etc.
Every failure to make good with a for years after they have been examined strike call has the effect of still further olutionary standard. This common ac for engineer. So the of wll take hoode of excessive salaries, foolish obligtion of the Communists and Left wing all the flremen they can get so soon as they ations, saglaws and secret work will go weakening the trade union position of the have passed the engineer examination and forces has been blocked and sabatoged by a long way toward clearing the track for Left wing. This is the inevitable penalty the of is fighting to retain the official leadership of the Party, and the amalgamation of the Engineers and of careless phrase mongering with great slogans, the working class movement has been as many of its engineer members as it can.
thereby weakened. The attacks, slanders The coming convention of the EnginA continuance of this policy, after the and misrepresentation against the Comeers, which convenes in Cleveland on the events of March 6th have clearly revealed munist Opposition, the attempts to exclude first Monday in June, can do a whole lot its unmistakable falsity, prepares the them even from participation in the actoward amalgamation by appointing a rank ground for disastrous defeats and a pos tions of the Left wing, are blows against (Continued from Page 1)
and fle committee consisting of engineers sible loss of those gains actually realized. the working class. They help to disarm leading church bodies reported immensely who are known to tavor amalgamation and This, unfortunately, appears to be the line and disorganize the unemployment moveincreased value of buildings, as follows: provide this committee with means and full of the Party leadership. Blinded by the ment as well as all other working class Protestant Episcopal power to prosecute the question of amalga spectacular, and more or less external, asmovements in the face of a growing unity Value of Church Bulldings mation to its final conclusion, pects of the demonstrations, and overlookand aggressiveness of reactionary forces.
Church 1926 1916 The Brotherhood presa, circulars and ing these fundamental factors, they are We speak now as before for the unity Poman Catholic 837, 271, 053 669, 746, 780 other printed matter, should be employed proceeding with the call to prepare the of the Communists and the Left wing Methodist Epis. 406, 165, 659 political mass strike. Thereby they again 274, 162, 895 in the campaign for amalgamation of the misjudge the strength and tempo and consforces in a common fight for working class Presbyterian Engineers and Firemen and other needed Interests, and we appeal to the workers in ciousness of the movement and open the Church in 338, 152, 743 275, 821, 868 reforms within these two organizations.
the ranks of the Party and Left wing to Protest. Epis. 314, 596, 738 277, 875, 539 door for colossal blunders which will fac R, HEDLUND Ilitate reaction. The capitalists and their compel course in this direction.
No. Baptist 185, 370, 576 154, 894, 435 Cungregational 164, 212, 652 82, 036, 763 NORTHWESTERN SHUTS DOWN reformist agents will be the ultimate gain XINERS NOT CONSULTED IN DRAWING ROUNDHOUSE ers from this frresponsible and wholly unBut church bulldinge tell only part UP ACGREEMENT founded perspective of the present moveWILKES BARRE, Pa. FP) Anthraof the story. Endowments ot church organ CLINTON, Ja. The Northwestern ment.
cite coal diggers will have nothing to say izations, excluding local churches, are es rallroad has shut down permanently its The Reformists Step IR in the framing of the new agreement to retimated at totalling at least 575, 000, 000 East Clinton roundhouse, throwing the emplace the year contract expiring Aug. 31.
and probably much more. Most of the The action of the reformist socialists ployees out of works because the use of chureh missionary societies have large trust This is the word brought back from Inlarger tocomotives makes it unnecessary and sections of the trade union bureauhande, dianapolis by International board members The Protestant Episcopal church to service them at this point because of cracy in setting up An Emergency Conmisalary society reports over 9, 000, 000; of the United Mine Workers, following the longer runs.
ference for Unemployment on the heels the Presbyterian home and foreign boards of the March 6th demonstrations 18 a sigunion board meeting.
nificant event. On the one hand it is a The tri district convention of anthraabout 8, 000, 000; the Baptist foreign mis BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE LAYS OFF 1, 200 tribute to the great working class action cite miners, usually held before the expirslogary soclety over 7, 000, 000; and the CHESTER, Pa. FP) Baldwin LocoMethodist home and foreign boards over set in motion under the leadership of the ation of agreements in order to lay down motive works has laid off 1, 200 workers.
98, 000, 200.
Communiste; on the other hand it is an demands for the new contract, will not be Few factories are operating full time in The church pension fund of the Protthis important Industrial suburb of Philaobvious attempt to seize the leadership of called, Int Pres. John Lewis has decatast Episcopal church, with Mor.
cided. Instead the miners will be summoned delphia.
this movement in order to strangle it.
yan RB treasurer and chairman of its This represents an important danger to into session after the agreement has been finance committee, now totals over 25, LABOR PARTY IN KENOSHA the movement negotiated by Lewis and the operators.
in which the Communists 500, 000. It started in 1917 with less than Faced with an accomplished fact, they are KENOSHA (FP)Continued life for the The outcome of this attempt, and others till now have had a virtual monopoly.
expected to put their approval on a cona third of that amount. The fund is inKenosha Labor Party, born of the Allen vested in the leading railroad and indusof a similar nature which are bound to entract which will merely extend the existing hosiery strike, is assured by action of a sue, depends also to a large extent on the document.
trial corporations in the United Statesconference of Kenosha county laborites, including the Sante Fe, Baltimore and which recently met and organized the party tactics of the revolutionaries. Mere deOhio, New York Central, Pennsylvania, on permanent basis. Representatives of nunciation will not be sufficient to cope ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCE American Telephone and Telegraph, Amer trade unions throughout the county atten successfully with such flank attacke.
Also ican Radiator, General Motors, Interna ded the meet and laid plans for a vigorous Now is the time for the Communists to PLAY. tional Mach Corp. Standard Oil and campaign in Aprit, when municipal elec come forward with united front proposals Steel. Practically all have anti unlon la tlong come around.
which, it properly applied, will serve the Money Wins bor policies, and most of them have broken double purpose of consolidating and broadby the Militant Players strikes with gunmen, spies and state and ening the movement of the unemployed private police.
It the number on your wrapper is and of defeating the alms of the reformiste.
on Other endowment funds of other church The failure to utilize united front tactics Saturday, March 22, 1990, at pm.
up to now has been mistake which organizetions now enlisted in the anti Soat the Het campaign, are similarly invested in paved the way for this maneuver of the MILITANT HALL railroad bonds, telephone and telegraph Bocialists and labor fakers and gives it a 25 Third Avenue. near 8th St. bonds municipal state and government then your subscription to the Militant has certain possibility of success.
ALL WORKERS WELCOME honde. Investments of the churches also expired. Renew immediately in order to The United Front Tacties Admission: 25 Cents bclude notes secured by real etate, mor ayold missing any issues.
The right step now 1e for the comAuspices: New York Branch tager and trust deeds.
munlsts to put concrete proposals for com Communist League of America (Opposition)
THE MILITANT, VOL. III, No. 11 March 15, 1930. Published weekly by the Com munist League of America (Opposition) at 25 Third Avenue, New York, Subtription rate: 00 per year; foreiga 50. Five cents per copy. Bundle rates, centaper copy. Editorial Board: Martin Abern, James Oannon, Max Shachtman, MauIce Spector, Arne Swabeck. Entered as second class mall matter November 28, 1928, at the Post Omce at New York, Y, under the act of March 3, 1878. Total No. 36)