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The Communist, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 3.

Nombre: The Communist Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: Chicago, Estados Unidos Editor: Communist Party of America Página: 3
CommunismCommunist PartyFranceItalyLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST Page Three August 9, 1919 An Open Letter to Workingmen Comrades: By Sylvia Pankhurst Government succeed in crushing the The evidence that comes to us from Workers Republics, and if we fail to Russia cannot be disregarded. Reports British workers hold, the key to the sit take the dir...

The Communist, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 4.

Nombre: The Communist Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: Chicago, Estados Unidos Editor: Communist Party of America Página: 4
CommunismCommunist PartyImperialismSovietWorking Class

1319 Pago Four THE COMMUNIST THE LION AND THE LAMB sonant sentence but it is nevertheless untrue.
THE COMMUNIST Might shall make right the law of the world this was OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA one of the beautiful phrases President Wilson concocted for DENNIS BATT, Editor the...

The Communist, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 5.

Nombre: The Communist Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: Chicago, Estados Unidos Editor: Communist Party of America Página: 5
CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismInvasionMarxSocialismSocialist PartyViolenceWorking Class

August 9, 1919 THE COMMUNIST Page Five of civilization. As we freed Cuba in the name of that same BULLETINS civilization and in the interests of the Havemeyer sugar trust. If the ruling clique of the nation does plunge us into a After hearing the request of a representative of the Nawar with Japa...

The Communist, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 6.

Nombre: The Communist Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: Chicago, Estados Unidos Editor: Communist Party of America Página: 6
CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyGermanySocialismSocialist Party

August 9, 1919 THE COMMUNIST Page Six Russian Socialist Federation, at its meting on August 31st, The District Executive Committee of the Chicago District, donated one hundred dollars to the Organization Fund of the Communist Party.
City in June, in condemning the old Socialist Party: and be it f...

The Communist, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 7.

Nombre: The Communist Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: Chicago, Estados Unidos Editor: Communist Party of America Página: 7
BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGerman RevolutionGermanyInvasionSocialismSocialist PartySoviet

August 9, 1919 THE COMMUNIST Page Seven Continued from Page first charge is that the Socialists of Michigan sought to get into the limelight by being the first to call for a Communist Party. Now the truth is that the members of the Emergency Convention in Detroit sought to avoid that very thing.

The Communist, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 8.

Nombre: The Communist Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: Chicago, Estados Unidos Editor: Communist Party of America Página: 8
BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyInvasionSocialismSocialist PartySoviet

August 9, 1910 Page Eight THE COMMUNIST cause of the hatred for our country, such as Latvia, in ord four fifths of not only the city, tempt at forceful invasion, and country on the part of the im er to restore the feudal baron but also the rural population, in this it counts not so much on perial...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 1.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 1

Combined with The New York Communist The Revolutionary Age Devoted to the International Communist Struggle Vol. 2, No.
Saturday, August 9, 1919 Price 5c FRANCE ENG.
GROM Still Feeding Russia

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 2.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 2
BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking Class

THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 9, 1919 The Revolutionary Age to make war or peace independent of Congress There is much discussion of the causes of by simply so maneuvering foreign policy as to these race riots, one of the most disgraceful Combined with The New York Communist leave Con...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 3.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 3
Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

Sat:rclay, August 9, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE war.
from making any protest by the bludgeon of The meat trust of the Big Five is a typical ply of words. As is usual with instinctive folk the patriotrickster and the Sedition Acts, and product of the monopolization of industry by. philosophy, the ...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 4.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 4

1 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 9, 1919 Bolshevikjabs a members of the committee simply can stand Here and There the 75. However, the fact remains that the committee has obtained a tremendous amount ON August 5th the Lusk Committee woke of publicity when it is remembered that during RAIL...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 5.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 5

Saturday, August 9, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Liar or Just Doesn Know?
to say OR the past year or so many people have By John Reed The State Department announcement of Intervention, as recall it, doesn say a word been calling Woodrow Wilson a hypo the sort of Russians whose efforts Ame about Mr....

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 6.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 6
BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismInvasionRussian RevolutionSovietWorking ClassWorld War

6 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 9, 1919 Draft of the Russian Communist Party Program 1) The Bassinero deceduthe proletariem dieta?
The Russian Revolution of November 7, Translated from the Moscow Pravda the Party reveals to the rest of the laboring By Wilenkin and exploited masses the ho...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 7.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 7
BourgeoisieCominternCommunismEngelsFranceGermanyImperialismItalyMarxMarxismOpportunismSocialismSovietStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

Saturday, August 9, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The British Workers and Soviet Russia UR progress is very slow. When the By SYLVIA PANKHURST the possibility of an immediate railway strike Allied Intervention to crush the Ruson industrial grounds and the railway men are British movement to join in ...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 8.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 8
BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyTrotskyViolenceWorking Class

8 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 9, 1919 The Versailles Peace IT was to be expected that those who have By F, Loriot the German proletariat must now organize to signed their peace should rejoice and Of the Left (Communist) Wing of the struggle for its own existence. This situation congrat...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 9.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 9
BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismImperialismInvasionSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking Class

Saturday, August 9, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The Hara Ministry and the Bolsheviki RECENT reports on the social conditions By Sen Katayama pense, and have to get their living under very difficult conditions.
in Japan are misleading. The real facts will some day destroy the present bureaucratic a...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 10.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 10
BolshevismBourgeoisieEnglandKronstadtSovietWorking Class

THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 9, 1919 10 Petrograd During the Early Part of 1919 January 30, a party of newspaper corBy Arthur Ransome Petrograd, and we found that the carriages respondents, Norwegians, a Swede and were unheated, somebody got out a mandoline nish officer leading our esco...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 11.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 11
BolshevismCommunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE II Saturday, August 2nd, 1919.
flower designs, on white and chequered back shook their heads decidedly, and said No, it was only superstition. Besides, had not thank you.
got a saucepan.
grounds, with the masses of snow in the road before them, and bright kerchiefed women an...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 12.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 12
CommunismCommunist PartySocialismSocialist Party

12 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 9, 1919 Report of the National Left Wing Conference. mmediate Organization of Communist Party Owing to the fact that it is impossible to fatal error of waiting until August 30th before get out the complete stenographic report of we shall organize our part...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 13.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 13
BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyMarxSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorking Class

13 Saturday, August 9, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE one Russia by the workers and peasants who are comrades have been talking of capturing three waiting to see how the official majority will facing the bayonets of the entire capitalist or five months ago. They are also talking of go. Whether it wil...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 14.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 14
BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandSocialismSocialist Party

14 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, August 9, 1919 Correspondence EAR Comrade Stoklitsky: An Open Letter in reply to Alexander Stok Personally do not care what attacks are It is rather curious that you and should litsky in The Communist. made against me, either by the politicians of find ourselves...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 15.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 15
CommunismCommunist PartySocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

Saturday, August 9, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE 15 Official Left Wing Wing News OR several weeks it has been the entort oi the National Council and the National Secretary Conference, the following resolution was submitted 3) We associate ourselves with the C. in to the National Council: acertain a...

The Revolutionary Age, 9 de agosto de 1919, p. 16.

Nombre: The Revolutionary Age Fecha: 9 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Left-Wing Section, Socialist Party Página: 16

16 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Must Have Funds Immediately Do you want this paper to suspend publication?
Do you want its revolutionary Socialist propaganda to stop?
Unless we have 1, 000 before August 16, this paper will be forced to suspend publication.
Its increased size, its various improvements, a...

Reproducción, 15 de agosto de 1919, p. 1.

Nombre: Reproducción Fecha: 15 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: San José, Costa Rica Editor: Elías Jiménez Rojas Página: 1
Elías Jiménez Rojas

TOMO rie 25, Número an de Hgosto de 1919 Reproducción 97544Revista de variedades Director y Editor: ELIAS JIMENEZ ROJAS Administrador: MANUEL GUTIERREZ GONZÁLEZ. Cénts.
vyvvvvvv Imprenta Greñas San José, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacio...

Reproducción, 15 de agosto de 1919, p. 2.

Nombre: Reproducción Fecha: 15 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: San José, Costa Rica Editor: Elías Jiménez Rojas Página: 2

La Librería Tormo Admitirá anuncios para las páginas de la cubierta de esta revista, a los precios siguientes: Página entera 00 por inserción Media página 75 Cuarto 50 Oetavo 00 97 99 19 Imprenta Greñas Calle 4! entre Avenidas y Libros Periódicos Folletos Hojas sueltas Recibos talonarios Cheques ...

Reproducción, 15 de agosto de 1919, p. 3.

Nombre: Reproducción Fecha: 15 de agosto de 1919 Lugar: San José, Costa Rica Editor: Elías Jiménez Rojas Página: 3
Elías Jiménez Rojas

0, 10 27544 Reproducción Serie 29, Num.
15 de Agosto de 1919 Director: Elías Jiménez Rojas San José, Costa Rica, Apartado 230 SUMARIO Nuestra declaración. LUIS DE POTTER El periodismo.
RUY BARBOSA, traducido por Eremita Manifiesto a la Nación. OBREGÓN Bibliografía.
DR. FERRAZ Psicología.
Dr. LAF...