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The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 44.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 44

THE COMMON ENEMY 85 84 THE CLASS STRUGGLE same. Alas, the defect, as we must often urge and again urge, is less a defect of telescopes than of some eyesight. Those superstitious blockheads of the Twelth Century had no telescopes, but they had still an eye; not ballot boxes, but reverence for Wort...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 45.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 45
CapitalismEnglandLiberalismSocialismWorkers MovementWorking Class

THE COMMON ENEMY 87 86 THE CLASS STRUGGLE Abbott Samson and William Conqueror times, the arrangement they had made of their Governing Classes. Highly interesting to observe how the sincere insight on their part, into what did, of prime necessity, behoove to be accomplished, had led them to the wa...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 46.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 46
BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEnglandLiberalismSocialismWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

THE COMMON ENEMY 89 88 THE CLASS STRUGGLE order in it, where man rules over commodities instead of commodities over man. But here was Disraeli Beaconsfield the great leader of the Conservative Party, who was not satisfied with merely plodding along trying to conserve the present, but who had grea...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 47.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 47
CapitalismDemocracyEnglandIndividualismLiberalismSocialismWorkers MovementWorking Class

90 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE COMMON ENEMY 91 seas of the class struggle they drifted on finally to find refuge in the opposite camps of pro Allyism and pro Germanism. The latter assumed different forms in different countries: in this country it finally assumed the form of pacifism thus bringing an a...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 48.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 48
AnarchismCapitalismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyIndividualismLiberalismSocial DemocracySocialism

92 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE COMMON ENEMY 93 vast socialization of railways as well as of forests, and many national sources of production, all are a menace to greedy competitive individualism. The capitalist class in England has been groaning over the measures forced upon the ruling class to insure...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 49.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 49
BourgeoisieDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanySocial DemocracySocialismWorkers MovementWorking Class

94 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE COMMON ENEMY 95 sion of collectivism; and Germany unity cf purpose the most telling argument for democratic control that the world has be.
fore it. The war will be worth years of arguments in favor of democratic collectivism. And Germany impending triumph is the death kn...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 50.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 50

The problem of disarmament, by the very nature of the case, presumes the existence of armament. Therefore our task begins with the armed condition of society; it is the tendencies which bring about this condition that we must study and g...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 51.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 51

98 THE CLASS STRUGGLE DISARMAMENT 99 What is here stated concerning Germany and France is equally true of any number of other selections, e. Austria Hungary and Italy, Germany and Italy, Rumania and Bulgaria, etc. etc.
In conclusion we are bound to find, therefore, that it is an absolutely logica...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 52.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 52
BolshevismCapitalismLeninWorkers PartyWorking Class

100 101 THE CLASS STRUGGLE Capitalist society cannot disarm because it cannot by its very needs and nature consent to do so. On the other hand, disarmament under capitalism, in view of the impossibility of enforcing disarmament by armament, must be voluntary universal selfdisarmament. In short, t...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 53.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 53
BolshevismBourgeoisieDemocracySocial DemocracySocialismSovietStrikeWorking Class

102 THE CLASS STRUGGLE BOLSHEVIKI THE MASTERS 103 unduly important in the discussions of the professional revolutionary circles. And yet the Russian movement stood on the eve of a revolution, both wings of the party were on the brink of the great mass struggle of the proletariat. When, in the win...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 54.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 54
BolshevismBourgeoisieDemocracySocial DemocracyStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

104 THE CLASS STRUGGLE 105 BOLSHEVIKI THE MASTERS to the West European example. 2) demanding a revolutionary mass movement against reaction and against the delusion of peaceful harmony between classes propagated by the liberal bourgeoisie. 3) expressing its activity in a wavering, timid protest o...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 55.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 55
BolshevismBourgeoisieDemocracyRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

107 106 THE CLASS STRUGGLE state lies in absolutist hands, and maintained that the Duma is incapable of carrying out the principles of the Revolution.
Legislative activity was denounced, and the propagandistic and organizatory function of the Duma was underscored.
The general character of Duma ac...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 56.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 56
BourgeoisieImperialismSocialismWorking Class

108 THE CLASS STRUGGLE PLECHANOV AND BRESHKOVSKAYA 109 ment for an immediate peace. Both papers are fighting to check the widening and deepening of the revolution.
Because of our feeling of profound respect for the past of Plechanov and Breshkovskaya, we cannot lightly pass over what Plechanov an...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 57.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 57
BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarDemocracyImperialismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking Class

geoisie and its political agents are exerting all their efforts, in the name of national unity and defence, to castrate the proletariat, to tear it away from the International, and to...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 58.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 58
DemocracyGermanyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyTrotsky

112 113 THE CLASS STRUGGLE be recognized by the whole revolutionary democracy and to whom the Pro visional Government could hand over its authority without a struggle; Therefore, the Menshevik Fraction calls upon the Congress to recognize officially the absolute necessity of an amicable settlemen...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 59.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 59
TrotskyWorld War

114 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 115 agreement beforehand the militarists will inevitably get the better of the bargain when the conferees come to agree around the green table.
Kuehlmann and Trotzky should disagree on such fundamental questions as those involved in the settlement of the wor...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 60.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 60
GermanyRussian RevolutionTrotskyWorking ClassWorld War

116 THE CLASSS STRUGGLE 117 CURRENT AFFAIRS principle. At best they were willing to accept it as a basis of negotiations that is, as a means of concluding as advantageous a bargain as they could under the given circumstances. Naturally they were looking to the condition of the market which in thi...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 61.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 61
GermanyRussian RevolutionTrotsky

118 119 CURRENT AFFAIRS THE CLASS STRUGGLE President Wilson, as the English liberal supporters of the war were pleading with their rulers, to heed the call of the Kerensky government in distress begging at our doors for a word or sign that would enable it to say to the Russian people that its all...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 62.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 62
GermanyWorking Class

120 121 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS is that it took a second revolution in Russia to make President Wilson formally acknowledge the peace formula of the first.
And it is also a fact which should be borne in mind that when this recognition finally came, it was given not only grudgingly, but...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 63.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 63
LeninSocialismSocialist PartyTrotskyWorking Class

122 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 123 are being written we hear so representative a citizen as Mr. John Burroughs stating in the public press that at least with respect to the economic war after the war, President Wilson will find, when the time comes, that the country is not behind him.
We ...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 64.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 64
BolshevismDemocracyGermanyLeninSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyTrotskyWorkers Party

124 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 125 Stedman and John Work, felt that the time had not yet come to take decisive action on this question, on a matter that in importance overshadowed all other questions a thousandfold. They preferred to wait for developments in Russia, to see whether or not ...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 65.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 65
GermanySocialismSocialist PartyWorld War

126 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 127 St. Louis and After In our last issue we called attention to the change of heart and the change of front with respect to the war on the part of Mr. Hillquit and that part of the Socialist Party which follows his leadership. This change has since been acc...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 66.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 66

128 THE CLASS STRUGGLE Political Parties in Russia By Nicholas Lenine Reprinted from THE CLASS STRUGGLB Price, Cents participation would. force a better, more democratic and more durable peace you would favor America entry into the war. Now, it must be clear to you at least it is clear to me that...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 67.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 67

A NECESSARY BOOK SOCIALISM AND WAR By LOUIS BOUDIN scholarly discussion of the causes of the Great War, and a splendid discussion of the economic basis of Imperialism.
It has everywhere been hailed as fine contribution to Socialiat thought, by such men as Eugene Debs, Austin Lewis and Joshua Wanh...

Colección EOS, enero de 1918, p. 1.

Nombre: Colección EOS Fecha: enero de 1918 Lugar: San José, Costa Rica Editor: Elías Jiménez Rojas Página: 1

18 Tomo E ENERO DE 1917 NÚM. 58 DIRECTOR RESPONSABLE: EOS en Jiménez Rojas APARTADO 230 Propietarios: FALCÓ BORRASÉ Administración: Av. Este, 4a. San José Una notabilísima carta de hace 37 años Sr. doctor Santiago Ponce de León Caracas Sr. y amigo de toda mi estimación: Ayer, tarde ya, cuando rec...