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Tierra y Libertad, 9 de enero de 1918, p. 3.

Nombre: Tierra y Libertad Fecha: 9 de enero de 1918 Lugar: Barcelona, España Editor: Tierra y Libertad Página: 3
AnarchismEngelsKropotkinProudhonSocialismSyndicalismWorking Class

TTERRA LIBERTAD EL NIÑO. 15 Correspondencia 100 176 17:00 0650 6405 de durante mucho tiempo mi conversación ¿Es esto justificable, lógico? De ningu PRO JESÚS: VEGA Avisos a periódicos Cantos de Rebelion, Alejandro Sux. 50 La Humanidad y la Patria, Naquet. 25 na manera.
con el bandido.
El hombre L...

Tierra y Libertad, 16 de enero de 1918, p. 1.

Nombre: Tierra y Libertad Fecha: 16 de enero de 1918 Lugar: Barcelona, España Editor: Tierra y Libertad Página: 1
AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismSpainStrikeWorking Class

EPOCA IV. BARCELONA 16 DE ENERO DE 1918 NÚMERO 373 Tierra y Libertad Numero suelto: 10 cts.
Redacción y administración: Calle Cadena, 39, Paquete de 30 ejemplares.
Suscripción: España, un trimestre.
Extranjero 2400 ptas.
2000 00 LA CARESTÍA DE LA VIDA LA ÚNICA SOLUCIÓN Campaña nacional del prolet...

Tierra y Libertad, 16 de enero de 1918, p. 2.

Nombre: Tierra y Libertad Fecha: 16 de enero de 1918 Lugar: Barcelona, España Editor: Tierra y Libertad Página: 2
AnarchismBakuninBourgeoisieEnglandFranceGermanyIndividualismKropotkinPrivate PropertySpainStrikeSyndicalism

herse; los ejemplares adaptar ai amen el secuando supieras qu ompresa questral se disais bienas EXPROPIACIÓN palacio, y el punto sobre los de con orguno savadasino posino de nocer porque se condi Razones y Palos el fiadie, cie Roda Derechodes de...

Tierra y Libertad, 16 de enero de 1918, p. 3.

Nombre: Tierra y Libertad Fecha: 16 de enero de 1918 Lugar: Barcelona, España Editor: Tierra y Libertad Página: 3
AnarchismBakuninBourgeoisieErrico MalatestaFeminismFranceIndividualismKropotkinSocialismStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

TIERRA LIBERTAD Oʻ10 15 MAGNETN El sindicato y su objeto Villanuna. Bos. 14 00 0860. 25 El almirante levantó las espaldas y dijo: fundo sueño. Quedó así descubierto el El sabotage: Este es el medio más rápi Participamos al compañero Antonio Garcia, Himnos Anarquistas, por Blázquez Es usted irrazo...

Tierra y Libertad, 23 de enero de 1918, p. 1.

Nombre: Tierra y Libertad Fecha: 23 de enero de 1918 Lugar: Barcelona, España Editor: Tierra y Libertad Página: 1
AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyPrivate PropertySpainSyndicalismWorking Class

EPOCA IV BARCELONA 23 DE ENERO DE 1918 NÚMERO 374 Tierra y Libertad Numero suelto: 10 cts.
Redacción y administración: Calle Cadena, 39, Paquete de 30 ejemplares. Suscripción: España, un trimestre.
Extranjero 2400 ptas.
2000 00. El conflicto del hambre Inutilidad de los Gobiernos petits por las s...

Tierra y Libertad, 23 de enero de 1918, p. 2.

Nombre: Tierra y Libertad Fecha: 23 de enero de 1918 Lugar: Barcelona, España Editor: Tierra y Libertad Página: 2
AnarchismAnselmo LorenzoBourgeoisieCapitalismEnglandFranceGermanyItalySocialismSpainStrikeWorking Class

TIERRA LIBERTAD TIERRA LIBERTAD Y ALCOHOL modeterminiue nos los im hasta con esos idealista, cuvanas esterilidad es de ese pres o al cap berania Ca.
la ignorancia van mdolencia radica FE EN LIBERTAD Otro Consejo de guerra Pero la ficción acaba.
Oid, politicos, revolucionarios circunstanciales y s...

Tierra y Libertad, 23 de enero de 1918, p. 3.

Nombre: Tierra y Libertad Fecha: 23 de enero de 1918 Lugar: Barcelona, España Editor: Tierra y Libertad Página: 3
AnarchismCommunismGermanySocialismSpainWorkers FederationWorking Class

TIERRA LIBERTAD 2000 El Botón de fuego do smo.
COMUNICADOS años después que Richet, Charcot dinarias en sus sonámbulos y se perdie la estúpida indiferencia y la borreguna apatia pedidos abonados que pasen de 12 ejemplaREPARTO se determinó a tratar del asunto en cues ron enteramente en las pesquis...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 1.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 1
Rosa LuxemburgSocialismTrotsky


The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 2.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 2
BolshevismFranceImperialismRosa LuxemburgSocialismTrotsky

THE CLAS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE Vol. II JANUARY FEBRUARY, 1918 No. Devoted to International Socialism Published by The Socialist Publication Society, 119 Lafayette St. City Issued Every Two Months 25 a Copy; 50 a Year Editor. LOUIS BOUDIN, LOUIS FRAINA, LUDWIG LORR VOL. II JANUARY FEBRUARY, ...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 3.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 3

2 THE CLASS STRUGGLE LETTER FROM LEON TROTZKY Moreover, even though the reasons for this action against me have not been communicated to me, whom they above all concern, these reasons have been stated by Mr. Briand to the deputies and to the journalists.
In Marseilles last August a number of Russ...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 4.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 4
BourgeoisieEnglandFranceImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyTrotskyWorking Class

4 THE CLASS STRUGGLE LETTER FROM LEON TROTZKY Republic, for the Franco Russian alliance and its consequences, for the conquest aims of the Czar, and for all the aims and methods of this war it remains for you to accept as well the renown for the deeds of these agents provocateur of his Majesty th...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 5.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 5

6 THE CLASS STRUGGLE LETTER FROM LEON TROTZKY are mistaken. The opposition is growing. In spite of martial law, in spite of this mania of nationalism which, whatever its form, be it royalistic, radical, or socialistic, always preserves its capitalistic quintessence revolutionary opposition is mar...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 6.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 6
FranceSocialismStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

8 THE CLASS STRUGGLE You imprisoned Louise Soumoneau in one of your jails; but have you thereby diminished the despair and the despondency of this land? You can arrest hundreds of Zimmerwaldists, after having ordered your press agents to besmirch them again and again with police suspicions; but c...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 7.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 7
SocialismSocialist PartyStrike

10 THE CLASS STRUGGLE SAMUEL GOMPERS 11 Gompers governor friend went to greater tyrannical extremes than his republican predecessor, the now dead, but unlamented, James Peabody, in the strike of 1903 and 1904. In fact, Gompers unprecedented victory was such a miserable failure that at the very ne...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 8.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 8
SocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers Movement

12 THE CLASS STRUGGLE SAMUEL GOMPERS 13 Another case that proved the failure of Gompers policies is that of the Hinchman Coal and Coke Company of West Virginia against the United Mine Workers of America. That decision is more dangerous to organized labor in its ultimate effect than the Danbury Ha...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 9.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 9
DemocracyWorkers Movement

14 THE CLASS STRUGGLE SAMUEL GOMPERS 15 can McDonald got through with him. too, wanted to take him to task for his reactionary policy and for his untruthful charges against Comrades Debs and Berger and myself, but Frank Hayes, who presided, came to his rescue by entertaining a motion to close deb...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 10.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 10
CapitalismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracyWorking ClassWorld War

In spite of military dictatorship and press censorship, in spite of the downfall of the Social democracy, in spite of fratricidal war, the class struggle arises from civil peace with elemental forc...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 11.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 11
DemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalySyndicalismWorkers MovementWorking Class

18 THE CLASS STRUGGLE PEACE AND THE INTERNATIONAL 19 exhaustion. But even a victorious Germany, under such circumstances, even if its imperialistic war agitators should succeed in carrying on the mass murder to the absolute destruction of their opponents, even if their most daring dreams should b...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 12.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 12
DemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyWorking ClassWorld War

PEACE AND THE INTERNATIONAL 21 20 THE CLASS STRUGGLE sustaining of the Hapsburg Monarchy and its aggrandizement by a number of new territories; finally the establishment of a fictitious integrity of Turkey, under a German protectorate e.
the conversion of Asia Minor and Mesopotamia, in one form o...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 13.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 13
CapitalismDemocracyImperialismSocialismWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

23 PEACE AND THE INTERNATIONAL 22 THE CLASS STRUGGLE war as such, whatever its military outcome may be, is the greatest conceivable defeat of the cause of the European proletariat.
The overthrow of war, and the speedy forcing of peace, by the international revolutionary action of the proletariat,...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 14.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 14
AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismFranceImperialismSocialismWorld War

24 THE CLASS STRUGGLE PEACE AND THE INTERNATIONAL 25 at one and the same time. Only as the material conditions for the destruction of capitalism and the abolition of class society can the works of the capitalist triumphal march through the world bear the stamp of progress in a historical sense. I...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 15.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 15
CapitalismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalySocialismWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

26 THE CLASS STRUGGLE 27 PEACE AND THE INTERNATIONAL were not the greatest of all horrors, as if the praise of human slaughter in a socialist periodical were not mental Cossackdom in its very essence.
But the horrors of imperialist bestiality in Europe have had another effect, that has brought to...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 16.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 16
BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

28 THE CLASS STRUGGLE 29 there sinks a fighter of the future, a soldier of the revolution, a savior of humanity from the yoke of capitalism, into the grave.
This madness will not stop, and this bloody nightmare of hell will not cease until the workers of Germany, of France, of Russia and of Engla...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 17.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 17
BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarDemocracyGermanyImperialismMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismWorking Class

30 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION 31 the fullness of its development of the forces of production; the dynamic, a revolutionary, class conscious proletariat. The material force exists in West Europe, but not in Russia; the dynamic exists in Russia, but, as yet, not in West Europe. N...

The Class Struggle, enero-febrero de 1918, p. 18.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: enero-febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 18
BourgeoisieCapitalismFranceImperialismParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocialismWorking Class

THE PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION 33 32 THE CLASS STRUGGLE former, the phrase surpasses the substance; with this one, the substance surpasses the phrase.
It is only in appearance, accordingly, that the Russian Revolution and its stages are comparable with previous revolutions. In one stage alone is this...