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The Militant, 1 de abril de 1929, p. 1.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 1 de abril de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 1
BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGerman RevolutionGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinTrotskyURSSWorking Class

The Semi Monthly Organ of the Opposition Group in the Communist Party of America It is necessary that every member of the Party should study calmly and with the greatest objectivity, first the substance of the differences of sides are published. He who takes somebody word for it is a hopeless idi...

The Militant, 15 de marzo de 1929, p. 5.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de marzo de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 5
CominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyLeninismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT Page March 15, 1929.
Letters from the Militants certain FROM MINNESOTA RENEGADE against the endorsement of Shipstead by that same are being expelled for the sole offense of holding Minneapolis, Minn. March 7, 1929 Convention. spoke in Halls and on the opinions which are contrary to t...

The Militant, 15 de marzo de 1929, p. 4.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de marzo de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 4
Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismKaganóvichKamenevLeninLeninismMarxismOpportunismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSVoroshílovWorking ClassZinoviev

THE MILITANT March 15, 1929.
March 15, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page Page The Draft Program of the Comintern compelled Call for a National Conference of the Opposition us that will not take more with This true the proletariat, with It is ish poor and usurers.
decisive stage peasants would haw peasants ...

The Militant, 15 de marzo de 1929, p. 3.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de marzo de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 3
Anti-imperialist LeagueBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandGermanyImperialismLeninismMarxismRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorking ClassZinoviev

Page THE MILITANT March 15, 1929.
March 15, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page Some Remarks on the Sixth Congress Party Convention Results those many to The must Dear Comrade: By Trotsky 14. The report of Varga, if weighed discern You ask me my opinion of the Congress. Up to ingly, presents material from th...

The Militant, 15 de marzo de 1929, p. 2.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de marzo de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 2
AnarchismAnti-imperialist LeagueBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyExtremistGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

March 15, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page March 15, 1929.
Page THE MILITANT The Civil War in Mexico Who Supports Trotsky. Minneapolis is More on Counter revolution United Front with Trotsky Leading in the Weekly Drive 1929. never a very ance urges In the previous issue of The Militant we printed tinuing ...

The Militant, 15 de marzo de 1929, p. 1.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de marzo de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 1
BujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyLeninSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

The Semi Monthly Organ of the Opposition Group in the Communist Party of America It is necessary that every member of the Party should study calmly and with the greatest objectivity, first the substance of the differences of opinion, and then the development of the struggles with in the Party. Ne...

The Militant, 1 de marzo de 1929, p. 5.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 1 de marzo de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 5
BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCommunismCommunist PartyLeninMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeTrotskyViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

NO THE MILITANT March 1, 1929.
Page Letters from the Milita nt A VOICE FROM PRISON teachings to the world situation and Russia in particular. MINNEAPOLIS MILITANT Sing Sing Prison, To my understanding the Opposition is the real Bolshevik Minneapolis, Minn.
Ossining, New York, group. am organizing...

The Militant, 1 de marzo de 1929, p. 4.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 1 de marzo de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 4
BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoDemocracyImperialismLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxOpportunismRussian RevolutionStalinSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

March 1, 1929 THE MILITANT March 1, 1929.
Page THE MILITANT Page The Draft Program of the Comintern CRITICISM OF Platform of the Communist Opposition the mem prevent period regime.
in no less politics, it upon CO Dour or hall at brought to the street a and geoisie working class activity internal ...

The Militant, 1 de marzo de 1929, p. 3.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 1 de marzo de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 3
AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyImperialismImperialist WarKamenevLeninLeninismMarxismOpportunismRadekRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

Page THE MILITANT March 1, 1929.
March 1, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page On the Legend of Trotskyism Epitaph for a recall no proletarian a struggle for old literary OC che Party against the y taken moet War, Kellogg Pact and new more.
Dear Comrades!
member the exact date) two members of the Op Le...

The Militant, 1 de marzo de 1929, p. 2.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 1 de marzo de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 2
AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers Party

March 1, 1922.
THE MILITANT Page Page THE MILITANT March 1, 1929.
97 Who TH Supports Trotsky. The Communists and the Progressives a move sector only Wing in racy, the day week, ner at question plainly seen.
made secretary in of the Kaiser imperialism; in the New York World. Minor called Lenin and...

The Militant, 1 de marzo de 1929, p. 1.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 1 de marzo de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 1
BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMussoliniSocialismSovietStalinTrotskyURSSWorking Class

The Semi Monthly Organ of the Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America It is necessary that every member of the Party should study calmly and with the greatest objectivity, first the substance of the differences of opinion, and then the development of the struggles with in the...

The Militant, 15 de febrero de 1929, p. 5.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de febrero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 5
BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyLeninLeninismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

February 15, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page inated.
Prior to the them.
army and the international faction which is undermining the to find a legal expression for its opposition to opportunism and bureaucratic corruption which Comintern and weakening the position of the So the Lovestone Pepper regime. Th...

The Militant, 15 de febrero de 1929, p. 4.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de febrero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 4
AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyLeninLeninismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT February 15, 1929.
February 15, 1929.
THE MILITANT age Page in creasing lack of The is unable ary. All particularly the re com and ations The pa merican workers the must tarians of population and mo officials, man requisites, they to these position that bring dute and and alienating ...

The Militant, 15 de febrero de 1929, p. 3.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de febrero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 3
BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismImperialismLeninLiberalismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT February 15, 1929 February 15, 1929, THE MILITANT Page Page 25 to divert the new harmless channels. The uppercorne. with pseudo strikes.
in prowork of in the ity, fear of the twice as est organization The new are atof union and growth in The un anum relenting perialism in the Party h...

The Militant, 15 de febrero de 1929, p. 2.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de febrero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 2
Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking ClassWorld War

February 15, 1922.
THE MILITANT Page Page THE February 15, 1929.
MILITANT a is 22 The Role of American colonial Uprisingly ehetetore elevenenation manca completed of struggles but chiefly But ever even those have course, internally the exploiting eled Oppo In step to struggle of the This. and mor...

The Militant, 15 de febrero de 1929, p. 1.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de febrero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 1
BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

The Semi Monthly Organ of the Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America It is necessary that every member of the Party should study calmly and with the greatest objectivity, first, the substance of the differences of opinion, and then the development of the struggles within the...

The Militant, 1 de febrero de 1929, p. 5.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 1 de febrero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 5
BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyLeninSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeTrotskyWorkers Party

Page THE MILITANT February 1, 1929.
Letters from the Militants group?
THE EXPELLED FROM SING SING PRISON apartment. Never, under any circumstances, will enter with the dirty work of his faction in robbing Cannon. He Ossining, January 20, 1929. the Communist Party of the Lovestone group without em...

The Militant, 1 de febrero de 1929, p. 4.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 1 de febrero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 4
AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT February 1, 1929.
February 1, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page On the Situation in Russia Miners Protest the Expulsions to being to our Party.
duty vitcapitalist morning we sect class correct carThe Minneapolis Meetings the proletariat. appears which change and well organ: formed Trotsky...

The Militant, 1 de febrero de 1929, p. 3.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 1 de febrero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 3
AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCentrismCivil WarCominternDemocracyFascismKaganóvichKamenevLeninLeninismMarxismPrivate PropertySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSVoroshílovWorking ClassZinoviev

Page THE MILITANT February 1, 1929.
February 1, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page ON THE SITUATION IN RUSSIA. Letter to a Comrade. by TROTSKY OI continually for: we must of we the it even our colors, out of a 1929 in. in Moscow for the the illegal publikation of Right, count way there from the jest.
om a R...

The Militant, 1 de febrero de 1929, p. 2.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 1 de febrero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 2
BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismLeninismSovietStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

February 1, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page Page THE MILITANT February 1, 1929.
The Struggle in the Coal Fields the Eve of the Party Convention meetings showed wholesale be listed in Worker reports and The conven: the memberof The extent of crisis in past are чак it a general line Comintern.
το were seet...

The Militant, 1 de febrero de 1929, p. 1.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 1 de febrero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 1
BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismImperialist WarKamenevLeninLeninismRussian RevolutionSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking ClassZinoviev

The Semi Monthly Organ of the Opposition Group in the Workers (Communist) Party of America It is necessary that every member of the Party should study calmly and with the greatest objectivity, first the substance of the differences of opinion, and then the development of the struggles with in the...

The Militant, 15 de enero de 1929, p. 5.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de enero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 5
BolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyItalyLeninLeninismMussoliniSovietStalinTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT January 15, 1929.
Letters from the Militants THE EXPELLED me; am used to them, but his expeclsion doesn bother OurN. Mass Meeting LETTER FROM MINERS LEADER REVOLUTIONIST AGAINST GANGSTERISM Springfield, III. Dec. 19, 1928. This letter, was written to an expelled Opposition comDe...

The Militant, 15 de enero de 1929, p. 4.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de enero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 4
BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyLeninLeninismMarxOpportunismProfinternRadekStalinTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT January 15, 1929.
January 15, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page William Randolph Lovestone and Abe Pepper Expose Us The Right Danger in the American Party rejects such of growing very little In spite a right or is a merit, truth or to walidity The its letter, line give them ON December 27...

The Militant, 15 de enero de 1929, p. 3.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de enero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 3
BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarKamenevLeninLiberalismMarxMarxismNational LiberationRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

Page THE MILITANT January 15, 1929.
January 15, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page The Draft Program of the Comintern Lenin Last Words to the Party was power in ever het honie power patriced By TROTSKY it the ism is a of ble alism.
proletariat a to difers France or a The after to will Chiang a light Chiang ...

The Militant, 15 de enero de 1929, p. 2.

Nombre: The Militant Fecha: 15 de enero de 1929 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Opposition Group in the Workers ... Página: 2
BujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyLeninismOpportunismRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStrikeTrotskyWorkers FederationWorkers MovementWorking Class

January 15, 1929.
THE MILITANT Page Page THE MILITANT January 15, 1929.
in the The Crisis HARD Malkin and Franklin Go to Prison German Party terial tions.
now do legal means in when erals suppressed.
ists should be who of militant workers firmly Party members Oppo criminal before its more, One de...