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The Class Struggle, mayo de 1919, p. 39.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 39
AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismEnglandFranceGermanyItalyLeninRadekSocialismSyndicalismTrotskyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

202 203 THE CLASS STRUGGLE BANKRUPTCY OR REVOLUTION and the very evident rebellious mood of the class conscious workers, launching an alarming warning to the powers that be to take cognizance of the fact that France is resting on a volcano far more dangerous than even Italy or England.
Some time ...

The Class Struggle, mayo de 1919, p. 62.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 62
BolshevismCapitalismEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietViolenceWorking Class

248 THE CLASS STRUGGLE DOCUMENTS 249. w Quit Fighting, British Soldiers And Join Your Russian Comrades!
Englisk prisoner from Archangel front writes to his brother Scots Is it right for working peopls of one country to kill working people of another. The Allied troops, invading Russia, have so of...

The Class Struggle, agosto de 1919, p. 5.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 5
CapitalismCommunismFranceGermanyItalySocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorking ClassWorld War

263 For decades the Socialist movement of the world has predicted the coming of a great world war. Yet when it came, five years ago, it found the international Socialist movement totally unprepared. The leaders of Socialist thought in Europe and in this count...

The Class Struggle, agosto de 1919, p. 12.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 12
BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

276 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIALISM 277 decision found expression first in opportunistic parliamentary practice, in the policy of the parliamentarian labor leaders, who hoped by flirting with the bourgeoisie, by limiting their demands, by giving up revolutionary propaganda, to be ...

The Class Struggle, agosto de 1919, p. 16.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 16
AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEngelsItalyMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismWorking Class

284 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIALISM 285 can not a day in order to liquidate these burdens and raise the expenses of re armament for the next war. They would not put an end to the confusion of the economic life of the country but only shift the consequences of this confusion upon t...

The Class Struggle, agosto de 1919, p. 34.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 34
BolshevismFranceItalyRussian RevolutionSoviet

320 THE CLASS STRUGGLE DOCUMENTS 321 were huge demonstrations of soldiers shoutino: You want to send us to Russia, but we won go!
In order to allay the storm of popular indignation the Allied governments sent out a statement in which they expressed their deep concern and sympathy for the sad plig...

The Class Struggle, agosto de 1919, p. 47.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: agosto de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 47
BolshevismCommunismFranceGermanyItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking Class

346 THE CLASS STRUGGLE EDITORIALS 347 judge from the reports at hand the Socialist coalition in Hungary proved at every turn to be a hindrance to the success of the Soviets. The opportunistic elements of the old social democratic party remained opportunistic even in the communist government. They...

The Class Struggle, noviembre de 1919, p. 3.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: noviembre de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 3
CommunismCommunist PartyFranceImperialismItalySocialismSovietWorkers Party

HANDS OFF SOVIET RUSSIA 355 354 THE CLASS STRUGGLE 1: against Soviet Russia, not a cent, not a rifle to help wage this war.
This slogan has already been adopted by the British, French and Italian workers. In Great Britain, in France and in Italy the workers are refusing to load ships with ammunit...

The Class Struggle, noviembre de 1919, p. 8.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: noviembre de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 8
BolshevismFranceGermanyItalyRussian RevolutionSovietWorking Class

364 THE CLASS STRUGGLE TWO YEARS OF SOVIET RUSSIA 365 mountable difficulties, it has established a system of schools that reaches out to the most forsaken village in the land.
Threatened by foes on every hand, on the verge of annihilation from day to day, face to face with the stupendous task of ...

The New International, febrero de 1918, p. 8.

Nombre: The New International Fecha: febrero de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Propaganda League of A... Página: 8
AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninSocialismSocialist PartySpainWorkers PartyWorking Class

Page Eight The New International, February, 1918 The International Movement What we The Bolsheviki vention decided in favor of re uniting the Morgari spoke for three hours in spite of food stuffs at prices not higher than before DURING the early part of November, party, on the basis of course of ...

The New International, septiembre-octubre de 1918, p. 3.

Nombre: The New International Fecha: septiembre-octubre de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Propaganda League of A... Página: 3
BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismEnglandGermanyImperialismItalyLeninMarxRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSyndicalismWorking Class

The New International, September October, 1918 Page Three ment. The land committees of the rural the unification of all the separate parts great problem is made exceptionally society pregnant with the new, moderate districts are unified into the county com of a particular industry into one indust...

The New International, septiembre-octubre de 1918, p. 4.

Nombre: The New International Fecha: septiembre-octubre de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Propaganda League of A... Página: 4
BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyFranceGermanyImperialismItalyMarxismParis CommuneRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSyndicalismTerrorismViolenceWorking Class

Page Four The New International, September October, 1918 to The Trial tween international and national tactics revolution turned out to be an illusion, out these objective changes, independent it take place? Undoubtedly, yes. The must be repudiated as sophistry (cf. the exhibits not a Marxist but...

The New International, septiembre-octubre de 1918, p. 6.

Nombre: The New International Fecha: septiembre-octubre de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Propaganda League of A... Página: 6
BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSyndicalismWorking Class

The New International, September October, 1918 Page Six New International public.
on Judas Scheidemann. The Scheidemanns ganization of an Inter allied and Pan Soviet Russia may renew the war The in Germany, the Cassidys and Meyer Slavic expedition into Russia for the against German Imperialism; b...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 18.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 18
BourgeoisieCapitalismFranceGermanyImperialismItalySocialismWorking Class

THE CLASS STRUGGLE 31 30 THE CLASS STRUGGLE brutal State Socialism; and the fusion of bourgeois progressivism with Imperialism in the interests of general reaction.
All these factors have been developing rapidly and powerfully before the war, in this country and Europe; and the consequences of th...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 42.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 42
BourgeoisieDemocracyGermanyImperialismItalySocial DemocracySocialismWorking Class

THE CLASS STRUGGLE 78 79 THE CLASS STRUGGLE times of peace the tactics of its national groups on questions of militarism, on colonial policy, trade questions, May demonstrations, and the tactics of its national entities in times of war. The next duty of the socialist movement is the mental libera...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 44.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 44
EnglandFranceGermanyItalyWorking Class

82 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 83 and had to pay annual tribute to the capitalists of the older European nations, it has in a short space of time developed into a country that is able to exact tribute from the Old World and its dependencies. That fact ought to arrest our attention, for ...

The Class Struggle, septiembre-octubre de 1918, p. 65.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: septiembre-octubre de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 65
BolshevismDemocracyEnglandFranceItalySocialismSocialist PartyWorkers MovementWorking Class

502 THE CLASS STRUGGLE EDITORIALS 503 acter of these groups than were the Russian Socialists when Root and Russel brought their message to the Russian proletariat.
But this conception of the work of the committee became even more broadly defined when it reached the European shores. According to a...

The Class Struggle, septiembre-octubre de 1918, p. 66.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: septiembre-octubre de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 66
BolshevismEnglandFranceItalyMarxSocialismSocialist PartyWorkers MovementWorkers Party

504 THE CLASS STRUGGLE EDITORIALS 505 The of Labor Mission sia, but only for the uprooting of Bolshevism. Confidence was expressed in Mr. Gompers and in the power of labor to stand with the allied cause. The hearing of the conference on the British labor situation lies in the fact as stated by Wi...

The Class Struggle, noviembre-diciembre de 1918, p. 24.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: noviembre-diciembre de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 24

562 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE AWAKENING OF AUSTRIA 563 a mere question of foreign policy. For to Austria foreign policy has become a question of internal policy, and the internal policy is to a very considerable degree external. They are no longer separable quantities. Austria as it is constituted t...

The Class Struggle, noviembre-diciembre de 1918, p. 28.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: noviembre-diciembre de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 28

570 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE AWAKENING OF AUSTRIA 571 And if those other gentlemen who have been doing such good business, think that what they receive from Austria, is exactly proportionate to the pressure they transmit and exert downward, for my part think that one people cannot live from the rul...

The Class Struggle, noviembre-diciembre de 1918, p. 40.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: noviembre-diciembre de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 40

594 THE CLASS STRUGGLE IN THE TORRENT OF THE REVOLUTION 595 Let us believe in ourselves, let us be stubborn and unyielding in our battles. Everything is in our power, and in all creation there is no law but our reason and our will.
You who feel in the storm of events; you whose hearts are torn by...

The Class Struggle, noviembre-diciembre de 1918, p. 49.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: noviembre-diciembre de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 49
CapitalismItalyWorking Class

612 THE CLASS STRUGGLE ECONOMIC AND MENSHEVIK DETERMINATION 613 system. This merely proved conclusively that the preservation of ownership of social property by the individual is incompatible with a one class system, no matter how plausible the scheme might appear on the surface.
Instead of being...

The Class Struggle, noviembre-diciembre de 1918, p. 58.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: noviembre-diciembre de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 58
BourgeoisieDeath SentenceFranceItalySocialismWorkers MovementWorking Class

630 THE CLASS STRUGGLE EDITORIALS 631 court the verdict was given, and the death sentence spoken. Letters, sworn testimony and witnesses whose veracity is above all suspicion, have not only shaken the testimony of the witnesses upon whose testimony rested the entire proof of the prosecution, but ...

The Class Struggle, febrero de 1919, p. 15.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: febrero de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 15
BourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyFranceImperialismItalySocialismWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

And in this fight, worker proletarian, you know your place.
Never before in history has the working class had an opportunity as now, but never before has its situation been so perilAnd the danger lies precisely in the fact that capital,...

The Class Struggle, febrero de 1919, p. 17.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: febrero de 1919 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 17
BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismGermanyImperialismItalyMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyWorkers PartyWorking Class

30 THE CLASS STRUGGLE PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN SOCIALISM 31 is characteristic of its general policy, of its anaemic, petty bourgeois spirit.
The accomplishments of the Bolsheviki are epochal. They have maintained for fifteen months a revolutionary dictatorship in Russia, have accomplished the first s...