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The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 48.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 48
CapitalismDemocracyWorking ClassWorld War

90 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 91 important privilege, the right to take an active part in the great industrial and political struggles that will break out in this country in the near future.
But it may also be the means of arousing the American working class from its attitude of mental...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 47.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 47
CapitalismDemocracyGermanyImperialismWorking Class

88 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 89 Current Affairs CONSCRIPTION In the name of our war for democracy, freedom, and the national honor of America we have plucked the first fruit from the tree of American militarism: selective conscription. And so, whatever the outcome of this war for cult...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 46.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 46
DemocracyEnglandImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

86 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 87 peoples their place and stake out places in the sun, spheres of influence and other claims, became the political and spiritual leaders of the peoples, and transplanted to their native country the manners and ideas they had acquired in dealing with socal...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 45.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 45

84 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 85 they possess neither raw materials nor sufficient machinery, and millions of their best workers have been slain, whilst the greater part of the working male population have been estranged from their accustomed tasks, performing the rude labor of war. Th...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 44.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 44
EnglandFranceGermanyItalyWorking Class

82 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 83 and had to pay annual tribute to the capitalists of the older European nations, it has in a short space of time developed into a country that is able to exact tribute from the Old World and its dependencies. That fact ought to arrest our attention, for ...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 43.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 43
BourgeoisieEnglandGerman RevolutionGermanyImperialismRussian RevolutionSocialismWorking Class

81 THE CLASS STRUGGLE 80 THE CLASS STRUGGLE ways will, be the most trusted supporter of the monarchy, because it knows, that it needs its help. Like every other capitalistically highly developed bourgeoisie, it will rather sell its soul to the devil than become socialistic, would open the gates o...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 42.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 42
BourgeoisieDemocracyGermanyImperialismItalySocial DemocracySocialismWorking Class

THE CLASS STRUGGLE 78 79 THE CLASS STRUGGLE times of peace the tactics of its national groups on questions of militarism, on colonial policy, trade questions, May demonstrations, and the tactics of its national entities in times of war. The next duty of the socialist movement is the mental libera...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 41.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 41
DemocracyGermanyImperialismRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialism

76 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 77 to a bodyguard and protector of the Emperor, which not only in the August days of 1914 fell into the lying trap of the government, but even now, when the true character of this imperialistic war for conquest stands openly revealed still remain the volun...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 40.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 40
BourgeoisieDemocracyGermanyImperialismSocial DemocracyStrikeWorking Class

74 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 75 possessed more influence over the decisions of Bethmann Hollweg during the war, than the once so mighty Junker court camarilla.
The Court Jews have pushed aside the old Court Nobility.
measure the inner political life of Germany seem imminent. So, for i...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 39.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 39

72 73 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE at once with your subordinate bureaus and to call their attention to the exceedingly critical conditions under which the urban population, and particularly the ammunition industry, are suffering at the present time. The food commission must, through tho...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 38.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 38
GermanyRussian RevolutionWorld War

70 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 71 flood has risen to the throats of the ruling class; and in order to save their valuable lives, and their still more valuable property, they are lending a hand, to a lying and rotten compromise.
First there came, on April 8, the famous Order of the Kaise...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 37.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 37
BourgeoisieDemocracyGermanyImperialismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismWorking Class

68 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 69 that added taxation would reduce the standard of living of the working class even more than before. But they forget that the standard of living is not fixed, that it is determined by that which the worker is in a position to demand, and to win from the ...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 36.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 36
BourgeoisieDemocracyImperialismSocial DemocracySocialismStrikeWorking Class

66 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 67 The most important of the large industrial branches could be brought, easily, into national ownership. This could be done, without difficulty with the direct war industry.
The question of employment for the returning soldiers, too, would be solved for t...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 35.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 35
BourgeoisieCapitalismImperialismSocialismWorking Class

64 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 65 To be sure, such arguments will not be nearly as effective as stern necessity itself, in forcing the bourgoisie and the government to take heed. But they will maintain their old principle, that in a peaceful, capitalist state of society everyone must ta...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 34.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 34
BourgeoisieSocialismWorking Class

62 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 63 capitalistic seekers for markets and economic aggrandizement.
The Red Cross executive, doctor, nurse, and helper prefer the approval and applause of this so called upper class. To give themselves to the cause of the lowly and of the exploited poor with ...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 33.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 33

60 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 61 We should contemplate with amazement surgeons and nurses attempting to save lives, and at the same time working in co operation with murderous men, equipped with the newest appliances of science, bent upon destroying lives all zealously striving togethe...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 32.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 32

58 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 59 Though the war making agencies are largely economic, the Red Cross is no less their accomplice in keeping warfare alive.
Before the United States frankly took its stand as a belligerent nation its first official function in relation to the war consisted...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 31.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 31

56 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 57 which the coming generation will face with the equipment which their school is to give. They would say, if they were cross examined that a person trained to face real problems in a realistic way is fitted to attack the high cost of living or the struggl...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 30.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 30

54 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 55 The discussion of esthetics is, in proportion, sufficiently extended, but in spirit and technical grasp it falls below the other sections. Under this head Dr. Flexner includes all the child art activities, recreations and sports. No classics in literatu...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 29.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 29

rather less valuable than the weather forecasts of a Hicks AlNevertheless it may be worth while to consider briefly the general tendencies indicated by such outlines of the experiment as are available.
The formal announcement issued to the public...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 28.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 28

THE CLASS STRUGGLE 51 50 THE CLASS STRUGGLE noted here that long before the platform came to be voted upon formal protest was made upon the floor of the convention against the convention doing any further business, as the convention was neither physically nor mentally able to combine its delibera...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 27.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 27

48 49 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE delegates. Which proves conclusively that the so called majority report was no majority report at all, and that it was adopted by trick and chicanery nearly one half of those voting for it not being for it at all and voting for it merely as the result o...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 26.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 26
AnarchismGermanyInvasionSocialismSocialist Party

American war. The center and the radicals could agree on the attitude towards the war in America, but not on a declaration of principles.
That is to say, if the issues had been made and kept clear, and people were honest with themselves and with ot...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 25.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 25
GermanySocialismWorking Class

THE CLASS STRUGGLE 45 44 THE CLASS STRUGGLE The fact is that the formulation as well as the adoption of the so called majority report was the result of a series of political tricks and manoeuvers such as has seldom been seen before at a Socialist convention.
Leaving out minor differences of opini...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1917, p. 24.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1917 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 24
CapitalismDemocracyGermanyOpportunismSocialismWorking Class

42 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE CLASS STRUGGLE 43 is usual in such cases, the convention came upon us like some elemental force, in a haphazard and disorderly fashion, without any chance for a proper discussion by the membership of the work which it was to do, and, in many instances, without the member...