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The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 61.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 61
FranceGermanyLiberalismStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

366 THE CLASS STRUGGLE DOCUMENTS 367 ments, its policy was a call for the dropping of all war aims which might prolong the war. Official Austria has adopted a more conservative philosophy, the Catholic pacifism of the Papal Note. It is lukewarm and uncertain about the democratic theory of self de...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 60.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 60
DemocracyGermanyImperialismInvasionRussian Revolution

364 THE CLASS STRUGGLE DOCUMENTS 365 the civilian ministers had declared that no Austrian troops would take part in the last invasion of Russian soil, the military command set them in motion. few weeks after Count Czernin had vowed that he would not take a yard of Russian territory, the Magyars f...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 59.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 59

Austria Pacifism By BAILSFORD (London)
supporters of the bourgeoisie, and the Left Wing, supporters of Socialism. Therefore this Constitutional Assembly, which was intended to be the crown of the bourgeois parliamentary republic, because of ...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 58.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 58
BolshevismBourgeoisieRussian RevolutionSoviet

360 THE CLASS STRUGGLE DOCUMENTS 361 Supporting the Soviet rule and accepting the orders of the Council of the People Commissaries, the Constitutional Assembly acknowledges that its duty is to outline a form for the reorganization of society on a socialistic basis.
Striving at the same time to or...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 57.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 57

358 THE CLASS STRUGGLE DOCUMENTS 359 Documents for Future Socialist History make the power of the toiling masses secure and to hinder the restoration of the rule of exploiters the toiling classes will be armed and a Red Guard, composed of workingmen and peasants, formed, and the exploiting classe...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 56.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 56
BolshevismOpportunismSocialismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

356 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 357 Norway and sees in them an expression of the self reliance and self activity of the working class population.
Furthermore the following majority and minority resolutions on the military question were presented. The party convention hereby earnestly appea...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 55.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 55
CapitalismDemocracyGermanySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyWorkers PartyWorking Class

354 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 355 small group of radicals was so completely outvoted as to be practically annihilated.
One of the curious manifestations of the present mood in Germany, is the organization of a new political party the party of workingmen and salaried employees. The princi...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 54.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 54
GermanySocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

352 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 353 Russian Baltic provinces. Internally, it has been proving itself in the increased activities of courts martial, and similar liberal institutions, and it has just now again proved itself in the defeat of the Prussian Equal Franchise Bill.
And let there be...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 53.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 53
EnglandFranceGermanyInvasionLiberalismRussian RevolutionSocialism

350 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 351 finally brought about the long delayed appointment of General Foch to the post of Generalissimo of the Allied Armies in France.
question of the future relations of the Allies to Russia. The treatment which that question has received at the hands of allie...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 52.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 52

348 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 349 special interests, and declared against special interests generally.
At the same time a new and powerful Ally joined the coalition whose special interest was the general defeat of Germany. Up to that time England occupied that position to a certain exten...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 51.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 51
GermanyRussian Revolution

346 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 347 ber of the coalition, and the different Blüchers are, therefore, very naturally apt to differ as to what is the common business of the coalition, or its most important business at any given moment.
not on that account considered a fool. His failure was c...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 50.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 50
SocialismWorking ClassWorld War

344 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 345 own officers and their fellow citizens, and the Germans are still marching unresisted across the prostrate nation in spite of a treaty of peace. The only ones who have profited by the Russian excess of liberty are the Germans, who do not believe in perso...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 49.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 49

342 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 343 Mr. Wilson will probably neither veto nor sign the bill. If this should be the case the bill, after 10 days, automatically becomes a law. But since it is an Administration bill we are convinced that the President will finally affix his signature to a mea...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 48.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 48
SocialismSocialist PartyWorking Class

340 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 341 while clause by moving to insert the article the before the word war, so as to bring the declaration into some relation to the present emergency, but his attempt failed, the Committee preferring to talk of war generally, rather than of the present war.

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 47.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 47
FranceSocialismSocialist Party

338 339 CURRENT AFFAIRS THE CLASS STRUGGLE Many things have changed since those paragraphs were written at St. Louis. But the facts upon which they were based have not changed. The argument still remains valid, and the fear they express is still real.
This fear may perhaps not be decisive of our ...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 46.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 46

336 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 337 venture in partnership with others. Like the good realists that we were, we knew, of course, that we cannot cast up accounts once for all and then throw ourselves blindly into relentless action. We knew that in order that we may count in the game we must...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 45.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 45
GermanyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyWorld War

334 THE CLASS STRUGGLE CURRENT AFFAIRS 335 Current Affairs War Anniversary Since the appearance of the last issue of the Class Struggle America has completed her first year in the World War, and Russia has completed her first year in Revolution. year has also passed since the Socialist Party St. ...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 44.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 44

332 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE BIOLOGY OF PEACE 333 me Trotter has to do either of two things with his book: cut out his falsely derived arguments about England and Germany and others, and leave his more scientific findings, or else give the whole story about each type of nation.
Socialists as was sa...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 43.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 43

330 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE BIOLOGY OF PEACE 331 foolishness, the only way to correct him is by giving him a thorough thrashing, and. his punisment must not be diluted by hesitation, nervousness or compunction on the part of the punisher. The expeence then becomes one from which the dog is capable...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 42.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 42

328 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE BIOLOGY OF PEACE 329 officials, our bishops and headmasters, our successful lawyers and doctors, and all their trusty deputies, assistants, retainers, and faithful servants. 161. On the other hand if the type of mind in control were neither of the two extremes; neither ...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 41.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 41

326 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE BIOLOGY OF PEACE 327 demonstrates are capable of being influenced, and the Parasite merely seizes upon this capability and turns it to advantage.
The author does not dwell except in a few lines, with the reasons ouside the instinctive which make for this stablemindednes...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 40.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 40

324 THE CLASS STRUGGLE THE BIOLOGY OF PEACE 325 his study of the instincts in the lower animal forms, he should have more carefully sifted his facts in human society: Trotter starts his analysis from the recognition of a widespread phenomenon among animals, their clustering into herds or groups. ...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 39.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 39
GermanyInvasionSocialismWorking ClassWorld War

322 THE CLASS STRUGGLE 323 The Biology of Peace and War sponsibility, and with a readiness at the first signal from the people to give up my post and join the ranks again, and address myself to you you men and women teachers of Russia, to put aside the unworthy boycott, and while waiting for the ...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 38.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 38
BourgeoisieSocialismSovietWorking Class

320 THE CLASS STRUGGLE APPEAL BY THE COMMISSARY 321 Is there a gulf which cannot be bridged between the petite bourgeoisie and the masses? Is the means ineffective which makes the Intelligentsia socialist only in words and in reality more sympathetic to the exploiters than to the exploited? Yes, ...

The Class Struggle, mayo-junio de 1918, p. 37.

Nombre: The Class Struggle Fecha: mayo-junio de 1918 Lugar: New York, Estados Unidos Editor: Socialist Publication Society Página: 37
BolshevismBourgeoisieSocialismSovietWorking Class

318 THE CLASS STRUGGLE APPEAL BY THE COMMISSARY 319 Both these ideas were not of the people. But the masses were won over in spite of as yet feeble warnings of the only party which had grasped the meaning of events their future force the hidden hopes of the soul of the people.
The Intelligentsia,...