CommunismFranceStrikeWorkers Federation

THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate Is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike. LINCOLN YEAR IV No. 62 PANAMA, of THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th 1949 5c. a Copy Ambassador Davis Pay Visit To Chiriqui And Bocas del Toro AFL SUPPORTS BILL ABOLISCHING H LAW OKAY OF SENATE COMMITTEE HELD ASSURED at Ambassador Monnett Davis Wednesday, Feb. 16 Leave Ar. Washington. Determined to re. subjecting it to a careful study. in the maintenance of industrial left monday for a trip to Chiriqui muelles my airplane to visit Almi store the freedom of American la As the final week of hearings peace for 100 years.
Province and will return to the ca rante and Bocas del Toro. bor without delay, the Democratic got under way, it was apparent In a statement placed in the repital on the 24th.
Thursday, Feb. 17 Arrival in majority of the Senate Labor Com even to die hard reactionaries that cord by Chairman Elbert Thomas, The Ambassador is accompanied David. Reception by the Governor mittee expedited hearings on the the committee majority remained Utah Democrat, the former geneby Mrs. Davis, Mr. Pedro Díaz, of the Province and Mrs. Esquivel. Taft Heartley repealer bill, and all completely sold on the need for ral counsel of the National Labor Chief of Protocal of the Foreign Friday, Feb. 18 Leave for Vol. indications pointed to the comple swift action to erase the Taft Relations Board, Gerhard Van Office, Mrs. Diaz, and former Pan can by auto.
tion of hearings by Feb. 10, fol. Hartley Act from the statute books Arkel, warmly endorsed the admiamanian Ambassador to the United Sunday, Feb. 20. Leave Volcan lowed by favorable action by the despite the hypocritical cries of nistration bill. Van Arkel, who reStates and Foreign Minister and by auto for Boquete.
committee on the administration newspapers responsible to big busi signed from the NLRB in protest Mrs. Ernesto Jaén Guardia.
Monday, Feb. 21Arrival of Mr. measure.
ness and obstructionist, noisy tac against the viciousness of the and Mrs. Tapley Bennett, Jr. On the 21st. Mr. and Mrs.
Secretary of Labor Maurice tics employed by Senator Robert Taft Hartley Act, denounced the Tuesday, Feb. 22 Sightseeing Tobin and other advocates of the Taft in a last gasp effort to statute as unfair, disruptive of Tapey Bennett Jr. will join the tour of Boquete and the surround bill wiping out the iniquitous Taft keep the nation wage earners in peaceful and productive collective party at David, Mr. Bennnett is the ing country.
Acting Assistant Chief of the Dibargaining and a threat to the Hartley Act impressed the major shackles.
Wednesday, Feb. 23 Leave Bo ity with the cogency of their argufreedom of American workers.
vission of central America and Pa quete by car for David, Remedios. ments. The friends of genuine col tators sympathetic to the Natioani Kelley subcommittee reported out Newspapers and radio commen Meanwhile, in the House the nama Affairs of the Departmen Santiago and Divisa.
lective bargaining documented the Association of Manufactures, who a straight repeal bill restoring the of State.
Thursday, Feb. 24 Depart from case against the one sided TaftDivisa for Panamá.
Hartley Act and in favor of the Act, resorted to despicable meth If the full House Labor CommitThe itinerary is as follows: se lawyers wrote the Taft Hartley Wagner Acto with no amendments.
Monday, Feb. 14 Leave from new measure designed to give la ods in the attempt to assist Taft tee takes similar action, a vote in the Balboa pier aboard the United Professor Says Workers bor a fair shake.
and other enemies of labor. While the House ond undiluted TaftFruit Company boat Comayagua.
Want To Be Appreciated William Green, president of the mony of Secretary these journals fing.
The committee announced that brushing aside the potent testi Hartley repeal would be in the ofTuesday, Feb. 15 Arrival Rochester, Workers in American Federation of Labor, and commentators gave generous Puerto Armuelles modern industry want apprecia would testify in favor of the ad play to the biased remarks of antition for good performance and ministration bill on Feb. 10, co labor witnesses.
they want to feel that they part of ming to Washington directly from a team, Dr. Temple Burling said the Miami meeting of the AFL Virginia Democrat, was among Senator Matthew Neely, West here. Otherwise, they cannot be Executive Council. The measure those ridiculing Taft churlish happy.
was approved by the Council after conduet, pointing out that the anA professor in the New York ti labor Ohioan is defending a State School of Industrial and La RESTAURANT WORKERS dead horse.
bor Relations at Cornell Universi GAIN EXTRA HOLIDAY.
ty, Dr. Burling asserted that wa New York. Two extra paid hoDay and night sessions are ge earners are not concerned ev. lidays will be enjoyed by some 500 being held as the Senate commitclusively with compensation for kitchen employes of 50 Manhattan tee pushes to carry out at the eartheir toil but want to be considered, restaurant and night clubs under liest moment the clear mandate of as human beings. He urged em the terms of a arbitration award the last election, in which Presiployers to recognize the psycholo which stabilized minimum wages dent Truman constantly denounced gical needs of theirs employes.
paid by the employers.
the Taft Hartley Act and Gov.
Dewey defend it. The voters exHerman Brickman handed down Baby has improved BRITON SEES RED the decision in a dispute between pressed their preference for repeal, it was recalled here.
a great deal. on LABOR PLOT Local 89, Chefs, Cooks, Pastry Cooks and Assistants Union of Secretary Tobin condemned the warned of a Communist plan to Restaurant and Entertainment In giving strikebreakers priority in. disrupt British industry this year dustries of New York, Inc. to jobs and depriving strikers of the with the aim of upsetting Euro which the eating and entertain right to reinstatement. He blasted pean recovery. Arthur Deakin, ge ment places are affiliated. Pre the law for restoring the evils of You can see steady proneral secretary of the Transport viously, in a mediation capacity, the labor injunction and for out. never had a and General Workers Union, said Mr. Brickman had obtained agree lawing the closed shop, thereby gress when Baby is put or moment illness the Communists would seek to ment for general wage increases rendering illegal collective bargain. Lactogen. Growth is solid!
create industrial chaos in Britain of a week for skilled employesing agreements which have been and healthy, bone is Boasts proud Father as they had done in France last and a week for unskilled wor mutually beneficial to labor and dense, flesh firm, nerves kers.
managment and which assisted Many a splendid baby steady, because Lactoger owes its sound constitution nourishes thoroughly and to Lactogen the natural quickly.
food for baby when breastLactogen is pure, fresh, fullmilk fails. Lactogen is pure cream modified dried nilk, extra creamy milk, treated with extra cream and nat!
by special Lactogen proural milk sugar added.
cesses, until it conforms in made in all importar!
all vital respects to breastrespects exactly like breas: milk. Sturdy bone growth, milk.
healthy weight, and good digestion come naturally to a Lactogen baby.
Put your Baby on. LACTOGEN year.
LACTOGEN ACTOGEN LACTOGEN the better milk for babies!
LACTOGEN COAL SCRAMBLE. German civilian, facing a bitter winther and shortened coal the better milk for babies supply, help themselves to some of the precious fuel from Army truck at Frankfurt. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO LEA ANUNCIE EN EL OBRERO