
THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate Is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike.
YEAR IV. No. 59 PANAMA, de FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8th 1948 5c. a Copy Marshall Supports Education Effort WHAT HE WAS SIGHTING FOR The New York Times, Sept. 15 carried th efollowing editorial.
Third International Lighting Self Regulation Exposition and Conference To Be Held WASHINGTON (USIS) Se nology: Harold Willis Dobbs, Pre students studying abroad.
cretary of States George Mar sident of Princenton University; William Johnstone, Jr. Direcshall believes that the State De Martin Rawson Patrick McGuire, tor of the Peratment Office of Considerable doubht was States one former Japaness rartment educational exchange Professor of Catholic University; Educational Exchange, told the expressed during the war enemy.
program is important as a long and Mark Starr, Educational Di commission members that during as to whether all States Robert Nishiann, 23 year torr efforto improve United rector of the International Ladies the current year some 1900 grants soldiers know what they old former suicide pilot of States relationships with the peo Garmont Workers Union. will be made to Americans and were fighting for. The late the Japanese Air Force, ples of the world.
In commenting upon the devolop. citizens of other contries. Robert Jonstone of Dow has arrived in the United Secretary Marshall made the ment of the educational exchange Proffessors, students, scient statement at the opining of the program to date, Marshall cited Li ists, technical experts from the lington, Pennsylvania, who States to study at Lafayetfirst session of the United States jgures showing that the number of United States and from other coundied in the Philippines te College, Easton, PennAdvisory Commission on Educatio Foreign students now studying in tries will participate in a truly while a member of the sylvania, on the scholarnal Exchange the United States totals 21. 000. mutual exchange of ideas, know Army, had a good answar ship previded in Johnston Secretary Marshall described the This figure includes 4, 766 from La ledge and skills, thus contributing to that question, and he did will. He will take a liberal educational exchange program astin America; 7, 469 from Europe toward a better understanding of a pleasant contrast with present and the British Commonwealth; American life and institutions and ed that his 10, 000 soldier to his homeland to pass on something about it. He will arts course and then return struggles to reach understandings 46 from China and the Far East; of the life and institutions of other for world rehabilitation and stali 3, 142 from the Near East and Afri countries. he said.
insurance should be used, to his countymen the know lization.
ca. There are an estimated 5, 500 after the war was over, to ledge he has gained not onThe commission, appointed in educate in the United July by President Truman, opened ly in his courses but in our its meetings September to plan its way of life, a way where work in conection with the the welfare of the indiviinformation and educational act, dual is paramount. Robert approved by Congress last January.
Headed by Bennet Harvie BransOr Control Johntsone, dying in an alien land, gave incontrovcomb, Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, the commission consists The Third International Light usors of industrial and commercial ertible proof that he know of Karl Taylor Compton, President ing Exposition and Conference will lighting, and architects and con If more and more authorities what he had been fighting of Massachusetts Institute of Tech be hold at the Stevens Hotel in sulting enginsors.
continue to publish statistics on for.
Chicago from March 29 through the vastly increasing world populaApril 1, 1949.
Persons interested may write fortion and the need conservation information to the Third Interna of natural recourses to ensure its His conference will be of special tional Exposition, 326 West Mad support, perhaps the government interest to electrical contractors, ison Street, Room 818, Chicago, will feel more and more inclined utility lighting and power men, Ilinois.
to regulate farm and forest lands to prevent cresion and loss of valuable top soil.
United States Parcel Post Extends To That the trand toward control in (Turn to Page 7)
Other Americas packages and for sending them WASHINGTON (USIS) The The postage rates and the size via registered mail and collect onUnited States Post Office Depart and weight limitations for pack.
delivery (C. ment is new providing air parcel ages mailed are in line with those cel post, both domestic and interPostal officials consider air parpost service to 14 other American prevoiusly established for transrepublis. The new service went into a ilantic air parcel post. They vary national, a valuable means of exeffect September three days for individual countries, on the pediting the movement of packafter introduction of domestic air basis of mileage and other conages small enough to be placed in parcel post in the United States. ziderations. Minimum rate in all regular mail bags.
American countries included in cases in board on four ounce pack. Chief users of the new service, the service are Argentina, Bolivia, ases, with the rate increasing in from the standpoint of volume, are Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominicana: ultiples of four ounces.
expected to include drug houses, Republic Ecuador, Guatemala, Hai Facilities have been made avail. companies dealing in small parishA mother says: ti Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvable in the 14 participating countable items, and those shipping. never had a dor, Uruguay and Venezuela. cies for insuring parcel post small machine tools and parts.
moment illnessI have never missed one night sleep with baby Boasts proud Father simply because she is able Many a splendid baby to digest every mouthful of owes its sound constitution Lactogen.
to Lactogen the natural Lactogen is as light and food for baby when breastdigestible as breast milk; milk fails. Lactogen is pure it is just like breast milk too extra creamy milk, treated in bone building materials by special Lactogen proand flesh forming proteins.
Ceases, until it conforms in Babies thrive on Lactogene ah vital respects to breastfor Lactogen gives them milk. Sturdy bone growth, every bit of nourishment healthy weight, and good they need, in the most eas.
digestion come naturally ily assimilable form.
to a Lactogen baby.
Put your baby on Put your Baby on COX ACTOGEN ACTOGEN NEBO ம NESTLE EN One hundred and eighty sailors of the United States Na line up the Navy Lockheed Constitution, a huge airplane designed to carry 168 passengers a 12man crew, shortly after its arrival at Patuxent, Maryland, following it 2, 6000 mile (4, 160 kilometers) nostop flight across the United States in 10 hours and 20 minutes. The aircraft weighs 92 tons (84 metric tons. has a wing span of 189 feet. 56. meters. and fuselage lenght of 156 feet (46. meters. It is a low mid wing monoplane distinguished by a two deck fuselage. If passengers are carried on the upper deck only, 7, 375 feet (2, 212. meters) of cargo space become available below. Unique quadruple landings on runways designed for much smaller alrplanes.
The new transport has two electrically operated cargo hoists with a combined lifting power of 10, 000 10, 000 LACTOGEN ponds (4, 536 kilograms. The arrangements of the oist arms permit lifting of cargo from the ground directly into the plane. SD 50168. This photo is released to publications in all countries, except in cities of the better milk for babies France and cities of the American Republics with populations of more than 250, 000. LACTOGEN the better milk for babies BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO