
THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike.
WORKMAN LINCOLN YEAR IV. No. 58 PANAMA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th. 1948 5c. a Copy United States Press Comments SCHOOL OPENS IN SEPTEMBER On Gran Colombiana customs the SUCCESSOR TO HORACE MANN SCHOOL OPENS IN SEPTEMBER NEW YORK. USIS. Expri. American studies were emphasized mental School, Inc. will open its at Horace Mann, and teachers doors in September. It is the from other American republics sucessor to the well known Horace were employed as language and Mann Lincoln experimental educa history structers.
WASHINGTON. USIS) Com Bogota. The MONITOR con forward step not only for build tion school of Columbia University The Horace Mann School was ents in the United States press tinued: ing up Latin American trade, but Tenchers College, which for more morged in 1943 with the newer generally favor the Gran Colom Political unity is being achiev as a constructive move in the than half a century played a lead Lincoln speritual school, also adbiana Union recentry formed ated through the UN and the new struggle for world economic re ing role in early inter american ministraed by the Teachers Quito by Ecuador, Colombia, Ve. Organization of American States covery.
cultural activities. The Horace College.
nezuela and Panama. Just as OAS is an avowed re Proper implementation of the Mann Lincoln School was closed Editorials refer to the plan for gional organization of the United pact could not do otherwise than last June by. Teachers College The building sccupied by the economic and coopera Nations. SO the Grancolombia strengthen the economics of the trustees.
combined schools will be taken tion among the four countries as economic system is an avowed four nations, the BALTIMORE over by the New York City public constructive and sound. They intraregional organization. part of the Teachers College schools systm. But the traditions EVENING SUN said. Its editorial recognize obstacles arising The NEW YORK HERALD continued: since 1891, the Horace Mann and principles of the Horace Mann from the diverse domestic econo TRIBUNE commented on si Nations which much import school was named for the United school system will be carried on mies involved, exchange control. milarit of the Latin American necessities have a special stake States educator who was a con by Experimental School, Inc.
and other problems.
The new institution was made Robert Shellaby, Latin Amer formed in 1944 by Belgim, the templated in the Quito Charter. gentine educator and statesman, possible by a vigorous campaign ican editor of the CHRISTIAN Netherlands, and Luxembourg, Barriers which deny entry to Domingo Faustino Sarmiento.
carried out by friends and patrons in SCIENCE MONITOR, called the which have close ecomic as well goods available both neighboring In Union a step toward ideals. He as geographic connections. The countries, or which add signiti were pioneer champions of free of the closed school. They raised stated that the countries signing TRIBUNE editorial stated. cantily to the cost of importing public schools in the Western a subscription fund of 1000, the Quito pact felt that it expe Such sucess of a joint venture such goods, perpetuate depressed Hemisphere. During his travels in bought the 15, 000 volume Horace auction, dites achievement of ideals to among the Latin American coun living standards. If trade im the United States, Sarmiento was Mann library at public the which they are committed under tries gives support to the concept blances which might result from closely associated with Horace recemployed the United Nations Charter, the held elsewhere in the world that lifting these barriers can be offset Mann and his wife. He took back faculty, and secured quarters for Charter, the Charter of the Amer economic cooperation between by enlightoned economic coopera with him to Argentina not only the new school in a New York icas, and the economic pact of neighboring nations is a streng tion among the nations involved, their ideas on free education but Community Center.
thening move toward mutual pros an affective customs union can a number of North American (Turn to Page 7)
raise living standards which stand teachers to assist him in institutbadly in need of a boost upwards. ing a school system. The Benelux project has so the flourished that it now includes United States in 1861 as ArgenGreat Britain and France and is tina Foreign Minister and concalled EDUCATION Western European tinued his friendship with the Union. The long dreamed of Scandinavian common economic That man, think, has had Meanns. His greatest patriotic was translat policy and customs union seems a liberal education who has ed by Mrs. Mann into English to be nearing reality in 1868. The Charter of Quito shows his body is the ready servant that even countries which have of his will and does with ease large part in drawing visiting These intimated ties played a damaged by and pleasure all the work Latin american teachers and stuthe war believe the way stand to that, as a mechanism, it is dents, at Columbia University to gain through economic coopera capable of; whose intellect the Horace Mann school for obtion with their neighbors. The is a clear, cold logic engine, servation outstanding Gran Colombiana plan appears a (Turn to Page 7)
teacher training curricula.
most of old Sarmiento returned to the of its LatinBaby has improved a great deal. on LACTOGEN Bubbling with health thanks to LACTOGEN You can see steady progress when Baby is put on Lac ogen. Growth is solid and healthy, bone is denie, flesh firm, nerves steady, because Lactogen nourishes thoroughly and quickly Lactogen is pure, fresh, fullcream modified dried milk, with extra cream and nat.
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Lactogen, which conforms in every important particular with breastmilk, gives Baby all the vital nourishment she needs.
Lactogen is pure, safe, balanced food developing for Baby strong dense bone, firm flesh, healthy skin and ensuring steady Seated at his desk in the executive offices of the White House, Washington, President Harry Truman of the United States signs the bill passed by the United States Congress autorizing a 65, 000, 000 progress.
interest free loan to the United Nations for the construction of its headquarters in New York City. Put your Baby on Looking on as the President affixes his signature are left to right) Secretary of State George Marshall; Trygve Lie, Secretary General of the United Nations; Mayor William Dwyer of New York City; Representative Charles Eaton of New Jersey, chairman of the House of Representative Foreign Affairs Committee and chairman of the House Select Committee on Foreign Aid; Warren ustin, United States representative to the United Nations; Senator Tom Connally of Texas, ranking minority member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; and Representative Sol Bloom of New York, member of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee. The resolution provides an immediate advance of 25, 000, 000 by the United States Reconstruction Finance Corporation which will enable the United Nations to start construction at an early date. Signing the act, President Truman stated that the loan demonstrates our faith in the future of the United Nations and expresses the welcome which that organization finds within our country. It is another example of the solidarity of the American people in behalf of our national policy of strengthening the United Nations and the cause of world peace and security for which it stands. SD 50170. the better milk for babies ACTOGEN ACTOGEN NESTLE NO DOC LACTOGEN the better milk for babies LACTOGEN BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO