
THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike.
WORKMAN LINCOLN YEAR IV No. 57 PANAMA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 st. 1948 5c. a Copy Huge New Airport Is Boon To International Air Travel Slave Labor In Soviet Russia a any facts to NEW YORK (USIS. Aviation to appear in 1950 and designed to that communism in Soviet Russia and to meet other expenses. Be.
Many Americans do not realize, and luxury for top Soviet officials and lose of life.
experts believe that the recently fly from London to New York in depends upon a vast system of cause of the inefficiency of the Reason For The inaugurated New York Internatio hours.
nal Airport at Idlewild, on Jamaislave labor. This system comprises police state system, exploitation of Iron Curtain hundred On opening day, six foreign air over concentration this submerged class of workers ca Bay, will grettly stimulate in lines already had signed leaces to camps where millions of prison is necessary to cover costs.
The Soviet government shrouds ternational air travel and perhaps transfer their operations from ers live behind barbed wire and this huge slave system in the utencourage the production of evernearby LaGuardia Field to Inter are driven to work 10 to 12 or more The work of prisoners from con most secrecy. This is one of the larger planes, including jet propel national Airport. Two of them hours each day by armed guards, centration camps is supplemented main reasons for the iron curtain, led transports for commercial air Linea Aeropostal Venezolana and With this slave manpower Russia people forcibly banished from their let foreign correspondents go about by that of exiles great masses of for the Soviet could not afford to lines.
Peruvian International Airways, operates huge industries. The slave Engineers built the International operate among the American re empire, made up chiefly of Russia settled regions. These so called the people, and report. Even the homes and assigned to distant, un the country freely, observe, talk to sufficiently strong to handle any Airways had the distinction of the level of beasts of burden. Is are not contined behind barbed as far as posible, of conditions settlers Soviet citizen is kept in ignorance, transport now flying or in process landing the first passengers at the an organic part of the Soviet sysof development, such as the Boeing airairport on July 9, in advance of tem. It is essential for two reasons: wire, but live in isolated communis in the camps and the extent of the Stratocruiser, the United States the field formal inauguartion.
States Air Force postwar 36. lines are European the Bereian tator. The concentration camps are vised by a representative of the and relatives disappear if they ofthe fend officials, and that few ever a plane as big as five standard Sabena, the Scandinavian SAS, Air controlled by the police under the double purpose of removing from return. The state controlled press railway freight cars and capable France and the Dutch KIM. Sea MVD. Persons suspected of oppo their communities persons never mentions the compulsory of carrying 10 tons of boms 10, 000 board Western Airlines, a sition to the government may be miles (16, 000 kilometers. United States all cargo carrier to seized by the MVD and without suspected of opposing the regime, migration of millions of men to the Experts say the new airport Europe, the Near and Middle East, trial sent to a concentration camp, and of populating the vast unsettled east and north. Letters from the regions and building new in. camps, if the inmates are physicbuilt by the Port of New York also will operate from International Airport.
The country is covered by a net. austries. These settlers are paid ally able to write after their exAuthority, also will handle the prowork of spies and informers who wages, but their food is rationed hausting work are so severely cenjected British Comet, a civilian The new field was designed to watch everyone and report to the according to the amount of work sored that they may not tell the transport four jet plane scheduled play a leading part in developing MVD any conversations or acts they do. Few ever return.
the New York region as an aerial which seem to indicate opposition crossroads of the world. It will to the government or failure to How Many Slave Laborers handle most of New York Intern carry out its orders. From such Some have estimated the numational and long haul traffic. La persons the MVD recruits its man ber in concentration camps as high Guardia Field will handle most of power for the camps. 2) To carry as 20 million. Mr. Dallin uses a the short haul passenger traffic while the neighboring Newark out hard and particularly disagree conservative figure of to 12 New Jersey) Airport will be used able kinds of work and to make a million in 1947, after careful exammostly for freight.
profit for the state. This slave laination of all evidence. Mr. Kravbor is used for mining, road build chenko states that during the war It is estimated that Internation ing. lumbering, etc. in Arctic In officials circles twenty million al Airport eventually will handle regions where free labor will not became the accepted estimate not 1, 000 planes in and out daily, and because of the bitter cold and including the boys and girls from more than 10, 000, 000 passengers a inhuman conditions. In these and 14 to 16 forcibly torn away from year. With an eye to still further increased demands plans already many other projects, the prisoners their parents and assigned are being laid for still another air are given barely enough food and regions where manpower shortport in the area.
housing to keep them alive. This ages were sharpest. The war incan be done at about one third the dustries of the USSR, like those of To handle a potential record flow cost of a free worker wage in Germany, rested primarily on slave of traffic from South America, USSR and the state thus make a labor.
Europe, and Africa, International large profit from their work. This Airport was built some eight times profit is used to provide wealth estimate that today at least one in In any case it is conservative to larger than LaGuardia Field, and is the largest commecial airport every six men over 18 in USSR, in the world. Statistics tell the and possibly one in every four men, mother says: story of its size. It covers 4, 527 is in concentration camp. Every. never had a acres (1, 832 hectares. has come the last week in July.
man knows that he may at any moment illness have never missed one The President, as Chief of State, time be seized for forced labor, nine miles (14. kilometers) of expressed the nation hope for night sleep with baby runways, six miles (9. kilome. Chief of the armed forces, he wited misdeed for which he is con. Many a splendid baby Boasts proud Father simply because she is able world peace. As Commander in even if he is innocent of the allegof taxiways and 20 miles (32 meters) of roads to digest every mouthful of It has 60 miles (96 kilometers) of ne the field. nessed a thundering demonstration demned. About 10 of the inmates owes its sound constitution Lactogen.
drainage pipe, 24 miles ess kile of the nation air strength by of the camps are women, some of about 900 military planes. He said whom were sentenced because Lactogen is as light and meters) of water mains, and hund this demonstration was convincing they failed to report to the MVD food for baby when breast to Lactogen the natural reds of miles of electric conduits. evidence of our determiantion to the alleged digestible as breast milk; To build it required six years and remain strong in the cause counterrevolutionary lit is just like breast milk too the expenditure of 200, 000, 000.
of activities of their husbands, fathers milk fails. Lactogen is pure peace.
or brothers. At least one of the extra creamy milk, treated in bone building materials International Airport is situated The President emphasized the camps has a, considerable number by special Lactogen proand flesh forming proteins. in the Borough of Queens (a part theme of peace and Liberty for of children. The system represents cesses, until it conforms in Babies thrive on Lactogene land, and is a short drive by auto was built in the conviction that ver heretofore attained and of New York City. on Long Is all. International Airport, he said. a degree of coercion of labor ne ali vital respects to breastfor Lactogen gives them every bit of nourishment center on Manhattan Island. It was mearcel ultiair travel and air com based on absolute contempt for milk. Sturdy bone growth, noted that international passengers imp healthy weight, and good described the airimportance.
He they need, in the most eas.
arriving at International Airport port the front door for the In addition to those in concen. digestion come naturally ily assimilable form. during its first days were able to United Nations, and said that by tration camps, the number of exiles to a Lactogen baby.
Put your baby on clear immigration and customs ins improving communications between required to do forced labor runs Put your Baby on pection and be on their way into various parts of the earth the air into millions; even their aproxithe city more quickly than those port would aid in the success of the mates number has not been esimatpassengers landing at ever crowd United Nations.
ed LaGuardia Field. We welcome International Air Forced labor in Soviet Russia is The importance which the United port, he said, because it will help a class more numerous and ecoStates assigns to international air so greatly in the free and rapid nomically no less important than travel was shown by the presence exchange of goods. That is the that of free workers in industry.
of President Truman and New essence of international trade and the development of great in York Governor Thomas Dewey, prosper. Because International Air lustries in the northeast, pointed LACTOGEN in this year presidential election, vel, it will promote the internation has been accomplished almost enthe beiter mille for babies at impressive ceremonies dedicat al understanding that makes for tirely with forced labor, with imthe better milk for babies ing International Airport during peace. mense human suffering, brutality BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTOJ. CASTILLERO as ACTOGEN ACTOGEN NET the Republican Party candidate port will encourage foreign air tra to as a major Soviet achievement. LACTOGEN