Civil WarCommunismDemocracyItalyStrikeWorld War

Página 15 EL OBRERO Panamá, Domingo de Julio de 1948 UNITED STATES CELEBRATES Wilson Voiced Feeling Of Americas In 1918 Independence Day Speech FLAC DAY ON JUNE 14 On July Fourth, 1917 the first after year, within the security of United States combat troops our borders, we have continued to reached Paris on their way to the rejoice in the peaceful increase of Western Front during World War freedom and democracy throughOne.
out the world. And yet, now we are WASHINGTON (USIS. Henry and 15 stars, that was flying over their youthful voices pledging alThe following year, 1918, Presi. confronted with a menace which Ward Beecher, one of the United Fort McHenry, Maryland, during legiance to the flag of the United States most eloquent and respect the bombardment by the English States of America and to the Re dent Woodrow Wilson expressed has won. We are face to face the necessity of asserting ed 19th Century orators, once said: fleet on the nights of September public for which it stands; one the reacion of the peoples of the with thoughtful find, when it sees 13 14, 1814, that inspired Francis nation indivisible, with liberty and Americas whenever they felt li. anew the fundamental right of berty threatened in his Indepen. free men to make their own laws a nation f sees not the flag Sconn Key to write The Star justice for all.
alone but ation itself: And Spanglid Banner. now the natio.
and choose their own allegiance, The last two stars, bringing the dence Day message.
President Wilson said: whatever may be its symbols, its nal anthem of the United States. Agregar: UNITED STATES or else permit humanity to become insignia, he reads chiefly in the By 1818, when there were 20 total to the present; 48, were ad We have heard the demand and the victim of a ruthless ambition flag the government, the principles states in the Union and the prosp. ded July 4, 1812 in recognition or watched the struggle for a sell that is determined to destroy what the truths, the history that belong. ect of the creation of more, it was the admission to the Union of the government spread and triumph it can not master.
ed to the nation that sets it forth evident that the addition of a states of New Mexico and Arizona, among many peoples.
Many a thoughtful American will stripe for each new State would The celebration of June 14 as We have come to regard the Agains its threat the liberty.
repeat those words on June 14, result in an unwieldy flag. That Flag Day was established, or rath right to political liberty as the loving people of the world have when the United States celebrates year, Congress voted that the flag er nationalized, by a proclamatiea common right of humankind. Year risen and allied themselves.
the 171st anniversary of the adop should contain 13 alternate red and issued May 30, 1916, by President tervene in the event of trouble, tion by the Continental Congress white stripes, representing the ori. Woodrow Wilson.
but no immediate disorders were of the Stars and Stripes as the ginal 13 States of the Union, and President Wilson proclamation reported.
national emblem of the then recent that a star should be added for urged that the anniversary of the Flying squads of guards in ly formed United States of Amer each new state on the Fourth of day upon which the flag of the Unitswift jeeps took up strategic, positions, and Interior Minister Marica July foliowing its admission to the ed States was adopted by Congress io Scelba said they were on hand It was in Philadelphia, on June Union.
as the emblem of the Union be to guarantee the right to strike 14, 1777, that the Continental Con When the first shot of the Civil given special significance as a day for strikers and the right to work gress passed a resolution declaring War was fired in 1861, the flag had of renewal and reminder, a day ROME, July (INS. Almost a in the walk out.
for those unwilling to participate that the Flag of the United States 33stars, but in July of that year an upon which we should direct our million Italian workers quit their Rome workers are holding a jobs at noon today in a 12 hour mass protest meeting in the Rome be 13 stripes, alternated red and other star was added for Kansas, minds with a special desire of re.
general strike called by the Com Colosseum this afternoo and othwhite; that the union be 13 stars, and before the Civil War ended newal to thoughts of the ideals munist led Italian Confederation er demonstrations ap planned for white in a blue field representing the admission of West Virginia and principles of which we have of Workers in protest against gov Milan, Turin and Genoa.
a new constellation.
brought th etotal of stars to 35. sought to make our great governernment labor policies. last minute agreement enabThere was no chage in the numb There were 44 stars on the Unit ment the embodiment.
led shops to remain open, but Marshall Plan Pact er of stars or stripes from this ed States flag in 1892, when James This proclamation gave author. transportation was paralyzed and Adopted By Denmark adopted design until 1794, when Upham, a member of the edito itative national expression to the Congress in recognition of the ad. rial staff of YOUTH COMPA. sentiment which, for years, had shut down. It was Italy first nationwide walk out in six months. Both houses of the Danish ParlCOPENHAGEN, July (INS)
mission of Vermont and Kentucky, NION wrote the original of the been accumulating in favor of a Police and troops were confin iament today voted to add two stripes, and two PLEDGE TO THE FLAG, which general observance of Flag Day, ed to their barracks ready to in dopted the United States Marshall overwhelmingly stars, one for each of the new slightly modified is now recited and set the keynote for this paSPA Plan agreement with Denmark States.
daily by millions of school child triotic observance down to the Only Communists opposed it.
It was this flag, with 15 stripes ren throughout the United States, present.
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