FranceItalyStrikeViolenceWorld War

THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you.
WORKMAN Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike. LINCOLN.
YEAR IV. No. 55 PANAMA, FRIDAY, 11th, 1948 5c. a Copy DELEGATES GATHER FOR TROPICAL MEDICINE CONGRESS mar has are met, that ase full of both such as disease, tha: by internecine strife of his own kind. This spirit of generous cooperation for the common good, am isure, will permeate all your meetings and will assure the notable sucess which and my fellow Americans wish for your joint congresses.
Washington (USIS) Scientists sons during the war, and the war Following is the full text hun endeavor. Statesman and doctors, and public health experts time breakdown in normal scien address by Secretary of State men of affairs usually and unfor VA Actas To End from 41 countries have been arriv. tific interchange prevented dis Marshall at the opening ceremo tunately must deal with urgent, ing in Washington for the fourth semination of much other vital ir nies of the Congresses on Tropical immediate problems the effects, Racket Of Bonus meeting of the International Con formation.
Medicine and Malaria: and not the causes, of the discords gresses on Tropical Medicine and Stressing the importance of the On behalf of the government that Malaria, which convened May 10. meeting, officials here pointed aut and the people of the United Seldom are we able to get at the human relationships. Pay On Homes About 2, 000 people are expected to nat the tropics are the home of States, welcome this distinguish remedy for the mass misery that Washington. The Vetterans Adparticipate in what will be one of early half of the human race, and ed gathering of scientists, phys. develops discontent, misunders ministration launched a drive to the largest international meetings hat the conquest of tropical cians and public health officials to tanding and violence. That is your end the side payment racket to ever held here.
disease is necessary if these peo Washington. We are honored to be particular province, in which you builders of GI homes, Secretary of State Marsahll ad ples are to attain decente living host to your joint congresses and labor as benefactors of mankind. The agency issued a warning dressed the opening session Mon the growing interchange of people with other government agencies the prosperous and the well fed any veteran who puts out off theconditions. Air transportation and the Department of State, along It would be a great gain if all that action will be taken against day. The meeting is sponsored by between the tropic and the tem and professional societies, is happy realized as well as yau do that the record money for a house under a cooperation with other interested perate zones in recent years also to sponsor your sessions.
goverment agencies.
made formerly localized Since your last meeting at plain people of the earth are sitll builder or lender who accepts it.
diseases a world wide danger. Amsterdam in 1938, the world has primarily and necessarily concern. It is against the law to pay more The congresses will discuss the The last International Congress passed through a terrible ordeal ed with the rudiments of lifethan the appraised value. abundance of new knowledge, on Tropical Medicine and Malaria which threatened to cancel out the enough food to eat, clothes to new methods, and new materials was held in Amsterdam in 1938.
wear, decent shelter, and relief relating to the control of tropical The current meeting will ther painfully achieved through cen thom progress mankind had slowly and hunger, pain, and debilitating MARRIED OMEN IN Chicago. man with a briefcdiseases developed as a result of efore consider scientific develop turies of sacrifice and toil. By a sickness. Until these fundamental the war. Some of this knowledge ments during the past 10 years. supreme effotr civilization was needs somehow statistics put the was suppressed for security rea Since many tropical maladies saved and in the process negyeddiso degree of development which is hopes that marriage is the logical human race can never achieve the damper yesterday on any girlish are spread by insect vectors, reports will stress results of experi the store of man accumulated necessary to a peaceful, contented way to keep out of the wagelearner class.
ments in the mass use of powerful knowledge. The human race has world.
new insecticides, such as DDT, in been given another opportunity to The conquest of diseases which controlling disease at the source. develop an enlightened and endur held millions weak and inefficient, synthesized and advances in the reassertion of man constructive stuffs on lands now yielding little field of tropical nutrition also talents, as examplified by this are tremondously important rehave an important place on the gathering of delegates from 41 queriments of the world situation.
program countries, is reassuring to our The tropical regions, in large Dr. Leonard Scheele, Surgeon hopes for the future.
measure, hold the key to General of the Public Health The concentration of some of these necessary advance. They Service, will be chairman of the the best minds and most zealous produce large quantities of magathering. The congresses and sprits of many lands on comon terials required by the industrial May 18.
objectives in these conference is areas of the temperate zones, but Oficial delegates from the fol convincing evidence that our world the potentials of the tropics largely lowing countries will attend: is not a conglomeration of goe remain to be developed. The troAfghanistan, Australia, Austria, graphic entities but a vast niegh pical countries do import indusBelgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, borhood of peoples. We can fly trial products, but that market is Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Dom around the world now in less time only a fraction ow what it might nican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, than is required for incubation of be.
Finland, France, Greece, Haiti, most diseases. In this modern The tropics are the habitation Baby has improved Bubbling with health Honduras, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, world isolation in the medical of perhaps half the human race, a great deal. on Lebanon, Liberia, Mexico, Nother sense is as impossible as political but a large portion of these people thanks to lands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Pa and economic isolation.
lack greatly in the advantages of nama, Portugal, Philippines, Saudi There is no way we can escape modern civilization. chief factor LACTOGEN Arabia, Siam, Sweden, Switzer the consequences of each other in restricting improvement in land, Union of South Africa, Unit mischief or misfortune. There is no these respects is tropical disease.
ed Kingdom, United States, Uru acceptable alternative to learning Little imagination is required to.
That sparkling vitality guay, Venezuela.
to live together in harmony and visualize the great increase in the You can see steady proRepresentatives of a dozen inter well being.
comes from perfect health production of food and raw ma gress when Baby is put on governmental organizationss will The professiones you represent terials, the the health whichi Lactogen also take part.
lare in the forefront of this great trade, and above all the improve Lactogen. Growth is solid and brings. Lactogen, which ment in living conditions, with healthy, bone is consequent social and cultural dense, flesh firm, nerves advances, that would result from tant particular with breastthe conquest of tropical diseases.
steady, because Lactogen milk, gives Baby all the This situation presents a chal nourishes thoroughly and Washington (USIS) George Before entering the diplomatic lenge that, like the equater, cuts quickly.
vital nourishment she needs. Shaw, the United States Ambas service Shaw worked with the across national boudaries and Lactogen is pure, safe, sador designate to Nicaragua, has United States Civil Service Com local interests. It is an internatio Lactogen is pure, fresh, fullbalanced food develop diplomatic service at posts in the with the United States Shipping by a pooling of the genius and the with extra cream und nat.
cream modified dried milk, ing for Baby strong dense other American Board. native of Pittsburg, Kansas, bone, firm flesh, healthy where he was born on September tradition, he began his career as standpoint has been demonstrated resources of many nations. That it In true United States diplomatic is not insoluble from the medical ural milk sugar added, made in all important skin and ensuring steady 15, 1892, Shaw studied business consul serving first at Tam by numerous projects with which progress.
administration, with emphasis on pico, Mexico. He has spent the you are respects exactly like breastfamiliar. The task of Put your Baby on foreign trade and languages, and following 28 years mainly in Hon convincing the government and milk.
read law privately in Washington, duras, Mexico and Ecuador, with peoples most concerned of the before entering the Foreign brief periods of duty with the feasibility of controlling and Service in 1920.
Department in Washington. eventually eradicating Earlier, during World War I, he He was there as assistant chief throughout the tropics will be had graduated from the United of the Division of Foreign Activity measurably advanced by the disStates Navy Officers Training Correlation from March 8, 1943 cussions at this conference of the School at Hampton Roads, Vir until November, 1944, when he latest discoveries of research and ginia, and later served with the was appointed counselor of the the modern techniques in public Pacific Fleet.
embasey at Quito, Ecuador, where health.
Last August, Shaw attended the he has remained until now. The achievements and the aims First Congress of Touriam and In 1924 Shaw the of the cooperative effort reLACTOGEN the better milk for babies man of the United States delega two children, Donald Price and emphasize anew that man has far ibe better milk for babies tion.
Barry Shaw presented by these meetings ÇACTOGEN conforms in every impor. Shaw named Ambassador to Nicragua republics.