EnglandStrikeWorld War

THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
if no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike.
WORKMAN LINCOLN YEAR III NO 53 PANAMA, SATURDAY, 22th, 1948 5c. a Copy United States Resumes Study Awards Under Buenos Aires Convention United States Trade With Other American Republics Johnson Named New United States Ambassador To Brazil Washington (USIS. Two way republies included coffee, sugar, trade between the United States nonferrous metal, textiles fibers, Washingto (USIS) This year, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, grants in aid, veterans benefits, or for the first time since the war, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, other assistance, or who have li and the other American republics and petroleum products, as in oththe United States will resume its Haiti, Honduras, México, Nicara. mited funds to carry out worth total in 1947.
rose to an unprecedentedly large er recent years.
Traditionally, with only few exprogram of fellowships and supple gua, Paraguay, Peru and Venezue. while projects. The amount of mentary or tracel grants for gra la.
theseawards varies according to in review of this 1947 trade flow ceptions, the United States imports from the American republics have duate study in the other American dividual needs.
publisshed in a recent issue of the exceeded exports to that area. ReThe United States students serepublics, under the provisions of Foreign Commerce Weekly shows versal of this pattern during 1947. The convention for the promo that United States imports from as in 1946, is attributed to the large the Buenos Aires Convention for lected for these fellowships this the promotion of inter American year will be sent to colleges in the tion of inter American cultural rethe other American republics, deferred demand for manufactured cultural relations other American republics begin. lations was signed at Buenos Aires valued at 2, 150, 000 000, in artcles built up during the war in The United States Office of Edu. ning July In general, they will be in 1936. It provides for the annual creased 65 percent over the war these countries and the increased under 35 years of age, with bache reciprocal exchange of graduate time 1941 1945 average and 22 per availability of such goods in the cation recently announced resumption of the program. During the lor degree of equivalent, a satisf students and teachers. The councent over the preceding year. Ex United States.
war, due largely to transportation actody knowledge of the languaje tries awarding fellowships pay tui ports to that area advanced to a stringencies, the awarding of these of country where studies will be tion fees and maintenance of stud record high of 3, 857, 000, 000, or 81 This, article points out, created fellowships to United States stud conducted, and will have presented ents; the nominating governments percent greater than in 1946.
some financial problems in 1947, ents was suspended. Since the end suitable plan of study or a re or individual students pay travel While price rises contributed to intensified by the fact that Latin or the war a large number of Unit search topic which has been ap costs.
American accounts in Europe were the high value or trade in 1947, the ed States students have gone to proved by supervising professors.
Twenty six students from the article points out that indexes of not readily convertible into United study in the other American repTravel and maintenance grants other American republics came to volume which eliminate the influ States dollars. The European Recoublics under the Bill of Rights are suppimentary awards to estud the United States under this pro encemoe Yuctuations in price indi very Program, which authorizes The fellowship program provides ents who have already obtained gram in 1946 47. 1, 500, 000, 000 for purchases in the cate that United States exports to for the exchange of two graduate Latin America were more next 15 months in Latin America, than students each year between the United States and each of the folfour times as large as in 1938 and is expected to contribute considerlowing countries: Panamá, Bolivia, 55 percent above 1946, shipments. ably to the solution of these probde Iems.
The volume of imports into the United States from that area was slightly smaller than the total in 1946, despite the 22 percent increase in value, but it was 86 per Washington (USIS. Herschel first secretary of the Embassy at cent larger than in 1938.
Johnson, the newly nominated Unit Mexico City, the following year, ed States Ambassador to Brazil, and from 1930 to 1934 was Chief of Mutual interdependence of these has been in the diplomatic service the Division of Mexican Affairs of areas continued to be demonstratsince 1920.
the Department of State.
ed during 1947. During that year veteran of World War I, John.
the other Americaan republics purHe spent the next seven years in son first served as third secretary England, and in 1941 was appointed chased 27 percent of total United of the United States legation at Minister to Sweden, remaining in States exports, a record proportion Berne, Switzerland. His next as that post throughout the Second and they furnished 38 percent of signment took him to Sofia, Bulga World War.
United States merchandise imria, where he served as second seports, a larger share than any othcretary of the legation during 1922 When he left Sweden in 1946 the er trade area.
Stockholm newspaper Svenska Dag and 1923.
bladet commented editorially: The industrialization and moderAfter two years in Washington, During a very important and criti. nization program under way in with the Department of State Dical period Mr. Johnson has handled several of the other American repvision of Near Eastern Affairs, the frequently delicate negotiation, ublics stimulated United States ex Baby has improved Bubbling with health Johnson began seven years of serv. between his country and Sweden ports of Industrial machinery, iron a great deal. on ice in the inter American field. He with an understanding of Sweden and steel products and other cap.
thanks to was second secretary at Tegucigal position which his keen intelligital equipment.
pa, Honduras, from 1927 to 1928, ence quickly gave him. Many Swedes hoped his tenure would be extended. With genuine regret they over 1946, totaling 474, 000, 000, in showed an increase of 82 percent 1947. Large shipments of powerThat sparkling vitality You can see steady proJohnson had been called home by generating machinery and large comes from perfect health. Seen As Aid gress when Baby is put on President Truman to serve as Dep amounts of mining and construcuty States Representative on the tion machinery made up the great Lactogen. Growth is solid United Nations.
er portion of this total.
and is brings.
healthy, bone Lactogen, which dense, flesh firm, nerves Commenting on his present nomconforms in every imporIron and steel mill products, an.
Minneapolis. The standards of ination, the NEW YORK TIMES Other of the principal commodities steady, because Lactogen tant particular with breastthe National Apprenticeship Pro states that although he had the in the 1947 export trade with the nourishes thoroughly and milk, gives Beby all the gram is a a part of the American rank oë Ambassador at the United American republics, advanced to vital nourishment she needs. know how which could be ex Nations, his appointment as Am 334, 000, 000 in 1947 from 183, 999.
ported to Europe to our mutual bassador to Brazil is considered a 000 in 1946.
Lactogen is pure, safe, advantage, William Patterson, promotion in recognition of his Lactogen is pure, fresh, fullbclanced food develop Director of the Bureau of Appren work at the United Nations. During 1947 leading United cream modified dried milk, ticeship, said at the graudation ing for Baby strong dense At his new post Johnson succe States imports from the American with extra cream und nat.
exercises of the Twin City Build eds William Pawley, who resignbone, firm flesh, healthy ing Trades Joint Apprenticeship ed recently and is currently in Boural milk sugar added, Committees.
skin and ensuring steady made in all important for months beyond gotá as a member of the United program respects exactly like breastprogress.
Patterson said that one of the States delegation to the Ninth In March 31.
The Senate committee aciton things this nation should do for ternational Conference of Amer.
Put your Baby on some of the nations less industrialican States.
would allow FHA to insure an ad ly developed than ours is to exditional 600, 000, 000 worth port skills. either by supplying Senate Group home loans.
men, or with our methods and pro Extends FHA The House has passed a bill to cedures of continue the power year and of producing them. He additional instructional instructional Pros 2, 000, 000, 000 worth of loans. Up techniques, but also to now FHA has insured loans for the method of American employ 4, 950, 000, 000.
er employe cooperation to advance Washington. The Senate Banktheir mutual well being as exemp. ing and Currency Committe by a lified by voluntary joint manage unanimous vote authorized the bills, evaluation of homes would the better milk for babies the better milk for babies ment labor participation in ap continuance of the Federal Housing be on normal value, rather than prenticeship.
Administration mortgage loan current cost as at present. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO of industrial machinery LACTOGEN LACTOGEN Traiing Plane now see him leave.
the health whici Laciogen To Europe of HacTOGEN ACTOGEN NESTLE LACTOGEN Under both Senate and House LACTOGEN