
THE Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike.
To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you.
WORKMAN LINCOLN 5c. a Copy YEAR III 52 PANAMA, SATURDAY 10th, 1948 TOMAS DIONISIO ARAUZ 1948 Citizens of West Indian VOTE Parents for the Candidate VOTE of the native for the Friend Agriculturists of the Criollos 1952 mother says: efforts a have never missed one night sleep with baby simply because she is able to digest every mouthful of Lactogen.
Lactogen is as light and digestible as breast milk; it is just like breast milk too in bone building materials and flesh forming proteins.
Babies thrive on Lactogen, for Lactogen gives them every bit of nourishment they need, in the most eas. ily assimilable form.
Put your baby on Members of the Luz del Ist. discharge from his past, 713. Mr. Araúz remo Lodge of the Independ with the government as presented the mass of agric. never had a ent Order of Mechanics, chief of the Labor Office in ultural laborers in the fields Fraternal Society who have Panama.
moment illnessbefore that grand gathering within the Lodge laboured FOR THESE MERITS that met at the La Boca Sta Boasts proud Father meritoriously for the deve EARNED, WE ARE ASK dium in the Canal Zone, lopment of a positive under ING ALL HIS FRATERNAL where he made a special en Many a splendid baby standing and approach be 2ROTHERS WITH THE couragin the members of the tween the brotherhood of POWER TO VOTE, TO o. in their just efforts to owes its sound constitution West Indian and Panama CAST THEIR VOTES FOR oppose racial discrimination, to Lactogen the natural nians, enjoy through their ARAUZ, FOR DEPUTY, low salary and the demands food for baby when breastspecial affection FOR THE PROVINCE OF for better treatment to milk fails. Lactogen is pure within the Order. Mr. Araúz PANAMA IN THE FORTH which as humans they have is a Past Illustrated Grand COMING ELECTIONS ON all rights.
extra creamy milk, treated and has the degree of Sir THE Sth OF MAY.
by special Lactogen proWE ALSO ASK OUR Knight. During the dictatoreal regim of Arnulfo Arias RAUZ is also today, leader MEMBERS OF THE WELL ali vital respects to breastTOMAS DIONISIO COUNTRYMEN WHO ARE cesses, until it conforms in Madrid, when West Indian of the agriculturists of Pa ORGANIZED CHAPTER Lodges were on the verge of nama, who are backing him 53 OF THE CANAL milk. Sturdy bone growth, being eliminated through in his aspirations and have ZONE TO FAVOR COM healthy weight, and good theire of a tirans, Mr. Araúz formed a vital force that RADE ARAUZ WITH digestion come naturally or Brother Araúz, was one will give him a positive vic THEIR VOTES IF YOU to a Lactogen baby.
of the first to come to their tory at the polls. In the cele WISH TO HAVEN GOOD defence. To the defence of tration of the first anniver AND FAITHFUL FRIEND Put your Baby on his persecuted brothers, sary of the Union Cana! IN THE NEXT NATIONAL reaping consiquence, Zone Employees, Chapter ASSEMBLY.
as a ACTOGEN ACTOGEN NESTLE NESTLE AV Europe has program has, to date been shipped France, 91, 285, 654. and Italy, to Austria, France and Italy, ac 47, 821, 505.
Received Third cording to a progress report by the Under the program for Greece State Department.
shipments to date have cost 20, Of Interim Aid 565, 555. Of the total of 300, 000, Procurement is under way on 000 authorized for Greece and Turgoods to cost 360, 206, 255 while key in civilian goods and military Washington, About one. shipments worth 145, 353, 627 have assistance, 127, 000, 000 has been quarter of the goods authorized bee nmade. Shipments to date to allocated for civilian goods for the under the 522, 000, 000 interim aid Austria are valued at 6, 246, 468; former.
LACTOGEN sbe better milk for babies LACTOGEN tbe better milk for babies BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO