
THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike.
WORKMAN LINCOLN YEAR III Nº 48 PANAMA, SATURDAY JANUARY 17th, 1948 5c. a Copy Cultural And Public Affairs Information Jobs New Federal Conciliation Service Swamped With Labor Dispute. Notices of in a on to WASHINGTON. USIS) De divided up by a system of alloca plies have been up, in relation to cember 16 Material shortages in tion or by operation of prices alone demand, in recent weeks.
Washinton, Notices of la notice to the other party prior to the United States are expected by is now before Congress.
Oil and gasoline, already scarce bor disputes being filed with the the expiration date of the agretrade sources to continue through If materials are to be allocated, and getting scarcer, are being Federal Mediation and Concilia ement. Inaddition, another notice inuch of 1948, due to unprecedent Congress must decide whether rationed. partly by dealers who tion Service are nearly times to the Federal Mediation and Con domestic and foreign demands. Goverment or industry should do are limiting amounts of sales to more numerous than the number ciliation Service and the approThese source say there will be the allocating Government already individual customers or by closing of notices received last year under priate States or Territorial agency more of most things next year; it allocates tin and antimony. In gasoline filling stations on Sundays the old War Labor Disputes Act. must be filed if the dispute has is just that there will not be dustry applies informal allocations and in evening hours, and also by This was revealed by Cyrus not been settled within 30 days enough to meet prospective de to other scarce products. Majority price rises which tend to limit Ching, director of the Federal thereafter. It has been the policy mands sentiment in Congress this week consumption of gasoline by mo service, in an announcement that of the Federal Mediation and Con. few months ago it appeared showed a preference for realying torists and of oil for hesting by the agency would cease to acknow ciliation Service to acknowledge that supplies of many materiales on an expended voluntary alloca home owners.
ledge receipt of 30 day dispute receipt of all such dispute notices were likely to catch up with detinos system, for the time being, notices filed as required by the and to advise the other party inands, but expected improvement Both major parties in Congress, Taft Hartley law. The practice of involved that such a notice had did not materialize in most cases. however, appears to favor exten: New Year begins, United States notice of a dispute has been re determined that the continuance Washington (USIS. As the notifying the other party that a been field. However, it has been Consequently, scarcities of many sion of export controls, now due to factories, power plants, mines, and ceived will also be discontinued, of the practice is administratively materials are being felt more expire February 29. These controls and petroleum industries are pro Ching said.
acutely again.
amount to allocation of scare goods ducing the greetest jöhysical voimpracticable.
hipped outside of the United Mr. Ching said that copies of As might be expected, prices, in States.
lume of goods, minerals, and power The act obligates an employer or such notices will continue to be many cases, have jumped to new in peacetime history. Employment union seeking to modify or ter furnished regional directors of the high levels. Wholesale prices of Extension export control is close to the 60 million job mark, minate a contract to give a 60 day service for final disposition.
all goods rose to 161. on Bureau powers was favored in all three which means that practically ofLabor Statistics index (1926 reports prepared for the President everyone who wants to work has equals 100) for week ended De. by official and semi official com a chance to do so.
Senate Confirms Men Named To Labor cember This wholesale com mittees which studied problems The year 1947 was the first year modity price index has risen involved in the United States since 1930 that the United States confirmed President Truman ap and Couciliation Service; David Washington, The Senate director of the Federal Mediation steadily since week ending June 28. participation the European Government has had a balanced Question of whether scarce ma. Recovery Program.
Morse, Under Secretary of budget. The Treasury closed the pointees to the National Labor terials in months ahead are to be The supply outlook for certain books on its fiscal year last June! Relatinos Board, Abe Murdock of Labor, and John Kmetz, Askey products in 1948 is described 30 753, 787 Utah and Copeland Gray of New sistant Secretary of Labor.
isand York. Favorable action was also by trade sources as follows: surplus. At present the budget taken the appointment of Steel is to remain in short sup. surplus is 1, 386, 405 thousand.
general ply. Steel producers are offering What is more, the national debt, Robert Denham as counsel for the NLRB.
to set aside more steel, voluntari. which was about 280 billions in Mr. Truman gave reces appointly, forrailroad aquipment, par. 1946, has dropped below 257 bilments to these men when the first ticularly freight cars, and other lion for the first time since June, essential uses. Next year supply 1945. The gold holding of the session of the 80th Congress of finished steel is estimated at Treasury now amount to 22, 729 adjourned without taking action 58. to 59. million metric tons, million, 2, 252 million more than a on his recommendations.
Additional appointments confirmcompared to a 1947 total of about year ago. The rates of gold notes 57. million metric tons. But and the deposite of the Federaled by the Senate without objection included those of Cyrus Ching, consumption next year would be Reserve Bank is now 48. percent, about 62. million metric tone, it The scasonally adjusted index of is estimated, if that much were industrial production of the Fe erment program conserve available.
deral Reserve (Bank) Board, which grain.
Sheet and strip steel capacity is measures the physical volume of The production of minerals rose being expanded by at least output, moved up two points in somewhat further in November, million metric tons. Mills rolled November to 92 percent above the reflecting further gains in the 1935 39 average, a new out about 16. million metric tons peak rate. November was the third creased number of freight cars postwar output of bituminous coal as inin 1947. More sheet steel means consecutive month to show an became avallable. The daily avermore automobiles, refrigerators, increase in output. The previous age production of bituminous coal house hold equipment of all kinds. high occurred last March when the during the first half of December Steelusers, thus, can count on had a index rose to 90 percent above the was 2, 097 thousand metric tons.
larger supplies, in general, but few 1935 39 average. Unofficial bu This comparce with the daily mother says: moment illness will get all the steel they want in siness indices indicat that indust. average of 1, 533 thousand matric 1948, it present high economic rial production continued to rise in tons in the year 1941. have never missed one Boasts proud Father activity and high export volume December continue.
night sleep with baby The year 1947 was the biggest splendid baby Nails and other wire drawn In November and the first hall construction year in history in the simply because she is able products, including baling ties, will of December, the output of durable United States from a dollar volume to digest every mouthful of nstitution be produced in greater quantity, goods expanded somewhat further, standpoint. The estimated natural from now production facilities now reflecting largely the increases in value of all construction was more breast being put into operation. Steel pipe activity in most machinery, trans than 12 billion. including heavy Lactogen is as light and and casing output will be higher, portation equipment, and nonfer engineering work, housing and digestible as breast milk; through still below demand. New rous metal fabricating industries. other construction according to a treated oil well driling, new pipe lines and The output of steel in early survey made by the Engineering it is just like breast milk too gen pronew storage facilities are being December rose to new postmer New Record magazine. This total in bone building materials informs in delayed for lack of steel. peaks, reaching 97. percent of exceeds oven the war years, and and flesh forming proteins.
Grain supplies next year are capacity.
is approached only by figures for Babies thrive on Lactogen, to breast dependent on growth of fallsown Motor truck assemblies 1942, when 11, 521 million was bone growth, winter wheat. Rains in droughtfor Lactogen gives them sins curtailed in November and early recorded.
eight, and good ridden southern Great Plains as The physical volume of construc every bit of nourishment come naturally major producing areas improved changeover activity at the plants tion, however, was actually less seeding conditions in November they need, in the most eas.
actogen baby. and even though late in the of a major producer, while the than in 1946. despite an upsurge us Baby on season, bettered properts for the output of passenger card increased. Of construction activity in the last ily assimilable form. crop. But continued cood weather The output of lumber and other couramments of the year. of the Put your baby on in winter months will be needed. construction materials was maint dollar total for 1947, heavy enained in large volume.
gineering construction accounted Mowever. United already for 5, 659 million, which was a has shipped overseas nearly 50 The manufacture of nondurable record for any peacetime year.
percent of Government maximum goods continued to increase in Rairoad freight shipment of export goal of 570 million bushels November, reflecting mainly a most classes goods were (200 million hectoliters) for crop further marked rise in activity at tained in large volume in Noyear ending next July cotton textile mills and an expan vember and the first half of DeCoal shortages are not expected sion in the volume of livestock cember, after allomance for the on any general sacle. Local tem slaughtered as a result of the usual seasonal declines at this porary delays in railroad deliveries reduced feed supplies and high time of year. Coal shipments conthe better milk for babies already have occure in New prices for feeds. Liquor production tinued to increase and were at the England, the Midwest and some was cartailed in November in ac peak rate reached at the beginning the better milk for babies Southeastern States, but coal sup cordance with the Federal Gov of the year. nev total Lactogen.