
THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike.
Year III No. 47 PANAMA, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 24th, 1947 5c. a Copy PEACE ON EARTH Merry Christmas Ring and the Phristmas Happy New Year The world once more observes the most significant day in Christendom the Birth of Him who throughout his ministry on earth sought to save mankind from selfishness misunderstanding, hatred and greed, and employed all his efforts and his powers of persuation so that man might be unselfish, understanding, loving and generous toward his fellowman. His whole life was marked by his concern for others, and his talks, lectures and sermons laid the foundation whereby peoples of all tongues and nations could wok in harmony and peace one with the other.
So full of hope were the words he uttered wherever his mission led him, that multitudes, drawn to Him by His philosophy of life, followed Him in ever growing numbers wherever he went. Leaders publicly sought His words of wisdom, and those who were fearful of criticism sought Mim cut under the cover of darkness. The world all down the ages would have been a better place in which to live had man but followed His words of guidance, but the inherent selfishness all too common in man has been the cause of an ever worsening condition far from conduCive of man god.
All is not lost, however, and it is never too late to amend. Our hearts, too, could experience that joy of compression which others who heeded His words felt if we could enshrine in our hearts the peace of mind which he sought to bring to us nearly two thousand years ago, when voices sang heralding his birth: peace on earth, god will towards man The troubled shepherds heard, fear not, for bring you good cidings of a Saviour birth to you and to all the rations upon earth tidings of great with a Gift for that Boy or Girl 30, 800 Handicaped Got Jobs In October Washington, Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach reported that 30, 800 phiysically handieapped workers got jobs through the United States Employment Service during October, a peacetime record.
Robert Goodwin, director of the service, said that three fifths of the placements were handicapped war veterans. He said that for the first time the total number of unemployed disabled veterans registered at public employment offices fell below 100, 000. October placements cut the disabled veteran registration to 92, 000.
The fear which grips this troubled world today could easily dispened with by tthe peoples and nations of is earth by following the simple rule which he laid down govern our conduct: Love ye one another. Thus would be ushered in an era of peace on earth, goodwill towards all men, and when we observe the Day of his Nativity and resel in the joy of his coming, we will endeavour in our humble way to do what we can effectively towards making this world a better place in which to live.
The apearance of our English section at this time of the year is, we hope, significant, as ushering in what we trust will be an era of better times in the affairs of the world. We wil endeavour to contribute what we can to the bringing about this gladsome event, already so long delayed.
We wish you one and all JOYFUL CHRISMAS and NEW YEAR of health and prosperity.
BIG ASSORTMENT OF FINE WATCHES JEWELRY SILVERWARE Repairing Engraving FULLER JEWELRY STORE 2 Central Avenue 122 Phone 92 Panamá Saving Home Building Loans At Record 444 Million AT RECORD 444 MILLION Washington, Construction loans granted to home builders by the 1, 477 Federal and Loan Associations increased 41 percent in the 12 months ended September 30 over the comparable period a year earlier, Harold Lee, governor of the Federal Home Bank Loan System, reported.
He said the large increase was spurred by veterans taking advantage of the Gil Bill of Rights.
The 444, 000, 000 borrowed form the associations in the 12 months establesher a record for the federal chartered institutions. Mr.
Lee said statechartered building and loan companies had reported the same trend.
National Distillers Value of Free Trade Union News We Are Pleased To Offer Arbitraitor Orderer Pay For Time Lost Philadelphia. In one of the most important rulings in the history of the union, an arbitrator upseld the seniority of representative of 5, 200 food workers enrolled in Local 195, Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America Arthur Booth (AFL. Importers, Producers and Distributers The extension of the free trade harmonious relations among naunion movement through the tions.
world, especially in those countries In this important and, we must lately led to slaughter by political admit, difficult undertaking, the and economic dictators, is, to my International Free Trade Union way of thinking, the shortest and News is doing an important piece surest way to lay the groundwork of work in bringing to the workers IMPORTED FROM ARTHUR BOOTH CO. Ltd.
for the establishment of political of and economic democracy so neces.
our own and other countries the world founded vision of a new GLASGOW SCOTLAND sary to the reestablishment and upoir economic justice. The oppresmaintenance of peaceful relations sed and defeated people of Europe among nations.
and Asia look to the United States The fact that the rise to power or America for leadership. In bring of dictators in industrial countries ing forward the American Federais almost invariably accompanied tion of Labor on a world scale as by destructive attacks on the labor a spearhead in the struggle for the Expressly Selected Choice Old Highland Whisky movement needs to be repeated advancement of labor rights and time again. The lesson to be learn mankind welfare, the Internat.
ed from experiences that, ional Free Trade Union News is a LIGHT Whisky it dictators ind organized workers offering the kind of leadership an interference in their seizure of most needed.
power, the greater the spread of congratulate the Intenational trade unions and the more firmly Free Trade Union News on the Available At Moderate Prices they are grounded in freedom and good work it has already accomdenzocracy, the fewer dietators we plished and it is my hope that its will have to threaten the peace of intlunce will spread both at home 00 a Bottle 45. 00 a Case the world: the greater will be the and abroad.
stake of well fed. well housed and George Harrison.
fully employed people throughout President, Brotherhood of Railway the world in the preservation of Clerks. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLEROR The decisión, formalizing what the union declared had long been industry practice, was handed down in a dispute involving the Harkell Beef Boning Company of Philadelphia.
The case came before Cooper following dismissal of Steward Ernest Meyer allegedly for slack business The Union contended the dismisal violeted the unwritten law of the industry protecting the seniority of union representatives.
The arbitrator ordered Meyer reinstated with pay for time lost.