FranceStrikeWorld War

THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike.
WORKMAN LINCOLN Year III No. 46 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1947 5c. a Copy CULTURAL AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INFORMATION Federal Jobs Down at more came Labor Paletine Group Opposes 60. 000 In 27 Month American League Washington, WASHINGTON, Nov. 16 (USIS. ficial trade estimates. This would percent on 60. million dollars (10 The Civil New York City. The American. Tarife raluctions granted by Unit reduce United States tariff level percent. and were reduced 35 to Service Commission reported a Trade Union Council of the Naed States in 23 nation General to lowest point in 34 years, or 1050 percent on 272, million dollars drop of nearly 60, 000 in the numbtional Committee for Labor Palestine cautionel all unions not to be Agreement on Tariffs and Trade approximately same level as in Un. 43 percent. er of persons employed here by the misled by the title, Labor Divi which was signed en Geneva Oc derwood Tariff of 1913.
In return, the United States re Federal Government. The decrease sion of the American League for tober 30 and published this week Among outstanding reductions in ceived lower tariff rates on many in employment took place over the o Free Palestine.
by United Nations, range up to 50 United States tariff from present of its exports, including grain, last 27 months, the commission In a statement issued by Max percent of present rates on major levels are: fruit, automobiles and machinery, said.
Government employment Zaritsky, president of the AFL imports. Concessions were made Wool, 25 percers, or An analysis by State Department from 34 United Hartters, Cap and Millinery on United imports valued at 1, 766. cents a pound to 251 cents; estimated concessions cbtained by in Washington now totals about Workers, and Joseph Breslaw, vice. million dollars or 78 percent of Scotch and Canadian whisky, 40 at 192. million dollars. This fig. in June, 1946, the report showed.
United States cover exports valued 198, 000, compared to around 257, 000 president of the International total United States imports.
percent, a gallon; beef and veal, 50 Ladies Garment Workers Union, The new recuctions will bring percent; butter. 50 percent, depend ure includes only those products of Peak Federal employment here in 1943 when there were they denied that the American general level of United States tariff ing upon quota; sugar, 33 and 3 which United States is principal was League had received the official schedules down to about 16 percent percent; rayon and staple fiber, 20 supplier to participating countries. approximately 300, 000 employes.
endorsement of Concessions on items The figures were released by the American of value of Unites States imports percent, and copper, 50 percent.
of which Federation of Labor.
subject to duty, according to unof Rubber and newsprint are held United States is only secondary commission as it summarized Federal employment state by state.
The sole purpose of the Ameto their present free basis. Wool supplier are estimated California has the largest number rican League, the statement said, ens and worsteds are reduced to than 200 million dollars.
State is to aid the terrorist Irgun which Department analysis of Government workers 195, 000, 25 percent from 35 to 45 percent, seeks to discredit the organized Factory Hiring Rate workers of Palestine and bring Increased In August with the right to increase them re replace Reciprocal Trade Agree while New York state is second served if imports rise to percent ments which United States already with 178, 000.
disater upon them.
has with a number of the participat of United States production. Cattle THE FEDERAL COMMITTEE The statement declared the a.
Washington, Hiring by has been maintained at presenting countries, namely, Belgium Lu ON Apprenticeship has called upon tional Committee for Labor Pales manufacturing establishments in. duty levels, but import quota has Netherlands, and United Kingdom. committees and state apprenticexembourg, Canada Cuba; France, labor. management apprenticeship tine and its American Trade creased in August due to seasonal been increased.
Union Council are the only bodies expansion, especially in the softIt says supplementary bilateral ship councils to maintain high recognized by the AFL and the goods industries, acording to a States has made major tariff cuts concluded with these countries apprentices have completed their Other products on which United agreements have therefore been training standards, so that when Histadrut, the organized labor mo report released by the Bureau of include all softwood lumber, Port making existing trade agreements time they will be competent jourvement in Palestine, Labor Statistics.
land cement, wheat and wheat inoperative for such time as Unit. neymen, The hiring rate rose from 49 per ilour, bauxite, quicklime, high qualed States and the other country 1000 employes on the payroll in ity furs, jute, burlap, manganese concerned are both parties to the July to 52 per 1000 employed in ore, textile machinery, photograph General Agreement.
film steel products, electrical items Other participating countries are gasoline, brandy, wines, perfumes, Austrialia, Brazil, Burma, Ceylon, and fine silks.
Chile, China, Czechoslovakia, India of the 1, 766. million dollars of Customs Union of Lebanon and SyHigh Prices Reduce imports (based on 1939 trade firia, New aland, Norway, Pakistan Auto, House Purchase gures) on which concessions were Southern Rhodesia, and Union of made by United Statee, 1, 336. mil. South Africa.
lion dallars or 76 percent Washington, Many consum From every point of view. the ers who planned to buy automo from 22 other countries participat analysis concludes, the General biles or houses within the next ing in the General Trade and Tarift Agreement in unprecedented in five years have abandoned their Agreement.
scope and importance in history of Total dutiable imports in 1939 international trade. It is a demossplans for at least 12 because iof high pdices.
were 906. million dollars. Concestration of the kind of constructive sions were made by United States work that United Nations can do This was revealed in a survey on 636. million dollars or 70 per in the economic field, The General conducted by the Federal Reserve cent of total dutiable imports. Of Agreement is the first major step Board on the financial condition this636. million dollars, 543. mil. to be taken by important nations and buying plans of consumers.
Bubbling with health llion dollars or 85 percent came to reverse the trend toward trate The survey said, however, that from participating countries. restriction and economic isolation thanks to with respect to other items such Existing rates of duty were which has persisted throughout as washing machines, refrigerators, bound by United States on imports World War. It establishes liberal furniture and the like, the public accounting for 128. million dollars commercial policies for all of lead mother says: is carrying out its intended pur or 20 percent of total dutiable im ing trading nations.
chases regardless of prices. ports, were reduced less than 25 Announcement of this General have never missed ono That sparkling vitality Agreement should create auspi night sleep with baby cious atmosphere for opening of simply because she is able United Nations Conference the health which Lactogen brings.
In New York State Trade and Employment scheduled to digest every mouthful of Lectogen, which for Havana on November 21, an. Lactogen.
within iong term framework which conforms in every impor Employment in the construction August compared with 187, 400 in it estableshes, it should be possible Lactogen is as light and tant particular with breast industry in New York State showed July and 177, 200 in August 194. for reconstruction of Europe under digestible as breast milk; earnings milk, gives Baby all the a net gain of 6, 000 workers from Average weekly July to August, a gain of three hours remained at the same level. more confidence that efforts to resand the Marshall Plan to proceed with it is just like breast milk too viral nourishment she needs. perent, according to a report Employment estimats cover all tore world economy will not again in bone building materials Lactogen is pure, sare, released by the New York De construction workers, both on site be defeated by commercial warfare and flesh forming proteins.
balanced food developparment of Labor.
and off site. Average weekly earn between the great trading powers.
Construction contractors employings and hours are for site workers Babies thrive on Lactogen, ing for Baby strong dense ed an estimated 193, 400 workers in only for Lactogen gives them bone, firm fiesh, healthy Jewish Group Comments every bit of nourishment On AFL Endorsement they need, in the most easprogress.
New York City. The Jewish ily assimilable form.
Put your Baby on Labor LATE FRANK BURCH Committee, through its Put your baby on national chairman, Adolph Held, expressed by the AFL convention Philadelphia. The Central Labor Prominent the labor of the aceivities of the Union announced plans for a me movement have been invited to group. He said: morial service in honor of the late participate in the memorial service. We are indeed grateful to the Frank Burch, secretary emeritus million members of of the Philadelphia CLU and a lifeThey include: Max Zaritsky, presi more than the American Federation of Labor long member of the Hat Workers dent of the Hatters Union; James who have officially indorsed the International Union. Knoud, vice president of the Jewish Labor Committee for its At the memorial service, schedul Painters; Lewis Hines, National activities in helping to rebuild ed for 2:30 November in the Legislative Representative for the democratic and Jewish cultural Oakland Cemetery, a monument AFL; and James McDevit, presi. institutions abroad, and in fightthe better milk for babies will be unveiled at the grave of dent of the Pennsylvania Federa ing bigotry, intolerance and racial the better milk for babies Mr. Burch.
tion of Labor.
hatred at home.