
THE Thank God we have a To Th. Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you.
system of Labor where there can be a strike.
WORKMAN LINCOLN (EAR III. NO 39 PANAMA, SATURDAY AUGUST 16th, 1947 5c. a Copy Taft Hartley Slave Law Is Challenged; Teamsters Deſy Taft To Do Something AFL Seafarers Take Stand Against Taft Hartley Law a are BUILDING MATERIAL CO OP FORMED BY DANISH WORKERS of Harry Truman Employes Gain Warge Increase Union some San Francisco. The AFL Sea will consider as lockout any farers Union enunciated its policy attempts by any person or persons Indianapolis. The AFL Interna the headline: Here your The next move is up to Taft, with respect to the Taft Hartley to use the Taft Hartley Act to the tional Teamsters Union delibe enemies.
the editorial said. Let him file Act as adopted by the union detriment of our unions.
rately challenged the Taft Hartley We make known immediately Senator Taft says we can tell charges. and them we can go membership. The five point proaw and defied Sen. Taft (R. Ohio) you this (how to vote. He says into court and find out what the sam voted upon and published in to the AFL as well as to the AFE ta do something about it.
this is a violation of the law he constitution means.
the union newspapers is as fol. Maritime Trades Department, our The union magazine, the Inter wrote, an accompanying editorial The editorial said the union at lows: position on this matter.
national Teamster, published the said. Well, that just too bad. torneys advised that the provision The Seafarers International That we call for a meeting as names of the Congressmen who But we are doing it. If Senator Taft of the law which forbids political Union Sailors Union of the Pacific soon as possible with the Maritime voted for the measure over wants to do anything about it. let activity by unions was unconstitu go on record as not tolerating in Trades Department on this matter.
President Truman veto beneath him get started. That We make known our tional. The magazine, edited by any way, shape, or form, any interunion President Daniel Tobin, ference with our union halls by position on the Taft Hartley Act said it had Le advised by general shipowners or Government bureaus through the medium of the Seacounsel Joseph a Padway to print The Seafarers International rerers Log and the West Coast the voting records of Congress on Union Sailors Union of the Pacific Sailor.
this and all other matters interest to labor.
Keenan Gets processes in Germany, and will serve as one of the foundations of Copenhagen, Denmark. Discrim. o operative is the only independMedal For a democratic Germany, reflecting ination by the building materials ont competition the Danish cartel the highest credit upon him and the cartel against housing co ops led aces Lime quarries and brick Berlin Service Military Government for Germany the Danish workers co op council works are also tied together, many (United States. o from a co op to handle building under cementcarted influence.
Mr. Keenan is currently in the miils and home funishings.
Berlin, Germany. The Of The new co op will act as an imfice of Military Government for on leave of absence from his In the production of cement, one porter and whoolesale buyer for the Berlin post.
Germany announced the award of whole cooperative movement.
the Medal of Freedom to Joseph Keenan, secretary of the AFL Chicago Federation of Labor.
AFL Hotel Keenan is on duty in Berlin serv.
ing as labor advisor to the military governor the German occu.
pation zone.
The citation accompanying the medal, which was presented to New York City. The AFL Hotel Front Service Employees Keenan by Major General Local 144.
Keating, Deputy Military Governor, representing was as follows: 2, 000 members. obtained gains in its new contract with the Mr. Joseph Keenan, Associated Hotel the Civilian, Labor Advisor to Residence Clubs, Inc.
Deputy Military Governor, Office Wage increases granted by the of the Chief of Staff. As Associate association average about Director of the Manpower Division 22 percent. The (OMGUS. from 10 May to 23 July, wage scales Washington, provide four hourly rates ranging President 1945, Mr. Keenan was in charge of Truman from 70 cents to more than an signed a far reaching organizing and developing the Germeasure clearing the way hour. Wage adjustments are for man manpower agencies, and disretrocative to April 1947.
completion of 100 low rent and played great initiative, ability and anti slum housing projects in 75 leadership in reorganizing demo Bubbling with health cities.
cratic trade union. His contribuMachinists Turn Under the National thanks to Housing tions served to stimulate a rebirth mother says: Act, the Government is forbid of democratic organizations and Down Re ffiliation den to contribute to any project have never missed one With AFL 000 per family unit in small cities night sleep with vaby or more than 5, 000 in cities of Workers Receive That sparkling vitality simply because she is able Loouisville. Ky. Pay increases more than 500. 000.
comes from perfect healthto digest every mouthful of granted to 450 distillery to employees here and approximately Coxernment finish already the health which Lactogen Lactogen.
50 in Frankfort, according to an started projects, if the municipal Washington, The executive brings. Lactogen, which Lactogen is as light and announcement by John Me government agrees to pay the council of the International As conforms in every impordigestible as breast milk; Kiernan, international vice pres difference between the construc, sociation of Machinists notified tant particular with breastident of the AFL Distillery and the legal NHA AFL President William Green by it is just like breast milk too Workers Union limit.
in bone building materials letter that its members voted milk, gives Baby all the McKiernan said 50 at Stitzel against immediate reaffiliation vital nourishment she needs.
and flesh forming proteins.
Weller Distillery, Slively. won Union Executive Board with the American Federation of raises ranging from 15 to 21 an Lactogen is pure, safe, Babies thrive on Lactogen, Labor: hour under a new contract. This Summoned By Washburn The letter extended an offer by balanced fooddeve! opfor Lactogen gives them makes the base minimum rate IAM officers to meet with AFL ing for Baby strong dense 20 an hour for men and 95c for every bit of nourishment Milwaukee, Wis. Lester Wash representatives at any time to women.
they need, in the most eas.
burn, president of the AFL Unit work out an agreement which will bone, firm flesh, healthy ed Auto Workers, called a meeting justify our again becoming skin and ensuring steady ily assimilable form.
of the union executive board to active affiliate of the AFL.
Revised Child Labor Law discuss methods of operation under progress.
Put your baby on Takes Efect In Illinois the Taft Hartley law.
Put your Baby on Under the new act, Washburn Illinois Federation said. the union is denied the right to discipline its own members even Defeats Labor Laws Chicago, Ill. revised child la though the law holds it responsible bor law how effective in Illinois cor the acts of those same memb Springfield, Ill. Vigorous action forbids employment of boys and ers. It is therefore impossible for by the Ilinois Federation of Labor girls under 16 years of age in tay. the unions to accept reesponssibily prevented the passage of anti labor erns. bowling alleys and pool for individual actions over which legislation by the General Asrooms.
they legally have no control. semlby which adjourned its regular They new law also forbids child For this reason, President Wash session, ren under 16 working at skanting un declared, new methods of Reuben Soderstrom, president rinks. exhibition parks or otrer operation and amendments to the of the Minois Federation, announcplaces of amusement, and filling stations, as bellbays, in will be devised and reconmmend anti labor bills designed to restrict connection with the better milk for babies power drivened for consideration by the conv. or cripple union activities was pasmachinery and in otrer hazardous ention of the AFL United Auto sed by either chamber of the state the better milk for babies Occupations.
movile Workers.
new which wouid cost more than its AFL Distillery LACTOGEN were The new bill would permit the Wage Bosts cost an ACTOGEN ACTOGEN SKESTE NESTLE TER YA LACTOGEN dienen a ser unionis conftitution reconherencia en labore els to clientes LACTOGEN BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO