
THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike.
WORKMAN LINCOLN YEAR III Nº 38 PANAMA, FRIDAY AUGUST 1st, 1947 5c. a Copy EUROPE AND THE MARSHALL PLAN basic pe ers ann has made it e IT clear CHILDREN EXPLOITED IN DANGEROUS JOBS NG Before the war, world wide ex. its producing capacity to lift the covery, so that today, two years is to be spent and make sure itto take account of certain perience had amply proved that worker out to poverty.
after the war end, Europe is in will promote Communism. As we needs. 1) Food for workers so free enterprise under a democratic During and after the war, the a state of near crisis: Billion of go to press it seems that Stalin they can produce. 2) Coal: Efform of government provides the great power settlements for Euro dollars which had been saved to is ready to take the step which ficient operation and machinery highest living standards for work made special provision for buy equipment and restore indus Coal is the first great need for to restore German production; Figures published in 1940 Russia interests. They also pro tries had to be spent for good and industrial revival, and then steel, food for miners is essential. 3)
show the amount of food which vided for the cooperation between coal merely to keep alive. machinery, building materials, Steel and other materials: Rescould be bought with the wage powers necessary for Europe re The Marshall plan now offers cotton for textiles, leather, con tore production and ship enough received for one hour of factory covery, and for free governments Europe, including Russia, a chance sumer goods and a host of other from and elsewhere to get work in different countries. To subject to the will of the people in to lift itself out of crisis and po items. Before the war, Germany Europe industries started. 4)
measure the real wage, a basket agreements were made in the full verty with American help. An was Europe main of food was used containing the forme former enemy countries. These over all recovery plan for Europe coal. Today German coal produc dustries by federation of Europe supplier of security plan for the Ruhr initems necessary for adequate belief that Soviet Russia would is vital, so its countries can work tion is down to half the prewar so that their production may be nourishment. An average Ameri keep her pledges in good fiath. together to produce for their own level in the western zones, and free for Europe without danger of can family of would use such Instead, she has used her armed needs, exchange their products, her rich Silesian coal fields are future war. 5) Consumer goods baskets per day. One hour work force in nations where her troops break down barriers which check at in the would buy 83 baskets remained to set up Communist mi the international use of electric Europe now depends at present under Polish control. for workers, farmers and others.
of food; in Britain, 1, 26; in France, nority governments against the on When they cannot buy goods 23; in Belgium, 11; in Germany will of the people, and to cut off Power, highways, waterways. Such for two thirds of her coal. As for with their pay, there is little ina plan 102; can only be worked out by in Italy, 65 and in Russia, these countries from the econo European nations themselves with the world steel, most of which goods is also increasing inflation.
by steel, Europe used to produce half centive to work; the shortage of 40 It is significant that with the mie life of the rest of Europe. She full cooperation of all who wish came from Germany. Today Ger. 6) All supplies must be directed wage for one hour work, the has destroyed cooperation between to join. Stalin has merican worker could buy times east and west, and obstructed Eu that he will not permit the Soviet of the 1939 volume, and Europe tribute most to recovery. 7) Beman steel production is only to the points where they will conas much food as the Russian work ropean recovery.
er; he could provide one day Crop failures, food and coal take part in the plan unless Russia entire production (excluding Bri cause most supplies will have to food for a family of by working shortages, the vast destruction of is scarcely more than a come from and be paid for can dictate how American money third of prewar (1939. With ruin in dollars, Europe dollar short14 hours, while it would take the industrial plant, a winter of terri will seprate Russia from the rest Russian worker 10 hours to earn fic cold and storms, labor short of Europe France and England ed factories to rebuild through age will have to be met by loans, the same amount. After 22 years ages, lowered production capacity are ready to join with others in a out Europe industrial centers, but plans must be made for imof Communism, the totalitarian due to lack of food and many other genuine plan for recovery. As of this shortage of steel and coal ports to this country so loans can Soviet government had not used difficulties have also delayed re July hamstrings recovery.
urope looks be repaid.
to the for steel, but finds that even our own industries here are being slowed by a steel shortage. We cannot indefinitely supply Europe without reducing our own vitally needed supplies. The chart on this page shows that Germany ind Japan, whose factories were ince the heart of industrial life Washington, Shocking secur, the division pointed out. It Europe and the east respectichild labor abuses, including the told of a typical such teen age ely, are now producing less than employment of children in hazar tragedy which took place in a ne third their prewar volume.
dous occupations, and a 400 per toy factory, 15 year old boy ther European nations are held cent increase in violations of suffered third degree burns when ack for want of machnery and child labor laws were reported by a fire broke out in the paint shop applies which German could the Department of Labor. where he was employed. He had to roduce.
The Department Division of have six blood transfussions and Any plan for Europe will have Labor Standards issued a report skin grafting.
Baby has improved declaring that many of the boys An investigation revealed that a great deal. on and girls illegally employed are the firm was employing 15 boys Illinos Federation on jobs where they are exposed to illegally after school hours and Defeats Labor dangerous accidents.
far into the night, that it chiselThe division cited checkupsed on wages; that payroll re Laws made by both state and Federal cords were doctored so as not to inspectors which unearthed some show their employment, and that Springfield, Ill. Vigorous ac. never had a of the abuses.
whenever an inspector was ex tion by the Illinois Federation of moment illnessYou can see steady propected at the plant the children Labor prevented the passage of gress when Baby is put on Children were found working were sent home. Criminal proceed Labor prevented the passage of Boasts proud Father at too young an age, for too long ings were launched against the anti labor legislation by the GenLactogen. Growth is solid hours, in hazardous jobs, at night company.
eral Assembly which adjourned Many a splendid baby and healthy, bone is work, or under other undesirable Similar its regular session.
cases constantly Reuben Soderstrom, presiowes its sound constitution dense, flesh firm, nerves conditions, the division report occurring, the division said.
It declared.
urged better enforcement of child lent of the Illinois Federation, to Lactogen. the natural steady, because Lactogen Many of these cases of illegal labor laws, more adequate inspec announced that not a single one food for baby when breastnourishes thoroughly and employment of children are not tions and rigid inspection as a of eighteen anti labor bills de milk fails. Lactogen is pure quickly.
brought to light until accidents means of weeding out such evils.
signed to restrict or cripple union activities was passed by either extra creamy milk, treated hamber of the state legislature.
Lactogen is pure, fresh, fullby special Lactogen procream modified dried milk, Couses, until it conforms in with extra cream and nat.
all vital respects to breast Washington, Legislation milk. Sturdy bone growth ural milk sugar added, banning discrimination in employmade in all important ment because of race, color or re healthy weight, and good ligion is out the window, so far digestion come naturally respects exactly like breastas this session milk.
Washington, President, tions.
concerned. Senator Irving Ives to a Lactogen baby.
Truman asked Congress to ratify The recommendations also con(Rep. one of the authors Put your Baby on agreements affecting maritime cerned medical care of seafarers of the bill, said no effort will be employment standards adopted by dependents and training for sea made to secure consideration.
the twentyeighth International service.
Labor Conference.
Mr. Truman told the Senate in Japanese support The President asked ratification visions fall far short of stand. Labor of conventions dealing with food ards already in effect in the ANew York City. Organized and catering for crews on ships, merican merchant marine. labor in Japan has notified AmeLACTOGEN certification of ships cooks and able seamen, social security, me. declared that general acceptance terest in the Taft Hartley Act. LACTOGEN the better milk for babies dical examination of seafarers, of the proposals by member It pledged to support American the better milk for babies crew accommodations, wages, countries would result in pro labor in the struggle against hours and ship working condi gress where it was most needed. the act. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO LACTOGEN are Of Maritime Agreements ACTOGEN LACTOGEN NESTU NESTLE