CominternCommunismDemocracyFranceGermanyItalySovietStrikeURSSWorld War

THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you.
WORKMAN Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike. LINCOLN YEAR III. NO 37 PANAMA, FRIDAY JULY 4th, 1947 5c. a Copy On The Independence Day Of The United States to act to check On this glorious day, throughout the world.
Democracy by liberating with the most sincere feel As the vanguard of civilthe slaves and has continuing, we join in the demos ization, the United States tration of admiration and have at all times and OCed in that work by bearing good will, which all the casions known to fulfill her the torch of liberty to the world is expressing toward sacred mandate, in peace as nations of the world. There the Government and people well as in war.
are still countries oppresof the United States, mark Her people, eminently sed under the odius and ing as it does the 171st. hard working, have given bloody dictatorships, such anniversary of indepen ample evidence of their dence and from which, we lofty humanitarian spirit as Russia, waiting with may say, spran the hegi taking their material and resignation and patience the material and timely mony of the doctrine of De spiritual resourses wheremocracy in our American ver suffering humanity help of the United States Continent. Then radiating most needed them.
to sunder the dike of slayts benefical influence She started her work of ery which fortures the people body and soul; preventing them from enTHE VERDICT IS GUILTY joying like other citizens of the world the right to think By LISTON OAK and to reap the fruits of a better life, within the just YUGOSLAVIA, Bulgaria and Al against the reactionary monarchist, concept of civic perty bania are guilty of aiding the but freely elected. Government, remade sacred by Dem cracy.
Greek EAM guerrillas revolting port nine of the eleven members of the Balkans Invstigating Commis sion ofthe UN after the first investigation undertaken by the UN o ta trouble zone. There was, of. course, no chance that the Russian and Polish members of the commission would decide against the three Soviet satellites.
This is a very real test of the efficacy of the United Nations, comparable to that of the League of Nations when Italy invaded Ethiopia and Japan invaded ManchuriaFailure to furthes aggression against Greece will lessen the already wening prestige of the UN. Russ a and her satelites are prepared to Jeal the UN the same kind of blow deait the League by Italy, Japan and Germany. This means a crisis.
Te commission recommends that til boven, but stens be Bubbling with health thanks to taken to prevent future acts or aggression. This strikes directly at mother says: the whole Comintern Soviet plan LACTOGEN have never missed one for the conquest of Eurasia. If carried out effectively, it would night sleep with waby prevent aid by nations already doThat sparkling vitality simply because she is able tionists in other countries Greece comes from perfect health to digest every mouthful of toda, China tomorrow, and Korea, the heaith wnici Lactogen Lactogen.
Italy, Germany, France, day after Of Women Garment Trades tomorrow.
Lactogen, which Lactogen is as light and Since the departure of this com Washington, Colonel Sol of union and employer organiza conforms in every impordigestible as breast milk; mission from Greece, the interven Rosenblatt was named impartial tion officials including David Dubtant particular with breastit is just like breast milk too tion of the three dependencies in chairman of the New York wo insky, president of the Internathe affairs of Greece has increased. men and children coat and suit tional Ladies Garment Workers milk, gives Baby all the in bone building materials Soviet Russia is defiant and industry, succeeding former Gov Union; Israel Feinberg, general vital nourishment she needs.
and flesh forming proteins.
scornful of the United Nations. ernor Poletti, who resiged May 28. manager of the New York Joint.
Lactogen is pure, safe, Babies thrive on Lactogen, Hence the necessity of the Truman It is Colonel Resenblatt second Board of Cloak, Suit, Skirt and Doctrine action by the USA. appointment to the post for he Reefer Makers Unions; Charles balanced food developfor Lactogen gives them The report of the commission is served in the same position from Baker, executive director of the ing for Baby strong dense every bit of nourishment balanced. It does not whitewash the 1935 to 1940.
Infants and Children Coat As bone, firm flesh, healthy they need, in the most easGreek Government, but sharply ac prominent New York attorney sociation, Inc. Joseph ily assimilable form.
cuses it of cruel reprisals against with offices at 630 Fifth Avenue, executive director of the Mer skin and ensuring steady not only Communists but Socialists Colonel Rosenblatt served in 1933 chants Ladies Garment Associaprogress.
Put your baby on and moderate liberal republicans, as division administrator of the tion, Inc. Charles Sussman, expolitical minorities. It says the UN in charge of the codes of the Association, Inc. and against various ethnic and National Recovery Administration ecutive director of the American Put your Baby on and Suit Manufacturers cannot intervene in the domestic motion picture, theater, radio, Klein, executive director of the Samuel American proposal for an amnesty parel industries. He was also for Industrial Council of Cloak, Suit under international supervision, mer national director of compli and Skirt Manufacturers, Inc.
which the Greek Government has ance and enforcement of theNRA.
The committee said: reluctantly accepted, with reserva World War II veteran with Colonel Rosenblatt is eminently tions.
four years of service, he was a well qualified by ability and experi The recomendations of the com colonel in the American Air Force ence for the important post. and the Security Council which must Colonel Rosenblatt is the holder of contribution to enlightened prothe better milk for babies acs upon them the Soviet Union has the Legation of Merit.
gress of management labor rela the better milk for babies a veto, and will surely exercise it. He was selected by a committee tionship in this field. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO tromited form monstres revolu: Sol Rosemblatt Impartial Chairman ACTOGEN HACTOG LACTOGEN a LACTOGEN