BourgeoisieCommunismInvasionSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

THE To The Working Man: This is your paper. Sup.
port it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike.
WORKMAN LINCOLN YEAR III. Nº 36 PANAMA, WENESDAY JUNE 18th, 1947 5c. a Copy Objetive Times Spolights Dubinsky Exposure Of Communist Role way into Infiltration of organized labor An article entitled has been a major objective for Warning Against CommunCommunists for several good reaists in Unions, written by sons. First of all, unions are large Pres. Dubinsky at the invita trade union experience reach Dubinsky dwelt on the policyican liberal who are ready to in mebbership. If captured they tion of the New York Times ing back over 30 years. Et of rule or ruin practiced join in special fronts with took first place in the paper hics and morality to them are by the Stalinists in the Na Communists. Liberals rend and political power. Secondly, Sunday Magazine section on bourgeois perMay 11.
fore, in the unions, as else. they have converted into a nation when they allow them communism has an appeal to with where, they will support a typical Soviet front and selves to be used as fig their existing status. Communism The article dealt with the conservative or a reactionary u pon similar Communist leaves, front men or trans mak Commun ists infiltration if he should oblige them by maneuvers in the Canadian mission belts by the Com the credit of labor, it must be said makes glowing promises. Yet, to techniques and their ultimate favoring a pro Soviet or pro Seamen Union, and their munists, he said. Some li that many honest and forwardgoals in the trade union mo. party line. he stated.
recnt efforts to worm their beral deliberately allow them looking labor unions are themvement. He emphasized that The fact is that real pro recent efforts to worm their selves to be thus used; others selves endeavoring to expose and the Communists aim and gressive unionists are the control among may do so unwittingly, but destroy this cancerous growth.
spirit is hostile to the policies foremost targets of these workers in the Panama Ca in both cases such liberals of trade unionism and that leftists while conservative nal Zone all strategic spots lend most vital prestige in. Robert La Follete Jr.
their strategy. Machiavellian unionists are quite safe from that could be vital to Amer dispensable to Communist and confusing in concept and their onslaughts. The reason ican security in time of emer success.
execution, is directed toward is simple. The liberal unionist gency.
been able to do since it routed the capture of unions BEST the Communists 20 years ago party political purposes and, to Communist machinations, the time honored weapon of anar. knows the score. He is wise ready they were to discred REACTIONARIES PALS every progressive American failing that, their eventual He can find his way through trade union picketing if only communists in this country, Among the allies of the labor union can do today.
the jungle of double talk it served the purposes of complete reprint of the WORKING CLASS raised by the saviors of the Russian foreign policy as ex Pres. Dubinsky listed the article available to all SAVIORS working class. This will ex emplified in the picket line reactionary, fegislators, who members at local and joint plain why the ILGWU has they threw around a hotel to are now driving for the pas. board offices, it is announced Dubinsky wrote from by the, ILGWU General Ofbackground of personal and been the butt of bitter Com interfere with a dinner tend sage munist assaults for so many ered to Winston Churchill by measures. Every anti union lice.
years. he wrote.
the City of New York. law passed by Congress beCiting examples of Comthe Pres. Dubinsky also com comes a trump car in munist depredations in the mented caustically upon the hands of the Communists, trade union movement, Pres. role of some professed Amer weaken the unions and you open wide the dikes for Communist propaganda to rush ruin.
is Strike Last Resort, Exploins on gulators of trade unlonism in our legislative halls are CINCINNATI, Ohio. Approval way and Steamship Clerks (AFL) the best pals the Communists of a resolution setting up a 25. here.
could wish for in this coun000 trust fund for the infant The child, who will benefit from try, he commented.
daughter of a railway clerk, kill principal and interest until she ed in a picket line two years ago, reaches the age of 25, is Gloria musts progressive trade In citing some of the wound up the quadrenial conven Paschon of Peoria, Ill.
unionists should adopt and tion of the Brotherhood of Rail practice in repelling the Communist invasion of some unions, Dubinsky laid stress, Baby has improved first on alertness and knowhow in dealing with their a great deal. on Conditions of employment can Workers know only too well the propaganda methods and best be determined by manage hardships of low wages, and of statagems. They can be ment and labor through collective unemployment. Trey do not go out beaten by the conscious comLACTOGEN bargaining and without govern on strike with in easy heart. It is bined with of the progressive ment interference, Dr. Lazare Te a meais of last resort when every and democratic forces within per, director of the ILGWU Re thing else fails.
the unions. Over and over. never had a You can see steady prosearch Department, declared in Proponents of restraint of la again our experience in the moment illnessan address delivered last month bor, whether they advocate cool ILGWU has supported this gress when Baby is put on before the Yale Law School Fo ing off. periods. or. compulsory contention, he declared. He Boasts proud Father Lactogen. Growth is solid rum, New Haven, Conn. There is strike votes or voting before the brushed aside the idea of and healthy, bone is enough wisdom and statesman. rejection of management pro outlawing the Many a splendid baby Communists dense, flesh firm, nerves ships on both sides to secure agree posals, do not urge similar res from trade union member owes its sound constitution ments which are mutually satis traints management. They ship as not an efective way steady, because Lactogen to Lactogen the natural fatcory and are in the public in ignore the traditional American of combatting them.
nourishes thoroughly and terest, he said.
food for baby when breastdoctrine, temming from majority We must rely on education quickly.
milk fails. Lactogen is pure rule, that authorized representa an ddiscussions of daily pro Those who urge the imposition tives. may legitimately act. for blems confronting labor, on of government restraints, such as their principles. However, if this the systematic enlightenment extra creamy milk, treated Lactogen is pure, fresh, full cooling off periods, mediation or doctrine is to be disregarded, why of by special Lactogen procream modified dried milk, our members about the congpulsory arbitration, should should not be representatives of grave issues facing Lis, he Cosses, until it conforms in with extra cream and nat. not presume that labor enters into management poll their stock emphasized.
negotiations lightly and with irreholders before they turn down any ural milk sugar added, ali vital respects to breast sponsibility, Te per. stated. PIE IN THE SKY milk. Sturdy bone growth made in all important of the unions requests for improvement in working conditions. He laid equal stress on the healthy weight, and good respects exactly like breastnecessity of taking part in digestion come milk.
naturally For that matter, the same logic the daily, and often onerous, Kingsley Gets Post would call for a poll of all the tasks of committee work on to a Lactogen baby.
parties to the productive pro obligatory attendance at Put your Baby on cess stock holders and bond meetings to insure that all WASHINGTON, The holders as well as employees of decisions reflect the will of Washington Branch of the Inter the enterprise before manage the majority and last but not national Labor Office has an ment should be permitted either least, to refrain from ccmnounced the appointment of to reduce or cease production, peting with Communists or Donald Kingsley, assistant to Dr. irrespective of the reasons there others in making extravaJohn Steelman, to the ILO for. One type of restraint ob gant pie in the sky prointernational staff. Mr. Kingsley viously leads to another. The same mises that cannot be fulfilLACTOGEN is to be principal chief of section logic must hold true for laber and led.
in charge of the economic, employ management. Restrain labor to Pres. Dubinsky ended his LACTOGEN tbe better milk for babies ment and statiscal work of the day and you invite restraint on article by declaring: What ILO, with headquarters in Mon in a nagement prerogatives to the International Ladies Gar tbe better milk for babies treal.