
T HE To The Working Man. Thank God we have a system of Labor where there can be a strike.
WORKMAN This is your paper. Support it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. A, LINCOLN YEAR III No. 30 Panamá, Sábado 1o. de Marzo de 1947.
Press, announcement was made Are no help to America efby the White House of a laforts to have the Germans bor employer peace agreement take democracy to their boin the construction industry.
soms, it is pointed out in this voluntary accord, it was neissue in an article which every gotiated by the of Li thoughtful American wageBuilding and Construction Tra earner will want to read. The des Department and the Asauthors, Doherty and sociated General Contractors Irael Feinberg, made a thorof America. President Truman cugh, two month survey of con praised the agreement as a ditions in the Uinted States notable step along the road to and Bristish zones of the deindustrial peace. He underlisolate land Hitler used to rule.
ned the fact that labor and Eoconomic chaos is no foundaemployers had negotiated their tion upon which to erect durpact by themselves with no goable democratic institutions, vernment participation.
Mrn Doherty and Mr. Feinberg emphasize. What About THERE ARE 3, 650, 000 WALTER CHANDLER DUPON FIBLEUIL JOSE BLACKBURN Germany? begins on Page FIRMS IN At their general meeting jandro Cuellar.
Lamas Montero; Juan JacoBusines in the United States held on the 27th of the pre Treasurer: Byron Anderson. bo Nieto and José Blackburn.
BITUMINOUS COAL PRODUCTION and of this number 670, 000 sent month the members of Trustees: Walter Chandler. Delegates were also appoinhave been launched since De the Sydincate of Bartenders, Secretary of Propaganda: An ted to the UNSO, a new conFor the week ended Januacember, 1943, according to a Waiters Auxiliaries elected gel Campos.
trol board recently appointed ry laggregated 13, 700, 00 tons.
survey by the Department of officers for the 1947 term. Secertary of Organization: Ri to deal more efectively with the largest week output in Commerce. The new firms in Matters affecting the syndicacardo López.
matters of interest to the wor ttweny years, according to the clude 300. 000 in retailing, 120, Solid Fuels Administration, 000 in services, 90, 000 in conte were discussed and measu Corresponding Secretary: Ale kers.
jandro Rios Jr.
struction and 60, 000 in manures adopted for increasing its Assistant Secretary General: With such representations it The men who broke the record is expected that the Syndica are members of the United facturing sphere of services to the mem Luis Modes.
te will be better able to car Mine Workers of America.
bership Secretary of Cultural Rela ry out its aims of bettering Officers elected were as fol tions: Lisandro Trejos. he conditions of its memberlows: Working Committe: Manuel ship. The Workman heatily Real; Juan Murillo; Juan congratulates the organization Vice President: Manuel Ba Castro; Santiago Anderson; for the step taken in advanctista.
Dupon Fibleuil, Juan Ma ing the interest of its memSecretary General: Luis Ale drid; Pablo del Cid, José bers. President: Manuel Navarro.
sana na LINCOLN APPRENTICESHIP THE EXECUTIVE BOARD GRANITE BUST OF EXPANDED AT OF THE THE LATE An unprecedented rate last International Brotherhood of President Roosevelt has been year, reporst William Pat Teamsters, in session at Mia unveiled at Hyde Park, New terson, director of the Appren mi has adopted a resolution York, as a gift of the tice Training Service, De warning against wildcat stri of Li International Ladies partment of Labor. The num kes. Pointing out that unautho Garment Workers Union. The ber of apprenticeship programs rized stoppages are resented by presentation address was deliin effect at the end of 1946 lawmakers and give aid o vered by David Dubinsky, prewas three times that at the union enemies seeking the pas sident of the union and a memclose of 1945. In he construc sage of anti labor statutes, the ber of the Executive Council 5a, mUaOdbmzoft Executive Board condemned of the of tion industry apprenticeship the calling of utive in violaA mother says: rograms rose 245 per cent. tion of the international. never had a Fully 85 per cent of the ap union constitution and made AN EMPLOYER MAY DESCRIBE moment illness have never missed one prentices currently employed it konwn that the promoters of night sleep with baby are veterans, Mr. Patterson re such walkouts will be disciBonus as a profit sharing, Boasts proud Father pots.
simply because she is able lenght of service arrangement to digest every mouthful of if he chooses to, but such pay Many a splendid baby ments must be counted in de owes its sound constitution Lactogen.
termining the regular rate of pay under the Wage and Hour to Lactogen the natural Lactogen is os light and digestible as breast milk; Abraham Lincoln knew that clamation, putting an end to Law. This is the meaning of food for baby when breast freedom was indivisible it is just like breast milk too humanity one.
and slavery in those places then a recent decision by the cir milk fails. Lactogen is pure in arms against the federal au cuit Court of Appeals, revers: extra creamy milk, treated in bone building materials ing an earlier ruling by the This government, said he, thority.
by special Lactogen proand flesh forming proteins. cannot endure permanently To give this proclamation ad District Court.
Cat, until it conforms in Babies thrive on Lactogen half slave and half free. His ded authority, the Congress of tory has vindicated that pro the United States in January, NEW CHIEF OF THE ah vital respects to breastfor Lactogen gives them phecy.
1865, transmitted to the counDIVISION OF milk. Sturdy bone growth, jevery bit of nourishment In giving freedom to the try the Thirteenth Amend Labor Standars, Depart healthy weight, and good abolishing they need, in the most easslave, we assure freedom to ment, slavery ment of Labor, is William the free, he said. That, too, throughout the land. As the Connolly. He succeeds the late digestion come naturally äly assimilable form.
is the discovery we are mak war drew to a close there had verne Zimmer. Mr. Con to a Lactogen baby.
Put your baby on ing in our day that just as thus been woven into the basic nolly was Director of Labor in Put your Baby on for which Rhode Island for no man can be free unless all law the principle are free, so in giving freedom Lincoln was determined that president of the Rhode Island to the enslaved we assure fre the Union should stand.
State Federation of Labor for sure freedom unto ourselves.
Lincoln compassion knew a decade. He is a formes inno bounds.
Friend and foeternational representative For freedom is not an indi were encompassed in his sym the International Typographividual possession but a collecpathetic concern.
cal Union tive experience a balance bet The war over, he could and ween rights and duties.
did turn with a generosity of On Setember 22, 1862, folow spirit to the tasks of recons cut him wodn when he was so LACTOGEN ing a decisive defeat of Gene ruction. It will remain one of greatly needed for the post LACTOGEN ral Lee at Antietam, Lincoln the great tragedies of our his war reconstruction.
be hetter milk for babier issued the Emancipation Pro tory that an assassin bullet the better milk for babies Spencer Miller, Jr. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO ACTOGEN ACTOGEN of Ehi Negros NESTLE WA