CommunismDemocracyImperialismSpainStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

Thank God we have a THE To The Working Man: system of Labor where there can be a strike.
WORKMAN This is your paper. Support it, and also support your Syndicate.
1; no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornestone of its foundation.
Ie will help you. LINCOLN Published in The Interest of Workers On The Isthmus PANAMA, AUGUST 7, 1946 Year II No. 25 5c. a copy The Workman Code Should Fix Minimum Wage International Labor Propaganda Message to American Workers: For the Unclassified workers of the city and the fields the minimum wages should be two dollars and one fifty respectively.
EDITORIAL Through the courtesy of the the case when an official had the cost of the suit, wore so Ministry of Labor, Social Wel to fold his arms, powerless to such the worker be compen.
fare and Public Health we entorce decisions when the sated in the payment of costs were able to have a look at fected party refused to in his suit for services perthe project of law to be in ply. In such cases the official Belarmino Tomas Alvarez, delegate of the formed.
corporated in the worker had only to recommend to the International Federation of Miners, arrived here code. This law was prepared compaining party the taking That the employees a few days ago in transit to Central and South by Lic. Hermogenes de la Ro up of his case befor a judicial of hotels and similar estab America, on special mission of fraternization sa. This law that will form authority. Thus the worker lishments where food is serv and goodwill to Latin America. And it was truly our future body of laws for was compelled to subrnit to ed, the employees be given a pleasure to hear the pointers and advises comwhich there has been so much lengthy court procedure that hokesome and clamour from sufficient ing from one of long experience, to guide those Workers in some cases would be drawn throughout the country commeals.
out for months or even years of us who are making our first steps toward prises in general terms some with the consequent costs and This is an indisputable right the struggle being waged between our fellow, of the rights given by former legal fees. Such lenthly pro all over the world, but here proletarians and imperialist capital, which we legislatures and which today cedure is merely a mockery it has recently become the hope will some day be democratize through the represent legitimate gains in of the rights of the working custom of charging employees force of resistance.
the field of labor. In the al man. It is necessary therefor ready mentioned code care has fore, we repat that there are their meals, forgetting Comrade Tomas Alvarez, is a citizen of been taken to fil in the om positive dispositions in the that in the case of waiters, Spain, and an authentic leader of the labor missions noted in the Decree. Workers Code that would be the wages paid is so ridicul movement in his country. His forceful labor in Law in force and which gave just and equitable.
ous that they are left no mar favor of the working class, has merited him on room for so much injustices to That every decision in gin for even the most modest various occasion the distinction of parlamental the working class because no which the employer is con. of their demands, disposition was enforced to demned that 25 of the D) That ali suspensions representation. He is at present a deputy of the meet the legal sanctions in amount granted be surcharged from work for over one day Republican Government in exile.
cases of failure to comply with as a just compensation to the be adjudged by an official of The visit of Mr. Alvarez has shown us clearly its legal precepts. It is useless worker for the time lost in the Labor Department so as that the International Labor movement dimaking Jows if no measures fighting the suit, during which to avoid the abuses committed vorced as it is from the communist movementare, eslo: ert to compel its time he could have been able by employees in such matters. is preparing to follow their example in catechiscompliance. The functionaries to earn a salary.
Taking advantage of the ing, and forming a powerful block, with Latin on the labor department have If in all civil cases the los liberty given them through American labor, striving to live under the issueu thuusands of resolutions ing party is condemned to pay (Continued on Page 2)
shadow of a liberal democracy.
cordemning employers for violation of the labor laws; but Our incipient syndicate organizations, lovers only those employers have of the doctrine of democracy, NEED the help complied who are espectful of sister organizations to the North and South, toward the dictates of author.
because they have the indispensable elements ity, the rest, who form the majority have spurned con The sudden ending of OPA holds wil lweather the diffi for the success of the proletarian postulates, stantly the authority of the brings a responsibility to busi culties. As citizens of a demo. which elments are: FINANCE AND EXPERIMinistry of Labor. These au ness and to labor for carrying cracy we must preserve our ENCE. Meanwhile we on our part lack. comthorities have confessed their on policies that will safeguard rights by insuring the general pletely those resources.
powerlessness in the face of the interests of all. We were welfare.
The advance that the communist doctrine the lack of general or specific already in the current of in. Green, has had in the life of organized labor throughout disposition that would author. flation and some price in ize them to impose fines or creases are inevitable to read FREE ENTERPRISE MEANS that advance is not spontanius result of the goodthe American continent, cannot be denied. But dictate executive measures just production to more satis. RESPONSIBILITY that would enforce compliance factory levels Minor tempor Members of the American ness of virtue of the communist doctrine, but to their decisions, in other ary increases can be absorbed Federation of Labor can be rather because of the dollars issuing from the words may say that with little permanent change counted on to take their full source of communism; the dreamt of world capthrouhg the lack of proper in the purchasing power of responsibility Yin this emer ital: MOSCOW.
gency. For the authority vested on these func. our wages. Our major need is next few Mr. Alvarez painted for us in brief the tionaries we have in this ad increased volume of produc. months we will have to buy ministrative branch of the gov.
tion in a sellers market. where panorama of Latin American Labor policy and ernment from the Minister Our safety lies in getting the man with goods to sell analized the outstanding figures in that policy; down, authorities who merely through this period of transi can charge almost any price bringing out painful relations that provoke one collect juicy salaries from the tion with no major increases because shortages are acute to exclaim: how can there men be so despicable National Treasury without be. in costs or stoppages of pro Several months of top speed as to traffic with so sacred a cause as the cause ing vested with the authority duction. Major changes will be production will be needed to of labor!
peculiar to their offices.
cumulative in effect and may end this shortage some place The Directorate of the Syn start the chain of dangerous the time at months, but it produce will help to flood the accomplished through uniondicate of Bartenders and Ad inflaction. Some employers or. may much shorter if all co market with products you management cooperation junctives, begs to present on ganizations are wisely taking operate in speeding produc want to buy and bring down Patronize the cooperative this occasion the following action against price and rent tion. Supply is already catch the price you pay.
store in your town where you increases.
ing up with demand in many suggestions so that they may Improve efficiency at your will find fair prices. Refuse be taken into consideration by For their own safety the lines. Shipments of durable plant. Loon ahead. You will to buy where prices are too the proper authority: wage earners of the United goods in the first four months want a wage increase later on high. If you cannot find rea.
States should exercise self of 1946 were back to 1941 and you want to avoid a strike. sonably priced goods, then A) That there be incor discipline, and good judgment, levels, with nondurable goods Put this proposal to porated in the said code a dis. and refrain from taking ill. exceeding your put off buying things not ur1941 by 25 management: Cooperation of gently needed until you can position of a general nature, considered and unwise action when the supply of goods union and management to in get your money worth. Invest that will place sanctions for pending action by Congress. balances demand, we can ex. production per man in US Saving Bonds.
the infraction of any article Labor will then be in a posi pect a buyer market. with hour and prevent waste; re.
or failure to with tion to demand cooperation for prices coming down to cords showing financial gains (1) Commerce Department same, which sanction may holding prices and especially sonable levels. Then stores from this cooperation to be figures, expressed in quantity have been ommitted in the re. rent levels. Wage earners can will compete again to 25W be. furnished by management to of goods, not value.
spective chapter.
best stabilize their wage dol fore the downturn starts, but the union for collective bar (2) Write to the Federation This is necessary so as to lars yhelping to increase vol. if production rises, the price gaining. Increased efficiency for the address of the nearest avoid the difficult situation of ume of production which can increase will be short lived, is the way to higher wages, cooperative store.
an official who has not the wipe out scarcities and the For American workers there lower prices for the consumer. 3) Figures for 1945 in war Jegal power of enforcing his danger of runaway inflation are three commandments in a better market for your pro industries cover only the full decisions as occurred while As workers in a free eco. the months ahead: duct and a more secure job war months January through Decree. Law number. 38. of nomy let first strengthen our Produce: Turn out all the for you. Increased efficiency July.
1941 was in force. Such was foundations so that our stron goods you can. Whatever you does not mean speed up when (Continued on Page BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO we crease rea