
Page THE WORKMAN Panama, Thursday July 4, 1946 his our months will be time?
are the 13. The of some there pears bright red.
extra Appeal to All COUNCIL ASK TRUMAN FAREWELL. GOODWISHES FOR SMALL DISMISSAL Mr. Edward Douglas AssisQUIZ and ANSWERS Waiters Bartenders tant Head Waiter of the GarWashington, In one den El Rancho and one of the The time is now ripe for all of the most sharply worded most Faithful and Devoted concerned to arise and receive statements issued since conven members of the Board of Dithier share of the returns of ing of its spring sessions here, rectors of the Union of BarQUI Extravagance rots cha1. What do fireflies do racter; train your youth away th labour and toils of there the APL Executive Council calaside from making our summer from it. On the other hand, Government that we are pleas ask for the resignation of Ci.
led on President Truman to a evenings beatiful?
the habit of saving money, ed of as they feel that Labour vilian Production Administrat2. Were there many strikes while it stiffens the will also should be given a fair deal in the during World brightens the energies. If you and to get the respect that is responsible suggection that or John Small for War 1?
would be sure you are beginn due the workers in general we Congress ban strikes for six What is the difference ing right, begin to save.
between Latin and Italian? Five feet of space is al must unite and demand What is the Arch of Ti loved for each horse entered support the body which has led the spoils and also That any Government offitus?
in a race, Where is the largest mo In some instances this of Bar tenders, Waiters and self as to advocate the virtual us to this victory. The Union cial should so faz. forget himnastry in the world?
a characteristic of Similars are now carrying the ensiavement of Amertan work. In Christ day how long certain ers at jobs in private industry did the high priest in Jerusa sure to the sun is another fac are receiving good results so denying them the right to len hold the office. tor, fruits being directly expos now is your time to give your strike againts injustice is inex7. What did Theoodre Ro es ripening first. There is also support and get the reward cusable, the Council declared. tenders, Waiters and Similars osevelt say about thrift? some difference in the fruit which was due you. In seeking to capture head bids his friends and co workers How much room is al where the fruit is grown in If your definate catagory is lines by his statement, Mr. farewell to take a trip to The lowed for each horse in a race? clusters. Is is interesting to not represented in a Union be Small implied that strike, re. United States of America. Why doesn all the fruit rote that the centro one will the CORNER STONE for that gardless of its merits, is illegal We wist him every success in on a tree ripen at the smae ripe nin advance of the others. body. Call on us and we give or harmful, Even the anti his new adventure, This is because it is fertilized all the support possible. Ad labor members of Congress 10. Which is the right hand with pollen before the others dress: 103 Central Ave. 3rd. promptly rejected such a Comside of a river?
Floor, Panama City. Hours. munist. Fascist doctrine.
AFL nions Establish 11. Where are the remains 10. When the shores of a to P. P.
Foundation to Aid of Christopher Columbus. desribed as right or left hand, 12. Why does jolly keey bet going down stream is assumed to P.
Needy ter than canned friut? 11. The sahes of Christopher NON FAR JOBS INCREASE Kansas City, Mo. The ber13.
Is blood red?
Columbus are entombed in the rett Foundation, designed to 13. How long do ants live? Cathedral at Sevilla, Spain.
Washington, So rapi aid needy and aged members 15. When was the English 12. Jelly is less aptto spoil WHERE DO THE diy did industry expand last in this section, has been estaLabour Party formed? than canned fruit because it month that the number of non blished by 16. What the AFL unions correct has a larger proportion of sugDISH 4STOP agricultural employes through. functioning in this area. Plans uscs of and Oh?
ar in it, and sugar plasmalyzes the bacteria that cause decay. scenes which are now taking 36, 721, 000, the highes level erection of a hospital and home.
to have been made for eventual One of the most disgraceful out the Nation increased ANSWERS TO QUIZ. red characteristic of of place in Panama is the pass. Labor Department reported.
since the close of the war, the The foundation has been inblood not evident single Fireflies have no parti corpuscle which appears of ing of the laying off slips to corporated and is named for cular value, but do devour Bernett. a veteran member snails and the larvae of insects. ever, a large number of calls to the fact that there in not light straw colour. When, how waiter and Bar tenders owing of the United Association of The official records much business and in Plumbers, who was instrumenthe Department of Labour of are seen together, the mass apcases a reduetion in salary is PHOTO ENGRAVERS CITED tal in devising the plan. He the show that 14. Malo ants live but a FOR AID ON WAR LOANS is executive secretary of the instituted.
were 6, 205 strikes and lockin the.
To be fair and reasonable. outs during the period extend The workers exist only a few there might not be a regular Volz, president of the ind raised by sale of car stickers, ing from America entrance mont into the war until the signing The flow of business as in the past ternational Photo. Engravers presentation of a musical show average life of of the armi cice. It is claimuth queen is not more than 12 few years, but periodically it Union (AFL) was gets so great say two to three by the Treasury with a presented and Christmas seal sales.
ed, however, that none of these have been known to live six or hands have to be taken on and norary citation for distinguish neral meeting of the Union of me months, although queen ants times per week that GENERAL MEETING strikes or lock outs lasted long Silver Medal award and an ho. There will be a special geenough or was serious enough 15. The Independent Labour still the employers are comon ed service in War and Victory Bartenders, Waiters and Simitc handicap the American for Party was organized in Englaplaining. why if you eat ces in France.
and in 1893.
There have been same dish have eaten, during Loan campaigns to finance the lars at the Union Hall 103 Cen in war effort. WPA Chairman Italian is a Romance lan labour Members of Parliament while the sweets of the land and Krug also presented tral Ave. 3rd. Floor Panama guage Mr. City. at o clock on the 11th The development has been from 1874, when Thomas Burt, the however. continuously since now because they do not make Volz with an honorary certi July 1946.
the inflectional to the analyti Northumberland mirer, was the same gaints they make the effort os a member of the Lab are on the agenda for discusfcate for services to the war Matters of great importance cal type of speech. Italian is leted much more mocalic than Latin, 16. Some editors and other proven that the establishments or Advisory Committee, Print. sion and a full turnout of all dropping final consonants and memebers is anticipated, softening the harsher combina authorities make no distintion are run on a profitable basis ing and Publishing Division.
between the two words.
The and are enjoying a lovely recommonly followed rule how turn only that they are not sa4. The Triumphal Arch of Titus was bulit by Domitian in ever, is for the use of in di tisfied, and feel to make some 81 to commemorate the one pay for their dissatisfacrectly addressing a person or taking of Jerusalen in 70.
a personified object, in utter tion.
It is wise that the propietors It was built of Pontelic marble: ing a wish, and to establishments in be surprise, indignation, or regret but when this Arch was rebuilt and for the use of oh as an question consider their plans in 1882, travestine was used prone the missing portions loquial introduction to a sen res who had given them such Escobas Marca Hércules genuine service in the past supports the largest monastry which would eventually be to in the World. This monastry ILGWU PRESENTS 75, 000 their credit, as is always the of Dubung (variously spelled) TO RUSSIAN RELIEF DRIVE case for having a staff sati Nuestro atento saludo al pueblo norteamesatisfiat Llasa, Tibet, houses 8, 000 ed with the administration monks and students.
New York City. contri they will cooperate to the utricano en su fecha clásica. In early days the high bution of 75, 000 to the Ame. termost to make the managepriesthood was held for life and rican Society for Russian Relief ment profided by his act of hereditary. In Christ by his union was presented by consideration towards them.
REPARACIONES day the office was held by the David Dubinsky, president of INICIALES Nominees of the Romans, dur the International Ladies Gar Equal Pay for Women ing their pleasure.
ment Workers Union (AFL) Voted by Senate Group LLAVES Washington, declartion for equal pay for women in industry and for giv.
ing the Secretary of Labor the tsk of seeing that they get it CAFETERIA EL LEON was voted by a Senate Education and Labor Subcommittee.
Reporting to the full com DE mittee, the subcommitte serted that a wage differential LEONE MORENO based on sex is an inequity PLANTAS OFICINAS: in compesation standarg and PUREZA CALIDAD constitutes an unfair labor practice. The report stated Ave. Francisco de la Ossa, cerca al Ave. Obaldía, No. 2014 Frente al Mercado Público further that such differentials lead to labor disputes, lower Estadio Nacional, Tel. No. 890 wages of men as well as women, prevent maintenance of a Teléfono 2662, Panamá.
proper standard of living, en.
danger national security and obstruct commerce.
CASTILLERO seven years.
express of these Fábrica de Baúles, Maletas to tence past TH asO BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO: