Civil WarDemocracyEnglandFranceStrikeWorking Class

Thank God we have a THE To The Working Man: system of Labor where these can be a strike.
WORKMAN This is your paper. Support it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornestone of its foundation.
We will help you. LINCOLN Published In The Interest of Workers On The Isthmus PANAMA, JUNE 1st 1946 YEAR II. No. 21 5c. a copy In The the Worker Is Not Classified in Gold Silver How Long Can a Negro Live?
case were Why in the Name of Democracy are these Classifications Maintained Wartime No Strike in the Canal Zone Pledge Well Kept. Wide publicity was given some of the figures. John Report Says How long can an American and everything that it part and recently in the local press to Doe who was making 26c. per Washington, C. Labor live?
parcel of the racist system of a news item that intended to hour, 31c. per o. wmakes medical men, search living for ngroes.
impress the public that the hour. no strike pledge was well now makes 31c. per How can the negro live longCanal Zone administration had working 48 hours this man kept troughout the feverishing for the secret of life, are at last been move with com made 12. 48 per week. At 31c. toil of the war period, the speculating that a new for er live to be 65, as do most Labor passion toward their long suf per hour, working 40 hours Department has anmula may one day be discov white people?
The answer is simple as two fering Silver Roll employees nounced after a careful study ered to keep man alive to the per week he makes 12. 40.
and giving them substantial of work stoppages of every age of 200. Already in Russia plums two make four. It is has even been kind.
the noted physiologist Alex written in the vital statistics increase of 20 in their salary. brought to our attention where This news compiled by the Bureau brought forth an employee of the Receiving In the first complete analysis ander Bohcmolets has revery pleasant comments from and Forwarding Agency at of interruptions to production, ported a new serum which de of Census. In 1900 when less lays premature aging.
than one out of every twe all who read the daily news Balboa, making 37c. per hour the department declared that Some scientists feel that the negroes could read and write, papers all except those who was placed on the monthly in the 44 months of the war glandular and circulatory sys the life expectancy of the Nehave by necessity to be em roll, without his advise or the man days actually put in ployed on the Silver Roll in tems are the key to longer gro was only 34. By 1940 wheu consultation. This man at 37c, by the nation workers.
the Canal Zone. For these em per hour, according to inforThe report showed, further life, and are intently studying nine out of ten Negroes were ployees of Uncle Sam have in mation received, made week more, that nearly all the stop theories about these two pra literate, a coloured baby could occur ses of man anatomy with the expect to live until 53.
no way been benefitted fin ly, without overtime 17. 76 pages that did ancially by the supposed 20 Follow the advance in literper week. Place on the mont small, spontaneous and un hope of adding another 100 increase in salary. The and that these and perhaps 150 years to the acy down the line in improve anly roll he was rated at 75 00 authorized. nounced increase is merely a average man life.
per month or 17. 50 per week. Were quickly terminated. ments in housing, education, heavy smoke screen in the Unable to support his family Scarcely any strikes were While doctor peer through wages, recreation, medical faface of the just aspirations and cilities and doctors have an on so low salary, the man was authorized by national or in microscopes and gaze at test demands of the underpaid forced to quit his job. But ternational unions, the depart tubes looking for formula that answer to their search for the Silver Roll workers on the will keep man living until he secret of longer life at least that is not all. He was by his ment pointed out.
Canal Zone.
superiors put to work hours When local is 200, at least 13 million Am for one tenth of the populastoppages OCIn 1943 the Department of after his regular shift, for curred, the department de ericans are interested in the tion of the world.
It is no accident that the State, through te Governor of which said superiors refused clared, union leaders usually more immediate problem of how to live until 65.
the Panama Canal announced to pay him. This matter has cooperated with government death rate for Negroes before an increase of cents per hour been They are darker brothers of the Civil War much lower appealed to Balboa agencies in securing a refor the Silver Roll employees Heights, we are informed, and sumption of work with a mithe nation, the forsaken step than in the immediatyears leaving to the discression of is pending solution. We ask, is nimum of loss of production. children whom no magic ser following Appomattex. When the heads of department the this justice? is this right? is In the last 412 months of um can aid, who just need the negroes were slaves. the perrecommendations for such in this in the name of the Good 1945, after the war ended, little something in healthy, sonal property of plantation crease As a result, the an Neighbor Policy?
man day losses due to strikes normal living in white neigh masters, they were well cared nounced 3c.
bourhoods to make them live for lived longer. When they increase never We are having in our ter were almost as great as in took effect.
minal cities, a wave of crime the entire 312 years of the became wage workers, the outDemands of the Silver emHow long can a negro live? casts of a lobour glutted inthat is puzzling the law en war.
ployees became more intense forcement authorities. Could The explanation for this If he average, he ll keep dustrial society, they were since 1943 and added to we not lay this dilema at the sharp change in the situation, alive for 53 years. Take away subject to the worst kind of this were also the demands of feet of the authorities at Bal the department explained, is the one gram of melanin in hardship and privation. The the Gold employees for betthe skin that makes him black death rate soared to 40 per boa Heights, who help to bring quite simple. When the war and he ll be 65 before death 1, 000, comparable to the worst ter wages, due to the rising about this condition through ended working hours were cost of living. The demands of their unjust dealings with the reduced from 48 to 40 hours.
strikes. Thats how long the section of India and China.
the Gold employees were laboring class?
This was reflected in a re average white lives.
How long a Negro lives dequickly listened to and sub Compare the prices of ar duction of workers earnings, the negro at 53. Its what goes ers will not help, Health ProIts not the melanin that kills pends on how he lives Poststantial increase given. But the ticles of first necessity, before wile the cost of living conSilver employees, comprising the war and at the present tinued high, with ome further with melanin Its Jim Crow, grams will not help, Killing Panamanians, Latin Amer moment and we would not be advances in certain lack of doctors, items, slums pool the Germ of hate is the only icans, and other not surprised that before this goes the department said.
taxes, Janitor jobs, fat back Cure.
citizens, all of whom are con to press that even the prices Many of the strikes, the sidered by the Panama Canal quoted will have increased department experts found, authorities as though they somewhat: were directly traceable to bitwere from distant Asia or Rice, before the war this ter disputes over maintenance North African, aliens. In this prime necessity was sold at of take home pay.
category included even 12c. for the Lbs. Now it is However, even with some MARTINIQUE AND mic troubles, Martinique and sons and daughters of the very 46c.
large, protracted strikes, the GUADELOUPE Guadeloupe face grave proland through which the Canal Onions. Before the war was loss so far in 1946 was equi Roughly midway between blems of economic survival.
2c. per Lb. Now it is 6c. valent only to 47 100 of Puerto Rico and Trinidad in Trade of the islyands: the exThe officials at Balboa Tomate Sauce was 2c Now percent of the time put in by the Caribbean Ocean lie Mar change of their agricultural Heights must have spent many it is 11.
the workers, the survey show tinique and Guadeloupe, sister produce sugar, coffee, cocoa, sleepless nights figuring how Blue trousers were sold be ed islands which have belonged bananas, as well as rum, for to grant 20 increase in the fore the war at 75c. Now it is to the Republic of France since textiles and other manufacsalaries of their Silver Roll 85. Gold chauffeur enters 1634. part of the Windward tured goods from France haz employees and at the same pair of working shoes making 50 per hour and he Islands, the French possessions diminished because of lack of time prevent them from earn could be bought before the may go up ad infinitum. unlike their British owned shipping. At the same tine ing even one cent more than war for 75c. Now the working These injustices on the Ca neighbours enjoy full rights American and British Tarifs their usual pay may, carn man must pay 25.
nal Zone has been the cause as a part of the French Re makes it hard for the isiands LESS than their usual pay. It In face of this radical in of much discussions in various public.
to find market in the United is apalling how men, placed in crease of prices, Balboa International Labor Congres Each of the Islands is re States, England and Canada.
such important positions can Heights has placed the Silver ses, bringing forth strong pro presented in the French Par It was to deal wit such proresort to mathematical juglery Employees on a hunger diet, tests and denunciations for the liament by a Senator and two blems as these that France so as to deprive the working paying them LESS than they slavish conditions meeted out Deputies. More than half a sent delegates to the recentlyman of a decent living wage. could earn before the war. to the working class in the million black Frenchmen live concluded Caribbean ConferHere are some of the facts: See the terrible, cruel, hard name of the United States of in the French West Indies. ence in the Virgin Islands.
According to published re hearted and discriminatory America During the war they were The only alternative for all ports, the Governor circular conditions that exist on the If in the United States the among the most militant sec these problems of the coloured number 289, dated March! Canal Zone. Silver Roll worker is not classified in tions of the free French Re peoples of the world of the 29, placed on 40 hour week all chauffeur enters making 23c. Gold and Silver. why in sistance Movement.
West Indies is to have the Canal employees. This circular per hour and after 25 years of the name of Democracy are Today with the war over West Indian Federation and also gave 2c, increase to some efficient service he may earn those classifications maintain but with the French Republic that would take care of all employees. But let us examine the maximum of 35c. per hour. ed in the Canal Zone? torn by political and econo such problems, The After Effects of the War on the Coloured People are TO BIBLIOT, ET FACUTONE ANDERNESTO JOIN CASA STILLER ORO