
THE WORKMAN TO THE WORKING MAN: This is you, paper. Support it, and also suport your Syazcate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you. A, LINCOLN PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WORKERS ON THE ISTHMUS PANAMA, MAY 1o. 1946 a copy YEAR II No. 21 Strikes and Government ATOMS AND US ATOMS AND US Peagler Column Dropped LABOUR DAY DURING the abnormal economic conditions of war production, the government imposed drastic controls for the purpose of preventing inflation. In spite of price controls, the cost of living increased sharply.
With the changes accompanying reconversion, including the reduction in the hours worked and in the weekly wages received, the inadequate hourly pay rates became a real hardship.
Workers were free to try to raise the rates by collective bargaining, but price controls restricted the range of the increase.
For the most part, experienced and disciplined unions went about the business of securing higher rates quickly and efficiently, got all permissible gains and prepared to await the next opportunity. Many unions raised their rates ranging up to 30 per cent in some industries and lesser percentages in small business without interruption of production or loss of earnings. advocate placing the control of the atomic bomb definitely on the world level. To my mind, this is the only basis for real hope for future peace.
The world needed government on a world level before the atomic bomb. Now it has become an imperative.
The concept of absolute nationalistic sovereignty to longer serves the people of this world.
It is a barrier that prevents that successful cooperation which every other fact of modern life demands. It it a fertile source of those clashes and frictions that lead to war. And, might add, that the diplomats squeamishness about abstract sovereignty, as they refuse to take steps to prevent war, does not interess the millions of men who have seen the intimate innards of their pals spread over the landscape by war.
In my judgment, if the selfish interest of America becomes the official guiding light of our world policy, it will be one of the most tragic phases of America First is purely and simply the extension of the doctrine of Me First.
Washington, Another newspaper. the Stamford (Conn. Advocate, with a circulation of nearly 20, 000. has kicked out the column of Westbrook Pegler, because it can no longer stomach his misrepresentations.
What brought matters to a head was a column in which Pegler grossly distorted a recent demonstration by all of Stamford labor in support of a bitter strike at the Yale Towne Manufacturing Company in Stamford.
All unions in the town knocked off work for hours to show their solidarity with the Machinists, who are resisting an attempt by the management of Yale Towne to restore the open shop.
The demonstration was entirely peaceful, but Pegler pictured it as a rally of riocous forces and potential killers in spport of assault and anarchy. The editor ran that column, but it was the last. In an editorial, he explained why he decided to kill Pegler rantings for good.
He pointed out that Pegler from the vantage point of his home in Arizona or his New York hotel apartment, without even coming near Stamford, had written an entirely false picture of the demonstraticn, and that in doing so he had violated the basic standards of fair reporting.
As a result, the accuracy of all other Pegler columns had become suspect, the editor said As further reason for ousting Pegler, the editor wound up by quoting one of the nation best known editors. Erwin Dean Canham of the Christian Science Monitor. on the dan.
gers to a free press arising from indiscriminate use of unscrupulous columnists. One aspect of newspaper irresponsibility is the latitude granted to some syndicated columnists, Canham declared. To their doors is beaten a path by those motivated by malicious gossip, revenge and character assassination. And no man is safe from these weapons.
not this continual nursing of demogogic power in the hands of a few keyhole columnists react against newspapers in the long run?
LUIS CUELLAR Will Peace With Goodwill Once again we are able to celebrate another Labour Day in Peace and quietness, but it is not really all at peace as the war for the rights of the Labourers is always on. The day is one of so great importance that even though we are surmounted with so many great obstacles as we have to face in each step of progress we make that we have to take the opportunity of celebrateing it the way it should be done.
This day is the day when all workers should look forward to a better time and review the past and by making the comparisons of conditions in the past see for themselves that the day which is termed Labour Day is not just a mere day of celebration but a day which calls for proper thought and consideration for our own good, it is the day of reckoning for us to show whats our Ambition, and start the new year for our betterment.
There is, and there will be, a considerable measure of this doctrine in life. But if it ever becomes the officially accepted standard to be followed by everyone, the tragedy, chaos and suffering, the demoralization and disintegration will be indescribable.
Selfishness is not a virtue for individual life. Neither should it be considered a virtue for national life.
Collective bargaining was their private business with management in which they considered and interpreted the facts and made their own decisions. They did not want or have government intervention. They knew that as soon as government intervenes, the issue and the siptuation become political.
Strikes are never welcomed by the public and seldom desired by industry or labor. But they may be necessary to promote the general welfare and to establish justice for workers, The right to strike is inseparable from human freedom. No genuine democracy will consider outlawing strikes, but amiple facilities for helping to adjust issues and problems that cause strikes should be provided.
The recent Labor Management Conference recommended in unmistakable terms the improvement and expansion of the United States Conciliation Service, with provisions for voluntary mediation. The conference emphasized the fact that collective bargaining was the main instrumentality for improving labor relations. Responsible business and labor leaders of this nation made these recommendations. Now it is up to Congress and the Administration to implement them.
Strikes are currently presenting a serious economic situation, but such situations always adjust themselves. Business cannot stay permanently idle and wage earners cannot permanently stop working. The government should be equipped to offer conciliation and mediation.
The strike crisis should be the occasion for constructive and AS WE LOOK forward to our first year of peace we see a world of sharp contrasts. Some countries are moving rapidly toward recovery, their production rising, while others are a shambles, with no production and with widespread misery and distress. We see civil wars.
We see a new type of aggression by which secession movements are helped to split off valuable portions of other countries.
We see a ruthless and clever overriding of the principles of democracy in an effort to build a power bloc.
In contrast, there has been a great and generous outpouring for the relief of suffering and starvation in the wake of war and a mighty effort to set up a world institution that will assure nations the right to selfgovernment and individuals those personal rights which accord with our understanding of the dignity of man. There is no disagreement about the need for world cooperation, though there may be wide differences as to the kind of world agencies that will best serve the purposes of cooperation. We can build our United Nations Organization soundly and effectively if we follow principles of moral integrity and inviolability of contract, and deal with all in a spirit of understanding and good faith, These are the principles that assure justice to all the only basis for lasting peace. These are the principles that will bring honor, trust and constructive progress to our nation and to every group organized to carry on some basic national function.
The whole of life must be lifted to accord with moral standards if we would have that clear conviction of purpose The broad policy is advocate means specifically that we must do more than give lip service to the United Nations Organization. We must seek constantly to give it vigor and vitality and contribute to its growth.
This paper which is dedicated to the workers extends to the Workers of all classes its Sincerest wishes and hope that the common workers will be able to see that to obtain their goal of ambition they must be united.
The employers are always united and this is our opportunity to show and bring to the eyes of those holding our rights the cause and benifits of UNION and UNIONISM in the proper sense.
Harold Stassen.
sound planning by government, so that it may fulfill its responsibility for longterm improvement in labor relations.
The Department of Labor, dismenbered by the reorganization plan of the Thirties and hamstrung during the war as other agencies usurped its functions, should be made into a Department worthy of its responsibility. Such a Department should be the keystone in Administration planning for better relations and industrial peace.
Congratulates the employees of the Cunal Zone for their hard tasks and aspirations forthe increase in salary and eliminatifun the desciýningtion Aut 9161 exists there VW As the control built up by holders of capital rested upon strategic economic advantage, saw no reason why it was not just as practical for employes to mobilize and control their economic power as a counter The force of such economic organization would interpose a protecting barrier against arbitrary employers who failed to understand that those who supplied human labor for industries were human beings.
Organization of wage earners brought together economic power that could force recognition of human interests.
If the employer refused to recognize the needs of the workers, the result was conflict of forces.
Knowing how much depended upon the virility and the sustained efficiency of our organized economic force, vi.
gilantly guarded against moves to curb or restrict economic action. In my conception, the spirit of militancy expressed sustained consecration to a high purpose.
The economic organization of the workers is basic. The methods and the agencies for progress in the economic world must be evolved out of economic experience and life.
The first step in securing permanent betterment was to organize into bonafide unions of trades or callings, skilled or unskilled, then to unite and federate so that the workers might exercise influence and power upon the economic field to maintain what they had and to drive on for a better day.
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