StrikeWorking Class

BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO January 28, 1946 THE WORKMAN Page Al pan llamaremos pan y al vino, vino!
McCarran Seeks Action On Proposal For 30 Hour Week In Gov Service lacks manpower to find all avairal 30 hour work week in view of the fact that the country still lable jobs. But the time is coming when this will be the only Washington, Senator cut the working day from to course we can take, and, before McCarran of Nevada, said he in hours.
that time comes, want Contends to press for a complete Although aimed specifically at gress to have obtained all poscongressional study of proposed Civil Service personnel, its real 30 hour work week legislation goal is to provide a precedent sible information on the subfor government employes after for industry in general to cut ject, the Senator said.
Congress returns McCarran said he had been to Washing working hours so as to open up promised hearings by Senator ton.
more jobs when and if unemployment looms as a national Downey of California, chairman McCarran proposed bill, inof the Civil Service Committee problem. Labor organizations troduced in early September, to which his bill was referred, have widely endorsed it.
would retain the five day work and added he feels sessions week now in force in the gov Right now, of course, there should be held from time to ernment service, but it would is no great demand for a gene time during the year. aseja tu malabarísticos.
subterfugios y trucos, sabremos responder a esa clase de juegos si se nos ponen zancadillas para que caigamos, y nos vienen con verbial de nuestras organizaciones esa conducta; no obstante, metemos mantener esa actitud de cordialidad, porque es proNosotros, los obreros gastronómicos, por nuestra parte proen el curso de toda la reunión.
zonable, altruista, comprensiva que ofrecen y que la mantengan que lleven. los que la representen. esa actitud patriótica, raganarse las simpatias y el aplauso de la CLAQUE; es necesario rir posiciones espectaculares ante el pueblo y la nación; para pública de Cuba no sea meramente exhibicionista, para adquiPero que esa actitud de la Corporación Patronal de la Repatronos, con la nobleza y la sinceridad que nos caracteriza.
tendemos sinceramente nuestra mano a la que nos ofrecen los al Dr. Carlos Azcárate y al Gobierno, por esa su iniciativa, sin titubeos ni eufemismos, franca y lealmente, felicitamos sin influencias extrañas.
co que resuelvan sus problemas los cubanos: ENTRE CUBANOS, nera amigable y cordial con nuestros patronos, como es históripara resolver nuestros problemas económico sociales de una maese sentir de la Corporación Patronal de la República de Cuba. nación, del pueblo de Cuba, estamos en un todo de acuerdo con intereses particulares, hemos puesto siempre los intereses de la sos a esa cordialidad e inteligencia; que por arriba de nuestros Nosotros, los obreros gastronómicos, que nunca fuimos remiel mismo sentido lo hace esta entidad patronal.
en nuestro país. favor de eso se pronuncia el Gobierno. En acuerdo inteligente, justo, sincero, entre el capital y el trabajo engrandecimiento, tendrían que admitir la conveniencia de un Consecuente, quienes deseen servir a la patria y contribuir a su la capacidad de inversión o la resistencia del centro del trabajo.
el capital sin el apoyo del trabajador, ni vive éste cuando muere necesitan mutuamente. Para subsistir no puede engrandecerse brio de intereses y no a la guerra esteril entre partes que se res de Cuba. Como ésta, nuestra Corporación aspira al equiliproletariado y de su Central, la Confederación de Trabajadoclase patronal, admira la perfecta organización y disciplina del nismo creado para unificar, por su mejoramiento y defensa a la La Corporación Patronal de la República de Cuba. orgaentre otras cosas dice: manifiesto con visión altruista. si es sincera de verdad que Con esos nobles y generosos fines al parecer publicó un elevados intereses de la Patria.
la post guerra y buscarles una solución armónica, mirando los les del trabajo que trae como secuela de una manera inevitable, y patronos, para estudiar conjuntamente los problemas nacionajo, de celebrar próximamente una reunión nacional de obreros dicen sus dirigentes, la iniciativa del señor Ministro del Trabanal de la República de Cuba. ve con grandes simpatías. así HEMOS visto con gran satisfacción, que la Corporación PatroCUBA LOS OBREROS GASTRONOMICOS.
LA CORPORACION PATRONAL DE LA REPUBLICA DE AFL Western Union Workers Accept Substantial Pay Award From WLB ción sin preferencias de ningulos empleados de la Alimentaadmisión para que entren todos Ha sido eliminada la cuota de presente mes.
entregará a los socios desde el ñeros que el Carnet de 1946, se Avisamos a nuestros compa pədxə Insp. Prov. del Trabajo.
Guillermo Harris De Ud. su atto. y 12 Telegramas recibidos.
12 Notas remitidas. Notas recibidas 15 dos Certificados 81 desempleo de empleo y Avisos Obreros colocados recibidas de Obreros Planillas 60 visados Contratos de trabajo Expedientes tramitán2 apelados y Expedientes Tramt. dos Expedientes TramitaB. 2003. 60 (Viene de la Página Colonense Información Obrera Washington, More than 50, 000 Western Union employes organized into AFL unions voted overwhelmingly to cancel a scheduled strike after the National War Labor Board voted them a 12 cents hourly increase in pay plus many other important gains.
Not the least of these was a retroactive provision in the award which means more than two years of back pay for the workers. The total amount of back pay to be divided among AFL Western Union workers was estimated at about 25 million dollars. This will amount to individual sums ranging from 400 up The only CIO local in Western Union, representing the New York area, received somewhat less in th NWLB decision, and threatened to strike.
The AFL Commercial Telegraphers Union and several AFL Federal Labor unions in the Western Union setup agreed in advance with the company to abide by the NWLB decision. The refusal of the CIO union to go along was blasted by the company in newspaper advertisements as indicating that its signature to an agreement was worthless.
Several months ago the National War Labor Board had given Western Union workers only cents an hour increase. The new award resulted from the AFL union appeal for reconsideration. It was regarded by the AFL as sufficiently responsive to the merits of the case.
dose Secretario Fiscal.
ANDERSON BYRON que antes fue despreciada y perseguida, patronal de Cuba. Reconociendo a los obreros una personalidad actividades de la clase a que con sinceridad se vá a dedicar la y los patronos de Panamá, quienes deben mirar con entusiasmo tículo que sigue, por considerarlo de interés para los obreros Reproducimos de la revista Unidad Gastronómica. el arInteresantísima Actitud Patronal de propaganda.
Miembro de la Comisión JUAN CASTILLO de Cultura.
Miembro de la Comisión ABEL BEYTIA de Prensa.
Miembro de la Comisión CASERES AGUSTIN ECONOMIC COOPERATION (Continued From Page 1)
ference to do. Instead it did something far more important.
Its unanimous reports set down a code of collective bargaining principles which, if followed by management and labor, will widen the area of good faith and sound relations. Important points from the three reports are given below. Union officers and organizers are urged to write for the complete text. First Agreements: Collective bargaining, undertaken promptly and in good faith after recognition of a proper bargaining agent, is the first step to avoid strikes or refusal to bargain by the employer. Observance of the following rules will contribute to orderly procedure: The employer should not question his obligation to bargain with the union, nor should negotiations be delayed by either party: the obiective should be to sign an agreement covering a definite period of time. Each party should present a statement of position: areas of agreement should be sought and issues precisely defined; respect and consideration should be given to all proposals. Conciliation and voluntary arbitration may be used if collective bargaining fails, but they should not be the first resort. Existing Agreements. Agreements should be clearly written and thoroughly understood by employer and all employees; workers and supervisors should be educated in the meaning of all provisions; there must be an honest effort on the part of all to carry out the spirit as well as the letter of the agreement, to conduct relations on a basis of mutual fairness and respect.
Agreements should contain effective procedure for settling grievances without strike or lockout. Grievances should be promptly handled, and should be considered by foremen as aids in discovering and removing the causes of discontent. Management and union should train their representatives in the proper functioning of grievance procedure; the basic objective is achievement of sound and fair settlements. Conciliation Service. The United States Conciliation Service should be reorganized so that it will be an effective and completely impartial agency within the Labor Department. An Advisory Committee to the Director should be appointed, consisting of equal numbers of management and labor representatives. Personnel of the Service should be characterized by impartiality, integrity and knowledge of management labor problems, and provisions should be made for training newly appointed conciliators; the number of conciliators should be adequate. The Division of Arbitration should have a list of capable trained arbitrators who may be assigned when requested by both parties The Technical Service Division should be reorganized and should have an advisory committee of equal numbers of management and labor representatives. Working with the Bureau of Labor Statistics and other agencies, it should provide information whenever needed.
trinas políticas.
por un momento en la existencia de partidos o docreivindicaciones de la clase trabajadora sin pensar campaña de aliento en favor de los derechos y obreros quienes están dispuestos a desarrollar una Grupo de dignatarios de la Unión Nacional de Sindicatos 28 de Enero de 1946 EL OBRERO Página