DemocracyFranceSocialismSocialist PartySyndicalismWorkers Movement

TO THE WORKING MAN: LUIS CUELLAR Editor JUAN PARDO Manager THE WORKMAN 103 Central Ave. 3rd fl. Box 3127. Phone 2151 Panama, Advertising Rates on Request Subscription: 00 per Annum This is your paper. Support it, and also support your Syndicate.
If no Syndicate is now existing for your line of work, be the cornerstone of its foundation.
We will help you.
PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WORKERS ON THE ISTHMUS YEAR II No. 16 PANAMA, DECEMBER 5, 1945 a copy SAY WE. Max Hayes, Dean Of Labor Editors, Dies In Cleveland At Eighty ILO Moves To Push Full Employment In All Nations At Paris Conference CIGARETTES TO OVERSEAS FORCES on Unity. unity. unity. United Nations. United States.
United people. The word is like a drum beat through our CLEVELAND. Max Hayes, apprenticeship in printing he minds wherever we turn. But. PARIS, France. The Interfor almost 50 years the voice of joined Typographical Union 53.
young persons and the protechow can we achieve this much national Labor Office Confeorganized labor in this city as tion of all youthful workers, reOn Jan. 31, 1891, he founded to be desired end. this cohesiverence now in session here will editor of the Citizen, died in gardless of race, creed, color or The Citizen, now the oldest laness, this uity?
go on record as endorsing his home here in his 80th year.
a family circumstances, both by bor paper in the United States.
In February, 1941, the dean Kipling once pointed out a series of policies designed to national action and by approof American labor editors was In 1911 Mr. Hayes ran for simple, yet truly practical way. maintain a high level of em priate measures of international honored by 1, 000 persons at a president of the American eIt was in his verse story of the ployment throughout the world. cooperation.
deration and testimonial dinner on the ocof Labor was Norman Baron advisin his son: The policies cover investment, The conference was asked to casion of the 50th anniversary defeated by the late Samuel Say, we. us. and ours when consumer spending international delete all references to the of The Citizen. Unable to be Gompers. Mr. Hayes and the you are talking, instead of you capital movements and trade, League of Nations from the present, Mr. Hayes heard the late Eugene Debs, head of fellows and the Socialist Party, were close and the planning of industrial ILO constitution.
speeches over a special telefriends.
Nothing 0214 good, reconversion and development sound, phone wire.
practical common sense when in relation to changes in the report, submitted to the conference by Edward Phelan, Mr. Hayes was born in a cabin He leaves a widow and a structure of industry.
you stop think it over. If we Acting Director of the ILO, proat Havana, Ohio, after the fa daughter, Mrs. Maxine Davuy, who pride ourselves on being Also coming up for considera posed that the constitution be mily of his father, Maximilian who maried Davey, Jr. Son Americans, would think in terms tion is a childrens charter ammended to enable the ILO Sebastian Hayes, had pushed of a founder of the Empire Steel of we. us and ours instead enumerating a series of general to deal satisfactorily with the their way through the wilder Corporation. Mr. Davey began of you felows and if we principles for the guidance of problems arising from the subsress by canal and ox team to writing articles for The Citizen would temper our personal am the ILO members countries in titution of the United Nations found a new home.
in 1934, became assistant editor bitions on the pool of our comdeveloping programs for the Organization for the league.
At the age of 16 he came to in September, 1938, and manag mon interests, we could by our welfare of children and young Cleveland and got a position on ing editor when Mr. Hayes bel combined abilities solve our workers.
Amendments for this purpose The Cleveland Press. After an came ill.
mutuals problems.
would involve the creation of It suggests that the con new rules concerning the ILO After all, why we want unity? ference go on record as declar membership, new arrangeements Because we have learned by HUGE PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM READY ing that governments should for the financing of the orgathat hard way of war, the les accept responsibility for assur nization, and new methods for son that no man liveth unto WASHINGTON, Plans tion, 164, 750, 000 of road auing the health, welfare and changing the organization himself, alone, that there is education of all children and are ready for 2, 500, 000, 000 thorizations for previous years nothing, even in our every days constitution.
worth of public construction which were put aside during lives, in which we are not deto be undertaken in the next the war. These plans call for 12 months.
pendent upon other and where Work can be put roads in national forests and CARPENTERS SENT 30 MILLION FREE under way on many projects parks, access roads to Indian they do not depend on us.
as soon as the War Produc reservations, and parkways. We cannot achive prosperity, tion Board gives the word. Construction was halted or we cannot reach the pinnacles There may be some delay on deferred reclamation and of any succsses, we cannot even Federal projects, principally irrigation projects totaling have peace, by ourselves. What INDIANAPOLIS. President every local union, district or flood control, rivers and har 158, 981, 200 because of the war. concerns one, concerns all.
William Hutcheson announc state council that contributed tors and reclamation, until The Reclamation Bureau estiThere is no phase of life to ed that the International BroCongings appropriate the carto the cigarette fund can feel nates that to finish work now therhood with this does not apply. Listen rying funds.
of Carpenters and justly proud.
under way will cost 171, 997, to the speeches form the State Joiners of American and its 000.
Relaxation by the WPB of The bureau has 60, 000, At the close of hostilities, all Department and heed the warnmembers had contributed 67, construction controls, except 000 immediately available for moneys remaining in the fund ing that there will be no peace 000 for the purpose of sending this construction, perhaps on housing, is expechowever, were used to provide free cigfor men and women anywhere more than 30 milion free cigted about October That will without waiting for additional arettes for the boys convalescing until the world is at peace. arettes to members of the armed in appropriations.
be the impetus to release our military hospitals.
a Father riedl, beloved of all forces overseas.
month by month recapitulation great backlog of needed work to Army engineers have plans workers, say: It is better In announcing discontinuance of cigarette fund receipts and which has accumulated durget management and ready for more than 250 floodlabor of the cigarette fund now that expenditures has been presenting the war.
control and rivers and harbors around a table and talk it out, the war is over, Mr. Hutcheson ed.
The 3, 000, 000, 000 three year project, to cost 750, 000, 000.
that slug it out. We cannot said the union had received separate citizens into groups of Federal aid In closing, let me again, on road They estimate that more than program is more than 3, 200 cards and mesclass, creed or color. we have ready for action. The 500. 075, 000, 000 can be spent in the behalf of the general office, sages from servicemen expresfirst 000, 000 Federal allotment for seen what second class citizenyear on flood control sing appreciation for labor express sincere thanks to all ship has done to contries overlocal unions, district or state the first year, to be matched works suspended during the gifts. He added in comseas.
equally by the States, has al war and almost 200, 000, 000 on munication to local carpenter councils that participated in the ready fund and helped to make it a been apportioned, al new projects.
unions: Unity is working as we not notable success. The response though Congress has to make as you and Unity is not the appropriation. In providing 30 million free The projects have been auOn August was magnificent and a genuine standing on opposite sides of cigarettes, our the States reported thorized by Congress, but no Brotherhood tribute to the loyalty, patriotism plans the wall of our differences. It achieved an were drawn up for work esti money has been appropriated.
enviable record. and generosity of our memberis joing forces on a common The engineers will seek funds Few, if any, organizations in or mated to cost 616, 000. 000.
ship. am proud of the results ground of mutual desires, aims, out of the labor movement can achieved and each and every President Truman has asked for commencement of work in ambitions, hopes, and most of tie such a record. Certainly one of you can feel the same.
Congress to release, in addi a deficiency appropiations bill. all. ideals.
In our communities during the past years, we have met many of the problems which appear in the large scens. We NEW YORK CITY. The Inhave witnessed the getting toward meeting the vastly international Ladies Garment creased health care needs of gether of people from diferents WASHINGTON, The face charges of insubordination Workers Union announced the our membership in Greater New backgrounds or with different Navy Department order against leading to discharge. former pudchase of the 26 story com York through the serices rensocials concepts. We work tosupervisory employes in naval order had even provided separamercial building at 275 Seventh dered by the Union Health Cengether because as we work establishments participating in tion for merely attending a ter, David Dubinsky, the unneighbors. We not only tolerate union affairs has been suspendAvenue from the Metropolitan union meeting.
Life Insurance Company for the ion president, declared. This each others opinion, we mo ed until the President reviews the group representing tiny group of clinics, which was derate our own viewpoints. the purposes of the order and expansion of its Union Health makes a decision. This action council met with Raymond Center, the largest labor medical started by our union back in This is working together. was taken at the request of the Zimmerman, the President as care institution in the country. 1913 as a tiny pioneering effort Every trade unionist knows it. Government Employes Council sistant for federal personnel. It in health serice, has recorded and knows as well what he must of the American Federation of was explained to Mr. Zimmerman that the navy order is The 21 clinics comprising the last year an in patient atend do. It is as we use the we conLabor.
contrary to all practices in priUnion Health Center, of which ance of nearly 126, 000 persons cept rather than the that The order, effective Oct. 18, vate employment and to a conDr. Leo Price is director, at and expects to double this at will win out. THIS IS THE provides that any supervisior sistent line of precedents set up present occupy the two upper tendance during the current IDEAL OF UNIONISM. This is who takes an active part in by government agencias admin floor space of this building toyear.
the ideal of democracy. unions must give up his job or istering affairs relating to labor.