
THE LABORER YEAR No. 11 Panama, August 25, 1945 5e a copy Florida Ban On Union Shop Upset By NWLB In Important Test Case The Navy Speaks to Labor LABOR LOOKS AT CONGRESS By LEWIS HINES have just returned from a invasion of territory that is The House of Representatives tour covering the Far Eastern vital to the Japanese. The Japfighting front, the Central and anese are seriously weakened, has recessed for the summer.
WASHINGTON, In under the authority of the Southwest Pacific, the ChinaThe Senate is expected to folbut they are cunning, dangeran important test case, the United States shall be the sulow suit in another week or India supply lines and bases, ous and tenacious fighters, and National War Labor Board rul preme law of the land, and two. With the 79th session of and the industrial Navy Yards will resist invasion at all costs; ed that Federal laws invalidate the judges in every state shall Congress heading for vacation, of Honolulu and the West Coast and our ships will continue to the Florida State Constitution be bound thereby, anything in this appears be an approof the United States. It makes be damaged, and American al ban on the closed shop. This the Constitution or laws of any priate time to review the work one proud to see the American workers are the people who was a decisive first round vic state to the contrary notwithcombat industrial team it has done thus far.
at must repair them.
tory for the American Fed standing.
High on the credit side must work. It is a competent, skilled More and more, as the Fleet eration of Labor in a legal The AFL holds that the Flobe placed the accomplishments team, getting ahead on a dirty is immobilized in the shadow fight which is expected to go rida amendment violates the of Congress in the internationjob. American ingenuity, brawn of the enemy home islands all the way to the Supreme Federal Constitution guaral field. It is a foregone concluand brains getting things done in support of landings, our Court of the United States for antees of freedom of contract sion that the Senate will ratiin the mud and rain, working ships will be subject to attack final decision.
St. Joe (Florida) paper mill.
fy the San Francisco Charter against time, disease, infection from air and undersea forces.
Rejecting a petition by the as well as the National Labor binding the United Nations to and insects, while they rout Damaged ships mean loss of Attorney General of Florida, Relations Act and the War Laact for the preservation of the Japs out of their foxholes fighting power, with a tempothe board upheld a mainten bor Disputes Act, under which world peace. Coupled with conand caves. They are trying to rary reduction in fleet efficienance of union membership di the NWLB derives its statutory gressional approval of the shorten the war for us.
cy. It is imperative that damrective from the Regional WLB authority to act in labor disBretton Woods Monetary AgreeAgain this week our headaged vessels be returned to aca tAtlanta in a case involving putes which threaten to interment, this action marks a hislines have told us one of the tion expeditiously.
three AFL unions at the Port fere with the war effort.
toric abandonment of Amermost dramatic events of the Industry members dissented.
This battle for repairs has to war, a portent of the final act Under the standard maintenican isolationism. The AmerJ. Tom Watson, the State be fought here at home. It in the Pacific theater. The great ance of membership cla u, se ican Federation of Labor, which Attorney General, asked the battlewagons of our Navy stood has to be fought by American endorsed both the charter and workers are allowed 15 days to NWLB to intervene because of decide whether labor, working day in and day to the Bretton Woods five miles off the Japanese withdraw pact, is a state costitutional amendcoast shelling its cities and in our around the clock in shipment adopted last November.
from a union. Those remain highly pleased by the outcome.
on yards and repair plants dustrial targets, unchallenged On domestic issues, the reA United States district court ing members must keep up their by sea, air or ground fire both coasts. The strain of that cord of this congress is someunion dues for the duration of recently held the amendment Hirohito Halsey spitting in battle have seen in the faces valid.
the contract or lose their jobs.
what spotty. We take off our of workmen in our industrial hats to the lawmakers eye. This is a long way from for The first agreement between The paper mill did not apDecember 1941, when the sneak plants; but labor has to keep peal from regional ard the Florida company and the adopting legislation giving allaid attack no Pearl Harbor putting it out until we knock most two million unions in 1939 contained a union government maintenance of membership diThe Fleet out the Japanese.
low the major portion of our security clause.
employes their first basic pay The concern rective, but the state itself took wants to know how soon we battle strength. We have come makes sulphate up the issue.
increase in more than twenty kraft linerback the long road on the way can give them back their damyears. That was constructive.
board, corrugated board and The NWLB, in its decision, Also labor wishes to commend kraft pulp. The WLB said that to victory, step by step, made aged ships. Every out of action held that the War Labor Disthree other comparable paper ship means fewer antiaircraft Congress for defeating all atpossible by the sacrifices of putes Act is supreme when in guns and fewer carrier planes mills in Florida had ful union tempts to enact a compulsory our fighting men and the alconflict with either state law most incredible labor draft. Events have provaccomplishshop in the air. elay in the reagreements reached or state constitution.
ed the wisdom of the American ments of American industry turn of those ships delays the through negotiations.
In reaching its decision the Federation of Labor opposition and labor.
end of the war. It is labor board said it was guided by The three unions involved in to such legislation. In fact.
We must remember that when problem and responsibility, and Article 6, Section 2, of the the decision are the Interna Congress deserves a know they will meet it.
boost for our naval ships go into enemy United States Constitution, tional Brotherhood of Paper refusing to approve any antiwaters they take risks of heavy The Japanese are like a boxwhich states: Makers, International Brother labor bills at this session casualties and damage; and in er badly hit, hanging on hop This Constitution, and the hood of Electrical Workers and the recent combined operations ing to salved by the bell.
laws of the United States which International Association But there is another side to of around Okinawa, your Navy They must be hit again and shall be made in pursuance Machinists. Together they rethis picture. Congress has fail suffered heavy punishment. We again and knocked out while thereof or which shall be made present about 450 workers.
ed dismally to provide for hu were opposing at close range they are off balance. We must man needs in the reconversion the ships and the shore bas continue to keep all possible SIX SENATORS SPONSOR BILL TO situation program. It has endangered the ed aviation of an empire. We combat units in action. The of millions of war paid a heavy price. Many ships Navy asks you to make that INCREASE JOBLESS PAY workers who may be laid off were damaged; and we must your slogan and help us speed by cutbacks by postponing ac pay that price again on each the victory.
WASHINGTON, Six tion on President Truman ured but he pointed out that it Senators introduced a bill, en does not provide the longgent recommendations for indorsed by the American Fedcreasin unemployment compen Textile Union Official term basic improvements in St. Paul Church eration of Labor, designed to sation. It hasn lifted a finger social security which are so carry out President Truman Wins Army Decoration to advance the Wagner Mursorely needed and which are recommendations for more ade included in the Wagner Murray Dingell Social Security WASHINGTON, Corquate unemployment compensaamendments, designed to saferay Dingell bill.
poral Burton Hyman, a former For Choir Festival tion during reconversion.
guard the nation health. It member of the Executive CounThe emergency measure provides that the federal governfailed to approve the Norton cil of the United Textile Work Plans for the Choir Festival While Congress rushed enbill which would permit the ment shall ers of America (AFL) has been to be held September 16 by St.
supplement state actment of reconversion Labor Department to wage a are Paul Episcopal Church funds so that decorated as a war hero.
persons now measure which will give now being completed and the big campaign against preventable earning 50 a week or more Corp. Hyman served in Gerchoir is rehearsing for corporations tax relief to the the industrial accident.
may get a maximum of 25 many with the 67th Tactical tune of five billion dollars occasion. It is hoped that the These are some of the pros Reconnaisance Group which a week for twenty six weeks members and friends of the they will have ready cash for and cons the record of the was recently awarded the Pre Parish will attend this musical in any one year when unemreconversion, the new bill to 79th Congress to date. Labor ployed. Those earning less than sidential Unit Citation for its entertainment as the Rector, meet human needs during the Archdeacon Nightengale.
is grateful to Congress for its 50 a week would get lower exploits in action. In addition, same period is destined to go constructive achievements and is expected to leave on a vacacompensation he wears four battle stars on over until Congress comes back tion trip to Jamaica a few days hopes it will hasten to correct his European Theater of Opera after the Festival service.
to work in October. When the its errors of omission when it tions ribbon.
House of Representatives regets back on the job next OcThe Rector will be a way for cessed until the fall, action on Union Want Bill tober.
about two months. During his absence the Rt. Rev. Heber the unemployment compensato Honor Roosevelt Vice Commander Of Gooden, Bishop of the Missiontion was necessarily postponary District of Panama Canal ed.
Washington, pro General Praises Labor Colon Birade Gives Zone, and other clergymen of posal to perpetuate the me WASHINGTON, In the Diocese will be in charge Senator Kilgore, of West mory of President Roosevelt by high praise of of services.
ginia, said he was joined in having the government print a part in giving the American Archdeacon Nightengale is sponsoring the new measure by three dollar bill, with his por soldier and sailor the finest COLON. Aug. 23 Due to exdue to return to the Isthmus in Senators Wagner, Murray, Guftrait on one side and a picttime for the Annual Harvest weapons of the war, Lt. Genistine irregularities in the Pan fey, Thomas Thanksgiving services, which American Brigade organization (of Utah)
ure of the Roosevelt Library and eral Robert Richardson, Jr. will be held around November and because of misunderstandPepper at Hyde Park on the other, Commanding General, Army 25.
was made in a resolution adoptings between himself and the Forces, Middle Pacific, said commander, Commenting on the bill, AFL Reginald Lovell.
ed by Bindery and Miscellane from President William Green said his headquarters over vice commander, resigned. cooperate with the younger of ous Workers Union, Local 92, Army Hour recent broadcast: He denied being responsible it will meet emergency needs ficers, forcing them to to adopt of the International Brother believe we know how to use for attempted supplanting of an attitude which the and therefore should be enactcomhood of Bookbinders.
the supreme commander, but them effectively!
mander described as overstepsaid that the leader failed to ping their bounds. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO Completes Plans labor for its Recination Leason