
lost others. He took rebuffs in good part and showed no desire to desert the conference, although one might have thought that from the dispatches of certain writers.
The San Francisco Conference has not settled all points of dispute, but while the fireworks were going off on the roof, the foundation of a peace structure was quietly being strengthened below.
That framework has now been constructed and San Francisco will be remembered for that success.
Mr. Molotov did not desert the conference at San Francisco, because the Soviet Union can afford to allow the foundations of peace to be destroyed. They can afford to do it, and we can afford to allow them to do it. The world simply can stand another great war. Is there any sensible person who thinks it can?
THERE CAN BE no doubt that organized business in the United States and Great Britain, and to some extent in France, not only fear communism, but are willing to organize to fight it. This is the meaning of the continual pinpricks at Russia at San Francisco! The petty dispute over the presiding officials at the conference; the lugging in of Poland, Austria and Trieste to divert and inflame public opinion; and the almost universal charge of American newspapers and magazines that Russia is petty, obstructionist, and dangerous to free enterprise On the other hand, the one Statesman at San Francisco who stood up for human rights and the emancipation of colonies was Molotov. Jlis words have scarcely been reproduced.
ere, then, seem to see outlined a third World Way based on the supression of Asia and the strangling of Russia. Perhaps am wrong. God knows hope am.
The world security conference which is coming to a close at San Francisco may not have accomplished all that was expected of it. It may not have given comfort to all quarters that sought relief from it. In the nature of the circumstances that brought the conference into being, a modern mira.
cle would have been wrought had the delegates arrived at a satisfactory solution for all the ills of eur suffering world.
To be sure no international conference whether for peace or suppression of opium is ever satisfactory to all concerned Greed, economic rivalry, conflicting political ideologies together with the everlasting desire of powerful states to achieve and retain world domination are forever conspiring against the noblest intentions of statesmen. The fact that civilization is periodically beset with wars is in itself conclusive proof of the failures of peace conferences and treaties.
While the wish for peace may spring from honest hearts and minds, such a wish is usually canceled when so called national interests are at stake. National interest may be anything from freedom of the seas, treaty obligations and territorial concessions to neutrality rights, strategic or geographic security and economic spheres of influence and so on.
It secms incredible that a civilization as old as ours should not have devised by now a workable pian of inter relationship that might guarantee equitable sharing of world goods without perenial bloodshed and, above all, without violating fundamental human rights.
In all fairness, it must be said that the United Nations meeting, despite many obvious weaknesses, has cleared the air for a more enduring peace structure. No doubt many of the issues raised will remain unsettled until a peace conference is called to reexamine them and deliberate upon their final disposition, At least the San Francisco conference has enlightened and awakened public opinion on a great in attendance at the conference but will not be permitted to take any part in the business there of UNITED LABOR SYNDICATES OF PANAMA Invitations have also been 21 22 JULY, 1945 extended to the President of General Labor Conference ference held in Philadelphia, the Costa Rican Central Labor of all labor organizations ope Cali, Colombia and LonOrganization, and the President rating on the Isthmus of Pa don, England. As a consequence, and Secretary, respectively, of nama, is scheduled to meet in great and good results are anthe Central Labor Region of the Salon of the Municipal CounConfederation of Latin America ticipated at the outcome of this cil of Panama o nthe 21st and conference. Invitations for the in Colombia 22nd instant, commencing at ten purpose have been extended to It is advised that any group o clock in the forenoon of each each labor organization on the of twenty five (25) persons of day. The main purpose of this Isthmus of Panama, with are any particular trade and or callconference is forthe devising quest for two 2) representative ing may elect one of its numof ways and means of bringing from each such organization ber a representative to the into being one Control Head will full power to act for and in conference who will be permittquarters and the discussing and the name of the organization ed to take part in all discusfinal adcption of such matters representative. These represen sions but will not be punitted of interest and general welfare tatives are eligible to vote upon to vote to labor as may be brought be al questions required to be voted fore the conference. It is inThe National Women Assoon at the conference. In additciation of Panama has tended to adopt the principles ton, members of the organizabeen laid down at each of the con tions are free and at will to be requested to cooperate in a financial campaign for the raising of funds for the financDIRECTS MEDICAL EXAMINATION OF ing of the conference to which it has gladly assented; and as a fraternal organization, it has been requested to also send two delegates to the conference who will take part in the discussions only.
We note with much concern. lon, requesting that functionary committee consisting of the in the edition of the Panama to take up the matter with the following named gentlemen has American of the 12th innatant, Health Authorities in an effert been named to effect necessary a directive of the Health Officer that the directive be not made arrangements for the conferenof the City of Colon, to the ef effecive until the expiarations ce, and from information gleanfect that unless performers (ar of contracts of the performersed to date these gentlemen are tists) of establishments, such as (artists) in point, and that the exerting all efforts at their comcabarets, etc, in the City of Co propietors of the affected esta mand to make one and all who lon submit to clinical examina blishments in entering into all attend the conference feel comtion, the establishments in which future contracts include there fortable and home: Juan employed will be placed off 11 in the dequirement of their con Pardo, Luis Alejandro Cuellar, mit. to be effective on the 19th tractees submitting to the exam Manuel Herrera, Guillermo de seven (7) days from date of is ination which is the cause of this Leon, Porfirio Diaz, Modesto surance of the said directive. writing Porto, Juan Nieto Cristobal CeDue to circumstances in which rrud, Aristides Wilson Celso Cornot only the persons affected, In answer to the President and villon and Celso Solano.
but also the proprietors and esSecretary letter referred to in pecially the employees of these paragraph two, supra, the ho All indications point to a most establishments Bartenders and norable The Governor, to which pleasant and enjoyable time and Waiters, etc. will be placed, reference also made in the a warm, right hearty welcome should the subject directive be paragraph cited, under dated of awaits one and all.
not complied with, the President the 13th instant, among other It is the expressed wish of and Secretary of the Bar Tenthings stated his promise to imthe committee that all be puns.
ders and Waiters Union, Panmediately take up the matter as tual in attendance, especial ama City, in the interest of requested, and whatever the rethe delegates, it having been delabor in general, have addressed sult, which it is trusted will be cided to make go of business a letter to the Honorable The satisfactory, will be brought to promptly at the scheduled hour.
Governor of the Province of Co the attention of all concerned.
We understand that the delagtes of the Bar Tenders and Waiters Union are the unassummany questions that were hitherto confined to the sacred precincts of ambidextrous diplomats. Ening and pleasing Mr. Juan Pardo, President of that orgalightened public opinion may go a long way toward nization, and smiling Bryon the prevention of another world holocaust.
Anderson, member of the Board of management of the May success crowns the conference transac said organization, to whom full tions and with faith and confidence not forgetting authority to act for and in the name of their unit has been deto ask Ged blessing upon every effort; we wish legated you good luck.
Our eyes and ears will be centered on you delegates on both days of the conference. Note) Board of Management member Eduardo Douglas will be alternate to Byron Anderson on one of the confe rence days, e. 21st and 22nd.
SALON AZUL COCKTAIL BAR BLUE ROOM HERE AND THERE. Street Front Avenue (Continued from page one)
conjunction of being robustly built; due to his duty being a very hazardous ore, therefore, it would be unwise to select a weakling. and one as powerful and strong and stalwart as His excellency the Doctor is, will, without contridiction, fill the bill. In consequence of which, the Instrument cited should be named for the office in point.
Your correspondent shall appreciate word from Chief Dispenser, Judge Jim, in the premises. And until then, your correspondent SIGNS OFF Telephone 142. COLON. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO