
Panama, June 29, 1945 THE LABORER Page Two Sugestion Re. Continued from page One)
may result through lack of organization Only with the restoration of sound, vigorous and progressive labor syndicates in all the world can there be hopes of world labor solidarity founded on equality and mutal help.
The sustains the ideals of individual liberty, equality and opportunity and of the fraternal spirit that joins the laborers of the whole world in one common interest.
Acme News photo JAP TRAP. Max HIII, NEC commentator, once a prisoner of the Japs, gives his reolpe for last Ing Pacific peace in the June American Magazine. This can be done, he says, only through combined action of the China, Canada and Russia.
These Once Were Men (Continued from page One)
where integrity is concerned; he, having longere this, proven his superb qualifications and merits.
We find, also, that too many of our good folks, because they assist in some way, one to obtain that wich he seeks, expect that one to remove heaven and earth perform miracles; make for them an over night ELDORADO. to be a Christ on earth and the leader Moses of old, forgetting entirely that such a one is human and is unable to make the impossible possible. One unintentional error blots out the memory of ninety nine good deeds performed; one disappointment blots out the heaven full of stars and lose sight of the fact that behind every cloudy shy there is a slivery lining; they want in payment of a small cake a large, very large pudding. Not unlike the rest of us, His Excellency is ont all perfect and or infallible, and is, therefore, subject to mistakes. We should in all fairness help to correct by consultations and proper reasonings. preferrably in private any short comings in his administration rather than go clamoring in public, which, if done, only helps to ruin the foundation of a would be good strvcture. We should not expect too much for too little.
Piled up like sticks are the corpses of thousands of dead prisoners at We wish for Don Enrique and his official famithis German camp at Belsen. The bodies were found by British 2d Army Soldiers who liberated the camp Mostly political prisoners ly God richest blessings, and to him personally. meaning anti Nazi) they had been killed by their SS Guards.
it is trusted that he will direct the affairs of state and all other matters which may require his attention in a manner befitting his distinguished self; may his tenure of office be a most successful one, and may he as Solomon of old pray his Creator for wisdom and vndestanding. Don Enrique, we are with you one hundred per cent. PEACE OUT OF CPOATIC RUIN: Like in everythin gelse the adage: AFTER STORM COMES CALY.
The iact that our Union has sometime ago experienced some difficult times. This we know has already been brought to your notice. in view of which, we must be fair in also bringing to your notice the fact that through the wholehearted support given the Executive Officers by the membership, we are pleased to state that the MACHINRY is operating as smoothly as coud be desired. As will be observed in one of our preceding issues, the Colon Branch of the Union was reactivated and within the short period of such activation much THE FIRST MAN TEEN TYPE. Sally Hughes, progress has been made, Like all unions in the heard from Chicago on NBC anks of which hell (war) let lose, a comparison Smilin Ed McConnell dramas.
John MacVane is continuing his peace after war is made, and in this regard, we battle line reports for NBC from She has also appeared on the the First Army front.
cirect attention to the following, whichin its majority applies to us. The war has created on all sides choatic ruin, both material and moral, such as mankind has never known in the entire course of human history. The moved.
task of this hour is to rebuild the world. As the Let us, therefore, continue to press forward and first element of this restoration, we long to see, onward, giving service above self for the good and after so long a period of waiting, the prompt and welfare of our union.
speedy return, in so far as circumstances permit, of the prisoners, of the interned, comatants and civilians, to their homes and to their wives, children and the noble works of neace. To all them we say: WHEN IN COLON Let not your energy flag nor your courage fail: dictate yourselves ardently to the work of reconsVISIT truction, sustained by a strong faith in tll things to which you look forward. Apply yourselves to labor, each one at his post, resolute and determiner, with a heart animated by a generous, indestructible ove of one fellow man. It is difficult, certainly, but it is also a holy undertaking that awaits you a repairing the immediate and disastrous conseTHE FIRST LAST CHANCE quences of the war: we refer to the decay of public order, misery and hunger, the relaxing and brutalizing of customs and usages and the lack of dis Where the Serviceman Rates Service cipline among many of ur.
10th Bolívar Between 12th 13th.
You know as well as we do that there were a few many we should say, in the ranks of our COLON, DE union, who had created no end of unpleasantness, but thanks to those who stood by their guns, peace at heart every barrier and obstacle must be rehas been brought about. Love having our union Welcome, Visitors First radio reporter in Tunis, at Dieppe, in Paris and cast of the Rhine, an experienced actress at 15, Is stage and in television.
CHANG BAR EMMA LOU BOURNE, 16, a high school girl, has been selected as official greeter for Miami Beach.
Fla. visitors during the month of May (International BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO