
If you wish to be virtuous and have God in your heart, obey your laws, be just, and in error you ll never fall.
THE LABORER call not heroes those that triumph by thought or by farce, call heroes the Big of Heart (Beethoven)
Year No. PANAMA, SEPTEMBER 29, 1944 Price: Will The End Of Wars Come?
With The Balboa Garden Has There Ever Been a Democratic Government?
a future Democracy.
SO their The savage conflict that is actually taking place in the battlefields of Europe and Asia, is one of the most devastating wars that History can remember.
Because of a fanatic and mean desire of greater nations to rule and govern the entire world, peaceful nations were obliged to march on and face the present catastrophe, which like in other cases, has been the result other leaders desire of power. At 42 almost the point of conquest, they discover that the arcade has broken leaving behind rivers of blood and mountains of fire. This is the sinister epilogue with which burgess politicians and leaders award the people voluntary slavery.
Towards these nations, points the accusing finger of a vindictive universe, syndicating them as the only responsibles of one of the most horrible tragedies of humanity. They are the ones who lead honest and peaceful citizens, resignated as a flock of innocent lambs, to desert fields of death and destruction. This anomal situation began as soon as politicians outlined the formation of states.
They were the audacious exploiters of all times, who took possession, monopolizing wealth, land and slaves in past times, today enslaving consciences, for, such tasks are their adlateres, the demagogues apt. Falsifying the truth by recurring to all imaginable means, no matter how dishonest. With their modern feudalism they have been daring enough to arrive to our present days. It seems incredible that such a ridiculous minority has managed to govern at its wish, for many many years, millions and millions of men, yet that is the truth, though hard to confess.
In summarizing these injustices, we ask ourselves: What is the cause of so much disgrace? And a voice that never has lied, the voice of our conscience, replies: Because, from the very beginning of political activities, the citizen chained his liberty, accepted a master, followed a leader and cowardly buried the attribute of his own freewill.
Because of these capital errors, the poorer class, suffers, generation after generation, like an interminable caravan, the terrible consequences caused bythe shadow of their complex of inferiority.
When the working man or the farmer realizes that he is as entitled to live a free free and peaceful life as he is free and lives the class that monopolizes the right to govern, both, litically and economically; when poeach patriotic unit realize that the MAJORITY also have exclusive privileges to decide its own destiny, the tables will be changed for the actors of this tragic human comedy. Governments will understand that governmental functions have no other finality but to manage honestly the interests of the people, listen to its petitions and solve its necessities as are the obligations inherent to the position conferred them, and honoring in that manner, the fundamental principle that the people wish should encarnate national soberany.
When the majority has put into practice these matters, then will the END OF WARS BEGIN.
The citizen wil have political freedom. Suffrage will no longer be just a farce mimic and laborers will proceed triumphantly on the road of their reinvindications.
What occurs in Panama does not happen in any other country. In other nation to which an immigrant arrives, he takes note and obey immediately its laws and byelaws, if he is a serious and honest person; if he is an adventurer in search of fortune, he also submits himself to the laws, by grade or by force. It is here where people of all races form a kind of group of mandarins ignoring our laws and all sense of responsibility.
of these cases, common among us we narrate the following which requires special attention The owners of the establishment at the Balboa Garden are elements of prohibited immigration or of origins of prohibited race. All or part of them came to our country with a passaport expedited by the British Consul and leaving from Palestine.
These are the gentlemen we have described as the kind of people who come to a country to form groups of mandarins, caring only for the laws that offers and rights, those that imply obligations.
Unaffected as our Government might seem and as as our people may be, certain wat abuses are made so insufferable, that there arises the perpublic protest where authorities have to intervene even with silk gloves.
We are sure that the gentlemen of the Balboa Garden will take advantage of their sonal influences to the charges against them for different causes, charges which will continue to be established by us, until by grade or by force, they become reasonable and proceed according to our them protection person.
liberty ignoring humble Prying back into the past we buried legal slavery; but in the come to the second millenary conscience of the people of Amebefore Christ and stop in a rica there remained, never to be mountainous region, where forgotten their odious vasallage group of intelligent people to the feudalistic master.
work in earnest and with ar Today, in every language of dour in the evolution of a cul the world, spreading from lips ture, the greatest of those times. to lip, a magic word is proIn their struggles they arrive to nounced Democracy It is the year 594 when the com used by ignorants, praised by monner succeeds in gaining the erviles, analyzed by erudites privilege of placing himself in and deify by politicians. The the same Acropolis as the no Greek erudites were generous, bles, burguesses and the medium indeed, in giving away to the class burguesy, to elect the Aristocratic Magistrates that generations, their marvelous invention of the word were to govern the small states comprehended in the perimeter of their cities. Solon, of aristoFor Democracy we march to cratic lineage, is designated to war; because of democracy strong countries oppress the dictate laws to the people and weaker ones; for Democracy, in with them establish a solid base every country citizens adverfor future DEMOCRACY. but sing governmental dictatorship those ponderated laws did not are persecuted. Honoring the eliminate slavery. In addition to word Democracy, many Mandathe slaves, artisans in taries and their followers bemajority, there was a cast of came wealthy and people suffer people degraded by the well misery and ostracism, so that born: the Pariahs who were devacy will forever reign.
nied suffrage privileges. Being then the situation, be Democracy for its reign of multiple and infinite virtues.
discrimination among men, in DEMOCRACY: Luxurious merou ropinion, he, who praises chandise taken by traders of such a Democracy, is either talent to the filthy market of lacking common sense or is a politics. At its enunciation, crevery vile tins cheer deliriously; the whole The Greek culture advances army of serviles patriotically steadily toward the Northern protest for democracy to their regions of Europe, till the day masters; writers anxious to figthe world is eliminated by a Su ure prominently demonstrate perior Doctrine enunciated by public backings of the most an Extraordinary Man, predi acrimonious salms and aleluyas cating equality among men and imaginable, praising the Demoinviting the people to consider cracy that politicians deify.
each other as brother and have But for us, briefly, Democracy for him the same fraternal love.
is nothing but the rose color The years pass and finally we crystal in which are colored all are in 1942, in a port of the Pe infamies, all persecutions and all political concussions.
ninsula Iberica. great multitude cheers the few daring ad If the conscious citizen would venturers who enrouted to des serenely proceed to an impartinies unknown and vigorously tial study of militant Democracy, land on the rich soil of the New we would cease to hear the traWorld, clouding their vast horigic with which justice is zon of liberty.
With the conquerors their True Democracy exists only in came to the Americas, civiliza a unit form, in the conscience of tion, the fruit of democracy, every honest man who underdeath, slavery, piracy and of stands and practices it with his course, all the beauty of the In fellowmen, doing good for good quisition. At the end of the itself; respecting others rights XVII Century and the begin and becoming angered at his ning of the XVIII Century, the impotence to combat injustices crioles and mulattos, arms in committed in its name hand, shoo kthe world in their But that is not the Democracy struggle to confuse and annihi the people want and search for.
late the imperialistic colonial Democracy of tyranny. As should occur always, cept is desired. That is, a Dethe triumphs for the better mocracy where governmental cause echoed here, there and standard rules, are inflexibly everywhere established. Democracy to With the burden of their de which should be modified all feat, the arrogant captains of Mandataries orders and every the conquered colony returned actuation of their other repreto their Motherland leaving the sentatives.
environment filled with their Now we ask. Has there ever tradition been a DEMOCRATIC GOVERNFirst Bolivar, then Lincoln, MENT?
sonal per disregard word Our Workers Consciousness laws.
After several attempts by the workers of Panama to unite and aiter many failures, we have emerged from our state of apathy to comprehend that mankind is negligent by nature. We were always indifferent to the struggle for establishing the basis of brilliante future.
universal conan We are now convinced that in order to be upright and just, it is necessary to be firm and constant in well. doing; we should not allow our faith to be extinguished or waver at the first obstacle which is encountered.
Panama, who followed the footsteps of other great men of the world.
Persecuted, scorned and ridiculed, our fellow workers never lost for one moment their faithful enthusiasm, and SO throughout the years have been preparing and awaiting the propicious moment to launch the struggle for his liberation.
Within his sphere of action, there agatates an untiring effort to emulate any example which may prove beneficial to the progress of association.
These efforts were not confined to the limits or our country. We have made contacts with our brothers across the seas in order to profit by the experience and to make our opinions more uniform; an arduous, patient but tenacious task, which we are convinced is giving satisfactory results.
No matter the obstacles or disappointments we may suffer, we still never cease in our efforts to unite the great working masses, without distinctions of race, color or creed, NATION PROGRESS LIES IN THE UNITY OF ITS WORKERS.
Ever since these people established here they have been against the personal interests cf the laborer, especially, with their bad treatment, exploitations in duration of working nours exploitations in the mount of salary, deduction from some, lack of rest, non granting vacations and discharging an employee in abrupt form We are well informed by persons who know the minimum details, that the proprietor of said business has demanded that Avelino Muñoz, in order to extend his contract, to work with his orchestra, sign a document giving up vacation and payment hours of extra work; and it seems that Mr.
ITuñoz accepts such conditions.
This attitude surprises us as we know that the person signing in his name and those of his companions, a document with rules not accepted by the law, is the Musician Association, Vice President. There rently, for example BOYCOT THE ESTABLISHMENT. citizen, in his own country as well as in other places, of the world, should be high minded when circumstances so demand. Not only of bread does of extre Data and Denunciations In spite of many years of struggle, of attempts and failures, the working man has begun to clear the national horizon, inspired by the example of others. As is well known the worker of Panama is outlawed and umiliatingly njoys existence in which, if he does not submit himself to the deplorable condition of a pariah, he views no other horizon, but that of ostracism or imprisonment. 825 August 3, 1944 SICK AND ANNUAL LEAVE REGULATION FOR ALIEN AND NATIVE EMPLOYEES Effective at once, the granting of sick and annual leave to all alien and native employees will be discontinued, until a leave policy has been established by the Panama Canal Department.
All leave accrued up to 31 Dec. 1943 will be paid the above mentioned employees. statement will be furnished to all employees by the Time and Leave Section showing balances as of 31 Dec. 1943 loss whatover leave has been granted so far this year.
It is believed that when leave policy is established by the Panama Canal Dept. it will be retroactive to Jan. 1944.
By Order of COL. COUTLEE. Copia hecha el de Agosto de 1944)
We have now been able to reinforce our ranks and to wave the banner under which are all the principles, doctrines and ideals sustained by the Amadors, the Arosemenas, and other authentic ciemosrats of WORKERS! UNITE!