CapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandImperialismSocialismStrikeWorkers Party

to come down. Still the unemployed, and snobbery. The Communists are Prime Minister Baldwin Socialist Son Tells figures went up and instructions deliberately confused with the Labor cam eto lahor exchangers to refuse Porty and the old women vote is Why Labor Seeks Again to Govern in England any extension of unemployed insur is thereby assured for the ConservaAmazing sains made by Labor at they have bought and their labor ance benefit, which meant that where tives. Snobbery is used whenever a the recent elections in England have power, wbich is exploited to the full. man could not get a job after his good Labor maa becomes dangerous served again to focus public atten During the war, when the work insurance out he wae to be refused to the existing state of things. When tbis happens, he is given large dintion upon the British Lábor Partying class was urged to fight for the any help whatsoever.
and arouse speculation over the pro saving of the country, it flocked to This policy was announced by the ners and larger cigars by the capitalbability that the Laborites will once the forces entirely oblivious of the English press, which deliberately ists, introduced to the King or the more attain control of the British fact that it did not own a square inch misled the country to believe that Queen or the Prince of Wales, given Government.
of that country. In those troublesome unemployment insurance benefit was a medal to wear on his chest or made In the accompanying tlmely article years the working men were balled paid out of charlty by the State and a Sir, offered bribes (which ne Oliver Baldwin, son of Prlme Minist as saviors, geutlemen. heroes not as an ordinary form of insurance. may or he may vot take. and pa:er Stanley Baldwin, discusses the 1s and many other fatuous appellations whose premiums were paid by work led on the back. This works wondThereupon the poorers with some but has become rathsues involved in the political battle by the fat and comfortable genera ers in work.
between the Brltish radicals and contion whose follies had brought about rates went up in order to support er overdone.
those who had lost their henefit Things are coming to a head. No servatives. Strangely enough, young the war.
amount of lying to the public will Baldwin, although the son of Eng The war over, having lost soule through no fault of their own.
land leading Conservative, 19 an eight hundred The old days of master and man stop the awn kening: no amount of thousand of thelr nrdent Socialist and the most vigor class, the working men were urged are aver. Fifty years ago, even thirts persecution can hold back the waves progress. They can parade all their uus opponcnt of his father policies. Back to the factorles and shops to years ago, masters have pald wages pile up wealth for those who had to their workmen who have been court debutantes, like a crowd or By OLIVER BALDWIN scayed behiud. The moment the trade forced to cease work owing to lack Zulus with ostrich feathers in their LONDON, November, 1927. slump hegap the Conservatives of orders and kept them in health hair, or line up all their dukes a nui Great Britain in the midst of a party of the capital and comparative comfort out of re duchesses in flashing diamonds und decorations, or the streets with mit class warfare that becomes more bit ists) urged. emigratlou to the recognition of their past services.
ter with each action of the present turned heroes as a cure for over Today that is unthikable. work tary bands playing: hut the workConservative Government. To explain population and were surprised that ing man is once more part of a ma ing mau of today will not be so eastchine and his employer is a combine. iy impressed by these symbols of the the causes of this grawing chasm beau enthusiastic response When bis days are over, he dis. past.
tween capital and labor, first let me forthcoming.
The chasm between classes will state clearly that in Great Britain Unemployment increased and it charged and he dies in a work house, true democracy there are three distinct classes the became clear to the people that the the medal ribbons he won in the war not disappear in capitalists, the middle class, whose object of industrialis in was velther to save democracy being pioned on arises in this land and equality of make one class political allegiance is divided, and to supply cheap goods to those tha: his coffin and the medals themselves opportunity will of the local only which is dedicated to the serthe working men and women. Of needed them nor to pay a decent sracing the window these, the working men, women and wage to the producers thercot, but pawn broker. Is there any wonder vice of the community rather than sacrificed to the profit of the indichildren number some thirty mil rimpiy to make profit for those who the class war is a fact?
The British capitalist has not yet vidual, lions and the capitalist class but already possessed.
Copyright, 1927.
three millions.
The amazing success of national realized that is his workmen are to ized Industry during the war was work well they must first receive. From the New York American, Nov. 1927. am only concerned with the strug kept from the knowledge of the peo good wages, secondly, be decently sle between the thirty and the three pole noastre. ene wear and the tale est tinancial and otherwise ia thelr People of Lead millions, and my first explanation of work.
this warfare is that these two classes less of the workers.
In Prosperity and Little wonder that the working Because he has are brought up with entirely difer. Ginss began to see through the whole things today and British capitalism none of these Happiness ent aims, objects and ideais. The one Washington, Dec. AP) In class is able to receive as much edusame, and the increase in the Labor seems incapable of providing tliem.
prosperity and happiness thc cation and knowledge as it can as Party strength showed that things the workman ideas turn naturally people of the United States. 80 similate; the other is. denied any were changing and people were awak to other methods of production and distribution, and every wage reducsubject of sciniration and study Ching further education but that of natiothe work orcr. suy Secretary The Conservative Government rell llon strengthens bis faith in radical nal schools, which are left at the Davis in the unul report of the age of fourteen.
in 1924. In the same year Labor methods.
Once the working men of Great Jepartment of Labor wherein the The capitalist class is taught the term of office came and passed and high pride of class and empire, the glories the Conservatives returned to power Britain have seen through the hum. called for maintenance of wages anal with a majority of some two hun bug that is dished out to them by welfare; for tho of fox hunting and amusement, and control of immigration and fur is launched into the world to con dred seats and a minorlty of votes in the popular press and the captains will be a great the moulsfication of antitrust serve what it has and see that the the country, which proved the hypo of industry there crisy of our democratic voting sys dical message and idealisant is breakchange. Gradually and surely. the ra law to allow the condition ho working men and women provide it described being maintained. He with anything further it might need: The election was won by a carefulIng their inaterial outlook declared the simple secret with the least possible amount ot ly fostered panic about Russia, which on life and it was quite obvious in natieral prosperity is the maintrouble.
advance of of the recent elections that tenante of high production and On the other hand the working revived the dying germ of the fingoism the people had learned in the dwindle rapidly.
the Conservative majority would high wages which have resulted class (as the poor are called here. is national schools. Lord this and Lady in the cessation of strike activity, doped in scbool with imperialist that rushed about waying Plage and The capitalist best friends 301 proxlicts this condition aumho jumbo and pandered to in the called on the people to save them Creat Britain are the Communists continue.
press with the dolugs of our ineffici selves from polygamy, assassinaent and idle aristocracy and the glor tion, revolution and the devil by ies of the material prosperity of our Compliments of profiteers. Apart from this the sole roting against the Labor Party, and alm and object of the thirty millions Pekinese dogs on fresh meat at hall then returned to feed their favorite is to buy bread.
a dollar a pound.
They are not concerned when they become grown up, with conserving: The past denial of education work and the for they bave nothing to conserve the workers lid its Distributor for There were 800)
neither does their enthusiasm run bluft succeeded.
to extravagant imperialism or na two million unemployed in the land STUDEBAKER and ER SKINE Cars tionalism, for they know nothing of and another million receiving poor.
workthe first and they have no material law out relief or living in connection with the latter, since their houses.
sole possessions are the clothes they Then the Conservatives really sco stand up in, the odd bits of furntture to work in earnest and wages began THE CONSUMPTION OF ESTU NESTLE MILK IS UNIVERSAL len.