tertulerere we red Julen Barth, Charge A.
fare utile In ute the world was in the bila bcbet, the. Officials spre Great Inter In Project of in Internat annels lila. to kind with chica Rotary Conference Here Nest rullu.
March Taking Exception To Statements Made By the Government berita Jure Diez In Its Reply To the Association of Commerce, Sitazar, We a For ReAlvarado Leaves Post Memorandum Insisting on After a week durur: which no 101 to. fait, Ph.
luncheon was beld by Jorst loOriginal Requests and Refuting All Points of ExecuBir ar thun tive Resolution May Be Completed Today tarians, there was a full attend aure at yesterduy session in the cay to desde Salto Hotel Central arta Borruvian eskubiThe controversy between the submit, my frrerocable resignaIr the Mette Extion to Thomas Jacome presided.
government and the Panama As tion from the post of Inspector Le Id et tuber Dr. Luis Sapiro, bark Trom a sociation of Commerce over tax General of Contrabands, which trip to the Vulted States and Euthat will reduction might cause a disrup lave filled since January, 1920.
Jilepolu tauta tion of the contraband preven From its dateline to the two rope, was cordially greeted by stable stay in Serlle of Peruhis fellow Rotarians, and spoke tion service operating under the signatures which subscribe it, entertainingly of Rotarlun activihand industries. He uspices of the Association of said Resolution does nothing but ritar Salat they Commerce, as a result of the re blame the service ties in other localities of vigilance date inter to fool to Two questions of importance signation of Vietor Manual Alva against commissary contrabands came up during the meeting: firat Cost of ouvillion for ti rado. Por many years head of the Cor the damages sulfered by local exhibit frota Peru.
a statemeut of what has been accommerce through the contracompllahed in arranging the many Other Visitors were Rufes Taking exception to the very bands introduced from the Canal details Ineldental to Boys Hardy, late o lantil, Georia, prve charges made in the gov Zone.
Week, which starts Xovemher and now conherted it the Star ernment reply rejecting the re The Execuulve, after declaring, 20; and seconds, the matter of and Herald. and Guillermo Arquests of the Association for a re anong other things, that What an International Rotary Coniesguedas, who was intrdouced by duction of the import tax on neis desired to prove and it is ence to be held iu this city next Cardoze, Jr.
cessaries of life and the payment something quite different is that March.
The member hip of the local of tax on articles introduced by rauy. taring advantage of the Canal Zone employes living with impunity oftered them by the Ernesto Arosemena stated that Club was increased by oue, whea while much has been done in the Horucio Soxa became a member in territory under jurisdiction of luck of effective vigilance, act! Panama authorities, Mr. Al quire articles at a price lower way of providing entertainment in good stand. Paul Vecker at.
for their youthful and exuberant tending to the necesary rites aud carado yesterday addressed a let than that paid by the general puter to Mauricio Valencia, presl. blie, adds that This complaint, guests during Boys Week, there ceremonies.
usle was still remalus much to be arrang ant as has already been stated, has furnished by the Hotel Central orchestre. Their lance against ed, particularly in connection contrabands, re ar effective remedy, and that rewith Athletics Day, which falls playing of the Chilean Rotarnu signing from the post of Inspec medy in the hands of the Astor General of contrabands. soriation of Commerce.
on Thanksgiving Hymn was especially enjoyable.
Ar. Alvarado Rotarlar Herb Halliday sent abandoned his The remedy indicated in a rellOtto Lindo read a number of letters and cables from interna regrets that a business trip to position simultaneously with the 01 macher by the Executive cantional Rotary officials, who exColon prevented his attendius presentation of his resignation, rot be any other but my dismispress a great enthusiasm for the yesterday meeting.
leaving Inspector Luis Mata al and hurry to leave the way open for local commerce to select project of an International Conin charge of the office. Paul Vecker spoke briefly ference to be held here. It is the Interviewed last night Don a competent person who may save coneernins the Red Cross drive Carlos Eleta, Vice President of the situation referred to in the idea of these officials that the to obtain funds for the needy Rotary Clubs of Panama, in cone Association Commerce, Resolution.
during the coming holidays, aud. terated that this institution As you will readily understand, nection with those of Guatemala, urged all Rotarians to see that will not only insist in its originalt must not remain another miSalvador and several Clubs in the personnel of the various huslrequests to the Government, but rate iu this position since canSouth America, act as hosts here ness concerns of the city contricicated that in a reply which let charges of such a nature, for the visiting Rotarians from bute something, even thouch ta: other parts who will pass this may be adopted today, they will which are subscribed to by no amonnt might be small way in arch. Ir. Lindo states Terute all the points contained in other than the President of the full attendance 18 requested that Rotarian cruise will positas government refusal. He in Republic and his Secretary of for next Thursday luncheos, tirely come to Panama in that Scated that the members of the Treasury, pass by unheeded.
several matters of Importance.
month, whether or not the matsociation were greatly dissatis On the other hand, only aswhen action must be taken upon fied with the reply of the Sec. of pire to live in peace with God and Treasury to their lengthy memo with my conscience; the rest does rardum, not because of the fact not matter. Regarding the poslthat their requests were flatly on have occupied for such a turned down, but because the rea long time, must declare that cs adduced are trivial and be upon abandoning it carry the ause the Chamber of Commerce personal satisfaction of having was not shown the consideration voted all my time, all my ener WHEN YOU GO TO Wat is due such an important mes and the limited resources of organization.
av humble intelligence to the de.
The Association second me tense of the interests of commurandum may be completed to merce.
day and, if so, a meeting will be it, at the end of the journey, 1d this afternoon by the hoard only receive deceptions and a of directors of the organization to considerable number of enemies, botain its approval before the do am satiefied as that is only hucument is presented.
The text or the letter of have the honor of informing Alvarado resigning his post is as you that today have left this flows. Based on the very position and have left the office grave in charge of Luis Mata a comcharges formulated by the Execu retent and lionest employe with tive Power in its Resolution No. mug experience in the service.
THE CONSUMPTION OF 70, dated the 24th, of the pre Permit me to thank you, and sent month, against the vigilance through you all the members of NESTLE MILK service of contrabands from com tite Cammission and of the Asmissaries, under my direction, 3 ciation of Commerce, for the IS UNIVERSAL consider it my unavoidable duty contidene showed to submit, ae in effect hereby umes.
me at all RIDE IN TIGER TAXI BILGRAY CABARET Honest and Efficient Chauffeurs.