
DANAM. 1, OCTUBRE 18 DE 1027 EL AUTOSEDONTE PAGINA OCHO RIGHT ABOUT SAID THE COMMENTS OF ONE OF THE MEMBERS OF PANAMA CHAUFFEURS THE PAMAMA CHAUFFEUR UNION UNION TO ITS MEMBERS To the Editor of the EL AUTOM. eral attempts to have the matter at tted in a respectable way, he would DONTE not talk to us, but instead started the campaign against un like the ex.
It is most gratifying no more, griovance are only one, and yet many Dear Mr. Editor: than it is ungrateful that alter a set a times some of the poor chauffeurs have read with great interest Kaiser of Germany. But the Allies of labouring man has served an in carry passengers to the hotel, and dividual falthfully for all these years, even when they are independent lu your valuable paper the different won the war. Persons know quite them, ves this was done by Mr. to take a ride with said chanffeurs. Writters concernlug the treatment of keeplus up lits business. And whet crippled man throwing away reason for this is that. we were his parties, he were never able to in Panama. in publle print two weeks ago. The after the poor chauffeurs return for Dr. Chas. Pearson, tourist agont be started against us ita Just like a sticks; we made him what he is totold. we were getting a so called set same on account of the Tourist have also noticed the insults thut day and now this is the thantas we gentleman deal and we kicked and aud Tire agent stand as a barrier the sald Mr. Persons las made got. But am sure we won be able yet held mit according to a recent in their way, unles be is one of those against some of the members of thio to foot us auy more, he has shown letter that was sent to the union that buy tires from him, and even PANAM ACHAUFFEURS UNION. up his weakness by expoluing himthat the only grievance the chauf when there aro independent parties This is to show how simple has made self to some of his enomic becha feurs union had was the so called in the hotel want to take a drive by us out to the public after we have them to work for him and that he is local bont, but we have conteded that the hour many a time the cars in the stven him such faithful service for sorry for what he did, don forget any well thinkers knows fully well Publie Parking Stand were never the past five years. For instance: the Touring Company boys, it is all that there was never a fire without able to get same, the reason is that when the Panama Touring Company camouflaged. If you let him up now smoke, and it generally takes plenty the tourist and tires agent must have started operating against Mr. Per next reason you will be killed.
of fire to make a big smoke, and that the first preference, without taken sons, he came to us and promised us My opinion is that he will go to is the whole fact of the matter with into consideration that the other ear all kinds of things if we would stick the chauffeurs union. He also sus owners are paying the same Govern by him, and he would see to it to the States and make contracts for a gested that according to said griorment License, hence you see even Touring Company have the local hundred cars and we will not be abio ance that appoint, special com. when it is said that the chauffeurs boats: but to our great surprise no to sell our cars, to get out of the mittee with one from the union with grievance are only one, the union sooner he got the Touring Company business. Don let him up boys, get himself, and the arrangements we contended that all these is not right out, he took the whole business for him out of it while we have got th. chance. The Chauffeurs Union is le hind us and am gnite sure every already without Mr. aquiring to mentioned fact, the union has tried enough of that committee meeting in every way possible make He is a smart business man, unt member of this union has got to be union contended that we have bad friendly settlement by sending a thus: will tell him we are just as with the Unlon: and as far as cun the satisfaction of the union, hence committee quite up to Mr. house smart as he is; he can fool us one see the non unionist are one hundred the union has decided by a motion at Bellavista, which was a bit of but not all the time. The Chanffeurs per cent (100. strong. On the 4th that was put to the house and carried honour and is part, and yet he is or Panama has been from time to of november there will be one hnnout unanimously that each parties not satisfied. But we have come to time studying plans to put an endred tourist coming to Panama, and will work out their own destiny to one conclusion, as above stated. Ws to this profetearing of Mr. Persons. Mrs. John Mc. Kewen onr agent will the best of their ability, and that ARE THROUGH WITH HIM. and we have invested thousands of dol take care of them.
will solve the whole problem, In he should be satisfied for we should lars to make a decent living, but all We must give credit to the presithat we ca ngoe from Mr. action be the hurtful party and not him, of our profits has been taken by dent of our Chion to select such a his slaves that he does recognize the chant because he get all the profit and we one man; then we becom good man as Mr. Mc Keven as manfenrs union as a legal entity to settle get none, but the union still wish When wo started our boycot all grievance partaining to its mem him well, because he has learned 18 against Mr. Persons, and made ser aser or our company. suggest that we shall name this company THE bers but the union contended that a fine lesson, and we hope from now NIOX TOURING COMPANY.
it is only the horse that carry the on, that all car owners and chaufYours very truly.
hay knows that it is heavy, and we feurs will be aware of such lesson to do the right thing, they in turn will help us to amend our glovances.
have worked all these years to and be like good old Soldiers.
help make him what he is today with very best wishes for alt we act otherwise, they will belp and finally achieve our goal; vbilst without even getting GRACIAS, and stronger unity, remain yours truly, us. yes! But in Jall, which means it is also in some cases that high yet he is not satisfied. Oh how is Member of the Panama Chanteurs DENT in our pockets, and often negligence is the sole root of a poor man Is they are not mineful al Union.
thongh it is said that the chauffers times dents in the edge of a pick axe attendance. If one would only stop or machete, used in making roads to think of how much he looses by and cutting grass, serving a 30 day being absent from a meeting. or CHAUFFEURS UNITY REGULATION OF TRAFFIC sentence.
just how much of his good ideas he DRIVE WITH CARE These little hints are facts, and has likely deprived his union of, he III do hope that chauffeurs in general would readily realize his value or The Panama chauffeurs and cars It would be a wonderful thing will read and digest them carefully the value of his presence, at every owners (Jitney. are the only peo our chauffeurs in the terminal Cities and act accordingly. By so doins, meeting.
ple that does not like to help them of the Republic, would take the neces you will and that we win be better Here is a time right now whyu selves, they only try to lift another sary precautions of operating their treated, and respectfully handled by the two nnions of the republic are man np and staydown, they like to cars with all possible care, which the community.
put themselves in rotation like a wonld eventually minimize accidents.
Thanking you for space dir. Editor, standing out with an endeavour to stepladder to let the wise birds climb Whenever we set on our cars, may it Yours for the betterment of chauf achieve all it possible can to Tosure on them and when he reaches the be day or night, we should first re feuring in the Repnblic of Panama its members of a better living contop their only look up and say: look member and picture the thousands and Canal Zone.
ditlon, as well as a better working condition, these ventures are solely at that how quick he set rich, we of men, women and children that Juan Copeland. headed by the executive heads, all should done away with those sort cross our paths every moment, and to be backed up by the members, and of thing we must try and elevate our always try to be on the safe side. An Old Timer)
selves that we should all reach the We should keep well within the laws its certainly disencouraging when Box 519, Cristobal, these members do not turn out even top and be on the same level; but governing speed limits. which would that means unity. We must all got help us to prevent lots of uuforeseen to hear and give his opinion of what together like one man; scater we do things. We should not portake of CHAUFFEURS AND THEIR POOR Ion, the committee of management soing on. Tuke for instance, In Conothing.
alcoholic beverages when performing ATTENDANCE TO MEETINGS Now remember the second of next our duties, as it is always proven goes in session every Friday, during those sessions the members that month the tourists start to visit us: from time to time in every city of in years past oue man reeps all the the world that alcohol and gasoline form the committee are deprived of (By LAZARIS)
a chance to look for work all on acsweets, we work for the whole sea are great enemies.
son and when we are through we We should try to park our cars in The recent experience of the poor ways and means that will tend tocount of having to be there devisius cant even buy an extra inner tube the regular parking spaces allotted attendance of the members of the wards the betterment of the chauffor our tyre. All the twenty or us, and not any place like some of Chauffeurs Association of Colon, has feurs in general. These men are not twenty live thousand goes in one us do. This would help to relieve Sradually started to loose its ground. paid, they work earnestly for gratis, man pocket, now here is a different trattic congestion. When a Chaut as little by little the regular mem though at a loss of time, labor and proposition lets work in unity and feur 1s going along the Avenus orbers are not only taking things more likely money, and really all thes will at the end you will be surprised to Streets, he should always bear in seriously and turn out, but those that ever stick out for, is a better attendsee the difference then we will say mind that there is another co work had fallen from the ranks are again ance as a pay so they may have a we should have done this long ago, er behind him, and that he expects rushing to grasp the hand of their chance to teel that their work has but it is better late than never. The from you the same thing you are brothers, who has always had the been appreciated. don know just Chauleurs Union has organized a looking for from the other chauffeur outstretched band of unity and fel how it is done in Panama, but dn tourist department where every man in front of you. that is be lowship ready to receive them and know that unity is sure strength, will be threated alike and receive courteous give the correct sign welcome them back to the fold.
the same benefits without any obliga when stopping and turning corners.
and we cannot rely on your help It was very regretable to read in when we do not see you, so wake up tion of buying General tyres.
Before leaving your Garage, see a recent issue of the Star and Herald. boys, be your own sell, so to your spend it where you likes. Now broth will enablo you to stop within three the union in Panama was unable to voice, then sive us your ears, solek Yon work for your money so you that your car has proper brakes that that on account of a lack of quorum meetings. If you er chauffeurs and car owners this is or four feet from any object in tront hold their regular meeting. It is true to your unions and always tell your one of our best movement to prosper of you (when travelling within the that in most cases the living of the friends of the good we are alming ity so don loose it; all it means to speed regulations. chauffeurs much depend on just to do and try to add one more chauyou is unity. We are all creo men Avold arguments with Police Of what they are able to and we should not make a slave of icers and assist them. Be respectful when there is a make, and teur to the lot as often as you can.
ourselves for another man.
to them at all times and you will something It is without doubt that want, what we want, we ll have what chance to make Let us get strong so that when we WHIP.
Eind that when they can rely on us they must grasp the opportunity, but we want.