
ACCION OCTOBER, 1949 Page ANOTHER CASE WHERE THE UNION PROVES ITS WORTH ANTI UNION CLIQUE COURTS CORRUPT SHIPYARD UNION Militant Unions Urge Return Toshiba Founding CIO Principles In view of the fact that organize. Most of the convencertain would be labor lead tion was taken up with an aters who form a part of the tempt by the union officers jealous opposition to Local to raise dues. The union was 713, have been in communica losing 10, 000 per month. In tion with The Government the past year it had spent Workkers Union hoping to more than a half million dollure them to the Canal Zone, lars in raiding attempts against UPW ACCION presents some inteand other resting facts to its readers unions. These attempts failed about this vaingloriorius outmiserably and the union was fit.
on the verge of brankruptcy.
The Anti Local 713 clique, The attempt to raise dues which has its mainstay in the was killed by convention deeditorial staff of a certain fallegates who were critical of tering weekly, has been parad the leadership for squandering stories every now and then ing the union money in raidabout the Government Woring attempts. After this, the kers Union. This is the union convention broke up in pandethey want to come to the Camonium.
nal Zone and replace Local Dwindling membership UPW CIO as the organization Since the convention, the of the non citizen employees. entire union has dwindled to less than 30, 000 dues payA Raiding Splinter ments. Two years ago, this In reality, there is no Go organization boasted a memvernment Workers Union. bership of over 200. 000. CorIt is really a conveniently rrupt leadership and costly named segment of the Ship raiding drove thousands of yard Workers Union. About a members into other unions.
year and a half ago, the shipThe two largest locals. Lo Robert McKinnon, blind, ex employee of the Army and Panama Canal, is seen rec iving his yard workers lost most of its cal in Camden, and retirement check for 2000. 00 from First Vice President Graham Lewis. McKinnon won the remembers. In order to maintain the Sun Shipyard Local tirement as a result of Local 713 action.
the luxury salaries of its ofwithdrew from the Union in ficers, it decided to start raid disgust with national policies nig other unions for memberand affiliated with other orga Who Told You to Talk nizations this year: One of the first unions it In Yonkers, New York, the Back to a White Man?
picked on was UPW. They Shipyard Workers succeeded found several malcontents and in raiding a UPW Local. They Several weeks ago Brother renegades who were not getled the workers into a disasArchibald Bailey was driving ting anyplace in UPW and trous strike which ended up delivery van on the CristoWhen the so called left wing clo unions met recently in New Who wanted to find a home in bitter defeat. After the bal Docks. His truck was hit York to discuss the present dispute within th National CIO on where they could glisten more strike the members asked by a commercial fork truck autonomy and democracy, everyone of the 1500 delegates lashed brightly UPW if they could return to and he called over a policeout violently against the Murray Reuther Carey ediet to conform the fold.
man to check on the accident.
to CIO, politics and polices or get out.
Renegade Organizers In Woods, Wisconsin, the During the discussion with The delegates represented a wide bloc of membership and Two trouble makers by the Shipyard Union raided anoththe policeman, a gold forespok for members in 20 unions.
name of Shoemaker and Meer UPW local. At the time of man walked over and began Ewart Guinier, secretary treasurer of the United Public Work rengoff ran for election as dethe raid, the local numbered to make all kinds of statelegates to the last Internatioers, in speaking on autonomy, told this story of a talk he had 250 members.
ments about the accident. BaiThe union is with CIO President Murray last year: nal Convention of UPW. They now down to 50 and at latest ley politely informed him that Senator John Sparkman, Democrat from Alabama, were badly defeated and could he wasn even on the scene reports is on the verge of foldpaign:d on the slogan: Vote for Sparkman and your sister will not even be elected as alterwhen the collision occurred.
ing up.
never have to work alongside of a Negro. Quoting this example natives.
The foreman retorted: Shut to Murray, Guinier said his union demanded the right to differ In a fit of rancor, they re Birds of a feather up you black son of a. with CIO endorsements of congressional cardidates especially signed from UPW and joined This is the union to which Who told you to talk back jimcrow candidates. Murray said: The people in Alabama who up with the Shipyard outfit. the conniving clique on the to a white man. endorsed Sparkman have local autonomy.
They were hired as organizers Canal Zone is looking for delThe violation of the Goverin 1948, and today these two iverance from UPW. From the However, UPW did not have the autonomy to oppose Sparknor circular forbidding the renegades are the whole or description it seems pretty man, Guinier said.
use of abusive language to an ganizing staff of the mighty, likely that the Shipyard goonemployee was reported to the Maurice Travis, energetic secretary of the Mine, Mill and so called Government Wor squad would match pretty Smelter Workers, with a black patch covering his missing right kers Union.
proper authorities, and proper well with the anti Local 713 eye, told the 1500 delegates to stand firm on their demands for At their last convention in group on the Zone. But, frandisciplinary action was taken a return by the CIO to the founding principles of the organiza March, the union didn pass a kly, we don feel that the rank tion.
single resolution relating to and file of silver employees the problems of federal em would want to have anything He told of raids by Phil Murray steel workers Union raids to ployees whom they seek Credit Unions in Good to do with them.
of Mine, Mill shops. When these attempts failed, the raiders reShape Says Harold sorted to viol: nee, kidnapping and beating officers or other leaders of the so called left wing unions.
LESTER PRINGLE LEAVES FOR PERMAWright The Conference climaxed its activities for the day with a resolution (see page four) and hoped that it would become the NENT RESIDENCE IN In contrast to the chaotic Talling cry throughout CIO.
financial condition of a cerUNION LOSES VALUABLE June, he won the stewards tain credit union on the Canal ASSET award for the Balboa Chapter.
Zone, the five credit unions One of the outstanding ste tireless worker, he spent These members savings have lection by legal action if neces sponsored by UPW CIO last wards of the Balboa Chapter, sary. It was stressed that the the majority of his off duty been used to make 910 loans year were found to be in good and one of the capable leaders hours at the Balboa Union oftotalling 26. 000 in the ten borrower would be required shape after a month long exaof Local 713. Lester Prin fice where he willingly assisted month period. At August 31st, to pay court costs and atmination by Harold Wright, gle departed late last month anyone. On several occasions there were 565 loans outstand torney fees in addition to his Assitant Regional Representaing amounting to 15. 000. The loan balance.
for the United States where he has participated in grievtive of the Bureau of Federal he plans to reside permanenaverage size of loans has been ance hearings along with the Credit Unions. The treasurers have been tly.
approximately 30. In general commended for their devotion He was employed with the At a party held in his hoMr. Wright said: The five the repayment record has been Police and Fire Division as a federal credit unions (Balboa, to duty, all having served the good. Two credit unions had nor, prior to his departure, entire period without compenno loans with payments over guard.
Lester was warmly tributed Paraiso Red Tank, Gamboa, tion, as have the other direc Les, during his brief period by the Balboa Chapter ExecuGatún, Cristóbal) have a to sixty days past due. Another with the Union, was one of its tors and committepmen. Altive Board and other union tal of over 1600 members. had only one account in arthough all the treasurers startrears that long.
most sincere and unselfish members and friends.
These members at August 31st ed without previous credit workers. He served as a mem Local 713 takes great pleaJaeld shares (savings) of over In the case of the few un union experience, no serious ber of the Balboa Chapter sure in expressing its appre 31, 000.
cooperative borrowers who problems arose and the re Educational and Recreational ciation to Bro. Lester Pringle In the short period of ten are not meeting their regular cords of all five credit unions Committee and was one of its for his unselfish contribution months, one of every ten em ly scheduled payments, the are now in balance through principal figures: to the Union and wishes him ployees has become a member. Examiner has called for col the date of the examination. For the quarter ending last the best of luck.