
This is your GGTON Lai 713 Official Organ UPW. CIO UNION PAPER SUPPORT IT!
Non political Vol. Nº 19 PANAMA, JUNE 1, 1949.
FREE UNION CONDUCTS IMPORTANT SENATE RESTORES MCCARRAN AMENDMENT NEGOTIATION WITH DUE TO OF PRESSURE ADMINISTRATION UPW WORKING WITH CONFERENCE COMMITTEE TO REMOVE DISCRIMINATORY MEASURE RE EMPLOYMENT POLICY, EFFICIENCY The emocratic McCarran Amendment has been inserted RATING SYSTEM, AND INCREASED Advice to Brodie in the Senate Appropriations Bill for the Panama Canal as a MEAL ALLOWANCE DISCUSSED Burnham on how to result of the testimony of Walter Jones, legislative representative of the Metal Trades Council. of Defeat Communism!
Extensive negotiations have been conducted by the Union The Appropriations Bill contains the amendment in even a with the Panama Canal Administration over the past three weeks.
The following is from an more vicious form than previously. This year the prevision givThe negotiations dealt with the rate of pay for personnel advertisement recently print ing the President authority to suspend the amendment because reemployed in the same division, and submitted recommendations ed in the New York Times: of a housing shortage for gold employees is omitted. This for the improvement of the current efficiency rating system, as When the people of our means that the amendment can be suspended only because of well as recommendations that would increase the meal allowance great country lose confi war or national emergency.
for silver employees.
dence in our American way Richardson Testifies of life and stop buying Against Measure Urges Favorable Change in Races of Mankind tion for incorporation into the shares of stock in American Thomas Richardson, UPW Re employment Policy rating system to be ultimately corporations, then CommuAuthor Blasts Silver Anti Discrimination Chairman, The delegation, consisting of adopted. The Union took the nism has won an important Discrimination strongly urged the Senate ComInternational Representative position that the acceptance of victory and Democracy has mittee to omit the discrimiFoster Bournes; Cecil Hall, Fithese proposals would reduce to suffered a disastrous defeat.
Dr. Gene Weltfish, co author ratory McCarran provision and nancial Secretary, and organia minimum the probability of Keep America strong! Deof the famous pamphlet, The adopt the same policy as the zer Roland Dean in speaking, error, misunderstanding and arfeat Communism!
Enlist Races of Mankind, and pro House Committee. He told the on the re employment of per bitrary rating.
NOW in the Army of Amer fessor of Anthropology of CoAppropriations Committee: sonnel in the same Division. The following are the pro ican shareholders by buying lumbia University, attacked dis would like to stress the recommended that such re emstocks today!
crimination against Panama Ca(Continued on page 4)
ployment be made at the last human factors involved in the nal silver employees at the continuation of the McCarran in grade step of the employee Cultural and Scientific Conferamendment insofar as Panama provided that the classification chce for World Peace held reEDITORIAL is the same and the re employCanal appropriations are concently in New York City.
cerned. It would be an inhum:ent occurs within a reasonDr. Weltfish described in viTIME FOR GENERAL WAGE INCREASE man action to retain that amend able period of time from the vid terms the economic and so ment which would bring about cate of separation.
Few cheers from the silver employees greetcial discrimination practiced the firing of these old and faith The Union cited an example ed the announcement of the Administration that against the silver employees ku! employees who are not ciwherein an employee of a Paand compared wage scales bettizens of either the United nama Canal Division had been within grade increases would be granted on June ween silver and gold Work States or the Republic of Paemployed since April 1946 as 26th of this year. From past experience only er performing the same jobs. rama who braved malaria, yelLuggerman, Grade C, 38 about 25 of the employees will receive these The professor cited the role lov fever, and rock slides to per hour and after having been raises. For the most part they will consist of of the of in the maint help build the Panama Canal.
given a reduction in force, ef If these workers had not iective March 5th, he was sub two or three cents per hour. comparatively enance of sub standard conditions for silver workers and heen available for the rigorous sequently re employed as Lugsmall number of the employees in grade eleven read from testimony they gave duties during constructia german, but at Grade A and above will receive four cents or more for their Lefore Congress in which Pa days, it would have been nethereby suffering a per hour within grade raise.
ramanians and silver emcessary for American workers cut in wages.
Thus the within grade raises will not ease to ployees were vilified and slanto perform these jobs and be This, the Union pointed out, dered. He cited the loyalty re expesed to these dangers. So was an injustice, and contended any effective extent the pressing economic prob cord of the employees and as in actuality, the very workers that there was no justifiable lems confronting the silver employees. Those ked if the of could who would be affected by the Teason for a wage cut. employees in step of their classification have no equal that record. Cont. on Page 4)
opportunity to obtain a within grade increase. The Increase In Meal Allowance Sought most distressing situation is faced by the frozen workers.
The mea allowance of 20 per day established for The frozen employee did not receive any inemployees transferred from their official stations was also the naugurated during February, 1948, although hunsubject of considerable discusdreds of other workers received raises ranging sion.
There a wild report that Brodie Burnham running loose The Union, in its argument, from to more than 10 per hour. When the gen again quoting official sounding reports about UPW and maintained that this allowance eral per hour raise was granted in July, 1948 threatening Admirals and Generals with dire retaliation unless was not sufficient to cover the the frozen employee was again left out. The they submit to his dictates.
cost of adequate meals. As a within grade increases granted in January, 1949, ACCION owes it to its readers to point out that the aweT esult of this insufficiency the brought not one cent to the frozen employees, ally in his column to prove his allegations against UPW CIO is some sounding Congressional report that he is quoting so libercmployees are forcer to augand the within grade increases announced for nothing but a produet of the most discredited Committee in the their allowances with their own funds. Continued on page 3)
United States the House Un American Activities Committee isIt was recommended that this sued over four years ago!
allowance be increased to 95, What Burnham quotes in his column with such official soundenough to cover the cost of ing terms is merely the witch brew of this nightmarish comthree meals that are of the mittee that has been branded as foul and irresponsible by almost minimum caloric value.
every democratic American leader.
As a justification for its reLet us see what outstanding American citizens and orgaquest for increased meal allonizations think about this Committee which Brodie Burnham quotes The Balboa Chapter Education and Recreation Committee has wances, the Union submitted tu prove his point.
gotten off to a fast start and is providing real educational and data on illustrated sample The late President Franklin Roosevelt branded it as sordid, entertainment programs for the Chapter membership.
meals taken from the menus of flagrantly unfair and un American.
the Panama Canal Clubhouses The Chairman of the Com interest of the members and The Greater New York Federation of Churches (Protestant)
that totaled 95.
mittee is Cleveland Green leaders of the union in labor, said: We have viewed with alarm the continous interference by These sample meals repreCther committee members are: to build a spirit of solidarity, this committee with the freedom of our citizens. and by the sented the minimum amount A. Edgehill, Secretary, and to gain an understanding irresponsible and un American utterances of its most vocal spokesand variety of food required for Pringle, Hinds, Hogan, of the glorious past of labor man, Representative Rankin.
the diet of a worker. Wilmot, Bellizaire, militant struggles for a Let This is what New World, the official newspaper of the Cathoand Wellington, colum ter way of life.
lie Church in Chicago, said of the un Americans: Union Seeks Changes nist.
One of the projects of the Perhaps Mr. Dies (former Chairman of the Committee)
in Rating System The main objective of the Committee is the building of locks on the results of the recent election as a mandate for him Three recommendations were committee is to provide educa a library. This has been a to become the fascist dictator of the United States. Clearer and submitted to the Administra tional programs to awaken the (Cont. on Page 2)
BURNHAM QUOTES WITCH crease when the classification program was in BREW TO PROVE HIS POINT ment Balboa Education Committee Lights the way with Labor History BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO