Union Negotiates For Dock Workers benefits requests.
under hiring a temporary dock me men so the SNAPS HUNDREDS VIEW EDUCATIONAL FILMS Second the convictions Panama, August 1947 Page Army Upholds Balboa Chapter Sponsors Auxiliary Grievance Procedure In a meeting held to negotiate for posting UPW CIO notices In a Circular issued by the u. for dock workers, the Union pre and announcements.
Balboa Chapter of Local 713, Arcos. Subsequent activities of Army and dated August 1, sented their requests to the Re Mr. MacSparran stated that now boasts a Ladies Auxiliary. this newly formed unit include 1947, the Army authorities up ceiving and Forwarding Agency. safety devices and equipment The splendid idea conceived a Bingo party, on the 13th; held the right of part time or Mr. MacSparran, Re were evailable for the use of at a women meeting of the and the setting up of two temporary employees to enjoy ceiving and Forwarding Agent, any employee that desires to use Chapter held on July 24, 1947, working committees on Consthe of the now existing reviewed the Union them.
developed the careful titution and on Program.
grievance proceduree authorized The Union requested that a The Union also suggested when and enthusiastic guidance of a meeting has been arranged by the Army.
rotation system be used in searching is done at check out committee composed of Sisters for August 21, at which time Employees in that status had been refused the a more equitable there could be time, a feew lines be set up so Doris Thomas, chairman; Etta the Rules governing the Auxdistribution of that employees are not delayed Adams, vice chairman; Aura liary will be read and the elecright to appeal grievances and employment. The Union discus and kept on permises for longer Stanford, secretary; Pearl Wil tion of officers effected.
in some cases were bluntly told sed the availability of safety de periods than necessary.
kinson, Eunice Murray, Nettie Accion heartily congratuthat they had no right even to vices for workers. The Union re The Union will negotiate for Howell and Josephine Mowatt. lates Sister Thomas and her submit a grievance.
quested permission to use the the cre sick leave and In negotiations with Army of Bulletin Board in the Checking rest leave. Night differential will ceremony, followed by a social newcomer to the Union family On August 7, the inaugural committees; and wishes this ficials, the Union requested that Shed.
also be negotiated with the hour, Mr.
was held in the Club every conceivable success.
temporary employees be covered MacSparran granted the authorities. The Union will ask by Army appeal procedure. As Union permission to use the Bul for specifield periods for the a result, the Circular was is ietin Board in the Checking Shed docks workers to eat lunch.
bordinate, insolent, dishonest, sued. Following is an except and generally unbearable beof the Circular cause Union will defend has been brought to the them. But in this they are enattention of higher headquarters (By Harwil)
tirely wrong, and the sooner that individuals in a temporary Have you ever stopped to that such members are made status have been refused the right of appeal or submission of think it is possible to fight so to realize that the Union will strongly for our own rights not condone violations of the a grievance for review by the Grievance Committee because By MEDIUM OF FILMS true today as it ever was.
that we completely forget that laws or defend such actions on others also have rights which the part of its members, the they were not permanent em The House Live In, featCRISTOBAL, Aug. Educawe should be as ready to con better will be our chances of to existing Civilian Personnel CIO Trade Union platform. Early ployees. This is direct violation tion is an imortant Plank in the uring Frank Sinatra was the film shown Sinatra cede to them as we are to fight success.
Our Education and RecreaRegulations and in no case will in the life of Local 713, UPW CIO eagerly accepted the role, since for ours? This point seems to such action be taken in he is one of the outstanding have completely passed many tion Committee should ponder a large scale Educationad and important and champions in the field of Race of our members, and the time this matter future.
very Regulations dealing with Recreational program was map. Relations, Human Rights and is opportune for the attention carefully, and make it their ances do not differentiate be operation the International Of Equality of Opportunity. This of all to be brought to this main task to teach the memo picture was the film version car matter.
bership the importance of Rentween permanent and temporary fice of the UPW CIO at Wash icaturing the crass stupidity inAs workers we have been dering Unto Caesar The Things employees and are interpreted ington forwarded latest releases dividuals are guilty of when they fighting for better treatment, That Are Caesar s, and that is the Best Policy.
to mean all employees, regardless in this direction to Local 713.
even so much as exhibit trends improved working conditions, Honesty of status.
On Wednesday evening July in the direction of racial hatreds improved housing, higher sala Our organizers, stewards, and 30th the Cristobal Chapter, and discriminatory practices. ries, etc. etc. these are all our others in positions of leaderTODAY TRENDSthrough its Education and Re Frank Sinatra famed voice inalienable rights for which we ship should assume the further of cooperating creation Committee staged its was heard to advantage in his should continue an ardent and respo (Continued from Page 2)
first Educational Picture Show at acting, maybe due to the fact relentless fight, but we must with the Education Committee in this work.
Hats off and a cheer, to the Colon Arena before an audi that his soul was in his presen realize that the organizations Wisconsin Senator Charles ence of approximately 200 meme curately into his consciencious to be loyal and honest, and that kind would go a long way to An open campaign of this Kersten. Why? Quote. Hu bers and friends. Due to the man labor cannot be treated as shortness of notice for which Talks were given by Regional we in all fairness say that we that the UPW CIO is sincere in be purchased at the lowest price Foster Bournes. Master of Ce Director Max Brodsky, Bro. Ni are as loyal and honest as we its efforts to go all out to coothe market will stand. The mini remonies, and the fact that films casio Garcia, Organizer, who should be?
perate with them, and is not mum. wage law is a recogni must be returned according to gave the Spanish version, while Many of our members seem in favor of illegal acts. Manathe dignity of human a scheduled deadline, hundreds the running commentary was to feel that because they have gement on realizing this, will labor. It shou should not be placed on of members suffered dissapoint handled by Bro. Foster Bournes, the backing of the UPW CIO, in turn feel more encouraged the auction block of the blind ment. hese shows are free. Vice. Chairman of the Educa they are now privileged to be to work along with us and conforces of the market place. The Brotherhood of Man was tion Committee.
come lax in their workman sider our cries when we have Resolution. heartily pro the first picture presented. It deship, indifferent in their atti cause to approach them with posed. Do we hear a seconder picted the various races and their tude towards their work, insu our grievances.
from The Hill. traditional backgrounds which Dock Employees Hold Four decades of low wages motivated their different reaccoupled with complete lack of tions to life. The picture proved First Meeting appreciation are enough to open that the belief that such a thing Editorial the eyes of the most complacent as a superior race exists or Cristobal, Aug. 16. Cristobal (Continued from Page 1)
the fact that the iron heel of ever existed is completely false. Dock employees held their first racism stamps just as hard in It also made clear that the old meeting at the International summed it up this way: the Canal Zone as it does in the adage One touch of nature Hall on Friday evening August southland. Newcomers to this makes the whole world kin is as 15th. It was convened by Ni The average overall cost of living of silver Isthmian paradise have the tecasio Garcia, Oranizer, who employees rose by between 50 and 64. from 1940 merity to revile the sincere, loyal, The problem surrounding sil acte as Chairman. Bro. Clar to 1947; The median point of 57 is about as close hard working and long suffering ver paydays is still with us. Em ence Steward officiated colored worker because he could ployees on the silver roll must Secretary.
as to the correct figure as could possibly be computed no longer endure man in sweat out a long wait between Regional Lirector Max Biod with the available statistics.
humanity to man.
the closing of the payroll last sky, who was the principal Saturday of each month. and speaker, said he felt gratified The average monthly take home wages of the STEWARDS OF THE UNION! the time they are paid. Payrolls at the large turn out of mem silver workers rose by 31 between 1940 and the OF HUNDRED PER CENT OR closed on the 25th, payments had been active in their affairs YOU ARE NOW IN THE MIDST for the month of July were bers due to the fact that he present time.
were made on the 7th of August, quite recently, and had a reTherefore, although wages rose, the cost of livThose of you who are doing a a span of thirteen days. Why?
port to submit to them of his ing rose even more, with the result that Silver good job of stewardship deserve conference with Mr. Mac workers are earning actually less today than they If the change was made to ef Sparran, Receicing and For earned in 1940, in terms of real wages. Thus, they commendation for your drive and your initiative. fect improvement it has This column in its humble way helped much, inasmuch as it has for the institution of a First have suffered a wage cut of approximately 26 will always sing the praises of cut off three of the Commissary Aid Station within the Dock (wages rose 31. cost of living rose 57. those who have grasped the si coupon issues while actually area take instant care of tuation and are applying them creasing the period between the injury cases, as members had The foregoing views the problem from the posiSome of our Stewards, how day. This system of sweating closing of the rolls and the pay to wait without first aid treat tive angle, that is, increases in wages to meet the ment until ever, are not living up to the silver workers will always be arrived to take them to the negative side, that is the absence of increases, shows ambulance rising cost of living. look at the problem from the high resolve necessary for total sore spot in Canal Zone em Hospital. This matter was held a most disconcerting picture: malnutrition, and loworganization. There need be no ployer. employee relations if in suspense.
timorous souls among Stewards something is not done about it.
On the question of a Bulle ered resistance to disease in workers and their famof the one who has many thousands of these low tin board for the posting of ilies; less recreational activities for the family; curaccepted the trust of his co pay employees suffer actual pri Union affairs, their request had tailed educational opportunities; and in general a workers in in this direction must vations between the last issue of be ready to deliver. Anyone who coupons and the time they are that the practice of arresting been granted. He ha asked low standard of living.
shirks a responsibility is a weak paid. Illegal usury thrive on this members ling, and in this fight there is condition, because silver em evidence without sufficient Certainly something can be done to correct this warranting no place for weaklings.
such condition. general increase in the wages of the STEWARDS. wake up before during these periods when the arrest ben discontinueda as it silver employees is over due. The workers are lookit is too late. REMEMBER THIS? breadwinner has neither com that the subject was outside ing forward to it. 100 ORGANIZATION BY missary coupons nor cash. Why CONVENTION!
must these things be. Continued on Page 4)