
Page ACCION Friday, March 7, 1947.
CIO Marathon Winners to the was DOUBLE JEOPARDY (From Page 1)
rican Custms Inspector when he was fresh enough to ask if the search made on his per At the request of Messrs.
son at the end of his work day was satisfactory. Louis Atherton, Icah Schloss After being roughly handled by the Canal Zo and Bertie Gittens, Local 713 ne Police he was taken to jail and charged with donated prizes for the cio. assault and battery. Just before the trial in as part of the grand field day the lower Court the suddenly changed the celebrated on the 22nd of Fecharge to disorderly conduct. Despite the bruary. The prizes given were overwhelming evidence in favor of the defendant silver cups and one pen set Judge Tattlemen, in whose court Negroes have for the first winners, never been known to receive justice, fined him force came Victor Reyes (25 the Panama Police 25. 00. Lawyer Frankel, who had been retai years. Agustin Carrasquilla ned by Local 713 in defense of the defendant, 23 years. Antonio Arguedas appealed to the higher court. This, however, 19 years. and Simon Peñaloproved futile when Judge Bunk Gardner craf sa (22 years. From the Club (L to R) Mercon Weeks, 4th. place; Simon Peñaloza, 3rd.
tily supposed that the Panama Canal employs Mercurio came 17 years old place; Victor Palomino Reyes, ist. place; Antonio Arguedas, competent Inspectors and Policemen who have, 15 years, old Mercon Weeks.
2nd. place.
ker followed some 20 yards ing point Reyes broke into by virtue of their important functions, the power all of the entries had had behind. The same order pre the Roosevelt Avenue and to make certain decisions and act with some in much experience in this type vailed when the runners were within minutes entered the dependence in order to comply with their duties. of race with the exception of climbing the steep Miraflores La Boca Ball Park where he So that the Customs Inspectors could easily be Parker who was making his Hill where the distance het completed the required laps first try.
ween the runners widened ex around the field in minutes considered as having the authority to keep a cept in the case of the first and 10 seconds. Arguedas came worker at the gate until after all others have The marathon was begun at two.
in on the second position and been checked through merely because he (the the flag pole square opposite 14 minutes later Reyes pas circled the field before any worker) made a remark which he (the Inspecthe Pedro Miguel Post Office sed Arguedas near the Bridge of the others appeared.
intersection of the Ft. Clay Then came the most thrilltor) considers out of order; similarly, the Poli and followed the regular bus route into Balboa at which ce has the authority to recommend to the su point the course ran into the ton stretch and lost no time ing part of the race. Young in leaving him behind. The Weeks reached the third posipervisor or foreman that a worker who had been Roosevelt Avenue past the La distance between the runners tion with Peñalosa in hot and judged as being fresh should be suspended for Boca Restaurant and ended at had so widened by this time tired persuit. From physical days. Then the slap administered by the ins the La Boca Ball Park where that Parker found himself appearances there was no tell pector and the rough handling dished out by the runners circled the field some 500 yards behind the ing which of the two showed the Police were all in line with the duties of meters over miles.
twice. The distance was a few leading runner and in the last more signs of wear and tear.
these public servants. That the court could upposition. At this stage Weeks That each was ready to abanAt 4:13 the runners started had moved up from the fifth don the race was definitely hold having such servants take the law into with all taking an even pace the fourth position and out of the question. However, their hands, administer what they consider suit right through to Red Tank. having passed Carrasquilla, there was no unusual burst of able slaps and assaults and later press charges At minutes from the start seemed to be threatening Pe speed from either for what against their victims is something beyond the ing point Arguedas hit ñalosa. By the time the Car threatened to be a close ficomprehension of little worker folk.
first mile post at the far end denas Bridge reached nish. Having entered the field But that was not all. Just after the appeal and Reyes followed of the two while Peñalosa Weeks did gain the third po for the round off about closely sition and maintained it up to minutes behind Weeks, Peñawas made Boyce returned to work when Boss Carrasquilla, Weeks and Par the field losa kept up his longer stride MacSparran sent him, however, when he reachand succeeded in overtaking ed the check stand he was handed a letter suphis opponent before the first posedly signed by MacSparran in which a second lap was completed. From then day suspension was awaiting him. few mion it was easy sailing for him as he finished third. Carrasnutes later Union Organizer Nicasio Garcia disquilla and Parker ended the covered that the signature appearing on the susrace in the fifth and sixth pension letter was not signed by the Boss.
position some 15 minutes later.
Garcia dug into his files and brought forth the The prizes were presented real MacSparran signature which differed in by Brother Francisco Arauz, President of the Local, while every way from that appearing in the letter.
hundreds applauded. Here we It is possible that a system of divided audesire to give a word of thorities exist in the dock area of the Receiving couragement to young Parkand Forwarding Agency under one name with who showed remarkable several signatures. So it appears. How else courage and endurance in his could it be? The Supervisor returns a man to first attempt. What his prepaThe first winners of the marathon are shown here as work only to have a foreman or clerk under him burst the tape in victory. to R) Victor Palomino Reyes, tions has been for such a long race is not known; however, annul his action in his ov name and with a Antonio Arguedas, Simon Peñaloza (Who ran the mile disfrom all appearances different signature, all apparently without his tance barefooted. ner in which he ended is inknowledge. That was the problem confronting At the Corozal crossing Re icative of his failure to be Union organizers and stewards at the end of yes was 70 yards ahead of Ar discouraged his efforts the week.
guedas who maintained a lead against experienced runners.
of over 150 yards over Weeks. The Local has been asked Boyce had suffered injustices at the hands Peñalosa, Carrasquilla and by the committee to sponser of authorities on previous occasions. He Parker followed too far back a similar race next year. It was now becoming a veteran sufferer in the in the distance to be detected is hoped that Parker will field. few years ago, while driving a taxi, by the advance guard.
again be seen among those he was robbed and severely injured by white 30 minutes from the start participating.
American soldiers whom he had been taking to France Field. The injury sustained by him in the incident consisted of several head blows and a long gash just above the base of his neck which required 21 stitches. His mother, suffering from a weak heart, died immediately when she heard the rumor that her son had been murdered by white men.
The soldiers were apprehended within a few minutes after the incident but were hurriedly released for lack of sufficient evidence; it is said that no time was lost by the authorities in Here is one of our few vehaving them transferred from that area. All teran peddlers. Old man Bynoe this despite the fact that the Soldiers admitted from La Boca is shown as he having been intoxicated and not knowing why prepared to lose to a couple of they attacked Boyce. The investigation in which youngsters. His only regret was that the well konwn vocifer. they were questioned and released was conduct ous Murphy (another old. ti.
The winners of the 12 mile cycle race are shown above.
in the absence of Boyce who was left penniless mer) was too sick to show up (L to R) Alfred Layne, 3rd. Place; Harry McIntosh, 2nd. plaand without knowing what next to do.
for a show down.
ce; Oscar Layne, 1st. place.