
Friday, December 20, 1946 ACCION Page ARROWS IN THE AIR and Ver UPW RESOLUTION.
lution. Continued from Page 1)
After Weinstein concluded bers.
worked hard during the war his remarks, the following re We in this country, Mr. and to no small degree are res solutions was adopted unaniBy NELSON MC. BEAN President, have been very much ponsible for having aided and mously as the formal policy of unaware of the problems of accelerated victory for the Al the Congress of Industrial Orour brothers in the Canal Zo lies, earn in a very large num ganizations with respect to the At this time of the year, we of member and non member ne. These people are engaged ber of cases between fifteen Panama Canal Zone workers: RSOLUTION ON THE like the rest of the world, are alike.
in the important work of main and twenty five cents per hour, Take for instance the taining and servicing the Ca live in poor houses, and have PANAMA CANAL ZONE prone to take stock of oursel Rsolution made in CIO. Connal locks, through which the a minimum of educational faciIntroduced at the Eighth ves; that is, we usually run up vention in Atlantic City recenships of the United States and lities. These people are now Constitutional Convention of a sort of mental assay in an tly. It is a direct endorsement other countries pass. Since the looking to the CIO to better the Congress of Industrial Or effort to see what we have of the claims of the cIo that United States government in their conditions, and they are ganizations By accomplished as the year draws every one of its Seven Million the operation of the Canal Zo sure, Mr. President, and am The United Public Workers toward its close.
members will back the attack ne maintains every phase of sure, that the CIO will not let of America This year, however, we are of the Canal Zpine Silver activity and service, these peo them down.
WHEREAS, Recently 17, 000 under the impression that the worker in his fight for a betple are therefore engaged in The resarch department of so called silver workers of changes manifest in our com ter way of life higher wages, carpentry, painting, table wait our union will very soon come the Panama Canal Zone have munity are so grandiose, so co recognition of service renderhousing, education, ing, store keeping, medical aid, forth with an accurate account organized with the United Pu lossal that our picayune affairs ed, better teaching; and nearly every oc of the living conditions of these blic Workers of America, CIO, pale into insignificance beside and the right to hold his head cupation that we engage in the people; and our legal departand them. We have seen dream high, as a man should, instead United States is carried on by ment is preparing legislation to have suffered from the most de Unionism on the Canal Zo a serf.
WHEREAS, These people come true the dream of Tra of scraping through life like the workers in the Zone. The be introducea to the 80th Con discriminatory practices, and one marked difference is that gress that will give these peone and we find it difficult to These gains will have fartheir pay is much lower than ple higher pay and better pen wage among these people WHEREAS, The average restrain an impulse to laugh reaching effects and the memwe receive here for similar em sions.
is at the evident discomfiture of bers of the union must learn to ployment or that citizens 13 per week with the cost of the enemies of the America evaluate them. The union did By passing this resolution living comparable to that in nism of Lincoln the Emancipa not get credit for the increase in the Zone receive for similar which is now before the dele the United States, and in some tor. It is our desire, however. 20. 64. handed to Silver work.
gates to this Eighth Constitu cases higher; to catalog some gains. We be employees July 1, of this year. Besides this lower pay, they tional Convention of the CIO, THEREFORE BE IT RE lieve that this is an opportune but we agree with those keen are plagued by a system of we pledge our support to al SOLVED: That the CIO in Con moment to discuss these things. observers of Canal and Raildiscrimination which is a blight leviate the conditions of these vention assembled wholehear We recognize the arrival of road policies, that CIO on the policies of the United people, and especially to sup tedly support these workers the Grievance Procedure. Cir activities were, in a measure, States Government. The great port legislation which we will and calls on the authorities of cular 341) a new depar responsible for the sudden est prepetuator of discrimina introduce. do not desire to the Canal Zone to eliminate ture in Panama Canal Sil burst of generosity on the tory policies is the AFL Metal take up more time of this con discriminatory practices employee Trades Council, relationship. part of an organization which who insist vention, and therefore, in the allow equality of job opportu which should bescored as one couldn see the necessity of throughout their organization near future, we will circular, nities for all workers of the of the most important gains increases during the war to of.
in maintaining Jim Crowism in ize all international unions and Canal Zone, and brought about thdough union fset the depreciation of the the Panama Canal Zone.
councils, acquainting them BE IT FURTHER RESOL negotiation. It must be empha and steadily rising prices. These people who have been more fully with the problems, VED: That the CIO pledges to sized, however, that unless the We know, dear reader, that loyal to the Unted States since and meanwhile we ask your un support legislation to establish union member is cognizant of there are many other benefits its advents in the Canal, have animous support of this reso a 40 cent minimum wage toge the importance of the machi which our union, have secured ther with actuarily just and nery he may be steered clear for you and will continue to sound pensions for the work of it in efforts to keep him in secure through negotiation, but GRATEFUL FOR.
ers of the Canal Zone. the dark as to its implications. those members and fence sit(Continued from Page 2)
Any employee with a legiti ters who are waiting for The on account of his age? Pos year Mrs. Murrell wil be remate Grievance may use this Hill to blazon union gains had sibly; he was now an old man quired to present her marriage Procedure which givec him the better not hold their breaths.
who had worked hard for the certificate to said Administraright of appeal to the Gov We exhort you to read well Panama Canal under the ju tor of Estates and all money American Ashamed.
ernor of The Panama Ca and inwardly digest the words risdiction of the American Go due her husband will be turned (Continued from Page 1)
nal. Of course, there will be of Panama Foreign Minister, vernment. Or was it that his over to her after deductions same money. And the schools, misses, but intelligent use of Don Ricardo Alfaro. Speakthis Proceedure will be poor financial condition under have been made for his upkeep. you must surely study the scho the ing to Labor Day paraders of the Disability Relief ran him The turnover: And so, Mrs. ols and see the shame of the means of changing marry of Local 713, he said Both the crazy? That, too, is possible. Murrell will receive approxima United States. In the gold the trying conditions which, CIO organized group and the The inadequacy of this relief tely 10. per month since the schools which are very beauti gued the Silver worker for fighting for better working and aside from low pay, have pla government (of Panama)
after years of service is deductions from the Disability ful and have very good teachenough to run anyone crazy. Relief grant to her husband living conditions.
ers and opportunities up to Jr. more than four decades.
We call attention to another First you serve for years then will be based on a 50cl. per college, and in the silver scho gain PUBLICITY. which the nuary 19, and the Monster PaMeanwhile prepare for Jayou are cast off upon the day charge. There is also the ols teachers taken from the shoulders of another govern impending increase of the daily eighth grade to teach the grades union is using in the interests rade. Prove that prophesy false and baseless ment without protection. charge from 50cl. to 75cl. in and high school. High schools But even worst was the fact which case she will be entitled have been introduced in the beg you to investigate these that Alice has not received a to approximately 50 per silver districts only recently things thoroughly, leave the single cent since her husband month.
and the teachers are eigth gra governor and the army officers took ill. This fact brought her of the entire set up said one de pupils. Children in the sil and go by yourself so you can to office of the UPW CIO one organizer: IS THERE NO ver schools are taught mostly really see what is going on, Tune in on morning last week.
WAY IN WHICH THESE gardening and when they are and then see that these things In company with a Union or WIVES OF RETIRED EMPLO out of school where can they are cleaned up so that when RADIO MIRAMAR ganizer, Mrs. Murrell paid a vi YEES CAN SUE THE AME use gardening? In the cafete return here in the future sit to the office of Mr. Scheck RICAN GOVERNMENT FOR rias found wages as low as 20 will not need to be ashamed from 7:45 to 8:00 er at the Silver Control Section THIS SHAMELESS TREAT cents an hour. No colored per that am an American.
in Balboa. Findings. George Mu MENT TO OLD WORKERS? son can rise to a supervisory Nell King rrell has been consigned to the THERE MUST BE; AFTER position always some white Beverly Hills, Calif TULIA AMINTA CAJAR Corozal Hospital more or less ALL SERVING THIS GO person will be their supervisor.
permanently (one dictionary VERNMENT ADDS UP TO In the housing field have only says consign means to give ONE THING: CERTAIN OLD touched the surface. found in Announcing Clothes washed, Dry up for safe keeping or dispo AGE DESTITUTION.
the silver districts the price cleaned and steam pressed sal, as for storage or burial. But Alice Murrell must have higher in comparison with the to customers satisfaction, All papers concerning his com stopped thinking of such things gold districts and the convemital will be turned over to the long ago. Her chief problem niences inferior Universal Cleaners less room, 6070 Ave. Balboa Administrator of Estates. On now is how to make a living. lack of refrigeration, no hot For An Enjoyable Night or about January 10th of next It certainly was a relief to find water, unfurnished, in the silTel. 426. Colon, Of Dancing With Reliable someone who could gluide her ver districts. Radios Pick Ups Loudin getting what little remained and who could be trusted to speakers, Visit: THE LA BOCA wage a vigorous campaign to Joyería Violeta CLUBHOUSE remedy the situation. For is 11, 180 Guerrero, Colon the Government famous for NEW SHOE REBUILDING finding its employees and their THE WORKING MAN DRUGSTORE SHOP dependen to them that HEALTH Service Execelled Only (Below Clubhouse Building) which is due them? That is not COMFORT By Quality known.
Modern Machinery Shoes Repaired While Of the CIO help Mrs. Murrell SERVICE Benjamin Drugstore wrote: wish to thank the ofHOME DELIVERY. Tel. 316 No. 13 Amador Guerrero ficials of the CIO for their 11th of BOLIVAR AVE.
Open from 30 to p. J. BRAITHWAITE, Mgr.
prompt and efficient handling Facing Masonic Temple Bldg. St. Colon, Watson Prop. of my grievance with Mr. Schecker of the Silver Personnel.
are Pan. American Drugstore.