
Page ACCION Friday, December 20, 1946 ACCION their workers.
OFFICERS, UPW CIO LOCAL 713 Francisco Arauz. President CRIES OF DOCK WORKER GRATEFUL FOR CIO HELP Graham Lewis 1st Vice President In October of 1945 Mrs. AliAlfonso Alexis.
2nd Vice Pres. The hiring of labourers and GODS which may at some fu ca Murrell found herself in an Teodoro Nolan Secretary Treasurer other men employed by the va ture date make the goodwill of alarming condition. Her husCespedes Burke.
Recdg. Corresp. Secy. rious Steamship Lines, is be men who have been always band, George, was placed on INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES coming more and more intoler ezrnestly toiling with co ope the retirement list. This meant able and dissatisfactory to the ration, cease towards the pre any number of things, from Strobel International Vice Pres.
workers owing to the discri servation of unity.
George inability to continue Edward Cheresh. Regional Director minating and partial terms This is not an isolated case, working up to the possible star meted out to some men by their by the complaints being made vation of them both.
immediate supervisor.
from time to time seems to George disability grant inYou will notice that in units have fallen on deaf ears. How dicated that he has served the Published every week by Local 713, of some Steamship Lines that ever, by this, it is hoped that Panama Canal from 25 to 40 United Public Workers of America, CIO certain men are given prefer all measures will be taken years. With him out of work Teodoro Nolan. Acting Editor ence to work, thru the exist whereby a proper system will ond out of health, it was now Frank Thompson. Circulation ing friendship between an in be instituted to the satisfaction left for his wife, who had cerdividual, or some family of of all concerned.
tainly not grown younger durAptdo. 1709, Panama, Drawer Balboa, those individuals.
Their sysing the years, to take up the Vol. PANAMA, No. 24 tem of hiring men is take who economic struggle.
he feels should have the use with the Commissaries 1946, things grew worst for Ali But one year later, October, of money, immaterial of their kind or length of service.
ce George became ill.
EDITORIAL After There is no seniority or a roWith amusement and surpri being confined in the Gorgas It is somewhat annoying to be constantly tating list which would permit se the employees of the Bal Hospital for weeks, he was boa Commissary reported hav transferred to the Gorgas Hosconfronted with internal problems of infinitesi everybody a square deal.
As a matter of fact, the ir over time work spent in taking infirm are kept.
ing received over time pay for pital where the mentally ill and mal magnitudes, especially when they can be settled by any steward or officer in the field. It is regularity has reached the po inventory. This is an agreeable Exactly what was the nature int where even men who in change from the ancient system of his illness and what could only natural that the myriad problems should be convenience themselves doing where any amount of extra be the cause? Was he feeble presented as they appear in any organization of certain jobs to aid war efforts, hours worked was lost by the (Continued Page 3)
this size. And it is obvious that members be en and who surely make. 0:couraged to present their suggestions and dif rounds to look for work, are left standing, only to watch But these workers had more ficulties to any branch of the union. It is the others with recent entry into What! Still There?
business of every steward and officer to give service, going in to work day They are of the opinion that to report on the agreeable side.
An organizer from the Gamquick and satisfactory service. But some place, after day and likewise nighly. this year they were fairly treboa Chapter reports that the somewhere, a slight strain of dangerous and The only time consideration is ted in the purchase of toys. inconspicuous removal of gold myopic insincerity has been detected. There is ployees, is when those chosen to 00 and each worker that progressing nicely.
Esch was allowed purchases up and silver silns has been where the danger line is reached and where a are satisfied or if there is an made the required re he notes that, while the silHowever, firm stand must be adopted if the greatest good extraordinary surplus of work ceived his.
ver sign has been removed available and there is no other for the greatest number is to be achieved. 0:from the colored school, the alternative, In other places bona fide labor unions often Eggs assumed a gold cha gold sign has not been hauled We would appreciate very racter effective December 9th. off the white school.
ing in the interest of honest people are often much if some official of these The order was issued in the The possible answer for the bothered by what is commonly known as UNION companies would organize a commissaries that effective delay is that while colored BUSTING ACTIVITIES. Such activities are con proper method of hiring so as that date no eggs will be dis children are ill fed and poor, facilitate ducted by different people in various forms. The each and everyone tributed to the silver stores, they somehow manage to have most common types appear in the form of a mem without priority to none. By so Women in the silver towns better sight. The white ones list have since been caught in a must use some form of guides ber or a supervisor. These members come in with would be instituted, and there frantic search for the hens that to find their school.
strange and sarcastic questions about union ac by eliminate this FRIEND have been laying these golden tivity and are insufferably possessed of gripes. SHIP ASSOCIATION that is eggs. Somehow they managed formed by these so called to agree that no harm must TYPEWRITERS These you can know easily; they are almost althese hens when ways loud and persistent in their gripes and are SOON caught. After all, who wants seldom known to contribute, constructive sugto kill the goose that lays the AVAILABLE gestions. Then there are the bosses who are inFARMACIA LUX golden eggs Several persons will be intecessant in their new found interest in the wel :0:rested in knowing that typefare of the worker and are in possession of unThere is said to be an old writers will be available soon.
tradition in the commissaries; limited arguments on the inadvisability of joinCircular dated June 15, 1942, it is so old that no one dares authorizing the existence ing unions.
to trace its origin. Gold wor operation Here we are wide open to the attacks of of the Typewriter Service Courtesy kers in these stores receive a Control Board for the purpose union busters. It is no secret that a heavy majorfree calendar as a Xmas gift of restricting the use and sale Efficiency a few days before Christmas. of these machines on the Caity of supervisors, controlled by an anti demo Silver workers the gold nal Zone has been revoked, accratic company union (for that is just what the Not The Biggest But stores receive one some time cording to Circular 345 isMetal Trades Council allows itself to be when it in the following months of sued by the Executive CecreCertainly The Best encourages the Government in the perpetuation March or April or May or June tary.
or July if they have twenty This action indicates that the of discrimination against other workers and en Ave. Cent. 160 Tel. 1554. years or more in the service. emergency is over as regards gages in labor ribaldry. are not appreciative of Ha! Ha! Ha!
the availability of these machithe new CIO organization and have been known, nes. It is expected that some in several instances, to make attempts at dis with those who have kept them in the mire, not of them will appear on the couraging members. And it is becoming evident with their friends who bubble over with the in market within a short time.
that within the ranks there is the trace, just consistent ardor of beefers, but rather with the slightest trace of what could easily be term their own initiative and courage, their own per Sastrería ed anti UPW activity.
severance and steadfast faith in the ultimate RICHARD With the supervisors wielding such a heavy solution of their problems through vigorous and CHASE Fine Custom Tailoring influence, as they always have, we of Local 713 intelligent action both in the improvement of must consider ourselves unusually (and probably their work wherever possible and in the constant Av. Central y Calle No. unreasonably) lucky in that our short existence demands for their just reward.
has not suffered appreciably from the bitterness of the members of the rival anti labor union. The DRUGS same goes for our good fortune in the absence CINES of serious disruptions within the ranks. But the. PATENT MEDI.
possibility of increased efforts from either side TOILET AR.
is still with us. Our officers and organizers in Fast work on cedulas, passport and licensce TICLES every nook and corner are vigilant against the fotos. Portraits our specialty.
fruition of subversive action from any side and Reproductions, enlargments and amateur finishing BOTICA NUEVA will take quick action against it for the preser Reasonable prices. Try us and be convinced 5th Ave Guerrero vation of our union, our rights, our all.
Novelties, toilet articles, hair dressing etc.
iei. 403. Colon It is desired that our membership take warnEast 24 St. No. J. DOWNER, Proprietor ing now and always, that their safety lies, not come to and FOTO BROOKS BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO