una lista de los representantes, ACCION Saturday Dec. 7, 1946 Junior CIO On the Constitutional Convention an ACCION Word fo the workers, convened for the pur back at a given time with their Wise we Organizers Meet Gov. Velasquez OFFICERS, UPW CIO LOCAL 713 Edward Cheresh Regional Director Francisco Arauz. President By Militant Graham Lewis 1st Vice Pres. Again Francine Everett, Ne Although it is likely that a new executive board to be elcAlfonso Alexis.
2nd Vice Pres. gro actress, has been given a complete report on the conven ted work harmoniously togeTeodoro Nolan Financial Sec. Treas.
chance to act in a motion pic tion will be given elsewhere in ther. This we suppose, could ture. She was given this chance this paper, your uncle Militant be construed as hinting that Cespedes Burke. Correspondence Sec. because the picture. Tall, Tan feels that he is obligated to internal dissention played and Terrific has an all Negro you, dear readers, and should active part on the past execucast. Francine and all the other give you, in his own words, a tive board. as if we hand Negro actresses have a hard summary of what took place guessed this before.
Published by Local 713, time getting jobs. Approxima on November 30.
Next, the chairman named United Public Workers, tely five eights of the people But, before going into detail, two committees, Credential and Eustace Williams Editor in the movie industry are let me tell you this. Consider Constitution. They were instruc Frank Thompson Circulation (Turn to Page 3) ing the fact that it was first ted to retire to the union offiAptdo. 1709, Panama, Drawer Balboa, time such a large number of ce, make a study of the work. Vol PANAMA, No. 22 pose of deciding the policy to findings. Here, brothers and EDITORIAL be followed by the new local sisters, might as well tell you union in achieving its objec that only a few of the delegaThe Constitutional Convention of Lotives the entire affair was, in tes knew present, if any, cal 713 is ended and the job about completed. remind you to be serious about Now for the convention itself. these committees were appoinhereby feel it my duty ot a way, successfully handled. where, when, and by whom The major part of the constitution as been ap the decision you have made in Brother Nolan, chairman, cal ted.
proved and the new Executive Board elected. becoming Union members; led the convention to order at While these committees were The finishing touches to the constitution will be what mean by being serious about 9:25 a. The floor was about their assigned tasks, is: to consider it as an act of then given to brother Arauz, done by the new Board.
Bros. Strobel and Nolan gave determination to do or die. president of Local 713, who detailed reports on the activiThe most remarkable feature of the whole Be honest to your fellow welcomed the delegates from ties and financial standing of convention, as seen from the side lines, was the workers and your union; be the various chapters, then the local union, respectively, marked orderliness in which the convention was earnest in your dealings with asked that a minutes silence These, will say nothing about, conducted. The delegates should be commended decision in this matter, you will fallen brothers who fell in the will be furnished this informayour be observed in memory of all as it is expected that members on the fine spirit displayed throuhgout the day. attend your meetings; you will caus eof labor Spaking at tion, either through the union Of course, it was expected that with so many pay your dues; you will buy lenght, he told of the splendid newspaper, ACCION or from vital questions coming up for discussion and your ACCION; you will sup work done by bros. Cherish and their respective stewards. The debate; that with such a variety of representa port your stewards and not ex Parchment; of the struggle to convention then recessed for pose them to defeat by any bring and keep together tives from the different sections of the Isthmus, careless or wilful act of yours. various nationalities of the sothe lunch.
Reconvening at 1:30. the discussions might have been more affected Another work: say less of called silver roll; and a plan heard the reports of the two by flare up of tempers, and over zealous argu that which may cause or bring he had in mind which would be committees mentioned above.
ments. Rumors did their part to build up that union; am sure that if this sick and death benefit plan for port from the credential coma With very little debate, the reexpectation. The talk hinted at caucuses and cli seriousness of decision is main members and their families. mittee was accepted and adopques and politics and whatnot. Nothing seemed tained, not all the fiends of Concluding, he asked that the ted. The same cannot be said farther from the truth.
Hell can retard or stop (Turn to Page 3)
The representatives knew what they want union shall be able to accomprogress this for any good ed. They used the power of the ballot to get it. plish for us as long downtrodThis is the democratic way.
den workers of the Panama Canal.
Panama, November 26. mediate attention.
It is interesting to note that all the keyTry to convince a fellow em Upon the invitation of the Go The committee aswed about position officers were re elected. If these men ployee who is non a member vernor of the Province of Pa office space for the Local. The did not have the confidence of the majority, they of his duty to himself and his nama, a committee from the governor said that he had spocertainly would not have been re elected. This community. Have him learn the United Public Workers, CIO. ken to the President about the Local 713 visited Governor subject. He advised them to leads to the question: Why were there so many dangers of being a parasite.
Vasquez today. The CIO re look around the government rumors, so many nerve battles? Someone must presntatives were Brothers buildings for a vacant office have planted the seed among the members. There is Arauz, Cordero, Small and Sis space and request in writing common idea Someone musthave hoped to create a split in among our aged and seasoned ter Josephs.
their desire to occupy same, Mr. Vasquez was a most cor The committee discussed the our ranks. The conduct of the delegates at the employees that they need not dial host to his visitors and project of sending IIO repreconvention established beyond a doubt that the join the Union. There is no pos sible benefits to be derived beshowed deep interest in the sentatives from Panama to the Union has a soid membership.
cause retirement faces them.
progress of the new labor or United States to attend ConAlthough Thanksgiving is but a few days will organizers, stewards, and ganization.
ventions there. These men could When the governor was told be taken care of. The Local past, it is not too late to give thanks for having members please inform these that the union did not intend was to prepare a list of the come this far and successfully.
older employes of the great op portunity that the Union offers to get into politics, he heartily representatives, get the neces pictures, to them? Tell them that THEY agreed and warned them that sary ncessary UNION ASKS.
increase for all employees tions with the Panama Canal are the ones need as examples that was a mistake of labor to stamps and present their pefor the emancipation of their mix in politics. Labor, he said, tition to the Panamanian goearning more than the pre Executive Office.
sent minimum and kin and offspring from the fi should stick to labor and labor vernment.
for all (d) The Union will appear nancial bondage under which problems. Incidentally, he said monthly salaried employees. before the special committee they have worked for the past that he would be glad to help The Union called the Gov studying wages of silver em DRUGS forty years only at any time. They were free ernor attention to the fol ployees and will present CINES through the providential gui to come in and talk with him lowing facts: brief containing facts, figures dance of the Creator. Tell them anytime. PATENT MEDI.
a) The cost of living for and arguments supporting its that every effort on their part On the question of cedulas, Canal Zone employees is ra requets on wages. This brief helps more in the legal de the governor pointed out that TOILET AR.
pidly rising will also contain a budget bas mands on the program planned foreigners who have been reTICLES b) Canal Zone employees ed on prevailing prices paid by the Union. Tell them that siding in Panama for a long BOTICA NUEVA are unable to live properly by the Canal Zone employees the Union policy is not to time, and who are married to and support their families ade showing that they cannot pro discard nor to forsake them Panamanian citizens, and who 5th Ave. Guerrero quately on wages which aver. perly support themlseves on when they receive reduction want to become Panamanian Tel. 403. Colon age about 40 cents per hour their present wages.
in force or retirement cer citizens, should submit a rethe writing and about 70. 00 per month. In reply to Union tficates. The Union will have quest or petition in DOWNER, Proprietor The Union stated that it felt question as to the Governor them remain as members under These petitions would get imthe Government was intentions on the subject of the conditions the Union has obliged to at least provide a wage increases, Governor Me outlined.
The joy shall be theirs to standard of living for its em haffey stated that he could WALLACE PHOTO STUDIO ployees on which they can live give no definite promise of a know that they have also taken For Portraits that emphasize your Personality. Expert adequately, regardless of wage increase. However, he part or have contributed to the progress or prosperity of the Developing, Printery. 30 hrs. Service.
whether they are citiz that the matter of wag.
Roll Films purchase from this store 15c discount and ens or not.
es was being seriously studied There are also some of our (c) The Union intends to in by the Panama each roll when return for finishing.
Canal. He young and jouthful employees troduce legislation in the Unit stressed that he has a sympa who have decided to have a Studio hours: 2. to p.
ed States Congress in Wash thic attitude toward the needs free ride in the Union. It is Sundays and helidays a. to 12 p. to p.
ington calling for wage in of the employees, but added not good practice and No. 800 Central Ave. Carnor of 31st creases, but hoped that the that these matters will take although it seems to carry its Panama City matter could be satisfactorily time and no one should ex. advantages, nevertheless, it adjusted by direct negotia (Turn to Page 4) has its sure disadvantages. the or more a a BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO